Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Shots ❯ Why ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is a angst I wanted to write!! It's a one shot so… I hope you like it!!

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My life is over!

He chose Seto Kaiba.

How could he do this to me?

He told me forever…

He lied, he told Seto forever too,

I loved him and I thought he loved me,

I was so stupid,

Why settle for little old me when he can have Seto Kaiba?

I'm useless I might as well jump off a bridge,

Like anyone would miss me,

I'm just in everyone's way,

I really did love him,

But some one like him can't love,

He played us all for fools,

He played the innocent angel so well,

Pretending to care,

It was a lie; it was all a lie,

A very good lie,

The way he kissed me…

I thought I had really found a place could belong,

The way he touched me…

I thought I had really found love,

What was I thinking?

Like he really cared?

I can't believe he would do that to me!

His eyes made us all thing he was an angel,

He's no angel,

He's a demon,

And I am the fool,

No we are all fools,

He played us all,

And now he has Seto,

And I'm alone,

In the end he wins,

Oh… How could you do this to me?

Tell me how?

I seen you and Seto,

What did I ever do to you?

Besides love you

Oh please tell me how could you this, Yugi?

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Hahaha… what do you think? Please Review!!! Please?