Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 9

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*sigh* Finally! Spring Break!
Marik: Great! Now you can waste your time here more often.
Do you want to end up like Bakura? *hears screaming girl fans*
Marik: No. Malik will just kill me if I get caught in all that.
I didn't think so.
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Chapter 9
The next day was one of those days when the unexpected summer rainstorms come… well… unexpected. The limo pulled up to the game shop and Yugi ran into the leather seats. He sighed as the limo drove out of the curb and down the streets.
`Looks like we can't work on the house today.' He thought. `I hope it's not too damaged when it stops raining.' He sighed once more as he looked out of the window pane.
~`Kaiba Mansion: Pharaoh's Room'~
Pharaoh looked at the rain drops hitting against his wide window pane as he brought the blankets closer towards himself. He didn't like the rain too much, at least in this type of weather. He could barely remember the last time he seen the weather like this, but that was a long time ago. Thunder crashed and it slightly lit the whole room for only a moment before going dark again. Then the sound of someone knocking on his door brought out his train of thinking.
“Uh…um, Pharaoh is it?' Said Jones. “Master Yugi is here to see you.”
Pharaoh was about to jump out of bed when he saw the young man entered.
“Surprise!” Yugi said with a smile on his face as he walked up to the other and sat on the bed. “Some weather we're having, huh?”
Pharaoh nodded as he held onto his aibou and nuzzled against the other's chest.
Yugi smiled as he petted the neko as the thunder raged on. “Looks like we can't work on your house today.” He said as his aibou laid his head onto his lap. “But we've been very busy and we got almost half done with it now, so maybe a break sounds really good right now. Right?”
Pharaoh's tail went up and went back and forth as he smiled.
“So, how about this.” Yugi said with a wink. “How about we go see a movie? And maybe play some games.”
Pharaoh looked curious, which gave the look that always makes the other giggle.
“You'll see, but first, I have to call up the gang to see if they're interested.”
As if on cue, Joey entered the room. “Yo, what's up?”
“Hey Joey, just fine and yourself?”
“Eh… same ol', same ol'.”
“So Joey, have any plans for today?”
“Plans?” Joey said. “Well…” He scratched his head. “Seto n' I are goin' to some dumb conference dat is suppose da be important.”
“Oh… What about Moukaba and Noah?”
“Dey're work'n on some summer project.”
“Wow, I remember when we had to do that.”
“Yeah, man does were da worse days of summer of my life!”
They laughed as Pharaoh's tail wagged side to side like a snake.
“So, what are ya gonna do?” Joey asked.
“Well, I planned to gather the group and maybe see a movie or something like that.” Yugi responded.
“Well, ya could rule out Bakura n' Ryou since taday is deir anniversary, `n I wouldn't bring Duke and Tristan since they'll argue through da whole movie.”
“So that just leaves Marik and Malik and Luna and Alysia.”
“Yep.” Joey said as he nodded. “ N' ya know how much Luna likes da watch movies.”
“As long as the movie is funny and a bit romantic.” Yugi said with a bit of a laugh. “She's definitely not a horror fan, just like me.”
“So, what cha gonna see?”
“Hmm… I think… `The Last Mimsy'.”
Joey cocked an eyebrow.
“Don't give me that look.” Yugi warned, which caused the blonde to chuckle.
“Alright, alright…” Joey said as he turned. “Just came da check on ya.” He walked out of the door.
“Well…” Yugi began. “If I know Luna, I'd say she's at the center making sure everything is running smoothly with Alysia as the guard. And Marik and Malik…” He stayed quiet for a moment. “I'm not going to even start guessing what they will do on a rainy day.”
Pharaoh raised an eyebrow, as well as one of his ears rising as well.
“Once you know them well enough, you'll know.”
Pharaoh just had a blank look.
Yugi shrugged. “I try not to understand their lifestyles too much.” He jumped off the bed. “Well, enough on that, it seems it's just you and me today.”
Pharaoh seemed to like that idea.
“Well, get dressed and we'll head to a movie theater.”
After paying for their tickets and getting popcorn, they headed towards to where the movie was about to play, only the seats were filled.
“Wow, I've never seen the place filled up before.” Yugi said as he tried to find some good seats, but could only find one seat available. He could say he was bummed when his aibou had an idea.
Pharaoh picked up the young man, who made a cute little `eep' sound as he carried them to the one available seat. He sat down with Yugi on his lap.
“I guess this'll work too.” Yugi said as he tried to get his blush down.
Pharaoh smiled at seeing such an adorable sight as he stole a little bit of popcorn the young man was holding.
Other then that, they enjoyed the movie and when the movie ended and the lights came back on, Pharaoh noticed that the other fell asleep. He smiled as he carried the youth out of the theater, which by that time stopped raining. He carried the youth to the park, where there was hardly anyone there and found an empty bench. He wiped off some of the water off with his tail, and sat down while still holding the other close to him.
The slight breeze woke Yugi up and he lazily opened both of his eyes. “Ah! I fell asleep during the movie again?” He said as he rubbed his eyes. He looked at where they were and looked at the other. “You carried me all the way over here?”
Pharaoh nodded.
“You didn't have to.”
Pharaoh just smiled and nuzzled the other's neck.
Yugi smiled and giggled. “You just wanted to.” He said as he looked at the area, which was glistening in the sunlight after the rain. “You picked a nice spot.” He pointed out. “But… Isn't the bench wet?”
Pharaoh shrugged as if saying he didn't care.
Yugi smiled while shaking his head. “Well, since it stopped raining, want to walk around for a bit?”
Pharaoh looked at him with a wide smile.
“I'll take that as a yes.” Yugi said with a laugh.
They walked down the shops around the area as well as stopping by a few arcades and play a few games. They also stopped by to eat something and Yugi sang along a song the restaurant was playing. Pharaoh enjoyed hearing his aibou sing, it was like an angel, if he knew any. Then Yugi will blush embarrassedly and saying sorry if it sounded awful, which the neko would shake his head and put his hands together as if praying, as if telling the young man to sing again for him. Yugi would laugh but then singed along with the next song which was a personal favorite of his `Iris'.
“And I don't want the world to see me, cause I don't think that they'll understand. When everything is meant to be broken, I just want you to know who I am… I just want you to know who I am… I just want you to know who I am....” Yugi finished, which got an applause from a few groups of tables that were around theirs. He hid his face in his hands to cover his blush.
Pharaoh applauded as well then quickly brushed away a tear that tried to escape. His ears then picked up on a sound, he turned to see something shining in the bushes, but it disappeared before he could fully identify it. He looked suspicious but turned back to look at the other, who was paying the bill.
“You have such a pretty voice young man.” Said the waitress, who looked to be around her forties.
“Thank you.” Yugi said as a small blush came.
Once the bill was paid, they walked out of the restaurant and walked down to the mall. They walked by a few stores until one seemed to caught Pharaoh's attention.
“What's up Pharaoh?” Yugi asked as he looked at the display window.
There was some jewelry being displayed. It looked like collars for Humanials and Aniumans as well as for people. The sign of the store was called `Tag It'.
“I've heard of this store.” Yugi said. “It's a real big it for making dog-tags for soldiers and custom made for people who just like the style. But then it branched out to making jewelry using the idea of collars. But, since a few years back, they've been making some specialties for Humanials and Aniumans.” He looked at Pharaoh. “Would you like to take a look?”
Pharaoh nodded as they walked in.
They were a bit surprised at the variety the small store has to offer. They saw diamond studded collars, spike collars, collars with different gems, solid gold and silver collars, small and big collars, thick and thin ones, and in so many collars with sizes to match the age, as well as accessories for the collars or other things.
“Wow…” Yugi said, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open at everything. “It's like one of those `Claire' stores, only for Humanials and Aniumans and humans alike.”
“And we're having our sale today.” Said a female employee. “Everything is twenty-five percent off.”
“Oh, thank you…” Yugi said.
“Is there anything specific I can help you with?” She asked.
“Uh, no, we're just looking around.”
She smiled. “Alright, if you have any questions, you can ask me or anyone else.”
“Okay.” He said as she walked away. He looked at Pharaoh, who was looking at a black, full-neck collar with some half-sphere studs and a half-loop where the tag or another object can be put in. “What did you find?” He asked, which caught the other's attention.
Pharaoh took the collar from the rack and showed it to the other.
Yugi looked at it for a moment. “Let's see what it looks on you.” He said as he placed the collar on the neko.
Once the collar was on, Pharaoh tested the collar by moving his head. The collar was leather but the inner lining was like a velvet texture so it didn't irritate the neck.
“Looks good on you.” Yugi said with a nod. Then he saw something that caught his attention. He picked up something from the charms rack and picked out the one he was looking at. It was a small upside-down pyramid with an Egyptian eye in the center and it was a gold color. He went back to the neko, who looked a bit curious. “Hold still for a moment.” He said as he placed the charm on, which was the size of his palm. Once that was on, he had the other look at the mirror. “Doesn't that look cool Pharaoh?”
Pharaoh smiled as well as his tail wagged in agreement.
“Want to get it?”
Pharaoh looked at the other as if saying if it was okay?
Yugi smiled. “Of course silly!” He said as he took the items off and headed to the cashier. Once he paid for the items, he placed them back onto the other. “There!” He said with a smile. “Now don't you look great.” He laughed.
Pharaoh smiled as he saw his reflection from the window. He smiled that he did look good with the new items, but then looked up at another reflection. It was a man in a black over coat and a black hat and was holding what looked like a camera. He looked surprised and scared at the moment, but disappeared when Yugi came up beside him.
“Is everything alright?” Yugi asked.
Pharaoh smiled and nodded then did a motion that he was thirsty.
“Yeah, I'm getting thirsty too.” Yugi said smiling as he grabbed the other by the hand.
Pharaoh kept hearing silent camera sounds and slightly looked back at the man taking pictures of them. He went close to the other and wrapped an arm around the other's shoulders and smiled when he looked up at him.
~`Later that day'~
Yugi and Pharaoh were walking through the park and then waited at the crosswalk. Pharaoh's ears went up as he looked to see a car speeding towards them. Yugi looked at the neko and before he could ask, he saw bright headlights blinding his eyes. Pharaoh grabbed Yugi and jumped over the car in a perfect high jump and front flip combo. He looked back at the car and recognized the man from earlier.
“Hey!” Yugi shouted. “Watch where you're going!”
The driver drove away.
“What's with him?” Yugi said as he dusted himself off. “Thanks Pharaoh, this is the second time you saved my life.” He said to the other, who was glaring at the car. “Don't worry about it Pharaoh, chances we see that guy again is very slim.” He helped the other up as they crossed safely across.
Pharaoh, on the other hand, knew the man in the car and feared for his aibou. The driver intended to run the young man over and take him… like he did in the past. No! He shouldn't think about that now. He has a new life now. He has Yugi to look after and he has friends he could depend on. And nothing is going to change that. He held Yugi in a tight embrace.
Yugi smiled an assuring smile. “Everything is going to be okay Pharaoh. Trust me.”
Pharaoh nodded. He will always trust his aibou. He didn't choose him just to be with someone after all. Instinct told him that he was supposed to be with this young man he had come to care for.
~`Kaiba Mansion'~
After a few minutes of rest and a small dinner, the limo waited to take Yugi home.
“Well, the news say it was going to be sunny tomorrow.” Yugi said to Pharaoh. “So, if the house isn't damaged, we'll work on it and hopefully get it at least half done.” He looked at the other. “Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow.” He hugged the other, who embraced back. With that, he entered the limo and watched the other waving him good bye.
Somewhere in the darkness, hidden in one of the trees, someone with binoculars was watching the sweet departure. The person looked back at the neko, who looked as though he knew that he was there and got out of the tree and ran into the night.
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Alrighty then! That' it for now. Until next time!
Marik and Bakura: *tied up* R&R. *groaned: bitch*
I'm evil, I know, but at least I didn't let in the fan girls.
M/B: *paled*