Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 17

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Don't go there with me Bakura! Marik!
Marik: PMS?
Bakura: Yep.
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Chapter 17
“Everyone, please rise for the judge!” A guard said as the judge came in.
“You may be seated.” Said the judge, by the name of Dr. Moya, and everyone did. “Now, Detective Mouto, you said so yourself yesterday that you will present a couple more pieces of evidence today.”
“That is correct sir!” Mika said, serious business in her tone.
“Would you like to show your evidence now?”
“Love to!” She said as she got up. “Lights Detective Luke!”
Luke turned off the lights in the room, since the windows were covered earlier. And he turned on the projector and went to the first slide, which caused a massive wave of gasps.
“This, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, is the basement of the house that once belonged to Akhenaden!” She pointed out to the first few slides that showed nothing but the bodies of the unfortunate souls. “We wouldn't be able to find this disturbing scene if it wasn't for the help of the amateur detective group. Joey, Bakura, Marik, Ryou, Malik, Luna, Alysia, and Seto Kaiba.”
Ryou nearly gagged at the sighted and Malik looked at Marik as his aibou wrapped an arm around him. And Joey wasn't there, thanks to the smell, but Seto was present. Alysia quickly covered Luna's eyes just as soon as she caught a glimpse of a skull. Luna was about to protest if it wasn't for the gasps in the room.
“The pictures I handed to you yesterday, are the bodies you see up in the screen.” Mika said. “But there is one that may be of shock to you, your honor.” She looked sadly up at the judge.
“What do you mean?”
“You filed a missing person report about three months ago, about your wife.”
Dr. Moya went pale when she mentioned about his wife.
Pharaoh, who was also in the room, looked symphetic and bowed his head.
“Was she…”
“Her body is in the hospital along with the rest which looked as though they were there for not too long.” Mika said sadly.
The whole court room went dead silent while the judge had his moment. He looked at Pharaoh, who didn't look up. “Did you see her?” He asked.
Pharaoh knew that the question was at him and shook his head.
“Your honor.” Luke said as he came up. “I've asked Pharaoh when I was visiting him, and he mentioned that he managed to escape one evening some five months ago. He had no idea where the bodies were being put away at the time, because there were some drug abuse at work as well.”
The judge took this, believing it to be true. “Anything else?”
Mika nodded. “There is one thing, but it doesn't relate to this case, but another.” She quickly added. “To the abductions of the Humanials and Aniumans along with their aibous.”
“Go on.”
“Someone in this room is disguising himself to cover his true identity!” She looked at the officer. “You! Officer Pete Whit! You were there on the night when you and your group took Pharaoh and refused to answer to a detective when asked of the location and person of his charge! And again when my partner was in question with Pharaoh that you asked him to leave when he been in there for only thirty minutes when the visitation is only an hour! Two for those who could pay the price to afford!”
The officer seemed uncomfortable.
“Give up the disguise, Usagui, grandson of one of the scientist working on `The Super-Human' project!”
The fake officer pulled out a device and held it up for all to see. “Shoot me and I'll set this whole courtroom to the sky!” He said with a crazy laugh.
`Damn!' Mika thought. `I should've known he would pull something like this. If only-` Her thought's were cut off when she saw a shadow going pass her in lighting speed.
The `shadow' managed to kick the device high up in the air, and had just enough time to knock the guy off balance and knock him out cold before the device hit the floor.
“Luke! Lights!” Mika called.
Luke turned on the lights and everyone saw Pharaoh, out of the restraints, on top of the guy and working on the device from the inside.
“How the hell did he get out?” Said a guard that was suppose to be watching the neko.
Pharaoh then pulled a few things out then placed the device down and stomping it with his foot.
“Ninja moves and bomb technical expert.” Alysia said. “Damn, Yugi got himself one hell of a find.”
“Lisa, I can't see.” Luna said, her eyes still covered.
Luna smiles. “That's alright, I probably didn't want to know what's going on.”
Mika then looked at the jury. “Well? Is Pharaoh guilty or innocent?”
One of the jury members got up and spoke. “We have confirmed that Pharaoh is…Not guilty!”
Everyone in the court room seemed to cheer at the final decision.
Mika went up to Pharaoh, who was sitting down with a small smile on his face. “Thank you.” She said.
He was confused when she said that.
She brought out a picture. “You probably didn't know about the secret photo lab in the basement, did you?”
He shook his head.
“Well, Luke found the room and… Akhenaden was probably nearly done when he heard you come in…” She showed the picture of a smiling Yugi on the day they were working on the beach house. “He was the next target.” She started to tear up. “Thank you, for being there for him… for being his aibou…” She hugged him, which surprised him but he managed to pat her on the shoulder. She then went back to look at the neko with a smile on her face. “Welcome to the Mouto family.” She said.
Pharaoh didn't know what to say, though he probably couldn't say anything at all, but it did mean a lot to him to hear words of acceptance. But then remembered that he has to let Yugi know about his past.
She saw the look and smiled a motherly wise smile. “He'll understand, trust me.” She said with a wink.
He still didn't look sure.
“Hey, if I can accept you into our family with a background like that, then there's no way he'll turn away from you. Besides, he's heard stories from all the other Humanials and Aniumans that are either less or worse then your case.”
He smiled a little and nodded while making a small sound in the back of his throat, which seemed to surprise him.
She heard it as well. “Looks like you'll be able to `voice' out your opinions soon.” She teased in a good way.
Then all of a sudden the gang came up to congratulate the neko.
“Hell yeah!” Alysia said. “You kicked ass today!”
“Yeah!” Luna said. “Who would've thought that the officer was a fraud?”
“Not to mention that he taken out a sicko serial killer!” Marik said.
“And here I thought you might be one.” Malik said.
“You're so mean to me!”
“Only because you forgot what today is!”
“Oh forget it!”
Ryou and Bakura sighed. “Jeez.” Bakura murmured.
“Well, now I know why my Pup won't come out to see you today, those pictures looked disgusting.” Seto said. “At least there's one sicko taken out.”
“Now let's get you out of those fucked up jumpsuits!” Alysia said. “Bright orange is definitely not your color! You just look like shit!”
“Leave it to you to know exactly what to say.” Ryou said.
“Damn straight!”
~`Game shop'~
Yugi was going through the list for college stuff that he needs or learn about when he sighed and went over to the bed. `How can I focus on college when Pharaoh is being testified?' He thought as he looked over at the form that was suppose to let his school know that he has a Humanial that will be attending to the school as well. `And I can't fill that stupid thing until I know for sure Pharaoh won't be in jail.' He sighed again when he heard a car pull up. `Grandpa must be home.' He thought as he remembered the elder went out to see a friend about two hours ago. He turned to his side and pretended to sleep.
Mika and Pharaoh, unknown to the young man, were coming in from the courthouse and were in the kitchen. She had a smile to her face as she and the neko were looking at the stairs. “Now you know what to do, right?”
He nodded.
“I'll be working today, so you guys could do what ever you want, but by tomorrow, you have to show me the beach house.”
He nodded as he started to climb up the stairs.
She smiled as she walked out of the kitchen area and back into her car before driving away.
Pharaoh saw the door to Yugi's room and took a deep breath. He had to do this for his own sake as well as Yugi's. He stood in front of the door and knocked. No response and he new the other is in there, he could smell his scent. He continued to knock until he heard a pair of feet on the floor and headed over to the door.
Yugi ignored the first knock, thinking it was his grandfather, but when it continued he couldn't help but be curious on who it could be. `That couldn't be Grandpa.' He thought as he got off the bed and headed towards the door, which the knocking stopped. He cautiously opened the door, only to see a black cat's tail. His eyes went wide and opened the door more to see the neko.
Pharaoh smiled when he saw the other. “Hi Yugi.” He said, which was a bit soft and slightly scratchy from lack of use, but it made the young man before him tear up in joy and held him.
“Pharaoh!” Yugi cried as he held the other tightly, afraid of letting go. “I was so worried!” He let some more tears come down his face.
Pharaoh held the other close as his aibou continued to cry. He stayed there until the other stopped crying.
“Sorry…” Yugi said as he wiped his eyes. “I'm such a crybaby sometimes.”
Pharaoh shook his head. “No.” He said, his tone still quiet but getting clear. “It's nice… to know someone cares…” He wiped away some stray tears from the other's eyes. He then remembered what he came here for.
“Pharaoh? What's wrong?” Yugi asked, seeing the saddened look on the other's face.
“There's… something I want to tell you… about me…” Pharaoh said, his voice starting to be clear but was still quiet.
Yugi nodded and they headed towards the bed to sit down. “Whenever you're ready.” He said.
Pharaoh took a deep breath. “First of all… My name…” He looked at the other in the eye. “To answer your very first question that I didn't answer.” He smiled as he remembered Yugi as a ten year old child that he helped save. “It's Atemu.”
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Alright! The trials are done and ended with the name! I rock!
Bakura: And evil.
Shut up! Non-believer!
Bakura: … I don't even want to know…
*sticks out tongue* R&R everyone please! *puppy eyes*
Bakura: Excuse her, she just had her sugar intake.
Bakura: I know.