Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 21

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Alrighty then! Let's get this party started!
Bakura: It's almost your birthday, isn't?
*nods* Yep!
Marik: *gets sodas* The only good thing to be her co-hosts.
And here I thought you might sneak in something alcoholic. *grabs a soda*
Marik: I may be crazy, but I'm not that crazy…
Bakura: …
Marik: Shut up. *takes a gulp*
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Chapter 21
~`Department Store' ~
Everyone went into the department store and got a lot of different paints. One type was to seal and protect the bare wooden walls, another for the ceiling, and the rest are colors which everyone kept asking Atemu which colors he likes.
Atemu wasn't really sure what colors he liked and turned to the only two girls in the group to help him out.
“Uh…” Luna started, not liking to make decisions for others.
“What the hell are you asking us for?” Alysia said as she crossed her arms.
“Well… I'm just not sure what colors I like really. I've never given any thought to it really.” Atemu admitted.
“That's understandable.” Luna said. “But, I think if you give yourself time to think about it, then you could tell us.”
Atemu nodded as he started to think about all the colors.
“First of all!” Alysia called out. “We have to knock down the shitty colors that would not look good!”
“I'm going to say orange is out of the question.” Luna said, remembering the jumpsuit Atemu had to wear during the trial.
“Damn straight it is!” Alysia said.
Atemu knew that he have a better chance by knocking out the colors that he didn't favor well.
“It also helps to know what kind of atmosphere you want each room to be.” Luna added.
Atemu was confused by all this. “Can we just start with white walls and work from there.”
The girls looked at him and thought it over.
“Well, it could save us a bunch if we just start by protecting the walls and paint it white.” Luna suggested.
Alysia shrugged. “Fine by me! Damn it! Now we have to tell everyone that we're not doing color!”
“I'm sure they'll understand.” Atemu said as they saw everyone coming up to them.
“I give!” Bakura said. “How about we keep it white! Less complication!”
Ryou sighed and shook his head.
Marik was about to snap a comment, but stopped himself, making his aibou look at him oddly.
“Well guys, looks like we're going to hold off on the colors.” Luna said.
The guys groaned.
“Ah! Can it bitches!” Alysia said, but then noticed something amiss. “Where's Yugi?”
The group looked around and saw that the young teen was no where near them.
Atemu started to sniff out Yugi's scent, which was mixed in with the wood and paint and what not. He quickly followed the scent and he realized he was getting close by the increase of scent.
“Atemu!” He heard the other and looked to see that they were in the colored paint aisle.
“Hello Yugi.” He said as he walked up to him. “What are you doing?”
“I've been thinking about colors for each room and just started making a list about the possible colors to use.” Yugi explained as he looked at one of the lids of one paint can, which was a cream color and shook his head. “Nope, never liked the cream color.” He said. “So, what brings you here?”
“Just telling everyone that we're going to stick with white until I could make up my mind on colors.”
Yugi laughed. “Looks like I have to help you with that, huh?”
Atemu smiled. “Looks like it.”
~`Beach House'~
They started on the sealing paint on the walls, with each a different team in the room. Alysia and Luna worked on the kitchen, Marik and Malik worked on the bathroom, Ryou and Bakura worked on one of the rooms, while Joey, Yugi and Atemu worked on the living/family room, and for the outside business, Duke and Tristan worked with the sealing on the outside parts of the house, though they kept arguing instead of getting work done. But all in all, they were able to get it done.
“I'm starving!” Joey said and for once, he wasn't rudely commented on it, because everyone else was in the same predicament as he was.
“So, what should we get tonight?” Luna asked.
“We already spend most of our money on paint.” Ryou said.
“I know!” Joey said. “`Ow about we `ead ova da Kaiba's `n get somet'in' da eat dere!”
“That's a brilliant idea!” Atemu said. “He'll be surprised to have guests.”
“Yeah!” Joey agreed.
~`Kaiba's Mansion'~
Everyone was at the huge dinner table and were talking and laughing about this and that. Malik was laughing at what Marik was saying and the crazy fox was both happy and relieved that he was able to get his aibou to like him again. Ryou was giving Bakura a lecture about something, but Bakura was nodding off as his aibou went on. Joey and Seto were having another lover's spat. Alysia and Luna were talking and Luna laughed after every sentence the other girl was saying. Tristan and Duke were also arguing. Moukaba and Noah were just looking at everyone.
Atemu and Yugi on the other hand, they were discussing about which colors would do best in what room. As it turns out, the neko is fond with the colors of violet, red, black, navy, and he liked the style of one of the sample rooms that looked like an Egyptian room. Yugi could see how he could put it together with some of the colors the other mentioned he liked with the picture of the room. While Yugi thought about light colors for the kitchen and bathroom and some neutral color for the living/family room.
After everyone had their fill, Seto summoned up some limo drivers and each went home that way.
~`Game Shop'~
Atemu carried Yugi, who fell asleep on the way to the shop, up to the other's bedroom and tucked him into bed. Once that was done, he went to the family room and laid down on the couch, where he fell asleep.
~`Somewhere in the city'~
In the shadowed part of the city, there was a black van parked near a couple of buildings. In the van were two men in the front while another four were in the back. Behind them were two cages that could fit two people each.
“Damn…” Said one who was looking at what looks like a list. “This place is like a central for these things.”
“Well they were created here before being shipped off nearly in every part of the world.” Said one guy behind the wheel.
“Yeah, and no doubt that the corporate bastard has done something to make our collecting harder then before.”
The guy behind the wheel `humphed' before taking a swing of a small whiskey bottle. “Well, one thing for sure.” He said as he placed a cap on the bottle. “That the main targets are already here.”
“Really?” Said the other. “If they're the real targets, why did we bother with the other's?”
“We're dealing with top of the line creations! We have to find a method that's both effective and able to get them crawling here.”
“What do you mean?”
“The other's we've been collecting aren't just so we could claim back, but also to study for when we locate the main ones, we would know what makes them beg.”
“I see, find their weak spot is what you mean.”
“Yes.” The driver said as he saw a mid-age man with a raccoon Aniuman as they ran to get home quickly. “But until then, we have to collect and remind them that they're not individuals, but a strong force that deserves to be respected.” With that, the van started and started to chase after the two.
~`Game Shop'~
Atemu woke up with a start and looked around at the dark room. `What was that feeling?' He thought as he got up and skillfully walked down the halls silently and was able to locate the young man's room with no problem. He saw that the other was sleeping peacefully and went over to the chair and sat down. `Something's not right.' He thought as he looked at the sky light. He didn't like the feeling, he didn't one bit.
~`Ryou's and Bakura's Apartment'~
Like Atemu, Bakura had a strange feeling and looked at his aibou to see he was sleeping soundly next to him. He glared at the wall, knowing that his senses were trying to tell him something, but didn't know what.
~`Museum Dorm's'~
Marik sat in front of his aibou's closed dorm and looked as though he was in deep thought. His left ear keeps twitching, meaning that something was up, and he didn't like it.
~`Kaiba's Mansion'~
Both Joey and Noah had the same feeling and it concerned them as the blonde held the other close and the wolf boy to lay down on the foot of his aibou's bed.
~`Alysia's and Luna's Apartment'~
Alysia had a shiver down her spine and it made the hairs on the back of her neck to rise up. “Shit.” She whispered as she saw Luna in another bed, cuddling a stuff animal. `What the fuck?!' She thought as she tried to get back to sleep, only to curse again when she still felt that feeling.
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Okay everyone, I hope you liked this chapter and I'll try to get more up.
Bakura: … I'm not even going to bother responding to that.
You don't have to, after all, we're just the comedy act for before and after the chapter.
Bakura: And yet you still have fun while you're at it.
Yep! Well, that's all the time we have for now, so please R&R for me and have a great day!
Bakura: Bye and see ya.