Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Of Crimson and Cerulean ❯ Preparations ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's Pointless Note: Hiya, peeps! I'm back! ^^ My excuse now is that I have basketball practices and games and tons of homework X3. I'm really sorry for the length of this chapter, but I swear I'll make it up to you when I update REAL soon. Anywho, you know the drill, but in case you don't, it's this: Once you're done reading the chapter, please send a review and tell me what you think about this story *does puppy doy eyes*. After all this is my first Yu-Gi-Oh story and I'm feeling really, really insecure about it. But, anyway, enough with my ranting. On with the ficcy ^^

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh. It belongs to Takahashi Kazuki.

Of Crimson and Cerulean

Chapter 3 Preparations

A sleek, shiny black limousine rolled to a halt in front of the Kaiba mansion. The chauffeur, an elderly man dressed elegantly in a black suit, quickly got out of the luxurious car and jogged toward the passenger seat a few meters down. He opened the polished car door of the passenger seat and blocked it from slamming shut with his sturdy back.

A black leather boot slowly slipped out, joined shortly by its mate. Tight, black pants came next, and finally a dark crown of hair poked out of the impressive vehicle. Seto Kaiba smoothly slid out of the automobile with a cold and stern, "Thank you, Penderfold."

Penderfold did not reply but stared straight ahead instead. Once Seto was out, he silently slammed the passenger door of the automobile shut and moved to the driver's seat. Seto, on the other hand, scanned his cerulean orbs over the green apple trees that he had specifically ordered to be planted knowing his brother Mokuba loved apple trees, along the shingled edges of the lavish mansion's roof and finally settled on the short figure that raced out of the heavy front doors, arms in frantic waves.

The short figure had wild black hair and dark brown eyes that looked upon Seto with idolization. Seto sensed a smile crawling up his lips.

"Seto! Seto! You're home!" The tiny figure enthused as he enveloped his older brother in a bone-breaking hug. Seto allowed a smile of mirth hook his lips as he ruffled his beloved brother's wild black hair fondly.

Mokuba nuzzled his brother's waist. "Guess what, Seto?"

Seto chuckled. "What?"

Mokuba grinned proudly. "Mrs. Mackenzie said I came first in my class!" He remarked before burying his face in his brother's waist again. Seto smiled more broadly.

Mokuba's cheek brushed against something smooth and papery. He paused and pulled back. "What's this?" Mokuba inserted a small hand into the pocket of Seto's blue jacket and drew out a... folded piece of paper. The paper was folded neatly in quarters and had Seto's name written on one side.

Seto snatched the notepaper from his fingers swiftly. Eyebrows knitted. Must be from that Tea, he thought as he remembered something.


Seto's flawless black boots shined as he marched down the school corridor, his books tucked under one arm. His long, blue coat flared out behind him, sending an air of mystery towards his being. A permanent scowl that was directed at the whole world was installed on his face. People, both students and teachers, parted way for him, their eyes wide with admiration and recognition.

He stalked down the hall, his cerulean orbs directed ahead, passing giggling and blushing schoolgirls with scarcely a glance in their direction. He vaguely heard behind him the swooning sound of foolish girls fainting, shortly followed by the dull thud of a body as it struck the floor.

He sighed inwardly. Were the girls that brainless to not see that he is and will never be interested in members of the opposite gender? And even if he were, why would he be interested in morons like them? They were airheads and their only point of existence (in his view) is to flirt and find out how many dates they could attend in one year. If he was to fall in love (Highly unlikely, he thought) it certainly wouldn't be with one of those idiots that called themselves pretty and spend all their time poring over fashion magazines and declaring which dresses were in and which dresses were out.

He rounded a corner and managed to amble a few more steps before something thin crashed into him. The momentum of the object was too great and the next thing he knew, he was sprawled helplessly on the floor. Now, being the rich, pampered millionaire Seto was, he did not like to be crashed into by some careless student. And worse, he did not like to be pushed onto the floor.

Seto let out a low growl that, when heard by human ears, meant "You have approximately two seconds to leave before I pound on you and rip you to shreds." He opened his eyes and locked his gaze onto a particular brunette.

Tea grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, Kaiba. I'll go now."

Seto glared back and growled again. This time, however, his growl stated, "You better leave this instant unless you want to loose an important part of your anatomy."

Tea immediately received the unspoken message and promptly leaped off Seto. "Good-bye, Kaiba." She waved before running off, a ghost of a smile on her face.

[end of flashback]

Now Kaiba cursed incoherently under his breath. How could he, multi- billionaire, President of Kaibacorp, World's Top Duelist, be easily knocked down by a sixteen-year old teenage girl? And, by all humiliation, she just has to slip some note into his pocket probably declaring her undying love and adoration for him. He wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it was.

He unfolded the piece of notepaper and scoured his orbs over the words:

I arranged for a dinner for both of us at Alfredo's tonight. Please be there.

He goggled at the signature in disbelief. Yami? No, that can't be right. He continued to gawk at the signature. Mokuba looked up and spotted the expression on his older brother's face.

"What is it?" He inquired, plucking the loose leaf from Seto's frozen hands with ease. At the top of his class, Mokuba could read very well and could understand even difficult words.

Turning back to his shock-frozen brother, Mokuba produced a cheerful smile. "Yami invited you to dinner. Are you going to go?"

Seto snapped out of shock and shot a glare in his brother's direction. "Of course not. I'm not going to go to some dinner party with Yami. It must be a trick anyway."

Mokuba shrugged, not offended by the glare. "Yami is very nice, Big Brother. I don't think he would play a trick like that on you. I think you should go." Then he stretched his eyes as wide as he could and countered his idol's glare with a pair of irresistible puppy dog eyes.

Seto moaned and tore his eyes away from his brother's adorable eyes. "Fine, I'll go. I'll go. Okay?"

Mokuba broke into a wide smile. "You know you like Yami. Admit it, Seto."

Seto wrapped a protective arm around his little brother and retorted pointedly, "I do not like Yami, Mokuba. Get that straight."

Mokuba stifled a rising giggle as they made their way back to the expensive mansion. 'Oh, Seto.'


"Hey Yug! How are ya doin'?" Joey greeted his best friend happily.

Yugi smiled. "I'm fine, thanks. How about you?" He unlocked the back door and swung it open wide enough for the blonde to enter.

Joey returned the grin and strode into the adjoining kitchen and dining room. "I'm doing okay. What about Yami?" Joey's round, brown orbs spotted the plate of chocolate chip cookies on the kitchen counter. His daily, trademark grin broadened and he snatched a cookie and flopped it into his wide mouth. His eyes watered as he joyfully munched on the cookie. Tears flew down his cheeks. "Mmmmm... Oh God, Yug! Your grandpa makes the best chocolate chip cookies ever."

Yugi choked back a threatening giggle. "Grandpa thought you'd be coming here. That's why he made a second batch," Yugi pointed to the metal tray of freshly baked cookies sitting on the windowsill.

Yugi mentally noted Joey's wide eyes as he gazed at the tray. He looked like he was in Heaven. As if on queue, the mouth-watering, delicious aroma of the freshly baked chocolate chip cookies drifted into Joey's nostrils, coaxing him to come and take a bite. Quick as a blink, Joey was beside the windowsill, his hand extended out, ready to grasp a cookie.

The next second was filled with the howls and yelps of pain as Joey's tender fingertips made contact with the hot cookies. Screams racked the Turtle Game Shop as Joey hopped around the kitchen, clutching his finger.

Yugi rushed to Joey's side. "Are you all right?" Yugi queried fretfully. Joey's face was red and he was gripping a very RED finger.

The kitchen door swung open and Yami entered the scene, obviously puzzled, a piece of wrinkled paper clutched in his hands. "What's wrong? I heard shouts from upstairs."

Joey managed a sheepish grin. "Sorry, Yami. But those cookies are hot!" He nodded his head in the direction of the windowsill.

Yami still had a confused expression on his face. "Oh, okay."

Yugi noticed the notepaper gripped tightly in Yami's hand. "What's that, Yami?" Yugi questioned, pointing to the loose leaf.

Yami brought the paper up and handed it to his hikari. Yugi unfolded the paper and read its contents. Joey peered over Yugi's shoulder.

Dinner tonight at Alfredo's.
Seto Kaiba

"SETO KAIBA!" Yugi and Joey both cried out in unison before turning their heads to stare at each other.

"That's impossible." Joey was the first to snap out of bewilderment. He turned to observe Yami's reaction. "You are not gonna go, right?"

Yami shrugged thoughtfully. "I don't know."

So this is what Tea meant, Yugi silently mused. "I think you should go," Yugi piped up unexpectedly.

Joey and Yami gaped open-mouthed at Yugi's suggestion. "Um, Yugi. This is KAIBA we're talking about," Joey informed the shorter teen. "The spoiled, arrogant rich-brat that thinks he owns the planet."

Yami frowned at Joey's description of Seto. "He's not spoiled." But Joey did not seem to hear.

Yugi quickly nudged Joey and shot him a look. Understanding dawned in the dark brown spheres. "Ohh! Oh!"

Yami darted Joey a quizzical glance. "What?" His sharp crimson eyes did not spot the nudge.

"You should go. I mean, YOU HAVE TO GO," Joey stated.

Eyebrows creased as Yami shifted his gaze from Joey to Yugi, then back to Joey again. "But just a minute ago, you called Seto spoiled and arrogant."

Joey rolled his eyes. "That was a minute ago. This is now. And now, I strongly advise you to go to Alfredo's with Rich Boy as Rich Boy's date."

Yami's eyes all but popped out of their sockets. "AS SETO'S WHAT?"

Oh, shit. Did I just say that out loud? Joey hastily nudged a open-mouthed, baffled Yugi. Yugi understood the unspoken message and hastily broke in. "Seto's friend. As Seto's friend. That was what Joey was trying to say. You see Seto's having some problems with his company and he was wondering -- hoping -- that you could help him seeing that you're a Pharaoh and you used to rule Egypt."

Yami nodded. "That's sensible. Maybe I should go." He mentally noted the sudden frantic and vigorous nods his companions were giving him. "But--"

"But what?" Yugi demanded.

Yami pasted on a sheepish grin. "What will I wear? Alfredo's a very fancy restaurant." Yugi and Joey nearly choked on the air they were breathing in. The almighty Pharaoh doesn't know what to wear to a restaurant?

"Don't worry, Yami. We'll help you," Yugi assured his darker half. Yami nodded his thanks and the three friends dashed up into Yugi's bedroom.

A few hours later, a very distressed and annoyed Yami glared at his reflection in the full-length mirror. He scowled darkly. After one hour of continuous torture and arguments, Yugi and Joey had finally decided on an extra-tight, black sleeveless shirt and matching, extra-tight leather pants. A pair of flashing "blinding" boots completed the outfit.

"I still do not understand why I have to wear something so tight," Yami complained.

"It's a thing. You see, if you want to look REAL good in Domino, you wear clothes that are two sizes smaller," Joey explained.

Yami was baffled. "Oh, I didn't know that."

Yugi shot Joey a glare. "I didn't know that either," then in a louder voice, he finished, "I still think we should go with the loose, cream-coloured shirt."

Joey sighed and leaned closer to Yugi so he could whisper in his ear. "Don't worry, Yug. Once Rich Boy sees Yami likes this, he'll go gaga over him."

"But we want him to get accepted into the restaurant, not make Kaiba go cuckoo over him," Yugi quietly retorted.

Joey sighed again. "You want Rich Boy to like Yami, right?" That got Yugi and the shorter teen grudgingly nodded.

"What are you two talking about?"

Joey and Yugi jumped back suddenly. "N-Nothing," Joey stammered hastily. Luckily, Yami didn't notice the uncertainty in his voice.

Yami turned his back towards the mirror, and twisted his body halfway, as so he could have a glimpse of his back. The tight leather clothes clung to him like a second skin, and openly displayed his well-toned muscles and slender build. A little too openly for Yami's liking, but as long as he looked "sophisticated" enough, he didn't care.

The tight outfit was similar to his usual attire -- black with belts on his neck, chest and waist. It was sleeveless, therefore exposing his well- curved arms out to the world. The pants, however, were way too tight and hugged his legs and knees. The black boots added an air of danger to his build.

"Are you two sure about this?" Yami interrogated, worried. Joey and Yugi engaged themselves in sudden vigorous nods.

"Of course we're certain," Yugi reassured his yami.

Yami nodded absentmindedly.

- To Be Continued -

Author's Pointless Note: GAHH! X3 I AM SO VERY SORRY. I'm really sorry I have to end it there, but I have a basketball game to attend to in, like, five minutes. Anyway, I promise I'll update real soon ^^. In the meantime, if you'd be kind enough to click that lil button down dere and send me a feedback (including flames if you really think it sux that much), I'll luv you forever! ^^