Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bad Day ❯ Bad Day ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Yugi was walking down the street toward the arcade. He hopped he wasnt too late or Joey would have a fit. He worked his way up to the doors that opened by themselves and he walked in. Joey looked at Yugi for a moment and then ran over to him. Yugi sighed when Joey hugged Yugi and pulled him toward a game. Joey smiled and put Joey onto the dance dance revelution game. Yugi frowned, he had two left feet when it came to dancing.
Once the game was done, Joey excused himself and went to the bathroom. Yugi sat down at a table and looked at the counter. The man at the desk looked nervous and slightly pale. Yugi frowned and ditched the wierd feeling in the pit of his stomach. Figures, on a friday when he usually gets to relax, something would just have to wrong for him. He sighed and figured the guy at he counter, talking to the man taking care of the cash, Yugi frowned again and walked over to the guy at the counter.
He was already having a bad day. He had his foot stepped on five times, ice cream spilled on his shirt and had his pants torn. That's what made him late to meet Joey, he had to change. Then Yami fried the toaster, and managed to burn the tv. Yugi growled in frustration and tapped the guy on the shoulder.
"Excuse me sir, but this man has proabably been having a bad day. In fact so have I so would you stop bothering this nice man and leave." Yugi failed to noticed the cashier squeek in terror. Yugi felt the man grab his shoulders and put something against his back. Yugi frowned and clentched a fist. Of course, this guy wants to kick my ass! What another great day in the life of Yugi Motou. First the book, the Axe and now this. That's just great! Yugi growled again and the man smirked.
"Everyone hit the dirt! This is a hold up!" Yugi groaned.
"Of course, I'm being held hostage on the day I'm supposed to relax! That's just great!" Yugi turned around, "Now listen, I know you want me as a hostage and I know you probably want the money this place brings in but are really that stupid. All the moneys in the machines. Geez!" The robber looked at Yugi like he was crazy. "I'm supposed to be scared right. Well, news flash, I've had a real bad day. You're just adding to it and getting on my nerves. You look ridiculous in that mask and your flys open." The robber looked down and looked at Yugi.
"I-I was just trying to raise money for my kids education! You're so cruel!!" The man ran out of the building crying.
"Great, I just made a grown man cry!" Yugi scowled, "I'm outta here." Yugi wandered down the street and wandered toward a small ice cream palor. Trying to avoid another ice cream collision he walked toward the small coffee shop. He sat down after ordering a coffe. He raised the cup to his lips and took a sip. "Now I feel calmer."
"HEY YUGI!" Yugi jumped slightly spilling his coffee all over him. He jumped up as the hot liquied burned against his skin. "Wanna go to the mall with me?"
"No Tea...I don't want to go to the mall with you," Yugi replied through grinding teeth. He stood and left the shop as quickly as he could toward home. Only one problem with that. The house was a mess and he found that out as soon as he stepped in the door. He was flung back against the door as the fried toaster landed right in his stomach knocking the wind out of him. "Y-y-YAMI!!!" Yami peeked his head out of the kitchen.
"Yes? I was making dinner." Yugi was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
"Why me? What the hell did I do to deserve this?" Yugi trudged up the stairs and looked back at Yami. "Don't wake me for anything!"
"What of-"
"What if theres-"
"What if I-"
"What if you-"
"Okay...but I did ask." Yugi groaned and slammed the door to his room shut. He stripped down to his boxers and fell asleep promtly. Yugi was awoken, and was in a bad mood, by Yami.
"What is it?"
"Kaiba's here to see you," Yami replied.
"Go away. Tell him to go away too."
"He insists."
"Fine, tell him to come up here. I don't a give a shit either way! I'm not moving from this bed for the rest of the day." Yami frowned and let Kaiba in. Mokuba had a camera ready and snapped a few photos before running out the door. "WHAT THE FU-"
"Language Yugi. It's not polite to say such bad language." Yugi shot Kaiba the finger and hid his head under his pillow trying to go back to sleep. "I insist you come to a party tonight. Of course we're going to duel at this party."
"Fuck off."
"You could win prize money."
"Fuck off."
"Motou, I'm disappointed. I'm sure the reporters will be too."
"Fuck them. Fuck you. Fuck Yami and fuck the outside world. Every should just fuck off." (A/N: I'm sorry for Yugi's language but he was held up, had coffee spilled on him and had a multitude of other incidents) Yugi rolled over onto his side and closed his eyes.
"Screw off slut!" Tea had tears in her eyes.
"You're so mean!"
"He's got a point," Yami replied, "Tea, you're wearing only a bra and underwear. Don't you know by now, he's gay." Tea frowned and started to cry louder.
"SHUT UP HER UP!" Yugi screamed and covered his head with the pillow, "I don't want to hear this!"
"I'M SAD!!!"
"I knew I saved that one bullet for something!" Yugi grabbed a gun on the dresser and pointed it at his head. "Now...all of you SHUT UP! I fire there will be no sex for Yami, no Yugi for Tea see and no appearence at the party which I will not go to. NOW GET OUT!"
"DON'T KILL YOURSELF YUGI!" Tea screamed latching onto Yugi. "I THINK YOU'RE JUST SO ADORABLE!"
"Help me..." he cried, "What the fuck did I do to deserve this?! What did I do?!" Yugi begged to know and looked out the window. He pulled on a pair of pants and a shirt and jumped out the window. "FREEDOM!!!"
"He's crazy. I wonder what caused it?" Tea asked.
"Who knows," Kaiba shrugged, "Maybe he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed."
"Maybe. Who wants pizza?"
"ME!" Tea screamed and they all ran out the door.