Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One down many to go ❯ One down Many to go ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own Yugioh! it's a work of progress to own it so any ways I don't own it and Uhm oh yeah review thank you - _ -

One Down Many To Go

As Anzu coward up close to the door shouting hoping someone would hear her and call the cops as well and saver her from him. Before he gets away with murder and take her with him.

'Oh God how did I disserve this I've been a so kind and loving to my friends' Anzu mentally said

He approached Anzu with his bloody knife in hand and all Anzu screamed she did not want to die


Soon her shouting turned into a shuffling muffles. He had covered her mouth Anzu tried hard to breath from her nose but he had covered that as well she panicked still struggling to breath but it was no use she fell into a dark abyss.

'How did I not see it was you? How blind I was'

Anzu soon fell into her memory of the unfaithful day when it started.

Prologue Ends

Chapter 1: The Day

"Good Morning Atem" Anzu Mazaki said cheerfully

"Hey Anzu how've you've been?"

Anzu smiled her big smile "Normal Why?"

Atem unsure why he asked the question as well.

"Anyways Anzu have you seen my Hikari?"

Anzu gave him a little devilish grin

"Yeah with Jonouchi and Honda there taping the girls playing basketball and Yugi get the panty view with his camera" Anzu said giving a little giggle

Atem soon joined her he remembered when Yugi use to tell him that they(A/N1) use to look under girls skirts while they made shots. Atem blushed at the thought of it luckily for him Anzu was to occupied to see him blush recovering form it he quickly brought it up again.

"So Anzu how long has it been since you've played basketball huh?" Atem said elbowing her rib

Anzu's eyes widen in shock her cheeks turned a light pink.

"I play basketball when I have shorts on" Anzu said defensively

Atem gave a little low chuckle he knew he had remanded her of' an embarrassing moment

"I'm sorry didn't want to bring up anything embarrassing"

"No you didn't its just it when we all became friends on that faithful day" Anzu sighed in remembering

Atem soon blushed himself soon realizing that it was the first time after 5,000 years that he had true friends.

"Oh that's right Anzu we met after our faithful day" Atem said

" And now look at us in our Senior year you have your own body and now where all graduating and now your going to live your own life" Anzu said in a cheerful tone

Atem blushed again it had been a year science he had gotten his own body.

"Well I'm glad, because for the first time I learned the true meaning of friendship and knew the meaning of family as well" Atem said brushing away a few strands of hair

Anzu shot him a warm smile

"You've been part of this family for the longest Atem" Anzu said as she shot him another warm smile

A second later in came Yugi panting like crazy his back on the sliding door both Anzu and Atem gave him a quizzical look.

“Hey Yugi-Kun what’s wrong with you right now??” Anzu asked skeptical

Yugi still had his back on the sliding door Atem finally grew skeptical as well

“Uhm Hikari is something wrong” Atem asked

“No nothing why!” Yugi ask in a jumpy tone

“Yugi Motto you come out her you perv.”

Yugi locked the door and started freaking out

“Where’s the window” Yugi said running around hysterical

“Yugi calm down. Okay first of all where in the second story window, And second you disserve this” Anzu said

Wagging her finger in Yugi’s face

“I know Anzu but you know Jonouchi and Honda forced me to” Yugi said in a little kids voice

“Alright but just this once” Anzu sighed

Anzu unlocked the sliding door slightly that only her head showed.

“Oh hey girls what do you want” Anzu said smoothly

A tall girl from the back approached the front of the crowd

“Out of the way Mazaki or else I’ll move you!” She said in a powerful tone

Soon a freshman spoke out as well

“Yeah Anzu-Sempai what are you doing in there anyways?"

"Studying" Her tone unshaken

"Or better yet salvaging a perv."

At that all the girls pulled open the door wider shoving in all at once. Only to find Atem and a couple of books on the table many were confused hadn’t the freshman say she had seen Yugi run in there but the didn’t see him and the coat room was empty and that was the only place to hide. The girls turned to Anzu and bowed in forgiveness Anzu just waved her hand in the air. As they left and shut the door Anzu turned to Atem with surprise.
“Where Yugi at?”

“I’m in hear”
Anzu turned to see Yugi climb out of the small sink cabinet his face was flushed. Anzu broke into a frightful giggle Yugi only pouted in return.

“Its not funny Anzu I fit in that damn thing” Yugi said whinnying

“I sorry Yugi I didn’t mean to make you angry at me are we cool now?” Anzu asked staring down in his face

“Of course I’m sorry I got angry” Yugi said

"No I can't stay angry at you" Anzu said smiling down at him.

The bell for lunch rang and Anzu hurried back to her classroom (A/N2) as she hurried too her class she caught a glimpse in the infirmary on the separate bed laid Jonouchi and Honda knocked out from the beating the girls gave them especially the tall one. As she was about to enter the class she heard a little scratching of metal. She turned her head to see what it was but there was no one there she had heard about ghost and heard about murderess sneaking up on inspecting girls. A chill ran down her spine and her skin crawled at the thought. She quickly enter the class not wanting to stay in the deserted hallway. A pair of eyes could be seen in the dark hallway they had a glimpse of evil in them and he muttering something to himself.

‘you’ll be mine and you don’t know true happiness I know how you laugh and smile and say your alright but it’s a disguise for those who don’t understand you love for those who don’t understand you, Wait pain only last a second but when were together all that pain will be far beyond’

A low chuckle echoed through the empty hallways leaving a chilling feeling through..

A/N 1- They meaning Jonouchi and Honda

A/N 2- In the serious of the manga Anzu’s in the class but I’m going off that

Authoress: I know if you love it then review if you hate it don’t flame I’m new at this it popped into my head and I wrote it down. I couldn’t do my work my church work or my sleeping without writing it down so please review so I can know. Thank you!!! -_-

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