Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mystery ❯ Meetings, Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey there everyone! Hope ya enjoyed the last chapter. :: grins:: This a special chapter, as I turn 16 in three days. Yay!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own yugioh, so buzz off, please.


" Man, my gut still hurts!" Joey whined the next day as he and his friends where hanging out at the local park.

" Its no wonder it still hurts, Joey. That man who punched you was rottie himself." Mikado said, looking over his black sunnies at the boy.

" What!" Seto Kaiba shouted, placing his arms round his lover protectively. " The one hurt my puppy, that was the Rottweiler!?"

The teen CEOès eyes narrowed dangerously at the thought of someone hurting Joey. Oh, the man was gong to pay!

"What I'm more curious about, is that girl that has been acting weird. I mean, just staring off at nothing?" Yugi Motou said, snuggling up closer to his lover, and his other half, Yami, who nodded his head in agreement with the midget teen.

"Yea! I for once agree with the Pharaoh over there." The albino teen, Bakura murmured, burrowing his face in his Hikari's silver-white hair, drawing a blush out of the teen. " Mmmm. you smell good, Ryou."

"What about you three, Malik, Marik and Ahmose? What do you think?" Ryou asked, managing to keep his shirt down, as his lover was trying to lift it.

" I think we should wait and see how this plays out." The Sorcerer said, his golden eyes widening slightly as Ryou yelped when the Tomb Robbers hands slid under his shirt.

" I agree with the Sorcerer, as we don't know that much about the girl." Malik said, tilting his head slightly left as his Koibito Yami rested his head on the younger boys shoulder.

" You're right habbi, we sho-" The 5000 year old Egyptian assassin started to say, growling when he felt a large amount of shadow magic near by. " Someone's here!"


" They make cute couples, don't they, koiÉ " Sarah asked the shadowed figure standing next to her, as she looked out of the bushes that she'd hidden herself behind.

The figure nodded, a soft smile gracing her face in place of the normal, cold, harsh frown.

" Come out! We know you're there!" A voice rang out, starting the girls.

" Damnit!" Sarah mumbled. " What do I do, koiÉ" The girl said, directing the question at the other teen in the shadows.

" I think. You should go out and face then, koneko koi." the teen said, blinking her own dark, dark green eyes. " Don't worry, I will protect you if they turn out to be working for Kismeti. I promise, watashi no koneko Hikari."

" thank you. Ore no Tora Yami." Sarah whispered, her mind flashing back to Kismeti and his lust for her powerful Sennen Item and its dark powers.

" Oi! Are you coming out?!"

" Yes. Wish me luck, Tora Yami." Sarah said, before slipping out of the bushes that hid her.


Hahahahahahahaha!! I'm evil! A cliffy.

Hope ya all read and review!!

And, if ya want pics of what my characters look like, please e-mail, as I'd be happy to give you one or two.

Oh, who ever can guess who that shadowed figure is and her relationship to Sarah gets to request a lime of one of the following:

Marik / malik

Yami / Yugi

Ryou / bakura

Seto / Jou

Mikado / Ahmose

Sarah / spirit of her item
