Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ No Sanity Allowed ❯ Chocolate Oceans and Bunnies ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]
YAY! It’s the second chapter! ISN’T EVERYONE EXCITED?!?!

Reviewers: *Chirp like crickets because they are to lazy to get crickets*

Reviewers chirp?! *Thinks of chapter idea about chirping reviewers . . .*

Reviewers: -_-; don’t even think about it . . .

Okay then . . . Sorry I didn't update right away. My sister went to the hospital because her small intestines/bowel was having problems, so I forgot all about mediaminer =P Anyways, It’s that time of the year again! REVIEW ANSWERING TIME!

Fanfiction.net Review Replies:

Female-Yami/Yugi: I’ve only been sugar high twice in my life! Once was when my nephew gave me these caramels that made me hyper . . . but I’ve never been hyper before or after even when I eat those caramels! And the second time . . . I forgot when . . . Sugar doesn’t taste that great without it being add to anything ;_; You have a Yami too? I used to too, but they abandoned me . . . I think it’s in my bio . . .

Life’s Light/anime*angel: Everything is convenient! I’m not like you! I don’t have a super intelligent mind that has plots! They just appear and I’m too lazy to explain how -_-; I’m hurting EVERYONE!! But Joey is squishy so he’s more fun to hurt! ^__^

Nimi ‘gain: IS THAT TRUE?!?!?!? Well I doubt it . . . when Yami had his body there are no cameras or showers . . . LIES! ALL LIES!!!!

Dragonlady1220 (AKA Liz16: I have all the chapters but like I’ve said before I’m revising all of them (not completely of course). I lost the original so of course it’s different! The butterfly scene was new because I do remember the original one but that time my friends were bugging the heck out of me and I can’t think straight . . . I blame them, you should too. And it was about the worm not spider! ^__^ I used to read ‘Goosebumps’. If you guys want me to do ‘Reviewers Island’ again I can do it on a separate fic if you like . . . Just make the other reviewers in this story tell me to that :P I’VE ALWAYS WANTED A BALD TRISTAN!!!! I don’t know if tapeworms scream or not . . . I DID SAVE A BACKUP COPY OF THE ORIGINAL CHAPTER IN CASE THAT HAPPENED!!! Hence forth, the floppy disk! I also had copies on my hard drive but then a virus wiped everything out and then my floppy messed up, but that was a while ago. The brightest thing is *INSERT BRIGHT THING ON DESKTOP HERE* Yes, I am on neopets, but I hate neopets because they froze my account for saying a cuss word on my guild message board! I’m on my old account that I never use . . . I used to have over 1 million nps . . . SO I HATE NEOPETS! I only go one for these 4 games I like and my guild

Thanks to these people whom I did not answer to because I’m too lazy:

Electrical Flirt


Ryou Bakura Obsessor (Spell-check says that all 3 parts on your penname isn’t a word! But I added them to my dictionary! MUHAHAHAHHA!)

Paladin Dragon


Mediaminer.org Review Replies:

somethingthatisntalreadyinuse: Hey! Thank's for coming and reviewing ^_^
whatchamacallit: Yeah, there's not much of a setting is there? Thanks for your review!
Random Person Number 3: My Bakura story will be updated soon, don't worry! I'll be putting it up on mediaminer too soon, and re-writing the first 4 chapters ^^
jhoney: Don't worry I'll probably be updating every week =P
It's meeeeee: This is the fourth time, actually! Sad, huh?
Thanks to others who reviewed:

Disclaimer Guy: I’m back! After getting deleted! I’d like to thank my annoying little sister . . .

Disclaimer Guy’s Annoying Little Sister: *Waves annoyingly like the little sister she is*

Disclaimer Guy: *Five hours later* . . . And my goldfish Bob! Now, darkshadow-23 doesn’t own Yu-Gi-Oh!


Everyone except Yami: *Holding hands and skipping down a road* we’re off to see the chocolate! The wonderful chocolate in the ocean!

Yami: You people are so twisted *Shudders*

Marik: Cool we’re all holding hands, skipping and singing at the same time! Isn’t that cool?

Everyone except Marik: *Backs away from what seems to be a very freaky like Marik*

Mokuba: Are we there yet?

Kaiba: No.

Mokuba: Are we there yet?

Kaiba: No.

Mokuba: Are we there yet?

Kaiba: No.

Mokuba: Are we there yet?

Kaiba: No.

Mokuba: Are we there yet?


Mokuba: WAAHHHHHHHH! Seto’s being mean!


Yugi: How would you know?

Tea: That sign said so *Points to a sign*

Sign: Welcome to the chocolate ocean dome thingy. NOT part of a government operation. Humans turn into bunnies and other stuff turns into purple ducks.

Yami: So that’s what the guy with no underpants meant!

Joey: Well . . . LET’S GO!

Everyone: *Runs into the dome thingy*

Yugi: *Dives into the ocean*


( ._. )
c(")(") <-------- Yugi


Tristan: Du-ude! That’s totally twisted! Yugi’s a bunny!


Yami: Man that bites. Yugi’s a bunny! That means . . . I’M GOING TO GET TO COOK TONIGHT! ^__^

Everyone except Yami: NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Yami: Are you saying my cooking is bad?!?!

Ryou: IT TASTES LIKE GOAT DUNG! *Hands on hips* Now that’s not a very nice thing to say! *Sniffs* Sorry Ryou!

Everyone except Ryou who is talking to himself and Bakura who is used to it: *Backs away slowly from the insane Ryou*

Yugi: *Hop, hop, hop*

Mokuba: Can we keep him Seto? Can we?

Kaiba: Dang you son of a hot dog!

Everyone except Kaiba: *Backs away from what seems to be a very strange Kaiba*

Ryou: Bond. James Bond.

Serenity: The crap?

Ryou: I can be James Bond can’t I? Yes of course, you can be anything you set your mind too. Thank you for believing in me. No problem.

Bakura: He’s gone nuts again

Ryou: I’m not getting nuts until . . .

Marik: *Jumps into the chocolate ocean* WAHLA! WAHLA!

( ._. )
c(")(") <-------- Marik

Tea: D’oh!


Tristan: Now we have two bunnies!


Kaiba: Get out of my house!

Tea: This isn’t your house! It isn’t even a house! It’s a dome you bastard!


Kaiba: What?

Yami: Sorry I just needed to say something

Kaiba: Go to Heaven!

Bakura: Sure wouldn’t be seeing you there

Kaiba: Screw you!

Isis: Lookie! A butterfly!

Kaiba: EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *Tries to swallow butterfly to obtain super butterflying-ness*

(\,,,/) ? (\ , /)

( º_º) (º_º )

("')_("') ("')_("')

Ryou: Oh bloody hell . . .

Tea: Marik must die

Serenity: Marik’s a bunny now!

Tea: Great we can have some chocolate Marik . . .!

Marik: *Hop, Hop*

Everyone: *Backs away from Tea*

Tea: Now which one is Marik?

Serenity: I believe it is the one with the tattoo ‘Marik Rocks!!’ on his butt

Tristan: You’re gonna EAT him? Gross dude!

Tea: *Puts her hand on his shoulder* don’t worry you don’t have to watch

Tristan: Ew! She’s touching my ‘special part!’

Yami: Awwww man I’m getting cramps!

Everyone except Yami: *Backs away PMSing from Yami*

Yami: What? I’m just having a muscle spasm! I TAKE IT BACK!!!

Ryou: *Wisely* you cannot take back the spoken word . . .

Mokuba: Isn’t that a quote from some dead guy?

Ryou: I see dead people . . . and one of them told me that his master wants cookies . . . I gave him a pretzel but . . . let’s just say I have to find my master some cookies now too . . .

Everyone except Ryou: *Backs away from what seems to be a very possessed Ryou*

Kaiba: Haven’t you said that already? -_-;

Tristan: I know what you mean dude! A leprechaun once told me to burn things so I burned things and then he did a jig- I like popsicles =)

Klondike People: *Singing* what would you do for a Klondike bar?

Kaiba: SHUT UP! I’m trying to think!

Tea: That’s going to take a while

Yugi: *Rolls eyes*

Serenity: Awwwwwwww! Isn’t that cute! *hugs Yugi*

Marik: *Rolls eyes and hops up and down*

Serenity: Go to hell you bastard! *Turns into Jackie Chan and kicks Marik into the chocolate ocean* *Turns back into Serenity*

Tristan: Dude! That was sweet!

Joey: Sweet? Like chocolate?


Klondike People: *Dances the Kaiba Dance* =)

Yugi: :P

Kaiba: Damn! Now how am I supposed to poke Marik with my special pointy stick? =(

Yami: I blame you Serenity!

Serenity: Say what now?

Tea: YOU BASTARD!! It was MY destiny to turn into Jackie Chan and kill Marik!

Joey: Things change

Mokuba: Jackie Chan doesn’t kill! He beats people up!

Klondike People: *Singing* what would you do for a Klondike Bar?

Tea: This! *Turns into Jet Lee and kicks ass*

Tristan: Dude that was sweet!

Mokuba: Sweet? Like Chocolate?

Kaiba: Mokuba must die

Joey: Mokuba must die

Tristan: Mokuba must die

Bakura: Mokuba must die

Ryou: Mokuba must die

Yami: Mokuba must die

Mai: Mokuba must die

Tea: Mokuba must die

Serenity: Mokuba must die

Yugi: Mokuba must die

Mokuba: Mokuba must die

*everyone looks at Mokuba*

Mokuba: Oh sorry! Marik’s stupidity must’ve rubbed off on me

Tea: Gross it RUBBED off on you? That’s just sick dude

Tristan: Hey! That’s my line!


Yugi: *Tries to dance the Kaiba Dance*


Ryou: Yeah right and maybe later we can hold hands and skip

Kaiba: We already did that! And boy did it suck!

Tea: HEY! Let’s bottle these chocolate up and sell it on EBay! Then the whole world would be bunnies! THEN WE SHALL THAT OVER THE WORLD! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!

Ryou: Yeah right and maybe later we can hold hands and skip

Kaiba: Stop saying that!

Yami: Awwwwww man Yugi just craped on me!

Tristan: That must bite!

Joey: Awwwwww man Yugi just bit me! I blame you Tristan!

Tristan: EAT MY SHORTS BATMAN! Nananananananaaaaana!

Batman: THAT IS _SO_ MEAN!!!! *Runs away crying*



Mokuba: Hehe, Tristan had an _accident_!

Tristan: What . . .? HEY! If you are implying that I peed in my pants then you are wrong!

Mokuba: Don’t worry Tristan, Seto does it all the -

*Mystical music fills the air* *Magical voice* It is time again, for a ‘Kaiba Brothers’ Moment’


Mokuba: *Is choking*

*Mystical music fills the air* *Magical voice* End of ‘Kaiba Brothers’ Moment’ *End Music, end Voice*

Guy with no underpants: What are you doing here?! Why are you here in the land of The Non Government Conspiracy Chocolate Dome?!?!?!


*Tries desperately to dance the Kaiba Dance but fails* Does that count as a cliff-hanger?

8 pages AGAIN!!!! And I only did in 30 minutes (non-stop) I cut off some things and added little things . . . like the ‘Kaiba Brothers’ Moment’! I only get ideas while I’m writing something . . . sometimes I think of good ideas but then I forget them when I try to write them out! So I just improvise! I’m good at that! ^__^ I should really learn to write things down . . .













\/ Review please! ^^