Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Once A Street Rat, Always A Street Rat ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sorry about not uploading this sooner, I've been busy.

ChibiQuatre Muse: I'm here to state things.

Disclaimer: Yami and Yami Bakura do not get nakkie in the show and start doing the wild thing while in the Shadow Realm, so no, Spyder does not own Yu Gi Oh! And the GBoys don't get into a huge orgy so no; she does not own Gundam Wing either.

Warnings: None for this chapter.

About the Fic: AU! Ryou is Bakura's brother, Yugi is Yami's brother and Malik is Marik's brother (Isis too.) It has kinda been crossed with Gundam Wing because I needed a Father Maxwell and Duo applied for the part. Oh, Sally too. I might add more characters later on.

Future Pairings: Yami/Bakura (in some shape or form), Seto/Marik, Isis/Mai, Tristan/Joey, Yugi + Ryou + Malik (duh, I'm not promising on anything with them, but you'll find out why later on. . .)

*italics* for Emphasis!

/um. . ./ This is important, but I'm not going to tell you why.

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Once A Street Rat, Always A Street Rat

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Chapter One

Dark brown eyes scanned the surrounding area as a boy around fifteen-years old crept through the city street, finally stopping at a small bakery that had set out bread to entice people to buy it. The starving teen walked by innocently as he saw the baker arranging loaves on another counter.

The smell of freshly baked bread caused the teen's mouth to water as he tried to remember the last time he had had anything to eat. He knew that he needed to eat soon, so when the old pudgy man had his back turned, the boy grabbed a loaf. The bag of plastic surrounding the bread crinkled in his hand, causing the baker to turn and look.

The man took in the appearance of the child, recognizing the almost white hair and evil brown eyes, he growled. "Are you going to buy something this time street rat?" He sneered.

The street rat looked at the man, seeming thoughtful. "I hadn't planned on it actually." The boy grinned then began to run. He pushed passed people who stood in his way.

"Stop that thief!" He heard the baker scream.

Having never been caught before, the white-haired boy wasn't worried about getting caught, so he changed a glance behind him and within that split second a priest unknowingly walked into his escape path.

The street rat slammed into the other body, sending them both to the ground. Hearing a snap, the white-haired thief gasped as his wrist broke from landing on it. When the initial pain had faded away he was about to get up and run again, but someone grabbed the back of his tattered shirt and pulled him roughly to his feet.

"Finally caught you rat!" The baker growled. "Now you are going to pay for all that you've stolen from me!" He hissed, grabbing the loaf of bread from the boy's filthy hands.

"I have a little brother to take care of! Let me go! He'll starve to death if I don't bring him food!" The boy shrieked as he struggled to get loose.

"Likely excuse runt." The baker looked up and spotted a police officer. "Hey, Hector! I finally caught that little thief." He called and the cop came over.

"Please!" The boy had quieted and was now pleading desperately. "I really *do* have a brother! He's sick and won't survive without me!" He insisted.

"Shut up you little liar!" Hector growled. "You've caused enough trouble to be put away for a long time. Let's go, you're getting locked up for good!" He grabbed the teen by his hair. He was about to yank hard, when a hand landed on his own. Looking back he found the priest staring at him. "What is it Father Maxwell?" He asked.

"What if there really is another child?" Duo Maxwell asked as he squeezed at the joints in the officer's hand, making him let go of the boy. The teen quickly moved behind the priest, only to come face to face with four other kids around his own age, three boys and one girl. "Let me take the boy and I'll find out if there is another child. You wouldn't want to have the death of a child on your conscious now would you?"

Hector shrugged, "One less street rat." He said. "Fine, he's your responsibility now, but if I find him stealing anything else he's going to be locked away." He growled and walked away.

Duo rolled his eyes and then turned toward the boy behind him, only to find him in a glaring match with one of his own boys. "Seto, don't provoke him." Duo said softy as he kneeled beside the new boy. "Do you really have a brother?" He asked.

"Yes sir." The boy nodded.

"Can you take me to him?" He asked.

The boy hesitated and Duo figured he had been lying, but he gave the boy the benefit of the doubt. "I guess so sir." The boy finally spoke.

Duo smiled softly, "Good, then lead the way." He offered and the boy looked at him, then slowly began to walk down the street. Duo followed, making sure that the four children were behind him and not getting into trouble. Marik and Seto were known to get into things that they weren't supposed to.

The street teen led them to an old dilapidated house in a rough neighborhood. Inside there was really only one room with an old bed that looked like it was on its last legs. The only other thing than the bed, which was only an old mattress, was a beat up teddy bear that had had one of its ears, eyes and arms ripped off.

Duo looked around the practically empty room, seeing no sign of any other boy.

"What a liar." The girl from behind him spoke, crossing her arms and sticking her nose up in the air.

"Tea." The third boy with the crimson eyes said softly, telling her without actually saying it, to shut up.

Duo sighed; it looked like Tea was right. He was about to say something when the thief knocked on the old wall. He knocked three times really fast, then four longer knocks. Looking around the room he spotted something move from under the bed and as he watched, a head emerged, then an entire body. Ignoring the new people in the room, the smaller boy stumbled over to the obviously older boy and wrapped his thin arms around his brother's waist.

This new boy looked like a younger version of the thief. His hair was somewhat whiter and he was pale. He also had brown eyes and his clothes were a little better off than the older boy's. The smaller boy noticed his brother's broken wrist and blinked in confusion.

Duo watched as the small boy looked at the group, then back up at the one he was hugging. The thief sighed and smiled down at him. "I got caught." He explained, then looked back at the priest. "So now what happens? I suppose you take him away from me right?" He unconsciously wrapped his arms around the smaller boy protectively.

Duo shook his head. "No, I'm not going to take anyone away from anyone. What happens now is that you both come back with me to our church. You'll live there; we'll give you food, shelter and a place to stay."

The boy snorted. "For nothing? Right. What do I have to do?" He asked, expecting the worse.

"Not a thing." Duo said softly, he then motioned to the kids behind him. "These are only four of the orphans that live with us there. Now, do the two of you have names?" He asked gently.

The thief looked down at the boy in front of him. The child was sick, he knew it, and there was nothing that he could do to help him. If the small boy was to go with the priest he'd get better, but he knew his little brother would never leave him behind. "Yeah. His name's Ryou." He said while looking down at the small boy.

"What? You don't have a name?" That girl growled annoyingly.

The thief glared daggers at the girl, but looked at the priest. "Only people who want to die know my name!" He growled menacingly. He saw the look on the man's face. "I'm Bakura." He spat out his name. "Happy now?"

Duo smiled, "I'm Father Max-"

"I don't believe in God." Bakura snapped suddenly.

Duo nodded, "Then you may call me Duo. Most of the kids do anyway." He explained, "Now, if you'll come with us." He said, motioning for Bakura to follow them.

At first neither of the two moved, but finally Bakura separated from Ryou and went over to the bed and grabbed the old stuffed bear. He then returned to his brother's side and handed the toy to the boy before kneeling in front of the child. Hugging the bear to his chest, Ryou climbed onto Bakura's back. Bakura stood up, then nodded to the priest, telling him that he'd follow.

Before leaving the house, Bakura looked back at what had been their home. He turned around and closed the door with his foot, and never looked back again.

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