Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One's Desire ❯ A Party? ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Insanity Gurl: hello! I just finished all my schoolwork so I have the time to do this!! Thank you all for the great reviews! They all rock! Special thanks to my daily reviewers, Rowan Girl, Tega, and Sailor InuYasha! I know there are others but these main three have been great! Thanks!


Ryou's POV

Finally… this is what I've wanted for so long… he pulls back from the kiss as I stare up into his harsh mud colour eyes. I feel my face burn as though it's on fire, and he runs his hand again gently along my cheek. I take a deep sigh letting this affection rub into me, as I leaned forward into his arms for a warm embrace. I feel his powerful arms pull me closer to him as I nuzzle into his neck.

"Do you want to go home?" he asks me, as I look up to him somewhat confused.

"Do you?"

"I don't mind. I'm going to put you ahead of myself from now on" I look up at him in disbelief. Is he really going to? He has a small gleam in his eye, which I find somewhat amusing in him. He ruffles my hair and takes my hand as he leads us down the park. I smile at him warmly as he just grins back at me.

"I'm glad you came back Bakura" I whisper as he leans closer to me breathing lightly on my ear,

"I'm glad to see you again" I feel slightly flustered at his warm breath on my ear as he places as soft kiss on my cheek. I smile again at him as he takes my hand back and leads me back home.


"We're home! Marik? Malik?" I shout as I slip my coat off and place it carefully on the hanger along with my scarf. Bakura's comes in after me and tosses his coat on the hanger wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling down into my hair, smelling it.

I nuzzle up to him placing a small kiss on the tip of his nose, as he grins at me as I hear a small voice perked up, "Oh Ryou! You're home…err…" All goes silent as my eyes spring open. Yugi! I take a quick peek at him, as I see him standing there completely silent.

"Ooh… Bakura! You're ahh err home too! It's umm… great to see you!" he says cheerfully. I know he was going to say something else but I don't really want to think about it. Bakura gives him a small glare as poor Yugi backs off and goes back to cleaning.

I see Bakura grinning madly at me and I tried to hide the blush either from embarrassment or Bakura but I don't really think I need to know.

After about 20 minutes of me and Yugi cleaning he calls out to me from the lounge, "So I saw you and Bakura before! Is it what I think it is?!" I say nothing gets past this boy.

"Yeah it was what you thought"

"Oh congratulations Ryou! I'm so happy for you!" I really enjoy Yugi's company. Just things like that and what he says are so gently and caring.

"Thanks a bunch Yugi" I call back out to him as I dip some dishes into the soapy water cleaning them thoroughly. I hear a few voices from the other room, I think its Marik and Malik so I simply shrug it off and continue to scrub the dishes clean.

But then… I hear the front door close… is Yugi done? Without saying goodbye? Normally he stays for a while… I take a quick peek through the door leading to the lounge…no Yugi still there…

"Hey Yugi"


"Who was that??

"Oh it was Malik. He says he's going out for the night" he shouts back to me, as I let out a large sigh. I know what's happened. Malik and Marik have had another fight. Malik always goes drinking whenever they have a fight. He says it's soothing. But I don't really see how getting drunk and nearly going to jail could possibly be fun.

Oh well it's none of my business so I'll just continue to clean.


So I've done the dishes, vacuumed the house while Yugi's done most of the other daily things he helps me with.

It was about 5ish when Yugi announced that he'd better go home. I lead him out to the front door waving to him as he claimed his coat for the hanger and waved back with the joyful smile stuck to his face.

"Oh and Ryou!"

"Yes? What is it Yugi?"

"Umm there's going to be a party at the Kaiba mansion. Do you and Bakura want to come?"

"Oh we would love to Yugi!"

"Ok it's tomorrow night! At 6:oopm! Don't be late! And don't forget to bring Bakura!" he shouts to me before crossing the street. I nod to him waving goodbye as he marches back home through the frosty weather.

I take a deep breath and take a seat in the lounge. I wonder where Bakura is? I look about the clean room staring up at the ceiling, just resting my eyes until I hear someone wandering in the kitchen. I take a peek with one of my eyes continuing to rest the other as I see Marik slamming cupboard doors and muttering something unpleasant. Yes it must have been a fight. Marik isn't normally this angry. Well more insane than angry. I wonder if Yugi would mind if I invited Malik and Marik over? I don't see the harm…

"Excuse me Marik…Umm" Ok talking to Marik in this mood isn't especially the easiest.

"What do you want?" he snapped at me as I just flinch.

"Sorry to bother you but I was wondering…"

"Hurry it up and spit it out!" he grits through his teeth snatching a cup out from the cupboard… Ok now I'm really scared…

"Don't talk to my hikari like that Marik. Be grateful he's kind enough to let you live here" I stare over to Bakura smiling at him thankfully. He's glaring at Marik whose glaring back as he forgets what he was doing simply shoving Bakura out of the way and stomping back up the stairs to his room.

"What's his problem?" Bakura asks as he climbs over to couch taking a seat next to me.

"I don't know. He's never really in the best mood"

I smile sleepily at him as he pushes a few of my white strands of hair out of my face kissing my forehead lightly and picking me up carrying me to bed. I wrap my arms around the back of his neck snuggling closer to the warmth as simply yawn slightly as he places me on the bed and pulls the blanket up to my face before turning my bedroom light off.

Just as he goes to shout the door I mumble,

"I love you Bakura"

"Same here Ryou. Night"

I'm glad he's with me now. He seems so…so nice. Ooh he'd kill me if I said that to him.


Insanity Gurl: Ok another chappie is done!! Sorry these have been a while but yeah. ^_^;; please review!!