Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Myne ❯ Myne ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Duke lay in the room, on the bed he shared with Jounouchii and Tristan, staring at the ceiling. And yes he said the bed he shares with them both, as Kaiba was an ass and didn't have spare rooms for them. Somehow he managed spare rooms for the girls though. And when he and Tristan went exploring they found empty rooms all over. Kaiba was just an ass.

He was idling wondering where the others were at; Jou and Kaiba were probably fighting. The others? To hell with the others, he didn't care too much about them at that moment. He liked Jounouchii. The beautiful blond mutt, The riveting golden retriever.

Jou reminded him of a little puppy, playful, adorable, and loyal. But said puppy didn't care much for him. Didn't stop Duke from caring about him though. Duke knew the exact moment he fell for the blond, those beautiful puppy brown eyes, though at the time they were like molten gold or precious amber. Prized topaz in the lighting of the building complementing the rays of sun he called hair that fell in those precious gems he had for eyes.

It was when he defeated the blond in their match that was being broadcasted live, all over the world, that look had made his heart leap. He defeated the blond mongrel, who would have been his slave for a whole week. He shouldn't have accepted Yugi's challenge. Should have just walked away.

Of course he wouldn't have seen Jou cheering for him, even if it was to escape his cheerleaders, but the ideas that had rolled through his head at the sight. Once he got his puppy home, the things he could do to that body………….. He was rudely pulled from his day dreaming by the object of his thoughts and desire.

"Stupid rich pig!" Jou slammed the door, fuming like the raging fires of hell. Needless to state he was upset, By Kaiba no less. "Who the hell does he think he is!" He let his voice trail off as he muttered a little, noticing Duke staring at him in shock. Yeah he and Kaiba had been at it again. Being called a K-9 wasn't something he was fond of. And yes there lying on the bed was his other tormentor, even if it had been awhile and they had become little more than acquaintances, Duke Devlin. {Authoress doesn't know his real name, it's like Otogi Ryuuji or some such, so bear with her!} Even Dukie Pooh there referred to him as a dog. Well he wasn't a dog! He was no ones Bytch to kick around!

"Kaiba being an ass again I take it?" Duke said as he sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. There was only one person Jounouchii would refer to as a rich pig, at least it wasn't him, and that was Kaiba. He was really nothing more than his friends friend, someone the blond only put up with for Yugi's sake. Jou glanced at him and calmed down some, Nodding at Duke.

"Kinda." Jounouchii muttered as he flopped down on the edge of the bed next to Duke. "Shizuka was talkin' t' me after Kaiba had given a few insults right, and she said it was because he liked me and didn't know how t' tell me." Duke looked a little surprised by this news, but Jou continued oblivious to the others reaction. "Well Mokuba went and asked him if it was true, and he hunted me down and was ready to pummel me. Thankfully Shizuka cleared it up real quick. She even apologized for the accusation!" That had not made him happy, Shizuka apologizing to his worst enemy.

Duke was a little shocked. Did Kaiba like Jou? Did Jou like Kaiba? It sounds like Kaiba does like Jou, which was why he initially picked on the blond, to get some sort of rise out of the beautiful boy. Duke smiled and gently patted Jounouchii's shoulder, the blond tensed up, but Duke continued as though he barely noticed. "Well we all know you don't like Kaiba like that. After all you have a thing for Mai, and who wouldn't." Could his heart break any more.

"Yeah Mai is such a hottie. And doze shirts she wears, damn. I never knew `er chest was dat big. I mean back at duelist kingdom her shirt didn't show as much as it do now. And is it jus' me or does her skirt look shorter?" Jou grinned, putting up his trade mark grin with a far away look, almost forgetting Duke was there.

Duke smiled half heartedly as he stood correct. So that was what it was like to have your heart beaten with a meat mallet. Damn that hurt. Oh well, can't have everything. "So besides her ample bosom and long legs, what else do you like about her, hunh?" Play it cool Duke, don't let him know he just ran over your heart with a fourteen wheeler. Then finished it off with a lawn mower.

"There's more than just her chest?" Jou asked thoroughly astounded and Duke stared at him wide eyed then cracked a grin and chuckled. "Not much, as far as I can tell. She's got dis attitude dat reminds me of an insane and rabid cat." Jou paused looking thoughtful, then added. "Her and Kaiba should get toget'her, they'd be perf'ct for one another. They both cocky, smart, full of dem selves. And God knows Kaiba needs to get laid." Jou cracked with a grin while Duke nodded.

"Agreed." Duke looked over at Jou then teased him. "But she's not his little puppy dawg. He can't taunt her like he can you" Jou growled and tackled Duke who went down laughing the two of them wrestling around on the floor. Jou had Duke pinned down for a brief second, then was flipped over and held down by Duke who continued to tease. "It's a rabid puppy! Is the puppy mad that his oof!"

"I'll show ya's a rabid puppy, dicey boy!" Jou tackled Duke, then smacked his head on something hard. For some reason everything went black and a voice was calling from far away. That voice sounded awfully concerned and was asking him to come back, but the darkness was stronger and he embraced it. Why the authoress saw fit to render him unconscious all the time was still a mystery to him, But At least that voice wasn't calling him a dog!


"Jou, are you ok? I'm so sorry." It was that voice again, soft and alluring and kind and Gentle and it was gently stroking his cheek. He nuzzled the gentleness, sighing happily. It was warm and soft. "Jounouchii, wake up. Tell me you're ok?" He slowly opened his eyes to emerald green ones, filled with worry and concern for him along with other emotions, and framed by black hair. He was slightly confused still and continued to enjoy the hand on his cheek.

"Duke?" He sat bolt up right when he realized it was Duke he was loving on. He stared with wide eyes as his brain tried to function normally, or as normal as his brain could. He rubbed his head and gave a wry grin. "I musta hit muh head…" He glanced around making sure no one else was about. Good no one saw him happily nuzzling Duke's hand.

"Yes. I was extremely worried for a moment." Duke continued to gaze at him in what he hoped was a cool, concerned, friendly manner. Not like he was feeling heart broken at the blonds reactions to his hand on the others cheek. Not like he was madly in love with the one person he could never have!

"How long was I out?" Jou asked as leaned back and closed his eyes. His head was killing him.

"About half an hour." Duke responded evenly, then continued just to keep the conversation flowing as Jou nodded. "I was getting ready to call one of the doctors if you were out for much longer. But for future reference there is a metal bed frame there. Your skull is only made out of wood you know."

"I waz jus' seein' how `hard headed I really waz." Jou responded as he stood up and stretched, ignoring the wave of dizziness and nausea that came up with him. He leaned against the wall again, feeling extremely tired.

"Are you sure you're ok? I mean you hit your head pretty hard and you look a little pale…." Duke trailed off as Jou sagged limply against the wall . "Maybe you should lay down and get some rest."

"Naw, I'm coo'." Jou responded with his trade mark grin as he pushed himself away from the wall and strode forward, past Duke. "I think I could use sumthin' to Drink d'ough."

"I'm sorry but Kaiba is being an ass and won't serve alcohol to minors." Then as an after thought. "No matter how much I try to bribe him." Jou and chuckled at that as he headed out the door. Duke sighed, at least Jou didn't know how he really felt, as sad as it was. The blond wouldn't know about his true feelings ever. Duke sighed, maybe it was just as well. Jou would probably beat his ass for being gay then find a creative way to kill him. Jou would probably kill him if he found out Duke had kissed him while he was unconscious.


"Oh, you get to blackmail someone!" Mokuba jumped up and down next to his brother as they watched Duke and Jou on the screen. After their little confrontation Kaiba had come back here to spy on his little obsession. Only to find out his obsession was also another's. Kaiba sighed as he replayed the video scene with Duke kissing Jou who was unconscious on the floor.

"I could, but what for. Other than the fact it would keep him quite till I made my move. But for how long would he stay silent?" Kaiba jumped the video ahead to the part were the blond was just waking up, an angelic look on his face as he rubbed his cheek into a shocked Duke's hand. "Besides, this could make for interesting."

"How so?" Mokuba asked opening a soda as he sat down, he looked curiously at his brother. He had known for the longest time his brother had a crush on the blond, and when the said blonds sister made it known that was the reason Seto always picked on him, he had to tell his older brother about it. Of course Seto was one step ahead of the game and had caught it on video.

"Poor Duke Devlin has feelings for one little puppy by the name of Jounouchii Katsuya. These feelings are unrequited by the puppy. I wonder what Mister Devlin would do to keep it from being known." Seto responded coldly as he glanced at his little brother who giggled. "What?"

"The possibilities." Mokuba responded as he drank his soda, then as an after thought added. "We don't even know if Jounouchii swings that way. As far as we know he's straight and chasing after Mai."

"Good point. But if Jou is a homophobic, Duke wouldn't want him to know about his secrete little crush on the puppy." Seto pointed out. This was going to be too much fun, now he just needed to find the perfect opportunity to put his vague plan into action. As that damn authoress wouldn't pair him up with someone more accessible.


Duke was in the room blowing bubbles while Jounouchii sat on the floor going through his deck. He needed a good strategy to beat his next opponent. Something unexpected. Something kick ass and undefeatable. Something with out bubbles. "Maybe you should go hang out with Anzu, I know she would adore your bubbles."

Duke watched as Jou popped a few by trying to eat them, making a face at the taste. Duke smirked and blew more bubbles in Jou's direction just to get on the blonds nerves as said blond drank out of the two liter coke he had stolen out of the fridge. Maybe get into another wrestling match with him, now that would be fun. "No thank you, my was to be a cheerleader rants to much about friendship and I'd have to gag her."

"Now that was just mean." Jou said with a flat stare, then added with a grin. "True, but mean." Duke chuckled as Jou gathered his deck together, deciding on his strategy he would use later on. Kaiba hadn't harassed him since their little war earlier, so he wasn't worked up. He was just bored. And Tristan, the gay fag, was sleeping in Ryou's room tonight. And they were all avoiding Malik. "I'm bored. And that rich pig is to cheap to put a damn TV in here."

"That rich pig was to cheap to put even a stereo in here." Duke commented. He had been through almost every magazine he had come across. Even the damn girly ones. Who knew there were so many colours of red lipstick? Hell he never knew there were that many colours of black, charcoal, smoky, what the hell ever, eyeliners. And here he was using just black when he could be using midnight or pitch instead.

"Man, Kaiba sucks!" Jounouchii got up and stretched, oblivious to the admiring look he received from his raven haired roomy. He sighed and looked around the room while Duke returned to blowing bubbles. Jou looked at a bubble as it passed him by. It was late, he was tired and bored. A very dangerous combination when it came to the blond. He started stalking the bubbles, pouncing them, or biting at them.

"That bored hunh?" Duke asked with a smirk as he watched Jou, who shrugged at him before continuing his hunting. "How easily amused you are." Jou shrugged again and caught a bubble without popping it. "What do you suppose Kaiba sucks anyways?" Duke continued to blow bubbles for the others amusement.

"I give you a hint. It's hard." Jou grinned as Duke gave him a dubious stare. Jou chased a few more bubbles around, then flopped down on the bed as Duke prodded for more information. "Like his hard drive, I think he's screwin' his sound card. I swear `dere is no ass more annoyin' than him. You come a close second, but no one is as ass-ey as he is."

"Ass-ey?" Duke questioned with a quizzical look. "Is that even a word?"

"Probably not, but come on, we all know dat he's the ice berg that sunk the titanic." Jou responded grabbing Duke's hand that was holding the bubble maker and blowing some bubbles. "Hey that is fun!"

"It's something to entertain the easily amused." Duke responded with a grin then added. "When they find all the dish soap gone, we don't know what happened to it ok." Jou and Duke chuckled at that. After a moment of boredom Duke decided to speak. "I have a deck of cards somewhere. Do you want to play a game or something?"

"Eh? Like wha…?" Jou asked as he looked over at Duke quizzically, he was willing to do anything to alleviate the boredom.

"Poker, Rummy, Go fish, war." Duke shrugged as he listed several games, thinking half a dozen others in which he could get the blond down to his boxers for a cheap thrill.

"Poker sounds fine. `Sides we can always alternate games." Jou said as Duke put away his bubbles and rummaged around in his bag for his cards. Duke pulled the cards out and they started a game. "So what shall the stakes be for the first round?"


An hour later, Jou was down to his boxers and frowning at Duke. Kaiba smirked in his little office. This was one hell of a show to watch. Damn authoress was turning him into a voyeur or something, but he didn't mind, because he was getting to see the object of his adoration get naked. Maybe he could go interrupt them or something, but for now, he was content to watch this game unfold. And lightly tan skin be revealed. He briefly wondered if Jou was a natural blond…


"Damn. I uh, I… damn" Jou said as he looked at his shitty ass hand, trying to debate on what to keep and what not to keep. King hearts, jack of diamonds, three of hearts, six of spades, and a nine of diamonds. Not even of the same suite to be able to get a royal straight, much less a straight. "And if I fold I loose the last of my clothes."

"Might as well loose them now then." Duke grinned all full of himself. Three kings and two aces. Oh yeah he was going to win this one. "Well do you want to try a new hand?" Jou groaned and called showing his hand. Duke smirked and laid down his full house.

"Ok you win, game over." Jou said trying to get out of the fact he would lose the last of his dignity. Hell Duke was wearing his shirt over his own clothes just to be cocky.

"I dunno, it's just us here though." Duke said, then added to himself. `Meaning you could strip, give me a view of heaven and no one would know about it.' If only he knew they were both being watched by the Spy Kaiba cams. "And those are silk boxers and I do enjoy silk…."

"I'm about to wipe that grin off your face you pervert." Jou growled out as he glared at Duke. He wasn't serious was he? If he was, then ….. Let's not finish that thought.

"Oh, wrestling me in your boxers." Duke egged him on, enjoying the blush that tainted the blonds' cheeks. Best not to make him too uncomfortable. "Tell you what. One more hand. If you win, I give you back your clothes. If I win, you owe me. Deal?"

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this? How about if you win, you give me back my clothes and if I win, I still get my clothes back." Jou responded as he agreed by cutting the deck and handing it back to the raven haired other. Duke gave him a funny look, like he was crazy. "I'm gonna end up naked and sleeping in da hall because of you."

"We are talking about me here!" Duke said way to happily for his own good. "Besides, if you wound up naked I wouldn't make you sleep in the hall…. I'd make you sleep in the lounge where everyone could see!" Jou groaned, knowing he was doomed unless he got a good hand. Duke dealt the cards, Jou groaned and took a four cards, not a good sign. Duke looked at his hand, four of a kind on the first try, the mythical authoress just wanted him to get laid. They called it and Jou groaned as he saw Duke's hand.

"What do I owe you?" Jou asked as he fell backwards to the floor in dismay. The Mythical authoress was so not on his side in this game. For reasons unknown she was favoring Duke this story. He was not having any luck this trip.

"Let me think." Actually Duke already knew what he wanted, it was just not getting beaten to a bloody pulp that made it so difficult. "Ok, you will answer any question I ask."

"OK, sounds simple enough." Jou said aloud, to himself though. `It sounds simple, so what's the catch?' Jou sat up and looked at Duke who was looking at him.

"OK, first question. Now that you know about Tristan and his little thing for Ryou. You aren't homophobic are you?" Duke asked as he tried to make his voice curious, like a nosey school girl. Jou looked rather dumbfounded.

"Eh?" How the hell was he suppose to answer that. "I dunno, it's `is choice if he wants to be with a fruit. I ain't got nothing against no gay people. In fact, Hell I support their decision ta do what eva' they want t' do. Dey want to scrump, by all means let `em. Just don't give me the details and I'm coo' wit' it." Jou said with a grin.

"Well that answers that. I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds it ok." Duke responded. Well he wasn't homophobic, next question. Maybe it was now or never. "Would you hate me if I kissed you?" Duke looked at him questioningly, ignoring the look of shock and disbelief. Maybe it was his imagination but he could have sworn he saw disgust in those amber orbs. Ok maybe it wasn't the brightest idea. If he was lucky he would only get beaten within an inch of his life. He could die of misery the rest of the way.

How the hell was he suppose to answer that. Here he was sitting in his boxers with a hot guy asking to be kissed. Did he say hot? Had that been Duke's plan from the beginning? Wonder how long he had been thinking and planning this moment? "Would ya believe me if I said I'm really not sure…." Duke gave him a quizzical look, silently imploring for further explanations on that, and Jou complied. "I mean, I don't hate you for asking. And I never considered kissin' another Guy before…."

"Can I kiss you then?" Duke asked as he chewed his bottom lip in nervousness. He was very nervous, the moment of truth had arrived. He was either going to bang or get banged, and one was not in his favor.

"I guess….." Jou said (All oblivious to Kaiba falling out of his chair at the answer the blond gave, then cursing and yelling at the screen.), then he added as an after thought. "But if I don't like it, don't be mad at me ok."

"Deal." Duke said as he and Jou met in the middle, locking lips. Duke kissed the blond gently, like he was a delicate flower, for his lips were soft despite all the harsh words he had heard flow past them. Jou tasted faintly of chocolate and caramel, sweet, and this made the raven haired youth hungry for more so he deepened the kiss, running his tongue along the soft lips he was kissing. He was a little surprised the blond complied and aloud him to ravage his mouth.

Jou couldn't believe he was kissing another man, let alone Duke of all people. He always thought if he was going to kiss another guy it would at least be Tristan, not another one of his tormentors. But at that moment he could have cared less, Duke was an awesome kisser and tasted faintly of spice and tea. He opened his mouth to the others silent and wet request for entrance, allowing Duke to explore his mouth to his content. Jou timidly sent his tongue out to meet Duke's and soon it was all out Tonsil hockey to the fullest extent. And the both of them started become aroused by their activities. (Kaiba was meanwhile staring at the screen drop jawed and bug eyed.)

"Damn…" Jou said after they broke the kiss, breathing heavily. He gazed at the other with heavy lids as he gulped in air, trying not to choke on it. Duke smiled at him lazily and suddenly Jou found himself wanting more than just a kiss. He wanted to taste skin, feel it, rub up against it and find out if the rest of this raven haired beauty was as soft as his hand was.

"Agreed." Duke said as he smiled, breathing in the accursed air that he needed, which was also the reason they had to break their kiss. Duke wanted to continue to devour that mouth. Taste the skin of the blond just to see if it was as sweet as his mouth was. He felt himself harden even more and had to restrain the groan from all the lovely thoughts running through his head. "Can I do that again…?"

Jou didn't answer, he just tackled Duke and gave him what he wanted. One hell of a tongue war. Of course Duke wasn't satisfied with just that and flipped them over so he was on top. After a moment and a requirement for more air they broke the kiss, but Duke started trailing his mouth across Jou's jaw to his ear. The blond arched into him with a whimper, rubbing his erection against the more dominate of the two causing them both to moan.

Jou started struggling with his clothes that Duke saw fit to put on. Here he was half way naked, might as well be naked, and Duke was over dressed for the occasion. He had a hard time concentrating on what he was doing as Duke's mouth worked magic on sensitive spots he never knew he had. "Screw dis!"

"I'm trying." Duke responded with a smirk as he licked and sucked on Jou's neck. Jou made an exasperated sound, then whimpered when Duke Bit the juncture where his neck and shoulder met. He was amazed the blond really did taste good, like candy and sex. Sex and candy, two of the best things, and he was only getting one. To bad he didn't have any chocolate syrup or something.

"You got Five seconds to get undressed b'fore I start rippin' your' clothes off!" Jou growled out and Duke paused to look at a very hot, bothered, flushed and aroused blond. Duke suddenly had to agree to that as his pants became even tighter than before.

"Some of these are your clothes, so if you want… ack!" Jou tackled him, removing clothes in a hurry. Duke just shut his mouth and helped, moaning when Jou started in on him with his mouth. Jou nipped and licked a path down to his target, unbuttoning the leather confinement of his prize. Duke moaned with the combination of cool air and freedom as it hit his arousal.

Jou swallowed his nervousness as he was going to have to take this thing in his mouth. And it was big. Duke was very well endowed. He couldn't believe he was doing this, but hell he was having fun. He gave Duke an experimental lick as he took the hard fleshy rod in his hands, gaining a gasp of pleasure. With that encouragement he licked around the tip a few times before taking just the head in his mouth and sucking lightly, his tongue playing around.

Duke just clenched his fists and tried his damnedest not to thrust into that teasing, wet and hot mouth. Instead he voted for making some very erotic noises and with minor pleading as he squirmed. Then suddenly he let out a surprised moan as suddenly Jou attempted to deep throat him. Only instead he choked and had to pull back. Duke smirked down at the blushing blond. "I would imagine it takes practice."

"I would imagine." Jou responded as he went to go try again, but instead was pulled up to meet Duke in another kiss. He barely noticed the fact that his boxers were being removed. Duke gave Jou the same treatment, then showed him how to deep throat it. Jou cried out vocally, and continued to squirm and as Duke held him down and demonstrated the swallowing technique. Jounouchii moaned as he felt that wet heat around his member contracting as he continually hit the back of the others throat. "Wha' da…!?"

Duke chuckled around the length in his mouth as he was pressing his bubble soap coated fingers into the blonds' entrance. Jou went limp at that as he moaned incoherently allowing Duke to start thrusting his fingers in and out of him. Duke had taken the offered distraction to be able to prepare the cute little puppy for what was about to come. Besides the both of them. He was so lost in the taste and sound that was Jounouchii he almost didn't notice the blond harden as he was about too.

Duke pulled back quickly causing Jou to groan in disappointment. Duke smirked as he pulled his fingers free, then winked at the blond. "Now, now. I don't want to wear you out before the real fun begins do I?" Jou shook his head as Duke crawled between his legs, the tip of his arousal brushing the blonds entrance. "I'm not going to lie, this may hurt a bit, but it will feel good after that."

"How do you know?" Jou asked aloud as Duke pulled his leg up giving him ample access to his target. Duke smirked at Him then pushed himself into the blond on the first try. Bulls Eye. Jou cried out as he was penetrated, then whimpered as Duke was fully seated in him. That pain was most unexpected. And Uncomfortable, but he tolerated it. He wasn't about to wimp out now.

"Are you ok?" Duke asked with concern as he rained gentle and tender kisses upon the blonds' face, licking up the two tears that ran down either side from his eyes. It was all the raven-haired one could do to keep from pounding the blond, but he resisted the urge to just start thrusting into this hot little body he was embedded in. Jou nodded as he took a deep breath, relaxing a little as Duke ran his hands up and down the blonds' sides in a soothing manner. "Let me know when you're ready for me to start."

Jou just nodded, and wiggled a little to let the other know he was ready. Duke pulled out and slammed back in as he started up his rhythm, causing Jou to grunt and whimper with each thrust. Suddenly as Duke shifted he saw white and everything went fuzzy and he cried out in pleasure. Now that's what he was talking about when he said it would feel better.

"Did we like that?" Duke panted in the blonds' ear as he hit that spot repeatedly, causing the blond to cry out each time. He revealed in the sound and smell of sex. And the heat he was thrusting into, it was tight and hot and he felt his orgasm inching closer. He wrapped his arms about the blond, trapping his erection between them. Jou was soon meeting his each and every thrust, turning it into something animalistic.

But it was good none the less, and Jou screamed as he spilt himself between them. The raven-haired dominant came about the same time as the blonds muscles contracted around his member. Duke collapsed upon the blond panting for breath. That was… That was…

"Whoa…" Jou said as he hugged his dark haired lover. Duke pushed himself off the body that was making a good pillow underneath him as he grunted his confirmation. Jou looked solemn like something was on his mind, and Duke just gazed at him from behind lazy eyes as he held himself up above Jou, who looked at the other. "So how are we going to proceed?"

"Well first a bath is in order then we can get some rest." Duke responded as he pulled his blond mutt to him. His! Not Kaiba's! HIS!

"Well that's a good idea but not quite what I meant." Jou responded as he looked down at the arms that had wrapped around him, his fingers idly tracing patterns.

"I know." Duke responded as he kissed the blonds neck. "We can do this how ever you want. We can keep quiet about it and let no one know." Then with a smirk, "Or you can let me go racing down the corridors singing and yelling how much I love you."

"Love!?" Jou looked at Duke with big eyes, a mix of hope, fear and uncertainty. Did this guy say he loved him!?

"I uh,…" Crap maybe that wasn't the thing to say. Him and his stupid… all thought was cut off as Jou locked lips with him. The kiss was tender but passionate all the same. Duke looked at Jou as the other pulled back with a blush, his eyes alight with emotions.

"I can live with that." Jou whispered then grinned. "What I can't live with is this stuff drying on me!" He started to get up, but Duke was faster and helped the blond to his feet. "Let's get that bath and worry about everything else later."


Kaiba cursed and threw the chair across the room into the wall. He had watched it all. Watched that bastard Duke Devlin take what was his. He glared at the screen where the two new lovers were heading into the shower. He should have put camera's in there too! He kicked the console of the computer in his frustrations before slamming his fists down and leaning over it in defeat. Tears threatened to spill and he cursed the authoress for his Ra awful fate.

After a moment a devious grin came to his face. He glanced up at the screen that showed the blonds sleeping quarters, his mind racing a mile a minute. "I will have you Jounouchii, you will be mine and Duke Devlin will pay for taking you from me." He started to chuckle a little to evilly and turned to leave. He now had a plan and it was time to put it into action. He may have sloppy seconds no thanks to Duke (And the authoress), but he was going to have what he wanted. One way another. No matter the costs.

{Holds Neko up to her Yami half who glomps the cat and murmurs loving words to it.} Damn it didn't work! {Sighs} Anyways I'm working on the sequel Slave Mongrel, it's only a few pages because I'm having issues. Too Much Drama!!! And there will be maybe one or two more chapters to this. Maybe! Depends on if I feel like typing on this. My brain is refusing to work and Neko is attacking my foot.

Plus Kaiba needs to get laid. I haven't decided most of it, I have this vague idea for chappie two, but {Shruggs} Anyways, Hope you liked it, ignore the authoress she's been without coffee and green far too long. {Turns to her other self and growls} Why you gotta make Kaiba evil for!? {Hands the kitten to Yugi and Tackles her evil half}


Chapter two. Myne!

The plan, his plan, was in action, Mai was distracting Duke while Kaiba made his way to his target. He would have to lure the blond to another room, but that wouldn't be to hard. How could a puppy not follow his master? He came to the room that he had assigned to Jounouchii. He paused for only a brief second and then knocked. When there was no answer so he knocked a little louder. Suddenly the door opened to reveal a disheveled blond, barely dressed, and sleepy mocha eyes. "What da hell you want?"

"Now puppy that's no way to talk to your master. I suggest you follow me though, we have to discuss something." Kaiba said as he turned and started to walk away, Jou stood there confused then disappeared. A moment later he was racing to catch up with Kaiba and get dressed as the same time. Kaiba smirked to himself, it was too adorable, the puppy trying to keep with his master. Kaiba led them through the twisting corridors of the ship, eager for his destination.

"Ey, Kaiba! What's this about?" Jou asked as he caught up to the brunet, his bare feet slapping against the cold metal, a counter to Kaiba's own booted foot falls, as he tried to keep up with the rich pig. No answer. `Bastard. What the hell, woke him up from a lovely dream and now this!?' He growled as he made his statement "Yo fat wallet, I asked you a question."

"We will discuss it in private mutt." Kaiba responded coolly. Even if his heart was doing double time and his blood was racing and he was all a panic on the inside, his exterior was cool, cold and calm. He ignored the growl he got for his comment as he came to his destination. He stepped aside and motioned Jou in ahead of himself. Jou gave him a wary glare as he passed by the CEO, eyes full of distrust and caution in the stance of his body. Kaiba smirked and followed, the sound of the lock clicking into place in the silent empty hall.

~~~~~ Did I say empty?

Well it would have been empty if not for the little stalker that was peeking around the corner. Violet eyes stared in jealousy. Wasn't that his property Kaiba had taken off with? Well first things first, time to go hunt down someone who can permit him to see into that room. He spun around, turning his head as he quickly wound a path to the commons, and the kitchen. The one place he would find the CEO's little brother. The one person he would be able to persuade to get him a camera view of that room.

~~~~~~ Now how did he know?

"This best be impor'ant Kaiba. You disturbin' me beauty sleep." Jou said as he sat down on the only furniture in the room. One of those standard beds that was in every room. He was too asleep to notice, nor care much, for the fact Kaiba had dragged him half way across the ship to talk to him and they somehow wound up in a cabin. Just like the one he had been sleeping in. Dreaming of emerald and onyx as soft as rose petal lips….

"Oh, It's very important mutt." Kaiba responded with a small smirk causing Jou to roll his eyes and finally take notice of the room they were in. This was all too easy, and the puppy was to be his. Conversation wasn't one of his strong points, but who needed people skills when you could give orders. "I want you to give yourself to me."

Jou just sat there. Did Kaiba say what he thought Kaiba said? Jou gave Kaiba a confused look before his eyes went wide he all but screamed out. "What!?"

"Does the little puppy have a hearing problem? I said you will give yourself to me." Kaiba said again. Boy was he dense. Kaiba sighed and continued, not giving the blond time to think things through. "If you don't, then something bad will happen to your little boyfriend. One call," Kaiba pulled out his cell phone, flipping it open. "And he's all gone."

"Uh, Kaiba tell me dis is some sick joke. You best not be serious." Jou said trying to get his sleep deprived brain to function correctly. Jou launched himself at the CEO, grabbing the mans collar. "You wouldn't! Would you?"

"To have you? Oh yes I would." Kaiba smirked at the fear in those gorgeous chocolate eyes. Kaiba continued, giving the blond a cold but dangerous look. "So what's it worth, His life? Yugi's? Maybe Tristans' or Ryou's?" He could only chuckle cruelly as Jou let out a small whimper and tears threatened to spill. Jou knew he was quite capable of his threats. He wasn't quite sure how far he could take this bluff, if he would really give the orders for the misfortunes of the blonds' friends and lover. But then again he wouldn't have to worry about it going that far when the blond willingly offered himself for his friends safety.


"What a complete bastard." The violet eyed youth turned to Mokuba and handed him candy bar. "Here now go run along back to wherever and forget this ever happened."

"Forget what happened?" Mokuba smiled and bounded out of the room, happy and oblivious to what his brother was doing to the blond.

"Yes, what did happen." The figure turned back to the screen, his eyes narrowing at the scene on screen. Jou was pleading with Kaiba not to do what he had in mind. "No we'll continue this my pet, just not the way Kaiba was expecting." He chuckled evilly with all the ideas that were running through his mind. So much he could do, and not enough time in which to do it in. At least there was a bed he couldn't do it in.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh what evil ideas!!!

"Kaiba…" Jou let his plead fade into nothing as he felt the cold CEO's hot lips on his own. There was nothing tender about it. It was brutal and domineering. It was claiming owner ship. /What's wrong my pet?\ It was that voice again. The voice he heard before he remembered nothing. /Let me take over my little pet. You won't see or feel a thing till the time comes, and we, you and I, show Kaiba what it is to be helpless.\ `No! You'll kill him!'

/No, I'll just show him what happens to those that make my pets scared. Now why don't you go to a safe place and let me take care of him. You'll be safe\ `Promise?' /I give you my every word. You're my little pet and no one scares or hurts my pets without answering to me. Now sleep my little pet, sleep\ Jou let the darkness fade in on him, let the voice and control deal with Kaiba. He had the mystical authoress sticking him in the dark, and for that he was grateful.

Kaiba broke the kiss, removing the blonds' shirt as he attacked the soft skin underneath. He tasted just as sweet as suspected, only better. Jou moaned and arched into him, silently begging for him to remove his own clothes as he tugged at the jacket.

Kaiba removed his mouth from it's occupation of the blonds neck and looked into dull brown eyes. "And here I thought you didn't want this." He couldn't help the smirk that found it way to his face as the blond leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on his lips as he made a path down his jaw and neck.

"But I do want this now." Jou leaned up, his voice sounding eerily sinister and lifeless. Kaiba backed up a little startled by the turn of events. "You want to hurt me, make me yours, but my master won't permit such a thing. I'm his pet. And Duke is the only one he will allow to this body without interfering." Suddenly his voice completely changed sounding like two instead of one. "I maybe cold and cruel, but I have my limits. I may want to hear people screaming and begging for their lives, but I do have my limits. And Kaiba, you reached them!"

With that the Blond tackled Kaiba with a strength that was more than just him. They went down fighting, Jou dodging his punch and landing him a knee in the stomach that was increased as they hit the floor, knocking the wind out of Kaiba. Kaiba Looked up just in time to see a fist then all was black. So this is what Jou felt like every time the mythical authoress rendered him unconscious, and he could swear he hear Jou cackling as shadows consumed him.

~~~~~~~ As if we didn't know who it was by now! And how much use that room gets!

Marik continued to chuckle rather evilly, as the mystical authoress herself saw it fit to favor him with Kaiba. He looked to the screen where Malik in Jou's body was stripping and tying Kaiba to the bed. Ok, handcuffing Kaiba to the bed. Any which way it went he was being restrained. Then the blond stripped down to nothing and donned the brunets' trademark trench coat. /Don't you look just sexy!\

//Are you watching us you sweet pervert you?\\ Malik chuckled and waved at the camera, then turned around, bared his bare bottom and wiggled it. //Is it a nice view?\\

/Very nice!\ Marik looked around and grabbed a soda and candy bar. /Now I'm only waiting for the real show to start. I got a drink and some chocolate, let the show begin!\ A possessed Jou clapped his hands, giggled insanely, and jumped up and down as he nodded his head. /I suggest you wake him up, you don't have much time. His guards are looking for him.\

//Oh, alright.\\ Malik made Jou's body work to bring Kaiba back to the land of the conscious as Marik watched, recording every moment of it. He found Kaiba's other little video of the Blond and Duke going at it, deciding to keep it for himself. But this one would have a copy, he would have one, while he left one with a note. Oh this was too much fun. Making peoples life a hell. Oh my Ra! Marik looked at the screen as his lighter half in a hijacked body gave Seto Kaiba a reason to wake up.

~~~~~~~~"Why have you done!?!?" Kaiba screams and he chases Ballroom Down with a hatchet. Ballroom responds in kind. "It was YaMe!!" Evil half sitting in the corner with the key board and giggling manically.

Kaiba moaned, consciousness slowly letting him know he was being awoken. Awoken by slick heat and jolts of pleasure. He moaned arching his hips up to meet that hotness, bringing his hands…. Clank! Clank! Hands? He opened his eyes, glanced up at his hands that were nicely handcuffed to the bed. He glanced down to see Jou's head bobbing up and down over his reason for being a man. Kaiba couldn't talk very well, but he tried. "Jou… Un-oh-tie …me."

Jou didn't say anything, just made a negative sound around Kaiba's member as he continued his work. Kaiba cried out at that and released in the blonds' mouth before going limp (Damn that was one way to come back from the darkness.). A blond who was deep throating him with no problem. Jou licked up every last drop, milking the member of Kaiba for every last taste with a moan. Jou looked up at him, looking decidedly very evil as he smirked and crawled up to his target. Like Maybe that mythical Bytch of an Authoress gave him some demented and deranged Yami.

Kaiba glared at him. This was not what he had planned. This was nowhere near what he had planned. In fact this was the opposite of what he had planned. Damn it, he wanted to be taking the blond, not the blond taking him. Jou slid up his body sedcutivly, that smirk never leaving his face as he locked his lips with Kaiba's, and pushing seamen into his mouth. Kaiba had no choice but to swallow the bitter, albeit arousing, liquid.

"Kaiba. Are you ready? Do you want the pain I'm going to enjoy bestowing upon you?" Jou looked at him with those almost lifeless eyes that seemed far too alive. It was eerie to look into those dark chocolate orbs, no body home, but someone else in control. //Jou, my pet\\ Jou felt the gentle prodding's of his controller. It wasn't the first time he had been controlled by this person, and he had the feeling it wouldn't be the last. `What do you want?' //Do you want to see what I'm going to do?\\ Malik asked as he petted Kaiba, languidly positioning himself to enter the brunet who was glaring at him.

`No thanks, I'd rather hide here. I don't want to be a party to this. It's not right.' //Well I'm not giving you much choice.\\ Suddenly Jou was looking down at Kaiba, but not in control. He couldn't pull away, couldn't stop what his body was doing. Suddenly his vision got blurry, for a brief second he was confused as to why, then he knew why. He was crying. His body wasn't under his control, but his emotions were still his, and unfortunately his body was still subject to them. He couldn't help but groan as he was forced to slam into Kaiba's resisting body. So hot and tight. So good.

Kaiba cried out as he was entered, unprepared and dry. He winced with the pain, gritting his teeth, determined to show no more weakness than he already had. He felt wetness on his cheeks, and wondered if he was crying. Then glancing up at the blond to see him there, tears flowing freely as he pulled out and slammed back in. Kaiba cried each time till his own blood had smoothed the path for the blond that started a steady rhythm. Abruptly euphoria kicked in as the blond changed the angle he was pounding in, hitting places that caused pleasure to fill every cell in his body and made him to scream in enjoyment instead of pain.

`Please stop this! I don't want to hurt him!' //Ok then.\\ The voice answered and he switched angels causing Kaiba to cry out in pleasure. Jou continued to weep and internally curse the voice that was in his head. //Oh come now, you know you like it pet.\\ Jou didn't have time to answer as he did just as that voice commanded and came inside the tight heat that incased his member. Inside Seto Kaiba, and he cried out his release. Kaiba winced and Jou barely noticed as he once again regained control, falling atop Kaiba Crying. //Oh it wasn't that bad. I mean, he could have been better.\\

"Kaiba…." Jou trailed off not daring to look at the CEO. This is what Kaiba had planned for him. Instead he had… He had…. He cried into Kaiba's chest. //Do I need to take over again?\\ `No! You've done your damage! Just leave me alone! Leave Us alone! Damn You!' //That's no way to speak to the man who saved your ass.\\ He chuckled evilly with the bad pun the mythical authoress made him use. /Ingrate! He's an Ingrate!\ Another voice intervened, but Malik's voice responded. //He's just upset….\\ They all three were startled by the blonds' outburst. "Just get da hell outta muh head!"

"Jou?" Kaiba licked his lips, his nervousness at the blonds obvious instability making him worry. Jou continued to cry on him, and he gently nuzzle the blond mop of hair with his cheek. "Jou, it's ok. Untie me and we will discuss what happened. It's ok I'm not mad." He said, but to himself. `I'm infuriated and I'm intent on something that will be nowhere near nice!' But this was what he had planned for the blond. It was just a turn of the tables. He was angered, yes, but, could he really blame the blond? And who the hell was in his puppy's head?

//Don't do it! Get up, Get dressed, Get out!\\ Malik's voice filled his mind. Jou ignored him though and he raised his head to look at Kaiba whose eyes were ice, like always. Even being raped didn't faze the man. "I'm sorry Kaiba… I didn't want to, but…but…." Jou choked as he tried to continue swallowing several times before his voice decided to work once again. "But he has this power Kaiba, I couldn't stop him. He made me watch, I had no control." He let the tears flow freely, ashamed of himself and what he had been made to do. But there was no gun to his head to make him. And who would believe him if he said it was the voice in his head.

`Where's the key?' Jou asked in his mind, only hoping he would be heard, hoping for an answer. //Look by the bed.\\ Malik responded blandly then added with more voice //But he's going to pound your ass when you let him go!\\ `I'll get no less than I deserve.' /Screw it! It's my turn!\

~~~~~~~~~ Get back here!!!

Malik found himself staring the screen as his other half took over the blond. Malik cursed then rolled his eyes as he watched and listened to what was happening. That was great fun, making Kaiba suffer like that. Why Jou was so upset was beyond him and the mythical one, but he was upset none the less. And Kaiba was probably going to do the same, if not worse, to him. Besides, didn't Jou hate Kaiba? Shouldn't he be all happy or something about being able to take Kaiba. It didn't make much sense. Oh well.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Whose in control now!? Hunh!? Hunh!?

"Kaiba, take this as a warning. You ever threaten our pet, make a move on him, or even look at him in a funny way, We will get together and be forced to kill you." The dark Jou got off of him, Dropping his coat and getting dressed as he continued to speak. "You know our pet didn't want to do this. You were going to hurt him the same, but still. Maybe it's because he has heart, which is why we couldn't let you break him."

"By the looks of things you did the job with only a little help from me." Kaiba responded as the dark version of his obsession came to stand by the bed. Dark Obsession, what an irony as all obsessions turned morbid in the end. It appeared true for him.

"Yeah, but at least he can go back to Duke. Come to us. We can give him salvation and protection." Marik possessed Jou leaned down to Kaiba as he grabbed the key off the floor. He sat up, idly twirling it between his fingers. He spoke as he placed the key in Kaiba's hand. "You can only give him pain and sorrow." Marik got up, glaring at Kaiba one last time as he walked Jou out the door.

He walked Jou through the door of his cabin. Insuring Duke wasn't around. //That blond bimbo still has him with her.\\ Marik nodded to himself as he sensed his other half finishing his work up. /I'll be a short while, let me get Jou cleaned up. We will still need him later.\ He walked into the bathroom, running the water and getting it hot enough that he could bath the blond. He forced himself to run on automatic, he hadn't liked the fact that the blond cried on Kaiba. It couldn't have been helped though. He sighed as he exited the shower.

He paused before the full-length mirror, running his hands along the blonds' body that he inhabited. He was a beautiful golden god, all natural and elegant with finally honed muscles and such a fine physique. Blond all over and well blessed with abilities that would have been well paid for in the desert by men and women alike. He sighed and left the bathroom; changing into some clean clothes he got in the bed and sent the blond into snooze land. He erased the horrid memories. Let Kaiba keep his. Jou didn't deserve those bad of memories. He left the blond in his peaceful slumber, dreaming of chocolate and French fries and headed back to his lighter half, all the while cursing whatever imagination came up with this.


"Wow YaMe, that was morbid." Ballroom looks at her evil half who shrugs. "You're the one who put that crappy sap on the end." Ballroom shrugs as her evil half continues and points behind her lighter half. "You might want to run though." Ballroom glances at very mad and rabid looking Duke and Kaiba approaching her with evil looking garden equipment. "Eeekk!!"

"Thanks to all who reviewed this and any of my other stories, and I think I'll go around glomping my most loyal and loving reviewers." Hugs Super Hentai so he doesn't Cry anymore. "And Kitsune Hashiba I would love to see what you can draw!! I so adore incriminating art! Oh and BlueSummers, I adored that story undying light. It was well worth reading. I did review right?" Bakura hands her her mind back as it's been absent for far too long.