Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hi! It's me again! I didn't think someone would like this new fic, but since I'm completely stuck on my other fic `The Shadows of the Past; The Light of the Future', I might as well work on this for a bit.
Bakura: Here she goes again.
Be quiet Bakura!
Bakura: Like I never heard that one before.
*rolls eyes* Oi… Well, here's the next part of the fic. Enjoy!
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Chapter 1
A new day rose up in the Kame Gameshop as Yugi got up and got dress for another full day of work. He placed on his signature black sleeveless shirt and black jeans along with a neck buckle before looking at the cape that hanged on the wall. He took it down and wore it over his shoulders. He then went down stairs to see his grandfather and mother in the kitchen. “Morning everyone!” He called.
“Good morning Yugi.” His grandfather said followed by his mother.
“Going off to work sweetie?” His mother asked.
He nodded as he stole a piece of toast from the table. “Yep!” He said as he went over and gave his mother a hug as well as his grandfather. “I'm also going to a party after work, so I may be out a little late.” He informed.
His mother nodded. “I'm going to be working late this evening.” She informed. “Just be careful getting home.”
“Oh Mika!” His grandfather said. “The lad is practically a man! He should know how to be safe!”
Yugi laughed as he gave each one a last hug before he walked out of the door.
He headed to a huge building that would've been mistaken as a hotel, but the sign said otherwise. `Here it is, `Second Chances'.' He thought as he walked up and stood on a platform. From there, there was red lights going around him scanning his eyes, his face, then a computer like voice asked him to open his mouth and place his hand on a pad.
“Welcome back, Yugi Mouto.” The computer voice said as it opened the doors.
He walked in only to stand in a room for a minute as a second scan went around him before the second doors opened to reveal the real room.
--Yugi's POV—
You're probably wondering what was all that about. Well, since the creation of the center, Kaiba put in super tight security scans so that no one would cause harm towards the adoptives or the workers. The first scan is for workers only while the second scan is for anyone. It looks over to see if you don't have anything on you that would cause damage, like a gun or a pocket knife.
Now, the reason the center looks like a hotel is because there's so many adoptives here, most were victims of rape from the past and `produced' some more. But in a way it's good to have a building with so many floors, because each floor is for a different environment. The first floor that I'm at is the welcoming center, meaning this is where everything starts out. The floors go from room temperature to desert hot to artic cold. The basement is for the sensitive of light and are the night security crew. They don't mind being in the basement, because the basement itself has about five levels down.
“Hey Yug!” Joey said to me from the desk.
“Hey Joey.” I said as I walked up. “How's everyone today?”
“They're having breakfast as we speak.” He said with a smile.
The food here is like anywhere you could find in a restaurant. Yes, there's a floor with a kitchen that has the top chefs Kaiba could hire. Most of the chefs have adopted a Humanial or Aniuman and become their assistants. They are separated by proper diet for each floor of the two races.
“Oh!” Joey said as he brought out a fax paper. “This just came in.”
I took the paper and looked at it. It was a guy from the aquarium in New York and asked permission to adopt three healthy aquatic Aniumans for a show that they were building. “Does Kaiba know?”
“Yeah, he's looking up on the guy as we speak.” He said as he scratched his ear again. “But ya know, out of all the Humanials and Aniumans, the aquatic ones are so difficult to adopt.”
“I know.” I said.
The aquatic are water type of Humanials and Aniumans. They are very difficult to adopt and their diet is really strict. The only way to get them adopted is by getting into an aquarium or a water show park, sometimes even to a movie productions if they call for it. It's really hard because they have to be in water most of the time.
“So,” Joey said once again. “Ya up for the party?”
I smiled. “Why wouldn't I?” I said when we both heard a beep, meaning someone is coming in. I turned to see four people and smiled at them. “Hey guys!”
The four are my friends and workers as well as adopted Humanials.
“Hey Yugi! Hey Joey!” Ryou said, he has white hair and pale skin as well has a British accent. He's going to college as well.
“Yo.” That was Bakura. He's a bunny Humamial, but don't let that fool you. You may think bunnies are cute and cuddlely, but he's anything but that. He almost looks like Ryou, only his hair is a little wilder and his dark brown eyes were in an angular form, giving him a dangerous look. He has white bunny ears which one sticks upward and the other was bent down halfway.
“What up guys?” And that's Malik, the guy that adopted Marik, the silver fox. He's like Marik, only his hair is down and his eyes weren't dangerous looking.
“Hey guys!” Joey said, his tail wagging wildly.
“Be careful about that tail of yours you Mutt.” Bakura said.
Joey looked pissed. “Well good morning to you too, Bunny Shit!” He barked.
“I dare you to say that again!”
“Now Kura!” Ryou said as he held Bakura back. “We just got here!”
Bakura calmed down, but still glared at Joey.
Now, Bakura was found in the streets like most of the adoptitives here. But Bakura must have a hard time with people then, because he gave everyone a hard time! He wouldn't eat, wouldn't talk, would cause fights, and he would attack anyone that goes near him. It became so bad that we had to put him into a solitude room, which is just one room with nothing but padded walls, ceilings and floors. We were about to put him in there until Ryou came in. This was during our freshmen year in high school and he has permission to have a job. Well, long story short, when Bakura was being forced into the room, he managed to escape and run into Ryou after he was assigned to work as a janitor. Bakura, normally, would attack and get the person or thing out of his way, but he stopped and stared at Ryou.
Now, Humanials, when they find that someone they want, they would do the following: 1) Circle around the person and sniff them. 2) Circle around them once more to look at the person from all angles. And lastly, they nuzzle the cheek, leg, or even the chest area. And in Bakura's and Ryou's case, the nuzzle was on the cheek. Ryou didn't know about this until he asked me about it.
Luckily that Joey was there at the time to explain what Bakura did was letting him know that he wants him to be his partner, or `aibou', as we dubbed the term for all lucky Humanials who found their human companion.
Poor Ryou didn't know what to do about this. He just started to work here and already has a Humanial practically begging him to be adopted and live with him. He asked about the care details and we just told him that Humanials are basically like humans and after they get used to the lifestyle, they will be able to do it on their own.
Well, after a week, Bakura started to talk to Ryou, but was still cold to everyone else. But after time, he started to make small conversations with me and Joey, which was a good thing.
“So, where are we going for our anniversary?” Malik asked as he crossed his arms and Marik put his arms around him. “I don't mean our anniversary, Marik.”
Marik pouted. “Aww… Why not?”
Okay, Marik's story was way too complicated to understand. All I know that he was found on the street and acted like a rabid dog. We immediately sent him into the solitude room with a straight jacket. He had been at the center for months and no one wanted a maniac. Who could blame them? He was practically a wreak coming in, even getting him cleaned and feeding him was a hassle. Then Malik came in, he was just strolling down the streets and just wanted to look around. He did look at everyone through the one sided window where he can see the adoptives but the others wouldn't see him. When he came across Marik, he stood there, just watching him, for nearly two hours. When I asked what was wrong, he asked the most surprising requests I've heard. He wanted to go in to properly meet the crazy silver fox Humanial. I did, after warning him why he was in the room in the first place.
After he went in, Marik took just a second to look at him before he looked like he finally settled. Marik, who didn't speak a word and only laughed like a maniac, sat down and just looked at Malik. When he came up, Marik suddenly stood up and did the procedure before kneeling and started to nuzzle his leg, sometimes a bit too high up the leg. Malik looked at me and I explained when he just done. He wasn't sure at first, but he signed the papers and brought him home. Being relieved wouldn't be the word for the adoption of Marik.
“It's gonna be at dat one club dat just opened up.” Joey said when another beeping sound came and we all looked over to see two more of my friends.
“Hey Alysia! Hey Luna!” I called.
“Morning everyone!” Luna said. She has snow white hair that is tied up in a bun and has two ribbons on each side of her head as well as wears glasses.
“What's up!” Alysia said. She's a Humanial, but she's a special case. For one thing, she's a mix of a cat and snake. The cat part was the ears and the thin tail, but the snake part was the green scales on both the ears and tail. She has dark eyes, but if you looked closely, you could see the slanted pupils that you could find in both species. But besides all that, she has dark skin and dark green hair.
“Ceiling!” All of us said.
“Damn! You guys got it.” She said.
“No shit.” Marik said. “We've heard it so many times before.”
She pouted but shrugged it off.
Now, she never came here. She was actually founded by Luna. Remember what I said about how Humanials act when they find their `aibou'? Well, she did the first two and the last she hugged her. They arrived here after hearing that this is a good place to work if you can make it pass Kaiba. But Luna has Alysia, which made both of them eligible to work.
“What were you guys talking about?” Luna asked.
“The Mutt wants us to go to a club to celebrate the centers anniversary.”
“A… club?” She said, very unsure.
“What?!” Alysia said. “What kind of club? It better not be none of those fucked up clubs that has whores and what not.”
“Nah! It's a dance club.” Joey said.
Luna looked relieved.
“Good!” Alysia said. “If it wasn't, I would beat your ass till it bleeds!”
“We know!” All of us said, but we laughed about it before getting stationed to where we're suppose to be.
Luna works with the security cameras, Alysia as the daytime bodyguard, Malik and Marik making sure everyone is happy and break up any fights, Ryou and Bakura with janitor duty, Joey as a receptionist, and as for me… I look at the possible future adopters.
But, sometimes, I wish I had someone with me as well. My schedule is like this: wake up, go to work, come home, make dinner if Mom is not around, and go to bed. And the cycle repeats with some exception with Kaiba letting me know about some things every now and then. But every time I see my friends, I see them with their `aibous' and that makes me feel left out. Luna often asks me if there was something wrong, but I tell her that I'm fine. But I was really just… lonely.
I sighed. “Even if I do find him, it's going to take a miracle to convince Mom to let him stay.” I said to myself as I finished with sending the information to Kaiba. But I couldn't stop imagining the red eyes as I started to walk around the area. I sighed once more. `Maybe the party will keep my mind off of this for awhile.' I thought as I continued to walk to completely nowhere.
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Yeah! Another chapter down!
Bakura: How many more?
… You know I don't know that.
Bakura: Do I have to wear this through out the whole story?
Bakura: I hate you.
Me no lyke you too!
Bakura: Why does Marik get a cool outfit?!
Oh come on! It's ironically funny!
Bakura: …
I'm going to run now.
Bakura: 1… 2…
Well, R&R everyone, now if you excuse me I'm going to run for my life. *runs*
Bakura: 10! *runs as well*