Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Night in Bangkok ❯ Wrath ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
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One Night in Bangkok
by Edmondia Dantes

Disclaimer: My plot, Takahashi's characters.

AN: In which things happen. Yay.

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Chapter Four - Wrath
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-12:08 am-

This was the bad part of town.

Yami Takara knew that.

No one would follow them there. The police were too wary, the locals too careful, and he himself... well, he was himself.

Skulking in the shadows and hiding in the darkness was nothing new to him - but for once in his life, he wasn't alone, and he had to watch his Yugi, he had to hold his hand and guide him, keep him safe in the darkness -

And so he didn't have time to think before they were upon him.

He dodged out of the way of the largest of their number, but wasn't quick enough to get past the second one.


A familiar yelp jarred the steady pounding of his heart in his ears, and he paused in the midst of breaking someone's nose.


The fucking bastards had gotten to Yugi.

Yami slammed his elbow into the third thug's fleshy neck and lunged for the delicate body lying slumped in the gutter.

Ugly laughter reached his ears, but he ignored it. He ignored the money scattered across the grimy street, he ignored the delighted cries as they scooped it up, he ignored the steady shriek of sirens fading in the background.

Instead, he scraped mud out of his tangled hair and scrambled forward, pulling the light form onto his lap.

After a moment of frenzied panicking, thick lashes fluttered and parted, dark as soot against his pale cheeks. "...hnn?" Another dazed blink. "Yami?"

Yami closed his eyes and whispered a prayer of thanks, to what deity, he didn't know. He'd never been religious... had he?

Yugi sat up with a groan, looping an arm around his shoulders with a wince. "Itai..."

He pressed a kiss absently against the damp mass of his hair, cradling him closer. Fragile beauty, so soft and breakable, they knew it, fuck the bastards, they knew! Where the hell had they gone?

He glared out into the night, but soft searching fingers slid down his side and he turned down and oh, he was beautiful like this, wasn't he? "What do we do now?" Yugi questioned, tugging gently at his shirt, looking very vulnerable, and very lost. So young...

Yami grinned fiercely down at his broken angel. "We get our money back."

In the shifting shadow, Yugi bit his lip anxiously, but nodded.

Stealing from thieves, after all, was hardly a crime.

And revenge would just be an added bonus.

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-12:25 am-

His Yami possessed talents that in anyone else would have terrified him. How anyone could track anything in the muggy heat and shifting shadows was completely beyond him, yet here he was, standing on a fire escape and watching a twisted playtime.

They stood silently above their number, watching. Yugi leaned calmly over the rusted railing, eyes narrowing as he saw them toss the wallet that contained their precious check between each other, chortling over their victory.


He wasn't scared of them.

He wasn't scared of anything.

Not at all.

A soft growl pierced the thick quiet. He glanced over, and in the dim lights of a cheap rooftop bar he saw that same demon's smile - and it made him glad.

Why fear the darkness when all the darkness desires is you?

Soft hands settled on his shoulders, light as a spring zephyr. But never so innocuous. Never so pure. Never.

Soft, considering tones wound into his ear like a promise of mischief and pain. "...we have a game before us."

Yes. Now how to play? "So we do."

He could hear the cruelty of his smirk. "...shall we?"

Yugi leaned back into his shadow, inhaling spice and melted sugar, fingers impulsively tracing along the firm curve of his hip. "So we shall."

A warm chuckle rumbled against his back. "I never lose."

Yugi let a smirk of his own touch the softness of his mouth, safely hidden by the darkness. "Neither do I."

Moist lips brushed his neck, slender hands reaching around him to cup the golden puzzle that gleamed against his chest.

A smile touched the decadent fullness of his Yami's mouth, soft and deadly and hidden against his skin. "The unsolvable puzzle..."

Not so anymore. Puzzle or puzzles, or a match or a mate? Equal opposites, or two parts of a whole? Either way... "I solved it."

"As did I," he whispered, and when he spoke, sharp teeth scraped lightly against fair flesh.

Yugi took in a deep breath of heavy air, half-stifled by shyness and secrecy, half-dazed with slow, wet craving. "I dreamt of you."

Stillness, calm and considering and somehow breathless and entranced all the same. "...I know."

Below, soft skittering, the men laughing and throwing their money between them like a plaything. Distracted, he didn't notice the soft sigh that stirred equally soft crimson as Yami nuzzled his face into his hair.

"...time to play."

He didn't tremble. "...yes."

Time to win.

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-12:32 am-

They touched his Yugi and they stole his money.

They were going to die.

And he was going to relish it.

They stared with wide eyes as he melted out of the shadows - and attacked when the first of their number fell.

Seven to one?

No contest at all.

They rushed at him in a clumsy mass, street fighters or no - and he plotted and planned and smiled as they came.




The familiar shadows that kept a restless watch in his soul stirred in anticipation - and he was careful to hide his glee in the face of their attack.


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-12:35 am-

Blood splashed along the side of the alleyway.

Another sickening crunch resounded through the night. He winced and peered through slitted lashes as another body tumbled to the ground, suddenly very, very still and quiet.

The wrath of a god or a demon? Why could he never tell?

Yugi flinched as he stepped awkwardly over the broken bodies, strewn like discarded toys across the alleyway.

Dangerous? he wondered, watching his Yami (his Yami) casually kick in someone's already broken ribs. Downright sadistic. A bully with a just cause. How strange. How perfect. How right.

He could only hope that they weren't dead. All the rest he could push out of his mind - but not murder. Even he could not forgive such a crime...

Not even for his fallen angel.

Anything else...

He shook his head and plucked his battered wallet from an unresponsive hand.

So still. So empty.

The night was warm and muggy, but a chill ran down his spine.

Heat and light and passionate brilliance - but so very cold, somehow. Frozen ebony flame all but danced around him as he flew, and the taste of untamed magic burned on his tongue.

Am I the one to save your soul?

A velvet laugh, thick and deep as chocolate laced with a thousand knives.

Or am I damning my own?

A flash of perfect white teeth, brilliant and sharp in the shadows, as he danced gracefully away from some blurred threat.

Or are you here to heal me?

A thud, a scream, and a soft silken chuckle, half-steeped in madness, that curved around his body like a caress.

Or are you here to break me?

Crimson met his gaze, shimmering as brightly as the blood that spilled all around him, hungry and smug and glittering with delight.

...or are you here to love me?

He turned away from sweetest insanity and began the search for his prize.

...and do I dare to believe it?

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-12:41 am-

Pathetic. Seven against two, and who had won?

He dropped the unconscious body only after plucking a heavy snakeskin wallet from a bulging pocket. A snort of disgust escaped him. A dealer, no doubt, just finished with a sale. They were small bills, crumpled and worn, but numbering close to a hundred. He had the look and the money.




The restless clawing in his chest settled slightly as he wiped the blood off of his hands with a silken handkerchief that he had untucked from the satin lining of an expensive jacket.

But... he did so love to hear them scream.

Yami couldn't stop a soft smile from touching his lips. ...so you try to take what is mine?

He let his eyes roam over the slender form that bent gracefully beside another fallen body, watching soft hands check a pulse here, check for steady breathing there, Yugi wincing and biting at his delicate lip as he carefully rearranged a broken arm that had been twisted backwards and shattered. ...you hold no malice. None at all. No shadows in your soul. How can you be human?

In the humid warmth of midnight, he was unreal, a mere fantasy made flesh for just a moment, for just a breath of new air, for just long enough to make him crave an eternity.

Yugi Motou.

He drew in a ragged breath, ribs aching, lungs straining for oxygen. Drowning or dying or both? Yugi...

The dark flash of sudden hunger flaring in his own mind surprised him. Mine.

Red and blue flared in the entrance of the alley.

"Shit!" Yami hissed, shocked out of his reverie, hurriedly yanking a delicate gold chain from around the neck of the smallest thug. "Yugi, are you-?"

He was already on his feet and to the other side of the street.

Brilliant boy, Yami thought, and smiled as he sprinted after.

A slim hand slipped into his even as they darted down another half-hidden alleyway, dodging drug-addled human wreckage and filth.

...so they cast you down from heaven? he questioned silently while the loud streets and bright lights flashed by like broken jewels lying scattered in the wake of their unplanned flight.


He twined his fingers into Yugi's as they dodged around a weary-looking prostitute and her small crowd of clients. Nothing was off-limits - money or drugs or sex, which to choose?

I choose you - and I'll never let you go.

Clear, bright eyes flickered at him, and in the shadows of hell, Yugi smiled like heaven.

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AN: Review? ^_^