Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 14

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*alseep* Zzz…
Bakura: How long did she stay up?
Marik: Only till one.
Bakura: And her record?
Marik: Four o'clock in the morning.
Bakura: I guess it isn't so bad.
Marik: Yeah… Want to pour ice cold water on her?
Bakura: I've got a headache right now, so no. Besides I like her when she sleeps.
Marik: You're not cheating, are you?
Bakura: She's quiet when she sleeps, not because I like her.
Marik: Oh, my bad…
Bakura: Yeah, yeah…
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Chapter 14
~`Mika's Office'~
She looked at the recent files as all her co-workers went home, only then was she able to get to the real files in hand. She found a lot of surprising pictures and nearly gagged. `My god…' She thought. `I can't believe this!' What she saw was physical abuse in each and every nude picture. Some of which looked so dead. It came up to a point where she just couldn't handle it and quickly went into the bathroom.
When she was done, her partner came in. “Whoa.” He said. “You don't look so well.”
She pointed to the pictures of the first file on her desk.
He went over and nearly gagged as well. “Aw shit.” He said. “He wasn't kidding when he mentioned the man was sick in the head.”
“Who?” She asked.
He looked over. “I asked Pharaoh some questions about the murder, and he mentioned that this guy was really sick in the head. He also mentioned that most of the people in the photos were already dead.”
Mika was about to vomit again upon that information. “Did he mention where the bodies are?”
“I asked him that, but he turned his head away, signaling that he didn't want to talk about it.”
“Wait…” She said as she regained her composure. “Joey mentioned that he smelled something awful in the building.”
“One of the Humanials that wanted to help the Pharaoh.”
He nodded. “You know, an officer wanted me out the first time when I was in there for only thirty minutes when the normal visitation was one or two hours.”
“Did you catch the name of the officer?”
He shook his head. “They don't wear nametags and even if I asked, he probably won't answer.”
She looked suspicious. `Something just doesn't seem to add up.' She thought as her partner looked through the second of the three files and gasped. “What is it Luke?” She said as she went up to him. What she saw made her feel like she was stabbed with a burning red-hot knife. “Pharaoh?” She said as her hand was slightly raised to her mouth.
“I've seen something like this before.” Luke said, who was equally sickened by the sight. “It's some kind of drug that makes you completely numb, therefore you couldn't move for hours.” They saw the fearful look in each and every picture. That was until they started seeing bruises and cuts on his lean body. But there was one picture that stood out from all the rest. And Luke could recognize it from a mile away. “This one…” He said. “This was after he was raped.”
Mika couldn't take it anymore as she vomit on the floor. “Put those away, please…” She said through her shaky breath.
He did, also not wanting to look anymore then put the files back into the plastic bag that came with it. “Come on.” He said to her. “You look like you should rest.”
Mika shook her head. “I don't think I'll be able to sleep after seeing that.” She started to cry. “How am I able to tell Yugi about this?”
He placed a hand on her shoulder. “Don't tell him.” He said, which caused her to look up at him. “I may only know a little about Pharaoh, but I think he wants to tell Yugi about his life in his own words.”
Mika nodded. “Yes, you're right.” She slowly got up.
“Need a ride?”
She nodded. “Yes.”
~`Game shop'~
Mika got out of Luke's car and walked into the shop. As she entered she looked to see the elder. “How's Yugi?” She asked.
The elder sighed. “He managed to eat one thing today.” He said.
She nodded.
“Mika, are you alright? You look pale.”
She nodded. “Just a long day at work, that's all.” She lied, but was also part fully true. “Is it alright if I can talk to him?”
The elder shrugged. “You should ask him.”
She went upstairs and knocked on her son's door. “Yugi? Sweetie it's me.”
The door slightly opened, revealing reddened amethyst orbs.
She smiled a small smile. “I managed to find some evidence, but it's still not enough, but it's good enough.” She said.
Yugi opened the door a little more. “What kind of evidence?”
She sighed. “I'm afraid you have to ask Pharaoh that, you see… it has to do with his past…” She looked at her son to see if he understood.
Yugi smiled. “Thanks Mom.” He said quietly.
She nodded. “Luke kind of talked to him today while I was searching.”
“Really?” Yugi said opening his door more.
“He asked about you, from what I could get out of Luke.”
He smiled and wiped his eyes. “Is he alright?”
She nodded. “Would you like to see him tomorrow?”
He nodded. “I would like that!”
She smiled. “Well, you need to go to bed right now if you're serious then.”
Yugi hugged his mother. “Thanks Mom, I don't know what I'll do if you we're here.”
She was touched by this and hugged her son. “That's what mothers do dear. Now, off to bed you go.”
He went into in bed and pulled the covers over him.
She smiled as she closed the door. But the thought of seeing those pictures came back and she went downstairs to fix herself something to eat. `Nothing like ice cream to numb the brain.' She thought.
~`Next Morning'~
Yugi got up bright and early, feeling a little better then yesterday. He got dressed in his white shirt and faded blue jeans. He also rummaged through to find a small box and he smiled as he put it into his pocket.
“Yugi? Are you ready?” Mika called.
“Coming!” Yugi said as he raced down the steps.
“Hon, please be careful the next time you do that.” She said, sounding like a normal mother.
“Sorry.” He said with a smile.
“Oh ho!” Grandpa said as he walked out. “And where are we going?”
“I'm going to visit Pharaoh today!” Yugi said happily.
“Really?” Grandpa said as he looked at his daughter.
“Yes, I feel as though it could help with the healing process.” Mika said.
“But you're not a doctor.” The elder joked.
“And you're lucky I don't bash you with a rolled up newspaper for every time I see those bikini magazines.”
That got the elder.
“Aw Mom, don't put him down like that.”
“I'm not those kind of mothers dear.” She said as Luke's car came up and he honked. “That's our ride.” She said. “Well be back in a few hours.” She said as she and Yugi walked out of the door.
Pharaoh looked out at the window, where there were a few birds there chirping away. He sighed silently as he heard footsteps coming towards his room.
“You got a visitor.” The officer said.
He expected the detective again, but nearly jumped out of the cot he was in when he saw Yugi.
Yugi ran up to the other before the other could hurt himself. “Hi Pharaoh! I missed you!” He said as he hugged the neko.
Pharaoh hugged in return, feeling really happy to see his aibou again. He feared for what happened just days ago and thought that the other would distanced himself from him because of what the media put in.
“Oh!” Yugi said as he digged through his pockets and got out the small box. “I've been saving this for sometime.”
Pharaoh looked at the box with a curious interest.
“Yesterday, I was cleaning my room because I was feeling down and I found this.” Yugi said as he held up the box. “I almost forgot I even had this.” He opened the box and there was a ring. It was one of those Egyptian rings with the hieroglyphs on it. “The saying on there says `Health', `Joy', `Happiness', `Friendship', and `Love'.” He said with a smile. “I kept that in case I ever found you.”
Pharaoh looked at the other with confused look.
“It's sort of like a good luck charm.” Yugi said.
Pharaoh nodded as he put on the ring and held it up, as if admiring it and showing it off to the world.
“You like it?”
Pharaoh smiled and nuzzled the other.
Yugi laughed as he petted the other on the head.
~`Outside the jail'~
Mika was able to get the name of the officer that refused to answer her question of the location of the building the night he and his group took Pharaoh as well as the one who wanted Luke out of the room that Pharaoh was currently in. `Pete Whit. Now why does that name sound so familiar?' She thought as she took out her cell.
/Hello? Second Chances./ Ryou's voice said from the other line.
“Hello Ryou, its Mrs. Mouto.”
/Oh, hello. How's everything?/
“Yugi's talking to Pharaoh as we speak.” She said. “Ryou, can you do me a favor?”
“Could you ask Seto to check on a Pete Whit. I believe I heard the name somewhere, but I just couldn't point it out.”
/Sure thing. Anything else?/
“No. That'll be all. Oh! Tell Bakura and Marik thanks for their help as well as Joey.”
/Not a problem. Bye./
“Bye.” She hung up as she looked around the area. `Something about that name bothers me…' She thought. `Then there are the missing bodies from the pictures… Pharaoh knows where it's located, but wouldn't tell. Then there's the smell that Joey was complaining about yesterday. And I still have that case about the kidnappings.' She sighed. `All this is just too much and not adding up.'
“Detective!” Luke called as he ran up.
“What is it Luke?” She asked, knowing that when he calls her that it means something happened.
“The trial date! It moved to tomorrow!”
“I know, but in a way it's good, we could search out the building you found and find those bodies.”
“It appears so…” Mika said, feeling as though this whole this is a set up. `At least by the time we get Pharaoh out, I could further study the kidnappings. In fact…' She looked at her partner. “Luke, do we have any new reports on the kidnappings anywhere?”
Luke blinked. “Uh, not since New York…”
Mika didn't like this. `Could someone be behind this? If so, why?' She thought. `There's more to this then the murder and the kidnappings. It's as if this whole thing is centered onto one thing, but what?'
“Mika?” Luke said.
“Sorry, I was just thinking about the whole thing.” She said. “All of this is strange.”
“I agree, but what can we do?”
“Ride it out.” She said as she waited with her thoughts.
~`Kaiba Mansion'~
Seto was in his private computer room. After getting a call from Ryou, he immediately checked his normal lap top for the person, only to find out that the guy was a Norwegian that died about some fifty years ago. He checked with his normal desktop computer and gotten the same result. That's when he gotten suspicious. He went into his secret computer room and found out all the names of all Japanese with the name Pete, only to find one. When he confirms that he was searching an officer, he hacked onto the information of the true identity. What he got was surprising. “What the hell?!”
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Bakura: And it stops on a cliff hanger. *finishes his soda* I didn't know she's capable for some intense stuff.
Marik: Yeah. *munches on popcorn* She doesn't seem to be the type to do all that detective work and all that crap.
Bakura: Here, here.
*wakes up* What the heck happened to my room!?! *sees the huge mess and clutter in her room* BAKRUA!! MARIK!!
Marik: Shall we run for our lives.
Bakura: I believe we shall. *they run for it*