Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Bond ❯ Chapter 31

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Let's get this rolling! Enjoy!
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Chapter 31
Mika was thrown into the hostage room once again as the doors slammed.
“Mrs. Mouto!” Duke, along with Ryou and Malik called when they saw her.
“Are you alright?” Ryou asked.
“What's going on out there?” Duke asked.
“Did you see Yugi out there?” Malik asked, which caused the woman to cry loudly.
Everyone was worried about her and did their best to comfort her. When she did finally calmed down, she explained that the Humanials and Aniumans were being held in huts and they put on some device on them.
“What about Yugi?” Duke asked. “We sent him out as well.”
She looked like she was going to break down again. “He's… He's…” She sniffed. “He's dead!”
The boys couldn't believe it.
“Who did it?!” Malik said, angry and wanted to beat the crap out of the person.
“Ah… Ahh…”
“Who killed Yugi?” Duke said.
“ATEMU!” She cried as she went back to tears. “He had those devices on him and was ordered to kill him! I saw him fight, but Yugi didn't fight back! He didn't even take the knife that Akhenaden given him!”
“Akhenaden?!” The three boys said in unison.
“He's dead… isn't he?” Ryou said.
“The dead one was his twin brother parading around with his name!” Mika said as she was reduced to sniffling. “Oh Yugi! My poor child!” She cried. “He loved him so!”
The boys, along with everyone who heard, didn't make a sound. The only sound that could be heard in the dead silent area was Mika's sobs over her son's death.
~`Somewhere in the jungle'~
“Check this area!” Said an armed guard as he and the other men were at the opening, but nothing was there.
“Looks like someone was right here sir!” Reported one of the men.
“Well check to see if you can find any leads to where they were gone! Akhenaden wants him alive!”
Atemu was hiding in the tree, and was blending quite well for a black cat Humanial. He also had an eye on one spot, where he hid Yugi. `If those bastards do so much as tap him, I'll tear them to shreds!' He thought as he was in a crouching position, like a panther waiting patiently for its prey. The place was a thick grass area along with huge leaves that cover Yugi's body from plain sight.
When one of the men was just close enough to look at the area, he was ready to pounce. He didn't care if he was spotted or not, he wasn't going to let anyone touch anything that was rightfully his! The guard just barely lifted the leaf up to reveal Yugi when his superiors called to fall back. `That was too close!' Atemu thought as he waited until he was completely sure that they have left the area before coming down and going over to Yugi.
He looked and sighed. `Oh Yugi…' He thought as he saw that the other was still breathing. “Yugi… We will have to move somewhere else, there's a good chance that son of a bitch would send the men out here again. We may not even be lucky this time.” He said as he scooped the other up in his arms and stood up and deciding where to go.
`I can go deep into the jungle, but… would they burn it to get me out? I could go over near the lagoons, but they would suspect that. I could head back to the `lab'… but they would have the other's controlled as well and may try to do to me as well, since mine was the so called `fool-proof' device.' He was thinking of any good ideas when a strong gust of wind came, which lifted some torn grass in his face. He turned away and looked up, only to see the mountain. `The mountain? Isn't that where they held the hostages?' He remembered Mrs. Mouto. `I have to let her know that Yugi is alive!' He sighed. `I might as well.' He decided as he ran at an inhuman speed towards the mountain.
~`Mountain: Hostage Room'~
“So they plan to kill us from the start.” Duke said. “So that when our controlled aibous know what they've done, they have nothing holding them back.”
“It's wrong.” Ryou said. “This whole operation… it doesn't make sense…”
“It's doesn't matter to them.” Malik said. “What matters to them is continuing what was started.”
“I understand that…” Ryou said. “What I don't understand is what they'll gain through this?”
“It doesn't matter Ryou!” Mika said. “I've asked that question, and the answer will always be the same… `to show the world the new breed of weapons of mass destruction'.” Her hand was closed to a fist and was shaking. “And I saw it when Atemu attacked Yugi… the speed, the power…. They've created a weapon that could think! Think with those things on their heads to control them!” She hit the wall with such force, it could've broken her hand.
“Mrs. Mouto…” The three boys said in unison softly, almost above a whisper.
“Who are you!” They heard the guards behind the door. “You can't-“ They heard a crash and a groan before hearing a small `beep' sound, which opened the door.
Behind the door was Atemu with a rifle that he took from the knocked out guard. “Is everyone alright!” He called when he instantly spotted Mika and the three boys.
“Atemu!” The guys said as they spotted him.
Mika went up to him and slapped him across the face and waited for a reaction.
“I know I deserved more then that, but it will do at this time.” He said as he faced her once more.
“You're not controlled anymore…” She said, a dead tone present in her voice.
He nodded. “Thanks to Yugi.”
She nodded. “He would've been happy to see you like this.”
He shook his head. “Mrs. Mouto… He's not dead.” He looked at her in the eye, his tone serious. “What you saw was him passing out. If you don't believe me then I'll show you to him.”
She looked at him, as if deciding if she wants to believe what he said or not.
Then Duke came in and asked to Atemu. “Do you have an idea on how we can get off of this island?”
“No, but I have found a place where everyone should be safe for sometime until I deal with the marina guards, and get them to take you back to Domino Pier.”
“What will you do?”
He was silent.
“You're not planning on staying here, are you?” Malik asked.
“I haven't really planned on myself, just more worried about getting everyone else off.”
“At least let us help!” Said a man around his twenties. “My fiancée is with those bastards, and I don't plan on going home without her!”
He sighed. “Follow me! I'll lead you to safety and then we'll plan on a base of action.” He said as he turned and walked, along with the city population's worth of hostages.
He would mention them to stay as he looked at the surrounding area before mentioning them to move. About ten minutes of walking through the jungle, they reached to an opening. The area was big enough to put in a huge festival in the summer, but the surrounding jungle made it seem like it was a barrier to keep away foreign intruders.
He ran to one particular area, which was shady with plenty of huge tropical leaves that touched the ground. “Is there a doctor among here!” He called.
One female came up. “Yes? You asked a doctor?”
“Can you look at him?” He asked as he carried Yugi's form over to her.
“Yugi!” Mika called as she ran up.
Atemu set the young man down as the female, Dr. Sidlen, looked over him. Mika watched beside Atemu as well as everyone near the small group watched in anticipation.
Dr. Sidlen looked at the two and smiled. “He'll be fine, just some rest and he'll be right as rain. But it looks like he has broken a rib or two, but it's not in any dangerous regions.”
“Oh thank God!” Mika said as she wept in relief.
Atemu's posture relaxed as he too felt relief from this news.
“So, what now?” Duke asked.
Atemu sighed and asked if the doctor would continue to look after Yugi, which she agreed to, and stood up and walked to a spot where the boulder is. “Anyone willing to rid of this devil's work, walk towards me!”
Duke, Malik and Ryou came up. Soon followed by three more and soon he was faced with fifty willing people to help him.
“Alright! This is our only one shot chance! The main objective is to get everyone, including our aibous, off this island!” He said. “I have only one plan, and even I'm not sure if this will work, but it's something…”
“As my grandmother always said!” Said a man in his forties. “Having something pointless is better than nothing at all!”
`This is it…' Atemu thought. `This is the end of this war… No… it hasn't ended. But I will make sure it does end tonight! I'll make sure of it!'
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And… another cliffy… Don't hurt me!
Bakura: You're really pissing people off.
Marik: Ah! Let her! It's going to bite her in the ass one of these days.
Why do you guys have to be so mean?
M/B: Because we are.