Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ On a Full Moon ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )
Title: On a Full Moon
Author: purkle_dragon_goddess
Rating: upping to an R for language…
Pairing(s): eventually sxj
Spoilers: nope not at all unless KidsWB, 4Kids and others get really kinky some how…
Disclaimer: Don't own anything but a few fantasies I can't act out…and a few pieces of leftover Halloween candy.
Summary: The moon has always had a particular magic about it, so how does one resist the moonlight?
Chapter 5
"Decide to come slumming tonight?"
The dark haired boy never heard Jou come up behind him. Seto sat straight up bringing his feet down hard on the ground, stopping the wheel's spinning. He turned to look up at the blonde, glaring at him with those deep blue eyes of his. "Sorry didn't realize this was a dog park…friend's let you off the leash long enough to run around?" Kaiba replied, without thinking, his words coming out like a slap.
"Hey this is a public park you know," Jou growled back, unconsciously sounding like the dog Kaiba kept calling him, "and I'm part of the public." "So what the hell you doing in this part of town, not exactly your kinda place now is it…"
"And exactly what is my kind of place?" Kaiba asked the other boy. "As you so eloquently put it…'public park…part of the public'." "Besides what do you know about me and the places I go pup?"
Jou had taken a seat on the merry go round across from Kaiba. He had to admit to himself that he knew nothing of the boy's interests besides Duel Monsters and his brother. "Don't know, nothin' I guess, why don't you tell me? Its just I don't see you as the kind of person to hang out after dark in park playing on the slides and stuff ya know?"
Who knows maybe it was the fact that they were both stuck there together, but Kaiba decided to drop it all, right then. Almost silently he answered back, "No I guess I'm not, used to be though. Never really have the time any more." As the boy said this, he gave a sigh and laid back down on the wheel. "We used to come here all the time when I was a kid. Seems like one of the only happy memories I have."
This little confession put Jou out of sorts. He knew Kaiba had been a kid once, 'hell weren't we all', but that he had actually had a good time in those years. Jou had heard about Seto's past, what he had let out anyways, or what Mokuba had told them. It hadn't been pretty. 'Maybe I should try this again…' Jou laid back also staring up at the stars, "So whata ya doing out here tonight?"
"Walking home from work, I sent my driver home early as it was his anniversary. I do have a heart it seems." Seto laughed to his self knowing that it was a good thing Jou had sat down earlier, as this statement would have him falling over. "Of course if you ever tell anyone I said that, I'll deny the whole thing."
"Ha, like anyone would be believe me?"
"So just what are you doing out by your self tonight?" the brunette asked, "got sick of your friends?"
"NO! We were all going to this new club and there wasn't enough room in the car so I said I'd walk."
"Oh…" It was beginning to sound like the two boys were having a real conversation. Neither one had insulted the other for a few minutes and strangely enough, neither one noticed. "So you should be leaving right?" Kaiba sat up again, think that the blonde would be going. He realized he didn't want him to, but how to tell him that. After all just coming out and saying, "Jou don't go," wasn't going to work. Then he'd be stuck having to say why. 'Oh yeah, I can just see that…"Jou don't go, I've been think about you all damn night. Wanting to run my fingers through your hair, longing to kiss those adorable pouty lips of yours…Fuck you until neither of us knows who the hell we are…" yup can just see it now.'
Jou looked over at Kaiba, he had gotten this far off glaze to his eyes, Jou had never seen before. It made them seem even sexier than ever, if that could be possible. "Don't have to leave yet, still got plenty of time before they expect me." 'Not that I want to leave right now anyways.' He notice Kaiba didn't even seem to hear him, so he walk over to the other boy standing right in front of him. "Hey Kaib you alright?" Those deep blue eyes came back into focus, staring up at the other, Kaiba smiled. He wondered if Jou knew how the moonlight behind was casting an almost angelic glow upon him.
"Yeah, I'm fine." 'Or I will be in a moment,' Kaiba stood up looking the blonde in the eyes, 'one way or another I'm going to find out…' He reached out his hand touching the younger boys face, twining his fingers in the thick hair. Stepping into Jou, Seto made a final decision, bent down his head and touched his lips to the other's.