Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One's Desire ❯ Regrets ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Insanity Gurl: You all must hate me for not updating this! I am so sorry! >_< I didn't think everything would turn out like this! So I'll shut up and update straight away!


Ryou's POV

I sigh deeply, staring off into space again. That's all I've been doing for this entire party. Just that same thought of what Kaiba said is still digging it's way into me. I felt so weak when it happened… I guess it's just because I am weak.

"Ryou…Ryou?" I snap out of my daze; I look up to see who called my name as I force a smile to my lips.


"Are you okay?" I stare at the small boy next to me. He's so oblivious, and naive to how his older brother acts. I guess at a point of time I was too.

"Yes, Mokuba I'm fine thanks," he gives me a warm smile, and turns back to the rest of the group as I let out a soft sigh.

I watch this group of friends, all laughing watching the horror movie. All having fun enjoying themselves while I'm stuck with this mist of emotions. I had everything I wanted when Bakura came back and Kaiba had to go and ruin it. And what exactly did he mean when he said, `If Bakura does anything to hurt me'? I know Bakura's personality and how he acts, but underneath it all I guess it's just… I have a feeling about him. A good one.

"Hey Ryou" I look up at that deep voice, those harsh brown orbs, so much like mine yet so different. He sits down next to me on the couch, as I smile nuzzling his arm.

"Hey Bakura," I grin, as he wraps his arm around my shoulder tightly and gives me a small peck on my cheek. A light hue color brightens my cheeks, as I just continue to nuzzle into his neck.

I scan the room, I guess everyone knows about Bakura and me now. It would be a little odd to explain to them.

My eyes fall on someone particular, as his cold eyes burn right back into mine. Seto Kaiba. Our eyes are locked, as I feel that same hate I felt for when we first met him.

"What is wrong Ryou?" I snap out our eye locking hate, and return a smile to my lover and close my eyes , shaking my head.

"Nothing's wrong!" I reassure him as I run my finger along the empty cup beside me.

"Would you like a drink?"

"Sure. Anything you're having" he smirks at that, as I get up out of his comforting arms and head towards the kitchen, biting my lip as I hear footsteps follow me.

"What is it that you need?" his rich deep voice is ringing through my ears, as I reluctantly turn around to face the stubborn blue eyed man, as he folds his arms over his chest.

"Ju-jus-just a dr-drink for Bakura…" I stutter, clasping the mug tighter.

"I see, well it's all in the fridge on your right." With that I watch him go and sit down at the dinner table, reaching for the book from the neatly stacked bookshelf next to him and sigh.

I crawl over to the fridge, my hands shaking to reach for the handle. I don't know why I'm so nervous around him, I guess the past experience was a major shock.

Heaving the door open, I reach and grab the ingredients shakily pouring it into the mug. I can sense Kaiba knows I don't feel comfortable around him. He's watching me over his book right now. I just don't want to know why.

I force a smile at him, as he shrugs it off reading his book again as I let out a sigh, taking the mug into the lounge sitting back with Bakura. I hand him the mug, and smile as he gently brushes his lips against mine as I fluster deeply, as the movie stops and a large amount of coos are made.

"Ooh Bakura! I never YOU had a soft spot!" I pull away wiping my mouth on my sleeve shirt, not willing to face the group.

"Shut up pharaoh. I never knew you had to screw your Hikari every second," I turn wide-eyed and smack Bakura hard in the arm, his smirk still pierced to his lips.

I apologize to Yugi, as he just sniffs heavily and sobs lightly. Yami is comforting him, and I can't help but glare at Bakura.

"Bakura hat did I tell you? You need to just ignore Yami…" I whisper to him, frowning slightly at my poor yet small friend.

"Ah heck. He had what was coming to him." I roll my eyes, and comfort Yugi for the mean time, until it was time to go and Yugi was back to his usual bouncy self.


Tightly gripping Bakura's hand I yawn lightly, leaning on his arm for a rest.

"Are you sure you can walk home Ryou?" I smile drowsily up at him and nod.

"Course I can Bakura, I'm just a little tired…" I rest my eyes, as the wind picks up whipping away at our cold bodies. I shiver lightly as Bakura places his jacket on my shoulders.

I can't help but smile, as he strokes my hair lightly as I shiver more.

"Ryou what is wrong? You've been all jumpy this evening" I sigh. I don't want to tell him but he'll just get more sucspicious.

"Okay, I just have a small question…"


"What would you do, lets just say, if Marik or something came up to you and told him to break up with me…?" I take a deep breath, awaiting his answer as he grunts.

"Punch him of course. Or maybe send him to the shadow realm. Why?" Heh, typical Bakura.

"No reason"

That lie… Just that one lie, I believe will ruin the rest of my life.


Insanity Gurl: …Whoa! It's been a long time since I've done that story! I'm SOOO sorry!! I'll try and keep up with it more often now. Sorry!!