Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 7

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*waves* Hi again!
Bakura: Get a life already!
I will when I get out of high school.
Bakura: Why do I bother with you?
Because there isn't anyone to annoy around here at the moment.
Bakura: I hate you.
Me don't like you too.
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Chapter 7
~~Later that day~~
“Phew!” Joey said as he fell onto the grass. “Man dis is harder den I thought!”
Luna fell beside him along with Alysia. “Yeah, but I think we're going on really well.” She said.
“Well?” Alysia said. “We're kicking ass here!”
Soon the gang came to where the trio is and looked at the house. The house was only a few boards nailed together and created a skeleton for the house-to-be, but it was still enough for them.
“I'm starving!” Joey remarked.
“You're always hungry.” Bakura pointed out.
“Actually,” Luna said. “I'm pretty hungry myself.”
“Yeah, we've been working on this thing for… what time did we start?” Malik asked.
“How the hell should I know?” Marik said.
Then Joey's and Tristan's stomachs growled. “Need… food…”
“I think we deserve a lunch break.” Yugi said as he wiped some sweat from his forehead. “How does pizza sound?”
Joey and Tristan jumped up and cheered. “Alright!”
They were eating and laughing at a local pizzeria as Joey and Tristan were fighting over the last slice of pizza. That's when Yugi looked like he saw a ghost and grabbed Pharaoh, who was eating his slice, and pulled him to his lap. “Stay down and stay still!” Yugi said.
“What gives-“ Marik was about to say when the young man started to point in a certain direction.
The gang looked and they also panicked. Right across from them, in a bar, was Mika with her partner ordering something to eat.
“Shit!” Tristan said. “How are we going to get the Pharaoh out without being noticed?”
“I have an idea.” Yugi said. “But it's going to take all of you to make it work, so no arguing.”
They all did a thumbs up. “Got it pal.” Joey said as they moved to let Yugi out.
He then went up to his mother. “Hey Mom.” He said, getting her attention.
“Oh Yugi!” She said as she hugged him. “It's so nice to see you.”
Yugi laughed. “Yeah, sorry for leaving early, but with you having a cold and all…”
“You're such a sweet boy.” She said. “Oh, I don't believe you've met my partner.” She looked over to her partner. “Yugi, this is Detective Luke… Luke, this is my son, Yugi.”
Luke is around his mid-forties with chestnut hair and some parts that need to be shaven on his chin. “Oh, hey, so this is the famous Yugi that I keep hearing.”
Yugi laughed. “The one and only.”
While back at the table, the gang came up, after paying the bill, and created a group wall while Pharaoh hid behind the taller members of the group.
When they made it out of the door, they went across the street and waited for the other in an ally.
“Well, I enjoyed the meal while it lasted.” Ryou said.
“Yeah, we came what we need and ready to work more.” Joey said.
They stood out there for a few minutes before Yugi finally came out. “Hey guys, sorry it took awhile.” He said.
“Dat's alright, as long as she doesn't see us n' cause a scene, den we're good.” Joey said.
“Well let's get out of here.” Bakura said. “I don't want to stick around for the woman to throw a bike at me, like she did last year.”
They agreed and they walked up to the bus stop.
Pharaoh tapped Yugi on the shoulder, which gained the other's attention.
“What is it Pharaoh?” He asked.
Pharaoh pointed behind him then at Bakura.
“Oh, my mom has this violent reaction when she sees a Humanial or an Aniuman.” Yugi responded with a sigh. “I don't really understand her, I never seen anyone of them do any harm to her and I asked Grandpa about it, but he's just as lost as I am.”
Pharaoh looked a bit confused.
“If I didn't get her attention on me, then she would've picked up the nearest table and throw it towards you guys. She doesn't mean harm to anyone, it's just some phobia of hers. Like how some people would react when they see a spider or a mouse.”
Pharaoh nodded his head understandingly.
“And that's what kinda upsets me a bit.” Yugi continued, which made the Pharaoh listen. “I mean, I love her and all, but I really don't like it when she does that, especially since I've made friends that are in that species.” He sighed. “Even saying that doesn't even sound right. But, as long as she acts that way, then I have no choice but to keep you a secret. And that's what hurts me the most is lying.”
Pharaoh wrapped an arm around the other's shoulders and held him close as if comforting the young man.
“Thanks Pharaoh.” Yugi said as their bus arrived.
~`Around 5:00'~
“Guys, I think we should call it a day!” Ryou said, checking the time on his wrist watch.
“Alright!” Duke said. “Let's see how we did.”
Everyone gathered to look at the house.
“It's going up really well.” Luna said.
“Like I always say…” Alysia said. “We kick major ass today!”
“You said it!” Bakura said.
“Well, I for one can't wait to take a shower.” Marik said, causing everyone but Pharaoh to have blank faces.
“Not going to happen.” Malik said.
“Aww! Why not?” Marik said wrapping his arms around his aibou.
“For one thing, no one wants to know what we do in our personal lives.” Malik said as a vein popped up.
Pharaoh then got it and his eyes widened.
“Oh great! Now Pharaoh knows!” Malik said with an exahurated sigh.
Yugi patted Pharaoh on the shoulder. “Don't worry about it, Marik is always like that.”
“Am not!”
Everyone looked at him.
“Let's get home before something happens.” Tristan said as he and Duke headed towards the bus stop, that was a good walking distance away, which everyone followed suite.
~`Bus stop'~
As they got off the bus they started to head in different directions. Joey, Yugi, and Pharaoh were walking down when a black car came up beside them.
“Need a ride?” Seto said with a smirk on his face.
“SETO!” Joey called as he went up to the driver's window and started to lick the other behind his ear while his tail is wagging.
Yugi smiled and looked up at the neko, who was slightly confused. “Seto is Joey's aibou as well as the founder of `Second Chances'.”
Pharaoh nodded as he just witnessed the other two kissing.
“They do that all the time, even when they argue.” Yugi added.
Seto then stepped out of his car, after turning it off, and got a good look at the new member. “So, this is the famous `Pharaoh' that my puppy told me about.”
“Yep!” Yugi and Joey responded.
Seto nodded and pointed to his car. “I just picked up Mokie and Noah, and they're asleep at the moment.”
The two nodded while the neko looked a bit unsure. Yugi held out his hand towards his aibou. “Come on Pharaoh, it's okay.”
Pharaoh lifted his hand and grabbed the other's and was lead into the black car. Inside were two boys, well… being more specific, one boy and a Humanial boy.
Once they were settled into their seats, Joey leaned down towards the neko's ear and whispered while pointing at the two. “Da one wit da long black hair is Moukaba, we call `im Mokie, n next da `im is Noah… `e's a chocolate lab n husky mix Humanial.”
Pharaoh nodded, and looked at the two. Moukaba has long black hair that reached to his waist while Noah has short aqua green hair, as well as two brown dog ears and a brown tail with white underneath that slightly curled upward.
“So Yugi.” Seto said. “Did you get Pharaoh an I.D. card?”
Yugi frozed.
“I'll take that as a no.” Seto said. “Don't worry, we'll do it tomorrow. But now, you have to get home so your mother doesn't get suspicious about this whole thing.” He pulled up to the game shop. “I'll have one of my workers pick you up in the morning. Sound good?”
“That sounds great!” Yugi said. “Thanks a lot Seto. You know you didn't have to do all this.”
“I've told you once, and I'll tell you once again.” Seto said with a smile. “This is my way of repaying for helping me out years ago. Without you, I'd never met Joey and we would still be one of the masses that walk around in school, never once saying `hi' to each other.”
Yugi laughed. “You're just pushing it.”
“Be quiet.” Seto said earning another laugh from the young man.
Yugi looked at Pharaoh. “You're going to stay at Seto's and Joey's place for awhile, until we get the place fixed up, alright?”
Pharaoh nodded as he was embraced by his aibou before he exited the car. “See you tomorrow!” Yugi said as the door closed. Then, through the window, he saw the other waving and he waved back, his tail going back and forth along with his waves.
Yugi entered the house/game shop and was greeted by his grandfather. “Hey Grandpa.”
“Well hello Yugi, how did the `redecorating' go?” Grandpa asked.
“Well, we did come up with some trouble from not doing it properly the first time, but we went back over a few things then did it over again from the ground up.”
“That sounds good to hear.” Grandpa said as he looked behind Yugi and behind him where he could see the back door. “How's Pharaoh?”
“He's staying over at Seto's until we get the house up and some things put in and working.”
The elder nodded. “Good, good. That should make things a bit easier on you.”
The young man nodded. “I know. I just hope Mom doesn't find out before hand.”
“And hopefully after on.”
“Yeah…” Yugi said as he could already picture his mother finding out his secret and seeing Pharaoh running and never coming back.
The elder saw the worried look and patted the youth's shoulder. “Don't worry my boy, by the time you get into college, you can move in with Pharaoh and not have to worry about your mother finding out Pharaoh.”
“Until she wonders about my love life.”
The old man frozed at the thought. “That… would be a problem.”
Yugi sighed. “Well, when the time comes, I have to tell her…”
The elder ruffled the other's head. “That's old man talking my boy!” He said with a laugh, which caused the other to laugh.
~`Kaiba Mansion'~
Pharaoh stared wide eyed at the huge European palace-like mansion.
“Yo! Pharaoh!” Joey called, carrying Noah. “We're going inside.”
Pharaoh shook off his moment of shock and ran up to catch up with the two.
As they entered, Seto, who was carrying Moukaba, and Joey walked across the red carpet hallway up to the stairs. One of the maids opened the door for Kaiba, and he and Joey walked into the room, which was a bedroom, and placed the two sleeping boys down on the bed in the room before going back out and closed the door.
“Follow me Pharaoh.” Seto said as he led the way, followed by Joey and the neko.
Then Joey turned to a door. “See ya in a few.” He told Seto, who nodded and continued walking with the neko following.
When they reached to the end of the hallway, Seto pointed to the doors at the very end. “That will be your room for awhile.” He informed. “If you want anything, just come over and knock on the door and try your best to describe what you want. Alright?”
Pharaoh nodded, which made the other nod and turned while saying good night and backed back to the room that Joey was in. He went up to the doors and entered to see a room that was much bigger then Yugi's room and was very decorative, but he didn't feel comfortable, but he decided to at least try the room out before bothering the others. He climbed up into his bed and curled up into the sheets. He grabbed one of the pillows and held it close to him before closing his eyes and tried to imagine the youth next to him. Remembering the soft aura that seemed to radiate from the young man along with the image he saw last night before falling into a peaceful slumber.
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Done! Now…
Bakura: Oh no! Don't tell me you're going to continue with it in another chapter.
The night is still young. And aren't you bored with trying to annoy me now?
Bakura: Unfortunately, no.
*sigh* As if five brothers wasn't enough.