Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One's Desire ❯ The Truth ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Lucifer: In case of all you stupid mortals out there I have taken complete control of this one's body so I will be doing the fanfic around here today so stuff you if you don't like it.

Emma: What?

Lucifer: … I don't care.

Kathryn: -_- *Sigh* Excuse Lucifer. I shall get Insanity Gurl back and she shall do the fanfic-

Emma: ANYWAY! Enjoy the fanfic!


Bakura's POV

So we've just been talking about how everything has been going and where I've been for the past two years and if I have had a relationship. Actually I haven't. I'm not gay, nor am I straight. I'm not in-between either! I just don't know… There is people like Ryou who are sweet caring and always like that and other people who are straight and dumb which makes me head more towards Ryou. He's a bright kid and deserves better than what he's got. Far better. And I'm in there. He doesn't deserve someone like me in his life who runs off from their feelings. Great. Now I sound weak.

I stare at my hikari as he rubs his hands together blowing onto them every so often. It is extremely freezing here. Especially compared to Egypt. I see Ryou shivering even in the large coat he has one as we both pad our way through the thick snow.

He's smiling warmly at me as I just look at him blankly then look back in front of me. I can't help but not feel a little liking towards my hikari. I mean those large chocolate brown eyes, his gentle pale skin. What else could be more perfect than him?

I take quick glances at him as he continues to smile at me closing those large eyes of his and we continue to walk until we end up at the national park. The parks basically bare with no one in sight. That's good. I can finally talk to Ryou alone. I need to tell him how I feel about him… I wonder what's he's feeling at this moment…?

I stop and watch him as he slowly treads through the piled snow and other to the old Sakura Blossom tree. He stands beneath it looking up staring towards all the snow that's fallen down yet not making it's way to the ground as I sooner or later follow and stand directly in front of him.

"Isn't it beautiful?" he says softly as I pay more attention to this young angel in front of me than what he's actually talking about.

"Yeah sure" I murmur out still keeping my gaze upon him as his eyes finally lock onto mine. We stand here for a few minutes just looking into each other's eyes. I don't really know what else to do… I can't say anything the words aren't coming out. I want to tell him… tell him everything. How I feel. What I want. And how much I really do love him even if I might not show it.

While I'm pondering in my head I see Ryou looking at I'm guessing he wants my attention. I stare down at the younger youth as he goes to say,

"Bakura… Why did you leave that day? When I told you I loved you?" he whispers gently as I tower over him. He bites his lip yet again looking towards the ground blushing quite badly.

"… Ryou… There's something I need to tell you…" I say. I must build up the courage to do this. He immediately looks back up to me as I lean slightly closer to him.

I can feel the warmness of his breath against my face as I embrace the warmth as I try and prevent myself from leaning too close to the heat. Although I know I wouldn't really mind… Maybe I should take things a little forward… Hopefully Ryou won't mind if I do this…

I grab his scarf slowly unraveling it so it hangs lightly along the back on my hikari's neck and pull the two ends of it closer to me gradually bringing me and my hikari's face closer to one another. I breathe lightly on his ear before whispering,

"The reason I left… because I couldn't show you my feelings but now… I can… Ryou…" I pause and pull back looking back into his eyes and running one of my hands along his pale cheek. He watches it carefully then brings his eyes back to mine. His eyes are mixed with all different emotions it's hard to tell what exactly he's feeling. I go to say what I should of said to him a long time ago.

"I love you" I whisper as I bring Ryou closer brushing his cold pale lips against mine. His eyes spring open and his face becomes redder than before. He slowly adjusts to it and closes his eyes wrapping his arms around my shoulders leaning deeper into the kiss.

I don't care whose watching us all I care is how right this feels.

Now we can finally live our life the way it should have.

Nothing and no one will let me break my hikari's heart again.


Insanity Gurl: … damn them all. I'm back.

Kathryn: ^_^

Emma: ^_^;;

Insanity Gurl: *twitch* Please review!!