Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oh...Crap... ❯ Reunited and it feels so good! ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Let's see, first of all, I'm not too fond of this chapter, I know what I want to happen, it's just making it happen, ya know? & I think I could've done better making it happen. Oh well. I've edited, deleted, and rewrote stuff in here a thousand times, so hopefully it was for the better, ne?
Passing Reader: ^_^ Loyal as always, and you should feel special lol, sorry for taking so much longer than last time
Last time you met Mariku and Bakura and got acquainted with Isis! & By the way this is still the 6th day so Malik isn't scheduled to go after Ryou until the 8th day
Hmm, I don't think I have anything else to say so enjoy this chapter :)
Oh wait, yes I do ^^”
Blahblahblah” = talking in Japanese
“Blahblahblah” = talking in Egyptian
Malik took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He just finished trying to explain to Isis exactly why he was here, and he thought he did a rather nice job. Isis's face seemed to tell him otherwise.
“Ok, just…let me digest this and know I have it right.”
When Malik only nodded Isis went on, “You and Ryou are not related any way but you are best friends. You're both from the 21st century which is five thousand years away from here and you lived on an island called Japan. You're from Egypt originally and I was your sister. I am your sister, right?”
Malik smiled, “You'll always be my sister, Isis.”
She smiled back and kept going, “Ryou is from a place called Britain and is very pale. The people might not take kindly to him because of that, Malik.”
“Everyone takes kindly to Ryou. He's the gentlest person ever.”
“So you were both playing a game in your room when a huge hole appeared and you fell into it. You kept falling until there were two holes, and you believe you and Ryou were each pulled into a different one?”
“I passed out before I knew, but yeah.”
“You were also the possessor of the millennium rod.”
“So that's why you seem to convulse around Seth.”
“I don't convulse.”
“Fine, you don't convulse. You twitch.”
“Whatever! Back to the subject of the portal.”
Isis frowned, which worried Malik, “What is it?”
She looked at him again, “Malik, if Ryou went into another hole, what makes you think he's in Egypt also? What if he's in an entirely different time zone?”
Malik sighed, “I know he's here, Isis. He couldn't be anywhere else. I have to find him and bring him here so we can go home.”
Isis nodded, “Yes, I suppose your instincts are more credible than my reasoning. I'll help you find a way to reverse what has been done.”
Malik couldn't fight his urge to hug Isis, which she happily returned, “I don't know if I could cope without you, sister. You and your annoying reasoning.”
She laughed and pushed him away, “I have other things to do now. Do you feel better?”
He nodded.
“Good. Now you can actually relax. Is Egypt very different in five thousand years?”
Malik's eyebrows went up, “Oh yeah. Everything is.”
“Well, now you can enjoy your time here while I find a spell of some sort. I want you to not worry about it, I'll handle everything.”
“Sounds good to me. And don't forget that I'm Namu.”
“Of course.”
Malik stood up and helped Isis do the same. They began walking back to the palace when Isis shoved Malik to the ground, “First one inside wins!”
Malik simply lied there while she started running, but in a few seconds he laughed and ran after her, all worries leaving his mind for now…
--------------Later That Day---------------
A young Egyptian stood in a hallway reading hieroglyphics on the wall. It was rather late into the night and it was dark. Malik could see fairly well though after spending ten years in his old underground home. He was glad that tomb keepers didn't even exist in this time.
Malik was concentrated very hard on one story and didn't notice someone watching him. He didn't notice until they tapped his shoulder, anyway.
Malik immediately jumped and spun around, only to see a chuckling pharaoh.
He sighed, “Sorry Atemu. What are you doing here?”
“I couldn't sleep so I got up to take a walk and saw you. I was actually wondering the same thing.”
Malik just shrugged, “I started reading at the other end of the hall and just couldn't stop.”
“I see. It is a rather interesting story for someone who has never heard it.”
They stood there in silence, both staring at the wall. Minutes later Atemu finally broke the silence, “I saw you with Isis by the pond again.”
Malik felt his stomach tense up, “I enjoy speaking with her.”
“She usually keeps to herself, but it looks like she's made an exception for you.”
“Yes, Isis is very mysterious around people who don't know her well.”
“Then I suppose I don't know her well. Are the rumors true?”
Malik looked confused, “I didn't realize there were any rumors…about what?”
“About you and Isis courting each other.”
“Courting, as in dating?” Malik laughed, “No, I only think of Isis as my sister.”
“Oh, that's a relief.”
“A relief? Why?”
Atemu looked hesitant, “Tell me Namu, do you believe it's completely unspeakable for one to be attracted another person?”
Malik smirked, “Isn't that how our parents made us?”
“To be attracted to another person of the same sex?”
Malik blushed, he realized Atemu could be gay but couldn't come out because he was the pharaoh, “Of course not. Love knows no gender.”
Atemu actually looked surprised, “I would've thought someone like you would despise the idea.”
Malik chuckled bitterly, “That's not what people usually think back home.”
“So, you like boys?”
Malik realized how close Atemu was, they were standing about six inches away. He also noticed how much taller the pharaoh was here than 5,000 years into the future. Their eyes were now level with each other.
Malik became slightly uncomfortable, “Yes, I do…Why do you ask? Do you?”
Atemu said nothing, he only leaned forward; Malik didn't comprehend what was going on until he felt a pair of lips gently come in contact with his own. It only lasted a few seconds before Atemu pulled away.
“Good night, Namu. I hope I've answered your question.” He left poor Malik just standing there.
It wasn't until Atemu disappeared around a corner did Malik lean against the wall and allow himself to slide down to the floor.
“We've to get home.” He whispered desperately.
The next day came, but Atemu acted as if they never even saw each other the night before. Malik was happy about that; it was less to worry about. So he just followed suit and acted the same towards Atemu.
Besides, he had to get focused on finding Ryou the next day. He couldn't afford to worry about unwanted relationships. All the same, Malik couldn't help but tell Isis about the previous night out in the garden earlier. She had been taken back thoroughly.
Malik guessed that being gay wasn't a very highly promoted idea in this era.
The day had gone by slowly, the way the last day of school usually does. It was finally dark and Malik now sat out on the rail that outlined his balcony. It was a long way down if he should fall. It made Malik feel excited. He was one move from dying, but he was comfortable so why should he bother moving?
Malik chuckled. The future Isis would be furious.
Malik screamed and would've fallen from jumping again had it not been for someone catching him. He looked up to see that someone was none other than Atemu.
The pharaoh helped him up and they each stood there like last night.
“I'm sorry for frightening you.”
Malik swallowed back his anger from being snuck up on again and only nodded.
Atemu cleared his throat, “You should be asleep. You have to go into the city tomorrow.”
“I know. I'm just not tired.”
“I know what you mean.”
“Yeah…Do you wanna go inside?”
They walked inside where Atemu sat in a chair opposite to Malik's.
“Listen Namu, about last night, I shouldn't have done that.”
`No, you most certainly should not have.' “It's alright.”
“It's not alright. I'm the pharaoh. I should have more sense than that. I hope we can still be on decent terms.”
Malik nodded yet again, “Of course we can. You were just caught up in the moment, right?”
Atemu nodded to himself more than Malik, “I suppose I was. I'll go so you can rest now.”
“Night Atemu.”
“Good night, Namu.”
They both stood up. Atemu turned and left, but not before he had turned again and given Malik a peck on the cheek.
A little girl came running into the living room, “What?”
Bakura smirked, “I told you to do regular chores with your mom, right?”
She nodded.
“Well, look what we have accomplished in the past week.”
Bakura and Ryou were seated on the couch with Mariku sitting on the floor, leaning against it. He turned to Ryou, who was waiting eagerly.
“Hello, Ryou.”
Ryou grinned, “Good afternoon, Bakura.”
“How are you?”
“I'm fine. How are you?”
“I'm just great. Where are we?”
“We're in Egypt. Pharaoh Atemu is in power. His palace is a few miles from here.” Ryou just went on saying random things that didn't matter until Bakura finally stopped him.”
“I must say that I'm very impressed.” Haniya chimed, having stood at the doorway.
Ryou beamed, “Bakura and Mariku are very good teachers.”
“I think you're just a fast learner. Come help clean dishes, Nathifa.”
“Ok!” They went back into the kitchen.
Bakura ruffled Ryou's hair, “You are a fast learner.”
“Thank you.”
Mariku grinned, “I don't know anyone who has become fluent in a new language in less than two weeks.”
“Well, I've listened to my friend Malik before.”
Bakura's ears perked up, “Oh? Who is this Malik?”
“My best friend. We were somehow separated and now that I know Egyptian I have to go and find him so we can go home.”
Bakura gasped, “You can't go! You are home!” He pulled Ryou onto his lap and nuzzled his neck fiercely.
Ryou blushed heavily, “Bakura, this isn't my home or Malik's. He probably worried sick.”
Mariku smirked, “What does Malik look like?”
Ryou grinned, “Just like you.”
Each thief froze and stared at Ryou, who began playing with his new robe uncomfortably, “What is it?”
Bakura merely chuckled, “Does Malik ever go by the name of Namu?”
“He has before, do you know him?” Ryou looked hopeful.
Mariku started hitting his head on the couch repeatedly, “I forgot all about him…” He turned to Bakura, “Nasab told me he was planning on looking for Ryou tomorrow!”
Bakura rolled his eyes, “You forgot about that this entire week?”
“We were busy teaching Ryou.”
“You barely did anything.”
“You wouldn't let me!”
“Why does it matter now? Just get him tomorrow.”
“Yes…I'll just get him tomorrow…”
Both albinos looked at Mariku apprehensively as he got that psychotic glint in his eyes again.
“Where is Malik?” Ryou asked worriedly.
Mariku chuckled, “At the palace with our dear pharaoh.”
“Atemu? I wonder what he's like…”
Bakura snorted, “You don't want to know.”
Ryou raised an eyebrow and looked at Mariku, “How do you know who Malik is, anyway?”
The thieves shared a look; Bakura changed the subject, “So you will bring Malik here, Mariku?”
Mariku nodded, “Yes, I can do that.” Moments later he had a look like a light bulb just went on above his head, “And when I do, how would you like to come and stay with us? At our home?”
Ryou sighed, “I don't know, I need to go home with Malik.”
Bakura pouted, “Can you think about it? Just stay for a liiiittle while?”
Ryou blushed. Why would Bakura want him here so badly?
They sat in silence, Ryou thinking over the proposal. He couldn't possibly stay; he and Malik might be messing up time already.
The more Ryou thought about it, though, the more he belonged right where he was. The people were much friendlier here than back home, he knew because Haniya had sent him to the market with Nathifa two days ago. He had watched for Malik but didn't find him. None the less, he had a good time.
There was also a certain someone Ryou had been thinking about constantly, and that someone would be Bakura. Ryou really liked Bakura, but he knew it wouldn't work out. Besides, why would Bakura ever consider him that way? Ryou was nothing special, but still, anything could happen, right?
Ryou also now knew where Malik was and that he was going to search for him tomorrow, but wait, how did Mariku already know that?
“Mariku, are you and Bakura spying on the palace or something?”
Bakura sighed, “Ryou, I promise to tell you everything about us when we're…alone.”
Ryou smiled, “Good, you can tell me when we reach your home because I'd enjoy being in Egypt for a while. As long as Malik is safe that is.”
Bakura nodded, “Of course he'll be safe, Mariku will bring him here and you'll finally be together again.”
Mariku nodded.
Ryou frowned slightly, “I'm not sure if Malik will want to stay as much as I do.”
Mariku smirked, “That won't be a problem.”
Ryou's grin returned, “Fine. I'll go.”
Bakura smiled widely and nuzzled his pupil's hair, “Mmm your hair is soft Ryou…”
The said albino smirked, “Yours can be too. Let me brush it.”
Mariku spun around upon hearing this, eyes huge in anticipation. Bakura frowned but hesitantly nodded his head. Before he was done doing that Mariku had ran to Ryou's room and back to them with a brush in less than 2 seconds, “Nathifa!”
She came in again, “Yes?”
He chuckled, “Come sit in my lap, child. You know how you've always wanted to hear Bakura scream like a little girl...?”…
--------------The Next Morning---------------
Malik's horse was galloping toward the Golden City, just a few miles outside the gates of the palace. He hadn't had time to talk with Isis again. Atemu hadn't given him a time limit, something Malik was thankful for.
He had worn white baggy pants today. It made it easier for riding. In a few minutes he reached his destination, this place was huge! How could he possibly find Ryou in all this? Well, he was the palest thing to walk on this planet so it was that much easier. Malik silently thanked Ra for putting them in a place where Ryou stuck out.
He rode around for a while, asking random people if they knew anyone named Ryou, to which they all answered no. By midday Malik began to think that he would never find the other.
What if something happened to Ryou in the past week? Malik forced the thought out of his mind, if Ryou was dead, would the future be the same way it was before they came? What if Malik died while he was here?
The sun had set hours ago, by now Malik had gotten past the rich parts and was in the more middle class area. He sighed and stopped at a random inn, it looked decent enough. It would be pointless to keep searching this late anyway. He got off the horse and tied him to a pole so he would stay there until morning.
When he walked inside he expected to get stares from everyone, instead they acted as if no one had even come through the door. He just rolled his eyes and sat at a random table in the corner.
Moments later a waitress greeted him, he expected her to ask for his order and that was all, but she smiled at him and said, “Hey Madani, where's Billah?”
Malik was about to call her crazy when she bent down and touched his head, “Did you smooth down your hair too?”
“No, Lotus, I still like it the way it is, thanks.”
Malik looked up to see another guy. He wore a purple cloak and had the hood on. `Just like my dream…'
But when he lowered it Malik that they looked just alike! Malik's jaw dropped and the waitress looked confused.
The other man just chuckled, “I'm sorry Lotus, let me explain. This is my little brother, Namu. I asked him to meet me here. Billah is currently…in bed with a hang over and I didn't want to come here alone.”
She just let her eyebrows rise and fall in understanding, “Alight then. So what do you two want?”
Mariku sat across from Malik and ordered, looking to Malik to do the same.
Malik's jaw had never come back up; he looked to Lotus, “I'm not hungry. My horse needs water though.”
The other just chuckled and told her to bring Namu whatever the most alcohol filled drink was. She grinned, nodded and walked off.
Malik turned back to Madani, “Who the hell are you?”
Madani laughed, “My name is Mariku, but I would appreciate it if you wouldn't go shouting that out.”
Malik frowned, he had heard that name somewhere, but he couldn't place it. “Alright Mariku, what the hell are you doing here? Did you follow me?”
Actually, Mariku had been following the other since that morning, but as if he was going to tell him that. Wouldn't want to scare him off too soon, right?
“I come here regularly, and you just happened to be at the table my friend and I usually get. You have nerve to talk to me like that. Or you're just stupid. Either way I'd love to bed you.” Mariku looked him over and winked.
Malik shuddered slightly, “I'm afraid I won't be here long enough to take you up on your offer.”
Violet eyes flashed, “So if you were here long enough, I would be getting laid in the very near future?”
Malik smirked. He would usually lose his temper with guys like this, but for some reason Mariku intrigued him, “You're very cocky for someone I just met.”
“So I've been told.”
“I guess you're just naturally that way.”
“I must be.”
Lotus had returned and given them their orders. When she left Malik asked him, “Who is Billah anyway?”
Mariku chuckled, “My partner in crime.”
Malik guessed he meant that figuratively. If only he knew how wrong he was.
They sat in a nice silence a few minutes, when Mariku suddenly said rather bluntly, “I know where Ryou is.”
Malik, who had been taking a drink, almost choked to death, “What?!”
Mariku smirked and leaned over the table, “I know where your friend is, you are the one looking for him, right?”
Malik nodded before scowling, “So that's the only reason you wanted to talk with me?”
Mariku's smirk became a grin, “Of course not. I really would love to bed you.”
Malik blushed, “How do even know I'm gay?”
“No, that I like guys.”
“I have my ways of telling.”
“So where is Ryou?”
“At a friend's place.”
“A friend's place? Have you kidnapped him?”
“No, he's there on his own free will. Billah is with him.”
Malik smirked and leaned over the table as well, “That's not his real name, is it?”
“Why should matters like that concern you?”
“I'd like to be sure that Ryou is in good hands if you know what I mean.”
“I know what you mean; do you know how I perceived it?”
“I'd rather not know.”
“That's most likely for the best. So shall I reunite you and Ryou?”
“How do I know this isn't some set up for you and Billah to rape me or some other scheme?”
“I don't know. Do you trust me?” Malik had no idea how much Mariku wanted to rape him on the spot.
Mariku sat back in his chair again, “Excellent. We can leave tomorrow.”
“Why not now?”
“Why not tomorrow?”
Malik pouted to himself, “Fine. Tomorrow, but we have to leave early, alright?”
“Fair enough.”
Malik had stayed in one of the rooms with Mariku just across the hall.
He had awakened just after sun up and gotten ready, Mariku waiting for him at the head of the stairs. They walked down together and left after paying.
They could ride side by side since there weren't many people in the streets. They spoke some along the way, mostly arguing about who was better looking and who stole who's look. Mariku claimed that since he was 20 while Malik was only 18 he had had the look two years longer.
Mariku then suggested, rather grimly, that they might be related. Malik merely laughed and said that it was impossible. Mariku was happy to just leave it at that.
Malik had forgotten about not getting attached to anything here. He was having fun now.
After riding about half an hour, Mariku at last stopped in front of a house among many others, “This is it.”
Malik jumped off the horse and ran inside, not bothering with tying it up. Mariku grinned and did it for him.
Malik stepped inside the door to see Ryou playing some type of game on the floor with a little girl.
“Ryou!” In a flash Malik had ran and tackled Ryou to the floor with a huge hug.
I missed you sooo much, Ryou! You have no idea!
Ryou grinned, “I missed you too, Malik, now get off me so I can breath!
Malik heard chuckling above him; he looked up to see his look alike and a man standing next to him. The man had Ryou's hair.
Mariku turned to the other, “I wonder what they're saying.”
Malik stood up and helped Ryou before he smirked, “We were talking about how ugly you are.”
Mariku didn't have a chance to think of a come back because Nathifa chose that moment to announce her presence by tackling Malik. Malik, not expecting this, fell to the floor, the little girl straddling him.
“Hi, Malik! Ryou told me you already know Egyptian so I don't have to worry about using sign language anymore!”
Malik looked at her incredulously, “Ryou, did you have a child?”
The said boy blushed, “Of course not, Malik! This is Nathifa; I've been staying with her and her mother, Haniya. They found me outside and took me in.”
“Ryou, you're talking as if you're an orphan.” Malik said, and then noticed Nathifa trying to get him to sit up. He obliged, she happily stood behind him and played with his hair.
“So who has the best hair?” Bakura asked.
Nathifa took a few minutes to think, “Ryou's hair the softest, Mariku's hair has the best style, Bakura's hair is the most entertaining, and Malik's smells the best.” She proved this by taking a big whiff of it, smile plastered on her face.
The smallest smile and tint of pink appeared on Malik, “She talks like a professional. So does anyone wanna tell me what's happened this week without me?”
Nathifa hopped up and down rapidly, “I can!”
Malik smirked, “Oh really?” He lifted her over his head and into his lap, “Then start talking.” She giggled and began her long speech of what had happened that entire week.
--------------About three hours later---------------
“…And then you got woke up and I think you know what happened after that, right?”
Malik chuckled, “No, I have no idea.”
“Well, you started shouting to Ryou so I knew you were here but mom made me wait a few minutes and-" Malik covered her mouth with his hand, “Yes, Nathifa, I remember what happened after I woke up.”
When he removed it she asked “Then why did you say you didn't?”
Mariku turned his head away to hide his laughter and Ryou shook his head, “Malik was just kidding, Nathifa.”
He turned to Malik and scowled, “More like being a smart ass to a little girl who doesn't know the difference yet.
Malik simply hugged her, “I'm sorry Nathifa, I wasn't aware that you would take me seriously.” He stuck his tongue out at Ryou.
Bakura had fallen asleep within the first hour of her story.
Malik examined him and smirked at Ryou, “I think I know why you stayed here the whole time now.
Please, Malik, I could've stayed for a number of reasons. I needed to learn Egyptian, I helped look after Nathifa-
Ryou, you're blushing horribly.” Malik said, silencing Ryou, “We need to leave now.
Ryou looked shocked, “Nani?!
Malik gave a quick glance to Mariku before turning back to the other, “Isis is here, she was a priestess, remember? I told her everything, Ryou. She's probably searching the palace right now for the right spell to get us home.
Ryou shook his head, “I don't want to go. Can't we stay just for a little while? Not long, Bakura and Mariku wanted to show us their home.
Mariku asked, “What about Bakura and I?”
Malik sighed, “Nothing.”
Nathifa had been sitting there, trying to follow the conversation even though that was pointless, “Why are you guys arguing?”
Malik grinned, “We're not arguing. We're discussing. And the final decision has been made.”
Ryou looked down so he wouldn't show Nathifa how sad he was.
Malik got Nathifa to get up and stood up before continuing, “And the final decision is that we can stay.”
Ryou's head snapped up, “What?”
Malik winked at him, “You heard me. I still need to tell you what happened to me though.
He was about to walk outside when Ryou tackled him in the same fashion Malik had earlier, resulting in them landing on a sleeping Bakura.
Bakura `oofed', being fully awake now. He looked down to see Malik and Ryou cuddling, though it looked more like a contest to see which one could squeeze the other hardest, “What in Ra's name…”
Haniya had been standing at the door way like usual, smiling at the sugary display. When Nathifa walked over to her she commented, “Well, I certainly hope everything works out for the best, don't you honey?”
She nodded, grinning at how sweet her new found friends looked, “It will, Mother. I know it will.”
Well I guess it was a nice ending, ne? Malik's still hesitant to stay, because how can they when Atemu and Isis are waiting back at the palace? Find out what happens in the next segment! Mucho luv guys! ^_~