Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ O__O THE AUTHORESS IS BACK!!!! *lightning hits* MWAHAHAHAHAHAH >___ ❯ OMFG SHES BACK ( Chapter 1 )
Random Creepy Voice: In the depths of, er, uh. Bad stuff. Yeah, really really bad stuff…a lot of uh. Stuff yeah bad stuff happened and among the depths raised a warrior, so strong, so, uh, really really really er good! She conquered all, her.
Authoress: Okay, whatever hello yes and hello again, yes I know you haven't seen me in a VERY long time, but hey, Media miner deleted all 30 something stories of mine…and I went into a cave of depression, I MEAN 30 SOMETHING STORIES YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK ME!!?? ARGH!! So, in the cave, I met some bums, they gave me ideas, had to shoot them cause they went mad. And took off with their ideas and began to sell them. Jk…I'm still here at home, due to I'm only 13.
But hey I'm back and yeah, Now, I just figured out, I've been having a lot of dejavu with stories I read they always seem to be the same…. its kinda well, you know weird, cause half of them all include each other stuffing each other like turkeys. Honestly, but hey ooh well. I've discussed among my alter ego and myself, (meaning I talked to myself) About different scenarios, or, either the SAME.
Vampire Yamis find Human Hikaris, fall in love with Hikaris, aren't allowed to fall in love with Humans, Hikaris cry, Vampires don't cry, sad music comes on to make everyone cry, Vampire does Hikari and all is well.
Everyone has abusive fathers (that's right Joey, were talking about you)
Everyone has parties at Kaiba's place, Kaiba gets pissed, people turn out to be gay and yeah.
Some one is a prostitute and Yamis hire them. Then they fall in love do each other the end.
Hikari lives in a ditch. Yamis Help. Everyone's (funnily enough) Gay and starts having Gay sex,
Wild Animal Sex, yeah, I know how sad.
Yamis Go to Bar with Hikaris find dancing girl, take dancing girl to car stuffs her.
Authoress: Now these are only some of the `original' stories and with the ` ` two things which I cant name cause I don't have any clue what they are, I just felt special and used them. I mean they aren't original, I mean someone had to have come up with it first, so we went around to Authors houses to see who it was. *grabs remote and turns video on the T.V*
Authoress: so, who was the first author who created these `original' stories?
Guy: uh…me…I don't know…*slams door*
Authoress: O_O
*Turns T.V off* Yes, well, he funnily was found the next day face down in his own pile of blood. ^-^. Now lets discuss some other ideas of `original stories' but include names hmm?
Yami cant confess love for Yugi, he thinks Yugi isn't gay, finds out Yugi is, does Yugi.
Yamis a sex crazed Maniac
Author throws sleepover with cast, Author is a wannabe insane/funny, cast seem to fall in love with Author, Author wakes up pregnant, and Marik is the father, Mariks then shot in the head.
Kaiba is in love with Mokuba (INCEST INCEST)
Everyone turns out to be gay, does each other.
Joey gets beaten by his drunken Father and/or Verbal abuse, or whatever hurts, Kaiba beats Father with broken beer bottles (turns out to be an abusive elders beater) saves Joey, and takes him home, gives him shelter warmth, Loves him, you know the rest cause its always in every story with these two. -___-;;;
everyone's a vampire… everyone's gay, everyone loves each other
8.Author does story of him/her with Cast member, everyone loves each other,
Bakura ends up wearing ladies clothes O_O
NOTE: Authoress got confused with number eight by the time she got there and noticed, She forgot all about it.
Authoress: AND SO MANY MORE OF THOSE! But, I'm gonna give you and VERY ORIGINAL STORIE TODAY! Aren't you lucky folks, feel special, cause I'm hard to get to make stories for my adoring fans!! Now sit tight, and read my new stories…. the most original stories in the whole wide world…
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ My pretty Stars and squiggly lines line thing, whatever ^____^
The Most Original Story in the whole wide world (got bored of doing every letter at the start in Caps)
NOTE: Due to Authoress is listening to Gravitation-Shinning collection; she shall stay insane and always shall, thank you for reading with lots of NOTES!! Your donations of reviews shall be helpful! Knowing everyone hates her cause she won't e-mail them back, OR review their stories, thanks.
NOTE: Please keep the coffee off the keyboard, may cause electric current!
…. Now?
NOTE: Please, don't be patient.
NOTE: …Authoress Likes you…. *blushes*
¬. ¬ Okay…what a Slut
*In A fire*
Authoress: well. Look at that were in a fire…
Bakura: *is wearing women's clothing* well, why would you look at that?
Authoress: …Cause you're a cross dresser, and I'm not.
Bakura: …
Authoress: exactly my point mr batman *I DON'T OWN BATMAN NEVER WILL NEVER HAVE MWAHAHAHAHA*
Bakura: O_O
*In a castle*
Ryou: …*Leaves*
Bakura: O.O
Vampire King: MWAHAHA VAN HELSING I SHALL- O_O what the…. hey you loved a human, you die now. *Shakes fist*
Vampire King: Okay…*stabs him*
in a bar*
Yugi: O_O like, what are these big black things…
Bakura: *shrugs* Look like big black dots to me.
Yugi: O__O are they sppose to be there….
Bakura: *is with a girl* sup hot chick
Bakura: …Okay…
*In a car*
Thumping noises are heard
Yugi: O_O *sips drink*
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~******~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ^-^ Yay more pweety staries and lineies!!! ^____^
Authoress: what the, is this all?
Random Creepy Voice: Uh, yeah, it is.
Authoress: …¬_¬ what a piece of crap.
NOTE: Authoress shall now go back top her bum Friends, live in a ditch, feed of her Bum friends arms, and then eat a centipede. From then, GOOD NIGHT or good morning, or good afternoon, whatever! GOODNIGHT!