Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ On Angel's Wings! ❯ Destiny! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

On Angel's Wings!
By Gogina
A/N: Wow, 6 reviews for this story. My most popular one on here! ^__^. Anyway . . .
Now, on to the next chapter . . .
Disclaimer - See previous chapters.
Chapter 5
Yami's eyes were wide as he continued to take in the sight before him.
“A-Aibou?” he whispered, shaking his head in confusion.
Yugi smiled at him, warmly and, folding his wings onto his back so they weren't quite as visible, he looked to the sky.
“Kydu! Dertu!” he shouted, his voice echoing through the air.
Two bright lights streamed from the heavens. As the lights dimmed, two figures appeared, just as majestic as Yugi was now, if not, a little less. As soon as they glanced up and saw Yugi, they fell to one knee.
“Chosen One, we're so glad you've reawakened to fulfill your destiny,” Dertu stated. (A/N: If you haven't noticed, he's the logical one. Kydu's the dimwitted one.)
Yugi smiled and nodded.
Meanwhile, Yami was still having trouble comprehending what he was seeing.
`I-I don't understand,' he thought, a pain filling his heart. `Yugi told me, but I didn't believe him. Everything I've feared has come true. It's never going to be possible for Yugi to return my feelings. Especially since he's an angel. Angels are light. I'm darkness. The two don't intertwine.'
The former pharaoh lifted his head at the sound of Yugi's voice. His aibou was smiling at him.
“Yami, I-“
His friend closed his eyes, clenching his fists as he tried to keep his emotions under check.
“I understand, Yugi,” he said, slowly opening pain-filled eyes.
The three angelic figures turned and took off into the sky, but not before one of them turned to glance back one last time at the motionless spirit still standing there.
Days passed and Yami remained in his dejected state. Solomon Motou had wanted to call the police to look for Yugi, but, somehow, Yami talked him out of it, explaining that Yugi was needed elsewhere.
Meanwhile . . .
“Sir, do you not understand what's at stake here?”
“I understand that you're telling me that my best friend in this world is going to be possessed by some other evil spirit and will threaten to destroy the entire world.”
Kydu nodded, solemnly. A growl rose from deep within Yugi's throat.
“Not if I can help it!” he shouted, spreading his wings and flying off.
Back at the Game Shop . . .
Yami tapped his fingers on the countertop over and over again. Solomon had asked him to watch the shop for a few hours and, having nothing better to do, Yami had agreed. Sighing deeply, the former pharaoh walked out from behind the desk, feather duster in hand. As Yami dusted off the shelves, he allowed his mind to wander.
`Yugi's wings were magnificent,' he thought, eyes downcast. `Somehow, I knew he couldn't be real. Somehow-`
The tinkling of the bell for the shop interrupted his thoughts as he continued his duty, not looking behind him.
“May I help you?” he asked, reaching higher up on the shelf.
Before he had time to react, arms wrapped themselves around his neck, placing him in a choke hold.
`What. Is this?' Yami thought as he struggled desperately to get away. `I can barely move my body. What's . . . going on?'
Back With Yugi . . .
The angelic figure flying too rapidly for any naked eye to see suddenly stopped in mid-air, a shocked look on his face.
“Yami?” he whispered, his eyes suddenly narrowing into a determined scowl. “No, I can't be too late!”
A/N: So, will Yugi arrive in time to save Yami? Find out by reviewing!
BTW, I've always wanted my own yami, but I don't know what to call it. Any help would be appreciated.