Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Oh...Crap... ❯ Give it to me baby ;) ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Lalalalala, well I think you should what is happening this chapter. *laughs insanely* lemon! Ok, I do NOT expect to be flamed for this because I'm going to warn you ahead of time, and no one said they didn't want one anyway. Soooo I'm in a pretty good mood right now, but by the time I'm done typing this I will be like `blushblushblush!' ^^ lol, but hopefully it won't be to bad, ne? By the way, habibi = love in Arabic.
Hells_gatekepper: I hope you like this chapter as much as the last one =)
Nanx: Yeah, I wasn't sure whether you knew if I went on or not lol, glad I made someone happy that I did ^_~
He couldn't help himself. He burst out laughing all over again.
Mariku turned around and glared, “It is not funny!”
Malik stopped laughing for a moment and grinned lecherously. “You know, I could help you with your…problem.” He walked up to his look alike.
Mariku's eyes narrowed, his lips curling into a smirk. “Really now.” He said, getting turned on even more.
Malik leaned over to his ear ad whispered sweetly, “No. You're on your own, dearie.”
He backed up from a shocked Mariku, holding in laughter. At least until that same Mariku began to chase him again.
“Damn you, Malik! When I catch you, I'm going to rape you, and you'll be so sore you won't be able to move for a year!”
Malik just laughed and kept running. Oh, how he loved toying with dear Mariku.
“What do you think they're doing, Bakura?” Ryou wondered aloud, hearing all sorts of thumping and yelling from downstairs. Bakura had taken him to his room so the blonds wouldn't distract him and Ryou.
He rolled his eyes and sat on the bed, “Nothing, just being idiots.”
Ryou came and sat next to him. He gazed out the window at the rain, which was pouring pretty heavily now. It made him think about the night they came here by accident. Maybe it wasn't an accident. Maybe they were meant to be here. It made sense to him.
He noticed Bakura looking at him. “What?”
Bakura just smiled, “What are you thinking about?”
Ryou shrugged, “Not much, really.” He then remembered earlier and asked, “What was the important thing you wanted to tell me downstairs, Kura?”
Bakura opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He had the courage to tell Ryou his true feelings before Malik and Mariku showed up, but when they came his confidence had fallen again. He was afraid of rejection, of Ryou saying he only thought of them as friends. But that couldn't possibly be what he thought, right?
While he was fighting himself in his head, Ryou examined him. He loved Bakura so much, and wanted to tell him. He just couldn't get himself to. Maybe that's what Bakura wanted to tell him and he couldn't either? That would be amazing. Maybe Ryou should be the first one to say it; maybe he should make the first move.
If Ryou only thought of them as friends, he wouldn't have kissed Bakura. But he only kissed him to distract him from his slip of the tongue. Slip of the tongue…Bakura could show him a slip of the-no! His mind was clean, clean!
No, that would be to bold. He should let Bakura say it. Then again, Bakura may never tell him. He had to take the initiative. But Bakura seemed like the more dominant one. Would he be offended if Ryou said something before him?
Bakura would tell Ryou…now. Ok, now. No really, now. Words would come from his mouth…now. Now. Now. Now. Now, now, now. Now, Ra dammit!
I love you!”
Malik had no where to run. He was trapped in the hall way. He turned around to see Mariku walking slowly, a predator like smirk still gracing his features. Malik backed up until he was against the wall.
Although he was trapped for the most part, Mariku could still see a small grin on his look alike. Gods, he couldn't wait much longer. It was very fortunate for him that Malik never seemed to wear a shirt…
“You know, I told myself this wouldn't happen.” Malik said, earning a chuckle from Mariku.
“I think you should try telling yourself something else.” He said, crushing his lips to Malik's immediately afterwards.
Malik happily complied with the rough kiss, bringing his hands to Mariku's head so he could deepen it. He knew Mariku had wanted this since they met, he could feel it in the fervor behind the kiss. Now Malik wanted it too. He wasn't sure what would happen afterwards, but he wouldn't worry about it until afterwards came.
For now he was really focused on the present. Especially when he felt something wet and solid run across his mouth. He parted his lips and let Mariku explore, giving a small moan in the process.
They parted for air, but their lips found one another again moments later. Mariku grasped Malik's hips and lifted him slightly. Malik took the hint and wrapped his legs around the other's waist.
Still lip locked, Mariku turned around and began going in the opposite direction. Malik could feel his look alike walking quickly. He would've laughed under different circumstances.
He was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts when he felt them falling. The kiss was broken and Malik held onto Mariku tighter, waiting for the impact that came with hitting the floor. The impact never came though.
The smaller teen opened his once closed eyes. Mariku had put his hand out at the last second and caught them both. It looked like Mariku was doing one armed push ups while holding Malik at the same time.
He looked from the floor to Mariku incredulously, “What the hell was that about?”
Was Bakura crazy, or had Ryou said that at the exact same time?
Ryou couldn't believe it, did that really happen?
They stared at each other, uncertain of what to do.
After a few minutes Bakura half grinned, “Did we just…?”
Ryou blushed, “I think so.”
He grinned full blast, “So…this means…”
Ryou nodded, “I love you, Bakura.”
Bakura felt his heart sore. Not even the Gods could ruin this perfect moment. He felt giddy with delight, and hugged Ryou tightly. “I love you to, Ryou. My Ryou. My pet. I love you so much.”
Ryou's brain wouldn't comprehend it. Bakura loved him too? This was incredible. A smile slowly took over, and he hugged the thief back. “Koishiteru, Bakura.”
Bakura looked confused, “Koishiteru?”
Ryou's smile impossibly widened, “It means I love you. You're my koi, Kura.”
The older teen smirked, “Koi. It has a nice ring to it. I like it.”
Ryou pushed Bakura back on the bed, straddling him. “Good. Because I'm going to call you that for a long time.” He said before leaning down. Shyly, he brushed his lips against Bakura's.
Bakura, on the other hand, couldn't believe Ryou had made the first move. And he was still cute the entire time doing it. Bakura loved it. He kissed back for a moment before flipping them over. Breaking away, he smirked again at the startled Ryou, “I'm always on top, pet.”
A deep and rare blush appeared on Mariku, “I…uh, tripped.” The blush deepened.
Malik couldn't help but think how cute that was, but asked, “Over what?”
Malik smirked, “Nothing? Then why did you fall?” He let go of Mariku, who was relieved because Malik was heavy in that position. Malik crawled out from under Mariku, stood up and looked behind his look alike. “You did too trip!”
He helped Mariku, and then walked behind him. There was a handle on the floor. It looked like another door handle. “How many trap doors do you have?”
“That's all.”
“So you have a basement?”
“In a sense.”
“Can we go down?”
Mariku sighed in defeat. “I suppose.” He opened the door. It revealed steps.
Malik grinned and immediately went down…”Holy shit!”
Mariku couldn't help but grin at that and followed Malik.
“Welcome to the basement.”
Malik ignored his comment as he looked around. The room was huge, and it was filled with treasures! There were tall hills of gold, silver, jewels, weapons, anything that was worth something seemed to be stored in this one room.
It then clicked. This was where they stashed their stolen goods after they robbed some place. There were lit torches around the wall, illuminating the room. “How rich could someone possibly be?”
Mariku chuckled, “Let's just say that if we retired from being thieves right now, the four of us could live quite comfortably the rest of our lives.”
Damn.” Malik walked around, being watched by Mariku all the while. “You two must have had a lot of time on your hands.”
“Time, blood, whatever you want. Now come here.”
With an eyebrow raised, Malik turned around.
Mariku walked over to him, “Do you like this?” He was holding up a necklace. It had a silver chain, and in the center an amethyst gem.
Malik loved it, “It's beautiful.”
“Then it's yours.” Mariku stood behind Malik and put the necklace on him.
Malik held it up, it was gorgeous! “Why? You don't have to-“
“I want you to have it, Malik. It brings out your eyes, anyway.”
Malik smiled, “Thank you.” He noticed there was a couch behind them. He smirked evilly. They would get to have their fun after all.
“Ryou, tell me…Malik is a virgin…what about you?...”
Ryou gasped as Bakura ran his teeth over a nipple, “Ye, yes, I am…”
“I guess I'll have to be gentle then, won't I…if you're sure you still want to go that far…”
“Of course I do…”
((Eh, I suppose the lemon would start here…for both couples…run away!))
Bakura licked and kissed his way down Ryou's stomach. He removed the kilt his pet wore and took him in with his eyes. He loved Ryou's body, it wasn't like any other. It was beautiful and pure, pure like snow. If Ryou really was pure like snow Bakura had a feeling he would like it.
A soft whimper brought him out of his thoughts. He smiled, “My pet seems impatient…” He licked the underside of Ryou's manhood, slowly.
The boy shivered in anticipation, “Kura…” The thief took him in his mouth, and Ryou thought he would simply burst with pleasure. He tangled his hands in Bakura's hair and arched up, wanting to feel as much wet warmth as he could.
Bakura gently massaged his thighs, earning another soft moan. He loved Ryou's voice too. Everything about him was just amazing. And he had the boy all to himself. Bakura sucked harder, wanting to hear his voice again. He could feel that Ryou was about to climax. He hummed softly, hearing Ryou breathing go faster.
In a matter of moments Ryou came, crying out Bakura's name loudly. Bakura sucked him dry; swallowing all Ryou had given him. He leaned up to tenderly kiss his soon to be lover, who returned it full heartedly.
“Are you ready for the next part, love?” He asked when they pulled away for air. Ryou smiled and nodded. Bakura grinned and stripped himself of his own clothes, noticing the wide eyes on his look alike's face. “Do you like what you see?”
Ryou smirked, “Maybe.” His smirk became a frown when Bakura placed three fingers in front of him, “What do I-“
Bakura stuck them in Ryou's mouth before he could finish his sentence. Ryou blushed, finally understanding, and did as implied. Bakura bit his lip to stop himself from moaning at the sight. When he was sure Ryou had done enough, Bakura pulled them out.
“This might feel uncomfortable at first.” He warned before pushing the first digit in Ryou's entrance.
Ryou's brows quivered, not sure about the new feeling Bakura was giving him. When he looked ok Bakura added the second, making scissor movements. By the time he added the third Ryou no longer felt the pain. He sighed. It just felt nice as they moved in and out, in and out…
“Are you alright?”
Ryou nodded, whining when Bakura removed them for good. The thief chuckled, “Don't worry, pet, there's more in store for you.”
Bakura positioned and, after Ryou nodded, pushed himself in the tight entrance. Ryou held back tears. Bakura was bigger than the digits had been. Bakura waited for him to get used to the feeling. When Ryou leaned up and kissed him Bakura started a slow, steady rhythm.
Soon enough the unpleasantness left and Ryou was once again in a state of bliss. He arched up, meeting each of Bakura's thrusts. He was glad he had waited for this, that he had waited for love. But in a few minutes Ryou needed more.
“Bakura, harder, please, harder…”
“As you wish.” Bakura picked up the pace greatly, and was amazed that Ryou was able to keep up with him. Ryou wrapped his legs around Bakura to bring them closer together if that was possible. He suddenly cried out as a new wave of pleasure hit him. Bakura smirked, knowing he had found that would make Ryou see stars. With aim he hit it head on each time, and Ryou felt like he was on cloud nine.
While this was going on Bakura noticed Ryou's once again hard member. He brought his hand up and began pumping it in time with his own thrusts. This sent Ryou over the edge and he screamed as he came the second time that night.
Bakura came shortly after, groaning and calling out his lover's name as he did. Sweating and breathing deeply, Bakura pulled out of Ryou and lied next to him. Ryou cuddled into his body and they brought the covers up over them.
“Bakura, that was, incredible…” Ryou said, blushing heavily.
Bakura smiled and brushed a stray lock from Ryou's face, “It was, wasn't it?” He kissed the other's forehead, “I love you, Ryou. Will you stay with me?”
“I'll never leave you, Kura. I love you too.”
They shared a weak kiss, for both of them were tired, and fell asleep in each other's arms.
A brow rose when Mariku saw the look on Malik's face, “What are you-Ah!”
Malik had shoved him backwards and onto the couch. The smaller teen's smirk became a grin as he got on his knees, “Did you think I was finished with you?”
He pulled the kilt off Mariku, who still seemed to be in dazed mode. When Malik stroked his member a few times though, watching as it rose, he finally got it. Mariku's head fell back and his eyes closed, allowing Malik to do whatever he wanted. Hopefully they wouldn't become sidetracked this time. He would be too pissed to try and seduce Malik all over again.
Malik had never done anything passed kissing before, so he hoped this was good. He engulfed Mariku, delighted when he heard a gasp. He swirled his tongue around the head, tasting pre cum on the tip. It had a peculiar taste, but not in a bad way. He felt Mariku's hands become entangled in his hair.
“Maliiik, more, now…”
Malik would've removed his mouth just to be annoying, but Mariku wasn't letting him go anywhere. So he began sucking.
Mariku bit his lip, there was no way Malik could be a virgin. He seemed to know what he was doing too well. He was in heaven. Malik started moving his head, up and down. He bucked up, and Malik made a choking sound. But Mariku paid no attention, he was so close. He finally released, moaning as his seed filled Malik, who had a hard time trying to swallow it all.
Sighing in content, he looked down, seeing white liquid drip from his look alike's lips.
Malik just grinned again and asked in a sickly sweet voice, “Wanna taste?”
He nodded and leaned down to kiss Malik. While they did that Malik crawled up and into Mariku's lap. Mariku's hands wandered over a tattooed back, trailing down to Malik's ass. He pinched it, smirking when Malik let out a muffled yelp. He started removing Malik's clothing, who was more than happy to help.
After his white kilt had been discarded along with Mariku's purple one on the floor, Malik started grinding into Mariku, slowly. Mariku's breathing hitched at the welcomed friction, “What a slutty little virgin, Malik…”
Malik smirked, “So? You can't tell me you don't like it.” He silenced further comments with another kiss.
“I want you now.” Mariku murmured against the other's lips.
Malik just chuckled, “Then take me…” He whispered, sounding as anxious as Mariku.
He shuddered involuntarily and gently pushed Malik off of him, who growled at the loss of body heat.
“Hands and knees, sweetie.”
Malik obeyed. Mariku coated his fingers in saliva and began preparing Malik. Malik squirmed a bit but other wise didn't complain. Finally Mariku leaned over him, “Just relax; it hurts more when you tense up.”
Malik nodded, letting his muscles loosen. He felt himself being entered and hissed at the pain. Mariku left kisses along his back, whispering soft apologies. This made Malik smile. He pushed back against Mariku, signaling that he could go on. Mariku did. Once Malik was used to it, it was too slow a rate for him.
“Faster, dammit…”
Mariku smirked and held back no longer. They continued rocking with each other, lost in a world of pleasure. Malik could've sworn he felt the couch move forward an inch. Mariku reached around and pumped Malik's neglected manhood. Malik gasped, “Mariku…I think…I'm gonna…”
“Come for me, Malik…” The older teen purred.
With a scream they finally came at the same time. Mariku into Malik, and Malik onto his stomach and the couch.
Mariku pulled out completely and flipped Malik over. Leaning down, he lapped up all of Malik's sweet essence. Malik giggled breathlessly as Mariku's tongue tickled him.
“Are you tired?”
Malik nodded. Mariku picked him up bridal style, smiling as Malik snuggled in his arms. He carried Malik until they got to Mariku's room and carefully laid him down. By then Malik had already fallen asleep.
“Sweet dreams.” He whispered and kissed his forehead. He closed the door quietly and went back downstairs- Bakura would kill him if he didn't get that stain out of the couch…
-----Lemons are over (and rounds of relieved sighs fill the room) -----
Morning came. The rain stopped. All was peaceful in the forest.
Malik Ishtar awoke but didn't open his eyes. He felt for the warmth that should've been lying next to him. There was nothing. His eyes snapped open. He was alone in an unfamiliar room. He assumed it was Mariku's. But when did he get in there? He last remembered being in the basement…He blushed as memories came back to him.
When he stood up, a pain shot through his back side. Not much, but enough to be annoying. Walking to his room, he put on the pants he wore the day he left the palace. Where was everyone? He hoped he wasn't the last one up again. He headed down the hall and noticed that Ryou's door was open. He usually shut it when he went to bed.
He glanced inside. No Ryou. That left downstairs and Bakura's room. Being the curious person he was, Malik tip toed and gently pushed the door open enough so he could see. He peered inside, his eyes widening. Ryou and Bakura were together, asleep, and from what Malik could tell, naked. He shut the door before he saw anything lower than their chests. He wasn't that curious.
As he walked down the stairs, a smile came to his face. So he and Mariku weren't the only ones having fun last night. It was really rather cute. They made a nice couple. Him and Mariku on the other hand…
“What are you so happy about?”
Malik looked up; his feet had taken him to the kitchen. He gave Mariku a look, “Good morning to you too.” He said sarcastically.
Mariku chuckled, “Here.” He handed a bowl of fruit salad to Malik, who was suddenly hungry.
“Thanks. Did you eat?”
“Just before you came down.”
“Good.” Malik sat on the counter. Mariku sat at the table, saying nothing while Malik ate. When he finished Malik stood and put his bowl in the sink, feeling too lazy to wash it. He turned around and looked at Mariku, “You're wearing my boxers again.”
Mariku smiled innocently, “Am I?”
Malik grinned, “Yes you are. But I don't really care. Keep them.”
“Thanks. Are you sore?”
“How could you tell?”
“Well, you were a virgin; I wouldn't expect you to feel fine. But don't worry, it'll go away.”
“Well I would hope so.”
A silence fell between them. Malik didn't know what to say. Wait, yes there was, “Where were you?”
Mariku frowned, “Where was I what?”
“After…last night. Why didn't you stay in the bed with me?”
“I had to get the mess off the couch. I did come back afterwards for a few hours. Then I got hungry and came downstairs.” He smiled. Malik loved his smile. Every girl at school would swoon for that smile. Too bad he was gay. Malik smirked and sat next to Mariku at the table.
“Did last night…mean anything to you?”
Malik saw the anxious look in his eyes, “Why?”
Mariku took a deep breath. He had to say this. It had been plaguing him since last night. Hell, before that even. “Because, I think I love you, Malik.”
Malik couldn't find any words to say. Mariku loved him? It just seemed impossible. For Mariku, anyway. But the words made him feel…happy? Yes, happy, great, in fact. He smiled to himself, “Say it again?”
Mariku didn't want Malik playing games with him, but he obliged, “I love you.” He said it more confidently. It just felt so right to say it. He couldn't think of anyone else he would tell those three words to and mean it.
Malik's smile widened. He felt positively giddy, there had to be one explanation…”I love you too, Mariku.” Yes! The sentence just rolled off his tongue, “I love you.”
Mariku could barely contain his excitement. He felt amazing! Like he could do anything as long as Malik was there. He picked Malik up and spun around multiple times. He stopped only when Malik muttered something about puking. “Tell me again, my habibi.”
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, Mariku! I love you love you love you love you love you!”
Bakura and Ryou came in the kitchen to find Malik and Mariku fiercely making out on the table.
“You morons! Get up; we have to eat off that!” Bakura shouted. They continued. Bakura glared; he wasn't going to go unheard like yesterday. Rolling his eyes, he gave the pair a harsh shove.
The result was them flipping over and off the table. They landed with Malik on top this time, at Ryou's feet. They didn't seem fazed since they went on eating each other's faces. Ryou turned a deep red and backed up.
“Morning, Ryou-“ Malik managed to get out before Mariku growled and pulled his head back down.
“Ignore them, Ryou.” Bakura said dully.
“How can you?!” Ryou squeaked out, trying to tune out the noises coming from the floor.
Bakura just grinned, “It was bound to happen sooner or later, right? I knew Mariku couldn't last much longer.”
As rude as it was, Ryou couldn't stop staring at the arousing sight, “I don't think I can last much longer either, Bakura.”
The thief's head snapped up with a devilish grin, “Then what are we waiting for?”
The albinos ran upstairs. The blonds paid no heed to the slam of Ryou's door.
End of chapter ten. How was it? Besides the lemon I mean. I'm scared of what people will think about the lemon. 0.0 I would've written more to it, but I just…felt it was enough. Ok, the questions I asked at the end of last chapter will more than likely be answered in the NEXT chapter lol. You know I love reviews so you know what to do! Mucho luv!