Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Obsession ❯ Regret ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary- Yugi and Ryou have been going out for a while now. One day Ryou tells Yugi he has been cheating on him with the new kid Bakura. What happens when Yugi heart broken runs into Seto's open arms? What happens when Seto has had an obsession over Yugi for years? R/Y, S/Y, B/R

By: Ryou Lover15
Chapter Two- Regret

My contribution for DemonandGoddess's Seto/Yugi fan fic challenge

"I am so happy you told that squirt to go away." Bakura haughtily said, lying on the bed dressed in a pair of black boxers. Ryou slipped in beside Bakura. He still had regrets about breaking up with Yugi. Yugi was such a fragile, innocent person, but Ryou had to do it. The secret had been killing him from the inside. Bakura and Ryou had met two months ago, and had started seeing each other a week after they had known each other. Ryou had made up excuses to Yugi, of why he wasn't able to go out for the evening. The truth was Ryou was really going out with Bakura, when he told Yugi various excuses. With Yugi he got compassion, gentleness, and an abundance of hugs. Yugi was the cuddly type. Bakura was the complete opposite. Bakura was rough and domineering, but Ryou had wanted that, he had craved it. Yugi gave butterfly kisses while Bakura nipped on his neck, leaving marks that Ryou hated to explain to Yugi. Ryou turned off the light. Tomorrow they were going to the arcade, which was something him and Yugi used to do together. 'I hope I made the right choice.'

_______________________________________________________________________ _

Seto sat in a chair watching Yugi sleep, he had gotten up an hour ago, dressed, had breakfast, and came back here. His reading glasses were perched on his nose; a book lay forgotten on his lap. 'I'll find whoever did that to you.' Yugi cutely yawned; his huge eyes opened, and took in the sight of the room. His eyes bounced to object to object, until they fell onto Seto. Suddenly he remembered what had happened yesterday. The breakup, going to Kaiba Corp., and Seto bringing him back here. Yugi noted Seto's apparel; it was very causal to the Seto that he knew. Tight blue jeans with a black belt, topped with a loose powder blue sweatshirt. The thing that Yugi found amusing was the glasses; he could barely stifle his giggle.

"Go ahead laugh." The rich voice said, standing up, and sitting on the side of the bed. "Others have before." He thought for a moment, "well maybe only Mokuba, he is the only one I've permitted to do so." Yugi wondered why the CEO was being so kind and caring to him, but it slipped it off. Yugi trusted Seto, he was the one who cared, when he felt like no one else did. Yugi slipped out of bed, and looked at the window. It was a beautiful day outside, the sun was shining, birds were chirping, it was prefect. Everything used to be prefect between him and Ryou, now he was probably snuggling with Bakura. Yugi ran from the room, and to the very top floor. He stood like he did before on top of the Kaiba Corp. building, ready to jump.

_______________________________________________________________________ _

Seto rushed through the mansion frantically, Yugi was suicidal. He should of known the signs, but he had been too stupid to mistaken the signs. He got onto the top floor, through a secret entrance. Like he did on the top of his building in town, he grabbed Yugi.

He carried him downstairs, and set him down on one of the teak chairs. A plate of food was already at the spot.

"Eat." Seto insisted, sitting down on the chair beside Yugi. Yugi slowly picked up the fork, and began to eat, very slowly.

Seto sipped his coffee, and had a bagel with cream cheese. This was his normal breakfast.

Yugi put his fork down gently, and looked questionably at Seto.

Seto returned the gaze. "What do you want Yugi?" Seto asked tenderly.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Yugi asked.

"You remind me of myself; I was once like you. By the way, I had some clothes brought it for you, they are laid out on our bed, and I'd like you to wear them l today."

Yugi nodded.

_______________________________________________________________________ _

Yugi's amethyst eyes widened at the sight of the clothes that were on his bed. Seto must be kidding? He wouldn't be able to wear those clothes.

Black leather pants, a white dress shirt that Yugi thought would be too tight, a white belt that served more as a decoration then a belt, and the oddest part was an upside down pyramid, the eye of Ra was in the center. A silver chain was looped onto a small gold circle. A note was beside the necklace. Yugi picked it up gingerly.

Dear Yugi,

You are probably shocked, at the clothes that I have picked out. I think they'll suit you. The pyramid is actually a puzzle, that I bought a while ago, I think it will suit you too.


______________________________________________________________ __________

Yugi met Seto back in the dining room. The clothes had fit him perfectly. Seto was not in the room; sighing Yugi sat down on a chair.

"You look good." A voice said from behind him, making Yugi jump out of his chair. Seto took a seat and turned to Yugi, "what do you want to do today?"

Yugi thought about it, there was so much he loved to do. "The arcade?"


____________________________________________________________ ____________

The arcade was super busy, the environment was alive with the sounds of all the games, the laughter of the people, and the chatter of the people. Yugi stood waiting in line for the DDR game. Seto was watching from a fighting game, he had insisted that he couldn't dance if his life depended on it. So here Yugi was waiting by himself.

"Oh come on Bakura. Please play with me." That was Ryou's voice. Yugi turned around, and his presumption was correct. Ryou was in the back of the line; with a very livid looking Bakura beside him. Not wanting to see Ryou at the moment, Yugi walked over to Seto.

"I want to go." He said, before rushing off in the direction of the exit.

Seto ran up to him. "Why?"

"Because he is here." Seto knew who 'he' was by Yugi's tone.

Seto had never been happier in his whole life. He had Yugi all to himself and nobody could change that.

__________________________________________________________________ ______

Sunday passed quickly, and Monday came quickly. Much to Seto's disappointment, Yugi went to go sleep in his room.

Domino High School was a mix of all sorts of people jocks, cheerleaders, preps, nerds, and so on. Everyone was placed in the 'group' as soon as they walked into the school for the first time.

If Seto Kaiba had to be placed in a certain group it would be 'icy bastard.' That had changed in the last three days, he had even flashed his English teacher a smile this morning. He was on cloud nine and nothing could bring him down, well except for that certain albino that sat in front of him in English class, Ryou.

Day Dream

"I love you." Seto kissed Yugi passionately, while rubbing circles on his back. It seemed to make the younger boy relax. They were sitting on an armchair.

"I love you too." Yugi replied, kissing Seto back.

"Say it." Seto said placing Yugi on the bed.

"I'm yours."


"Always and forever."

"Seto are you in there?" His teacher asked, standing in front of him.

"Yes." Seto stated calmly.

"Then your partner is...?"

Seto looked around the classroom; nobody seemed to be in a particular order, so he guessed.


"Nope, it's Ryou."

The white haired boy gave Seto a quick smile. Seto glared back at him.

His cloud nine had turned into cloud hell.

Authors Notes- I don't think is as great as the first chapter. Thanks for the reviews. Keep them coming.