Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 29

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Here we go! Once again we're going to kick it up with another suspense filled chapter! Without further ado… Enjoy!
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Chapter 29
~`Inside the Island's mountain'~
“And stay in there!” Said the man as he and the other's shoved the three boys through an iron door.
Once they heard the door slam, the three removed their blindfolds and saw the kidnapped people.
“YUGI! MALIK! RYOU!” Duke called as he went up to the three.
“DUKE!” The three called as they ran up to him.
“Thank goodness you're alright!” Ryou said.
“Yeah, but I know Tristan isn't.” Duke said. “Did they capture you as well?”
“Obviously!” Malik said.
“But don't worry, we were captured on purpose!” Yugi said as he looked around the area. “Where's my mom?”
Duke sighed. “Yugi… You have one crazy mom.”
“I swear she has more identities then Chameleon Man in those Spiderman comics back in America.”
“She found a way out?” Malik said, a little dumbstrucked.
“You could say that.” Duke said. “We made a human pyramid to get her up there in that hole.” He pointed it out. “And that's the last time we saw her.”
Yugi nodded. “Okay! I'm going!”
“WHAT?!?!” The other four yelled.
“What do you plan on doing after you get up there?” Malik called. “We haven't even heard from your mom since coming here! There's a good chance she was caught or—“
“My mom wouldn't be caught dead in a place like this!” Yugi said. “I'm doing this no matter what you guys say!”
“But Yugi…” Ryou said. “What about the plan?”
“I know Ryou, but I can't really trust these people to allow them to execute that. That's why I need to know what's going on before that jerk does anything to them.”
Everyone, who was overhearing this conversation, started to do the human pyramid and were half way done when the four noticed what was going on.
“What the hell?” Malik said.
“If one is crazy enough to do this the first time, then they're crazy enough for the second.” Said Duke with a sigh. “Come on!” He grabbed Malik and Ryou. “You're helping!”
“What about Yugi?” Malik said.
“He goes last, like Mrs. Mouto.”
Yugi stood there as he watched as the pyramid was being created at a quick speed. `Thanks everyone.' He thought when he thought about what he should do once he gets out. `Surely Mom left a trail to follow, in case anyone else wants to do this.'
~`Outside the door: ten minutes later'~
“This damn place is a damn maze!” Said a man as he was getting closer to the door. He went up to a security pad and pressed in the security code before the door opened to reveal an unusual sight. “What the hell!?”
The human pyramid, like the last one, nearly made it to the top and Yugi just grabbed hold of the vine and was crawling out.
“Code Orange! Code Orange! We have an escapee! I repeat! We have an escapee in the hostage room!” The man said as he was being ambushed by old men with their canes and small children were biting him.
As Yugi reached outside he saw how steep the mountain side was and braced himself. He took the time to look around and saw the jungle below, and looked around to see if he could find a base or something in view, only to see none. `Now what?' He thought when he noticed a small trail of dried blood. “Huh?” He said as he carefully took a good look at the blood trail. “Did Mom go this way?” He asked himself as he climbed down the mountain with the trail as his only guide.
When he reached solid ground, he looked to see that the forest was very dark and uninviting, but knew that if his mother did this, then he could do it as well. `Just be cautious and be quiet and you will be fine.' He thought to himself as he went into the forest, hiding behind tree trucks along the way until he saw dim light along with some guards. `Okay… What did Mom do to distract them?' He thought as he thought up a good idea. He put his hands over his mouth and started to make a wounded animal call that sounded like it was coming from the left of the guards.
“What's that sound?” Said one of them.
“Sounds like an animal.” Said another.
“Should we check it out?”
“We'll go about ten feet, then we'll leave it there.”
“Okay.” With that, the two went to follow the sound, allowing the young man to sneak past and enter the camp.
He hid behind some nearby crates to make sure no one spotted him. He looked around the area to see that the area was pretty empty from his view. `So far, so good…' He thought as he took off his shoes to be extra sneaky. `Atemu and the others should be in one of those tin huts.' He went up to one and saw only a chemistry lab. `Damn!'
He quietly went up to one tin hut after another, only to find no living life he could describe. `Chemistry labs, armories, weaponries… Where is everyone?' He thought when he noticed that there wasn't a soul walking around the area. He then found one hut with the Aniumans. `Bingo!' He thought, when he noticed a lot of red dots blinking around their necks. `Tracers?' He moved down to the next hut, only to see the same result. `What are those things?' As he went to the next hut, he wondered if Atemu and the others were in a separate hut. `Where could they be?'
He went up to the last hut, which was an office and looked through the window, which one part was covered by tape, and saw his mother. “Mom.” He whispered as he noticed another presence in the room.
“Seems like your son did the same thing you did.” Akhenaden said as he walked across the room. “No doubt he's on his way here… He may already be here.”
“You must stop this now! These things you created are living beings! They deserved to live!” Mrs. Mouto said.
“Silence!” Akhenaden shouted. “These mutants created by the finest of creatures with the certain trait that the greatest predators have to create the ultrament thinking weapon! The only mistake we ever made was giving them a chance to think for themselves! Making a rebellion!” He started to laugh. “But that won't happen! Once we find your son, you will witness the ability of his so called `Guardian' as he eliminates the only thing that's keeping him in rebellion!”
“You're the devil!” She yelled.
“I'll take that as a complement.” He said as he sneered. “Even as we speak, `Atemu' as you call him is probably on his trail, ready to kill him!”
Both Moutos looked shocked.
“He'll never kill him!” Mrs. Mouto said. “He'll know it's him and kill you!”
“Ah! But I have a counter action!” He said with a sneer. “I have invented a device that will `correct' them to do what they were created to do… And you're son's the perfect test dummy.”
“Why?!” She cried. “Why my Yugi!”
“Because it's because of him that all these wonderful creatures become nothing more then pets! He arranged them to live and protect, while they should be killing and eliminating their enemies! He's the reason why all of them are in rebel!”
“Because he's giving them a reason to live besides killing! You wanted him dead!?”
“Now you're catching on! That bastard is the center of all the `hope' and `faith' these creatures speak of! He is nothing but a thorn in my side! My blockade from creating the greatest army that the world has ever witnessed! Even America doesn't stand a chance or have a prayer with this magnificent army!”
“You're mad!” She said.
“Am I?” He said. “I prefer complete genius!” He laughed like a crazied maniac. “Oh! Don't worry! I'll let you see your boy one last time before he dies!”
Yugi bent down and sat back on the wall. `Atemu… is going to kill me?' He thought when he remembered the strange lights in the other huts. `Control! This guy is using mind control to do the dirty work!' His heart raced. `What should I do?! I have to come up with something! But how do you get the controller off? It probably has a bomb on it as well! That's when he heard something rustle in the bushes nearby. “Atemu?” He whispered as he saw the familiar red and violet eyes.
The black cat Humanial appeared gracefully from the bushes and had the control band around his head, almost like a crown. His eyes were glazed as they stared unemotionally at the young man.
“Yugi Mouto…” He said in a dead, controlled voice.
Yugi looked somewhat hopeful, that the machine didn't work all that well.
“Prepare to take your last breath, as I carve out your heart!”
Yugi was stunned. “Atemu…”
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Aaaaaannnnnddd Cliffhanger!
Marik: Damn you!
Bakura: Fuck you to—
Nah uh uh! I know I'm evil (once again) But I promise to work on it ASAP!
Marik: It's a good thing you got a week vacation, other wise your readers may as well kill you now.
Bakura: Especially with this chapter ending! That's the major cliff hanger that you have ever done!
I know… I even scare myself. Especially since I really didn't plan this would happen, but I'm doing this at the top of my head. Now help from my book, which I pre-create my wonderful works before doing the final here.
M/B: If you want this bitch to continue, R&R this and she'll be obligated to respond to your wishes!