Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 20

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Short, sweet and simple. Enjoy!
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Chapter 20
~`Next Morning'~
Yugi blinked as the sun shone through the sky light. He tried to get up, only to feel like his head is splitting in two and groaned. `What happened?'
“You're awake?” Atemu said, who was right next to him.
“I'm not sure. I feel like I was run over by a truck.”
“That is what a hang over is.”
Yugi looked confused. “What happened?”
“Some chick challenged you for me and you won, but you also got drunk in the process.”
Yugi tried to think back and then remembered the blonde. “I've never done something like that before.”
“I could tell.”
“Did I do anything stupid?”
Atemu shrugged. “No. You were talking a lot, but nothing stupid.”
“Good.” Yugi said as he then looked at the area more. He was in his room on his bed. But then saw that his hand was under Atemu's shirt. “Oh sorry!” He blushed and took his hand out of there. “You said I didn't do anything stupid!” That made his head hurt a bit more.
“Calm down first.” Atemu said. “And second you really didn't do anything stupid. When I placed you back in bed, you wouldn't let go of my shirt, so I had no choice but to stay. And when I laid down next to you your hand started to go under my shirt and started to feel around for only a second then passed out. No harm done.”
“I still invaded.” Yugi pointed out.
“Not necessarily. If your hand was in my pants-“
“Too much information!”
Atemu laughed. “I'm just pointing out the worst scenario.”
“Congratulations, you did a great job at placing the image in my head!” He held his head.
“I'm going to get you some aspirin.” Atemu said as he got up and walked out of the room. When he came back, the other took the aspirin as well as the water he brought up as well.
“Thanks.” Yugi said.
“No problem.” Atemu said. “Hungry?”
Yugi shook his head.
“It could help with the hangover you have.”
Yugi looked at him and smiled. “Okay.”
Atemu smiled as he carried Yugi in a bridal style.
“Relax!” Atemu said with a smirk. “I'm just going to set you down in the living room.”
Yugi blushed like mad as he was set down on the couch.
“Now don't go off running around.” Atemu said with a wink.
Yugi pouted, which caused the other to chuckle and went into the kitchen and fixed up a quick breakfast.
He brought out some cut up fruit and toast as well as some yogurt.
“Wow! This looks good!” Yugi said as he went for the toast.
Atemu shrugged. “It's something small and easy to do.”
Yugi smiled. “It's still good.” He said as he started on his yogurt. “And I think I'm starting to feel better!”
The neko smiled. “That's good to hear.” He said when the phone rang. “I'll get that.” He went into the game shop part and answered the phone. “Hello Mouto Game shop residents. How may I help you?”
/Okay you're starting to scare me Pharaoh./ Bakura said from the other line.
“Hello Bakura, what brings you to call?”
/Seto has some announcement today and all of us are suppose to report to the center./
He nodded. “I'll let Yugi know.”
/How is he anyway?/
“He's fine, just getting over a hangover.”
/Well aren't you the nice doctor./
“I'm just doing my best to make sure my aibou is healthy.”
/That's just seems to be our jobs as their aibous, huh?/
Atemu smiled. “The best jobs in the world, were the only reward is knowing you've done your best.”
/Tell Marik that./ Bakura said with a huff. /I swear that guy is loosing so many points it's starting to look bad for him./
The neko nodded. “Agreed. Well, Yugi and I will be over at the center as soon as possible.”
/Bye./ With that they hung up.
“Who was that?” Yugi asked, he was able to stand after having something to eat.
“That was Bakura letting us know that Seto has some announcement over at the center.”
“Oh? I wonder what it is.”
The neko shrugged. “Only one way to find out. How about you go get dressed.”
Yugi looked at the clothes he wore last night and nodded before heading upstairs. When he got up there, he nearly bumped into his grandfather. “Oh! Morning Grandpa.”
“Morning Yugi, how was your night last night?”
“It was okay.” He said as he entered his room to get changed.
Grandpa went downstairs and saw that Atemu already has breakfast ready for him. “Well, well. It's nice to be served for once.”
Atemu laughed. “It's something simple and easy to prepare.” He said as he helped himself some yogurt.
“At least you know about a healthy diet.” Grandpa said as he ate his breakfast.
“All set!” Yugi said as he walked in. He wore a light blue sleeveless top and was wearing black jeans.
“Where are you two going?” The elder asked.
“Seto has an announcement over at the center and has asked everyone to go over there.”
“Oh, alright lads. Have fun.”
“We will.” Yugi said as he and Atemu ran out of the shop.
The elder chuckled. “Those two…” He said with a smile.
~`Second Chances'~
Yugi and Atemu went into the room and saw that everyone was here, even Tristan and Duke.
“Hello Yugi.” Seto said. “I was just telling them about the kidnapping incidents.”
Yugi nodded. “Have they acted up again?”
Seto nodded. “Afraid so, three from Texas has already been abducted and one from California.”
“Whoa.” Malik said.
“So, I've come to a conclusion that, as long as these kidnappers are on the loose, we could have to have some sort of tracking device, incase one of us it next.”
“You're going to put I.D. chips in the back of our necks like they do to dogs and cats?” Bakura said.
“That's the idea.” Seto said. “But instead of the neck, the I.D. chips will be on top of the skull-“
“Hold on!” Marik said. “You mean we need surgery for this?!”
Joey sighed. “It's just a shot to da back of da skull and it's ova with.”
Seto nodded. “Joey already has his, so he knows the procedure.”
“Did you test this out?” Luna asked.
“Of course. I wouldn't put it on my puppy if I didn't test it first. It would be cruel.”
“So… Where do we get these shots?” Bakura asked.
Seto cocked an eyebrow. “Where else? The infirmary level. All Humanials report immediately.” That earned a few groans.
Yugi looked at Atemu, who just smiled.
“It's just going to be a shot Yugi, it won't do any harm.” The neko assured.
With that all the Humanials went into the elevator and their aibous had to wait in the greeting room until they were done.
~`Infirmary Level'~
Three doctors with their Humanial nurses, male and female, were waiting for them as the Humanial group came in.
“Hello.” Said one doctor. “Who will be first?”
Marik didn't like shots, it reminded too much of the past. Bakura just didn't sit well with the whole thing. Tristan just froze looking at the pointed objects. Alysia rolled her eyes as she went up. Atemu went up as well with a smile on his face.
The doctor smiled as he led Alysia to the first examining table while Atemu has the other doctor. The last doctor decided to drag Tristan by the tail just before he tried to escape. They went over them like a normal check up and asked them questions about themselves, since each had their own cubical. Once that was done, they started doing the procedure. Turns out that the shots just acted like the ones in the tattoo parlor, only they only soften the scalp a bit, instead of rubbing the top skin off. It only took a couple seconds before they were done.
Atemu and Alysia were out first, making the next two go. They told them what it's like and Marik seemed to look less nervous and Bakura shrugged. After that they went to the elevator and went down back to the greeting room.
“How was it?” Luna asked.
“Just boring shit.” Alysia said.
Yugi smiled. “I'm guessing it's not all that bad, huh?”
Atemu shook his head. “Not at all.”
Yugi nodded then remembered something. “Oh! We never did get you an I.D. did we?”
Atemu thought and shook his head.
“Hey Luna!”
The said girl looked over.
“You think you've got time to make an I.D. for Atemu?”
Luna smiled. “I always have time on my hands!” She said with a laugh.
Yugi then noticed something. “I think your red hair is coming back.”
“I know!” She said as she patted her hair. “I miss my natural hair color. Especially after the cruel trick my brother did.”
“At least it's not permanent.”
“So true!” She said as she mentioned the neko to follow. “Let's get you that I.D.”
After that, Tristan came out.
“What the hell happened to you?” Duke asked.
“I don't like doctors.” Tristan said as he had a huge bandage in the back of his head.
Then Marik and Bakura walked out, looking completely fine.
“There you go.” Luna said as she handed the neko his I.D. “Now you can enter the building anytime even in closing time.”
Atemu nodded. “Thank you.”
She waved it off. “Not a problem. Now don't loose that now.”
He laughed then they went their separate ways to meet up with their aibous.
Marik, still feeling awful about forgetting his and Malik's anniversary, he went up to Atemu who was about to go over to Yugi. “Can I get some advice from you?”
The neko looked confused, but agreed.
“Well, lately I've been a huge screw up with my aibou, and I don't know what to do.”
Atemu thought about the possible ways, which were few in his case. “I don't know much about relationships, but maybe you could try something that he likes and you dislike and work from there.”
Marik looked lost.
“Well… What could be a good example?” He said as he thought about it. “What is it you really don't like, but Malik does?”
Marik thought about this and said. “Well, he likes to watch that stupid soap opera show.”
“Work on it from there.”
“You mean I have to sit an hour watching that show?”
“If it means gaining back points for your aibou, then yes.”
Marik nodded. “Alright.”
“And try not falling asleep as well.”
The silver fox looked at him and groaned.
“It'll be worth it.” Atemu said. “The more you do things that he likes, the likely chance he'll be in a better mood with you will be a lot better then right now.”
Marik nodded. “Alright, for my aibou's sake.”
“Hey!” Bakura called. “We're heading to the beach house to work on the painting! Get your lazy asses over here!”
“Oh shut it Rabbit!” Marik said then noticed that Malik rolled his eyes. `Looks like I have to cut back on the arguing for a while.' He thought.
Atemu sighed. `I hope things work out between them.' He thought as he watched Yugi come up to him. `I hope we never have that problem.' He smiled as Yugi started talking happily.
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