Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ On The Floor ❯ One-Shot

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: © 2005 Kazuki Takahashi. All rights reserved. I am not making any money from this fic.
Warning: Swearing, YAOI Male/male!! HOMOPHOBES BEWARE!!
Started writing this in my notebook: September 22, 2005
Finished writing this in my notebook: October 27, 2005
Started writing this on the computer: Monday, December, 19, 2005
Finished writing this on the computer: Thursday, December 22, 2005
Jodine16: Here's another pic inspired fic. ^^ Go to my profile if you want to see where I got the inspiration from.
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On the Floor
“And don't come back `til ya got my money!” Joey groaned in pained as he was thrown onto his shoulder.
He winced when the door was slammed hard. `Dat didn't go as planned,' he thought, rubbing his shoulder as he stood. Joey had went to his father to try and explain that the money he owed the older man would take a little longer to get as he had lost his job. The blond's father didn't take this all too well to this (considering he was drunk at the time) and had Joey thrown out of their tiny two bedroom townhouse. Of course, this wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for the freezing sleet that was coming down by the buckets.
“Guess Yugi won't mind if I crash at his place,” Joey muttered, running down the icy sidewalk and into the darkness.
He was about halfway to his destination when his arm was roughly grabbed and he was pulled into an alley.
“Hey, Wheeler, whatcha doin' out so late at night on yer own?” Joey recognized the voice as Bryce, one of his gang members from back when he was a booze-drinking crack-head.
“Uh, hey g-guys,” he said with chattering teeth. Now, it went from bad to worse; his gang hadn't taken his leave lightly and since then had been finding ways to get even with the tall teen since. “Wh-What's up?”
Joey saw Bryce smirk when a fork of lightning flashed across the black sky. "Not much. So, we saw yer old man kick ya out. Need a place to stay?"
Joey gave him a forced grin. "D-Dat's okay, I was, uh, headin' over ta Yu-er-my friend's place fer da night. Um, thanks fer da offer, though."
Bryce took a menicing step towards him. "No, I insist."
"Wow, look at da time, heh, heh, I betta get goin'." With that, he turned and took off in a mad run like the hounds of hell were hot on his heels, which they were, in some strange way.
'Fuck! I'll neva out run dese guys, betta go ta Kaiba's. I know the da guard at da gate knows me well, an' will let me in...hopefully.'
Joey made a sharp turn around a corner, his feet slipping and sliding all over the place as he gripped onto the corner of the building as best as he could. He managed to get a better footing before continuing his run.
When the Kaiba Mansion started coming into view, Joey started shouting, "JEAN! JEAN!"
Jean, being the front gate guard's name, came into view...sort of...and started opening the gate. Seeing the gates were about 20 feet away and were opened up enough for him to slide through (A/N: these gates open upwards like a garage), Joey put out a burst of speed and jumped high, before sliding onto his rear.
There were several loud thuds against the gate and muffled curses when the gate closed. Joey stood slowly, his breathing incredibly labored as Jean came to see if he was alright.
"Thanks, Jean...yer a...life sava," Joey panted, leaning on his knees to steady himself.
“My word, have you been running around outside without out a coat?” Jean scolded, gently gripping his numb arm. “Come on, I'm certain Young Master Kaiba will let you still here.” He led him to the mansion where they were greeted by an exuberant Mokuba in a rain coat and night bag in hand.
His happy face became filled with concern when he got a good look at Joey. “Joey, what happened?! Hang on; I'll go get you a bunch of towels and dry clothes from Seto's room. Jean could you take him to the bathroom off the hall so he can get out of those wet clothes, please?” Mokuba asked, getting a quick grip of the situation.
`Heh, jus' like his bro,' Joey thought, as he was led into a bathroom the size of his living room at home. Jean gave him a small smile before he left to give the blond some privacy.
`Phew, good thing Kaiba an' Tristan are together, or I'd be a goner,' Joey thought absently, stripping himself of his wet and filthy clothes. He jumped a little when there was a sudden knock on the door.
“I have Seto's extra bathrobe, non-work clothes, and towels,” Mokuba said from the other side of the door.
“'Kay, thanks,” Joey said as the door was opened a bit and a bundle of clothing and whatnot was dropped onto the bathroom counter.
“I'm going to a friend's place for the night, Jean's gone back outside to his post, Seto's at Yugi's with Tristan, and I have no idea where Seth is,” Mokuba informed him.
“Okay, I'll jus' give Yug a call when I get outta da shower,” Joey replied. “Have fun!”
“Okay seeya!” Joey heard foot steps fade from the door and the sound of a door opening then closing.
After turning on the taps to the shower then jumping in, Joey sighed in contentment as the hot water warmed and cleaned his frozen and dirty skin. It was almost an hour later when the amber-eyed teen clambered out of the steamed shower (Joey declared it was a shower-room because there was no way it was a simple bathtub).
Coming out of the bathroom in a slightly baggy red zipper sweater, white shirt and denim jeans, Joey pulled his cell phone out, which he had gotten from Ryou as a Christmas gift. He was just about to dial Yugi's number when he heard a creak from somewhere down the dark hallway.
Joey looked around, suddenly feeling like a kid who get's stuck in a dark, old mansion on a stormy night. And in the mansion with the kid is a murderer, an evil spirit, or a lonely old person. “Ah, what da hell am I thinkin'? Dis is Kaiba's place and dat noise was pro'ly (probably) jus' Chester, his cat, or Seth,” he said out loud to reassure himself.
Heading upstairs to the indoor balcony that over looked the den, Joey dialed Yugi's number.
“Moshi, moshi, Yugi Mouto speaking,” came a small voice over the static from the storm. Joey could hear other voices, which told him that Yugi was either in the living room, his bedroom, or the kitchen.
“Hey, Yug, listen, I'm at Kaiba's an' I kinda need a ride ta yer place.”
“Okay, why are you at Seto's?”
Joey proceeded to tell the diminutive duelist about his father getting drunk and kicking him out for not paying the bills, then getting caught up with his old gang while heading to his (Yugi's) place, and was chased to Seto's.
Joey snickered when he heard Seto's voice on the other line. “Um, Seto says that he and Tristan will come and pick you up in about 20 minutes,” Yugi said. “Oh, he also says not to touch anything.”
The blond laughed. “Yeah, oka-ah!” Joey was suddenly grabbed from behind, which started him into dropping his phone down the stairs.
“Joey?!” Was all he heard before the cell phone he the bottom, breaking.
Joey spun around, to face his attacker, but was surprised when he saw his attacker was Seth. “S-Seth?! Wha' da hell did ya do dat for? Ya made me drop my cell!” Joey said angrily.
Seth smirked calmly. “Because, puppy, I wanted you all alone.”
The look of anger on Joey's face was replaced with confusion. “Alone? Why?”
Seth walked up to him. “Because of the bet you lost to me.”
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Yugi stared at the phone as his friends went quiet.
“Aibou, what's wrong?” Yami asked from his spot next to Bakura.
“I-I don't know,” Yugi said, setting the cordless phone down on the table. “We were just talking then-AH!”
Suddenly, there was a big boom of thunder and the power went out, which had made Yugi and Ryou scream.
“Damn power,” Seto muttered, pulling his cell out so he could use it's light.
“Hey, Seto, we should go now to make sure Joey hasn't fallen or something,” Tristan said, “Yugi and Ryou will be fine with Yami and Bakura here.”
“Geez, what about me?!”
Tristan grinned as he stood and pulled his jacket on. “Well, you currently have Bakura attached to your neck, so I doubt very much that you'll need very much protection, Otogi.” The brunet was given a groan in reply as Otogi's lips were viciously attacked.
“That mutt had better not have gotten any blood on the carpet,” Seto grumbled, as they left, making his lover roll his hazel eyes.
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“Bet? What bet?” Joey asked, officially confused as he slowly walked backwards down the stairs towards the main entrance, while the Egyptian advanced towards him.
“The bet you lost to me a week ago,” Seth said, walking right up to him, ignoring the fact that he was in the blond's personal space. “You said that Malik would win his duel against Ryou. If you won, I would have to be your willing servant for a month. However, if you lost -which, might I add, you did- you would do whatever I said.”
Oh yeah, he forgot about that. Joey glared at him. “Fine, whaddya want me ta do?”
“French kiss me like you would to a lover you hadn't seen in months,” Seth said simply.
Joey gaped at him. “What?! No way!!”
Seth shrugged. “Well, it's either that or you tell your entire history class how much you love the old man that teaches it.”
Joey inwardly shuddered. Mr. Nolson was the school's oldest and most wrinkly man. “That's jus' disturbin'.”
“So, then kiss me, what's wrong with a little kiss?”
Joey sighed, looking him in the eye. “Fine, you win.” Leaning up, he wrapped his arms around the brunet's neck and kissed him deeply. He was just about to pull away, when he felt arms wrap around his waist and press him closer. `Holy shit! Fer a guy who's been in a rod fer 5000 years, he sure can kiss!' Joey thought as his mouth was plundered. He groaned softly when Seth started to grope and massage the front of his pants.
When Joey finally started coming back to his senses, he found himself on his back, shirtless (`When did dat happen?' Joey wondered.), with Seth attacking his neck, making him twitch whenever his teeth nipped sensitive areas. “I, uh, thought you said we were supposed to just, mmm, kiss?”
Seth pulled away, with a smirk plastered on his face as his eyes glittered with admiration at the little red marks that littered the blond's neck and shoulder. “We were, you were the one who pulled me back.”
Joey didn't even try to process that through his lust fogged mind. “Yeah, okay, whatever,” he growled, pulling Seth closer to him so their lips were roughly crushed together. The blond let out a soft, puppy-like whine when Seth cupped and squeezed his arousal through his pants.
The blue-eyed man pulled away and looked down at a now breathless Joey. “Mm, I've kissed the puppy, now I want to taste him.”
Joey watched him as the brunet planted little kisses on his flat stomach. He vaguely wondered if they should go somewhere a little more private than the front entrance, but that slipped him his mind as Seth reached his pants. His long and thin fingers were quick to undo his pants and pull them down a little so he could move his boxers and release his leaking length. “Uh!” Joey's hands moved down to Seth's shoulders and then to his thick, chestnut hair as a hot, wet mouth enveloped him and began milking him.
Joey started panting and whimpering softly as he felt his release come closer.
Suddenly, the door opened and a gust of freezing wind washed over the two horny males on the floor. Seth looked up from what he was doing to see his look-a-like and his look-a-like's lover.
Seto smirked down at the half naked blond. “Oh, I'm sorry, were you in the middle of something, mutt?”
Joey had yelped in surprise when the door had opened and was in the middle of pulling his pants back together when the CEO spoke. “I, uh, no I wasn't, um, thanks fer comin',” he said, quickly zipping himself up and grabbing his shirt and sweater. “Well, best get goin', wouldn't want ta keep Yug an' da others waitin'.”
Tristan snickered as he followed the red-faced duelist out the door. “Have fun?”
“Shaddup,” Joey growled.
Seto turned to his yami. “So, are you coming with us to finish what you started?”
Seth's lips curved into a mysterious smile. “Not tonight, perhaps another time, though next time it'll be in a more private place.”
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Jodine16: So, what do you all think? I thought it was great. I figured the Joey x Seth pairing needed another fic. REVIEW please! And have a lovely holiday (God knows I'm not). Later days!