Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Way Street ❯ Chapter11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Way Street

by Dragondreamer and Yami Dragon

Disclaimer: We don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! DUH! If we did, the show wouldn't be fit for kids, that's for sure!

Warning: This story contains shouenen-ai (guy/guy relationships) and yaoi (guys having sex with guys). It also contains coarse language and violence. If you don't like it, or become offended by such things, what are you doing here? Haven't you figured out by now that all our writing contains this stuff?

Note: /…/ Tristan's thoughts

[…] Seto's thoughts


Bakura: Where are the girls?

Seto: Not here yet.

Tristan: *grins at Seto* Shall we?

Seto: Let's do it! Okay readers, listen up! BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!

Bakura: *smirks* We're going to tell you just WHY they've been so "busy" lately.

Tristan: They've been planning their wedding.

Seto: They and the husband(aka Koi) are getting handfasted to Bakurasgirl on August 16th!

Tristan: That's why Bakurasgirl has been in Canada twice in the last two months.

Bakura: And that's why she's moving there.

Seto: Just don't tell them we told you.

DD&YD: *come in to room*

YD: Sorry we're late. *looks at guys* What are you three looking so guilty about?

Tristan: Nothing.

DD: *looks skeptical* Okaaaaaaayyyyyy. Well, we're late, so let's get on with it.


Bakura watched his lover's sensuous movements. He had finally told Brad if he wanted to dance to go find another partner. Brad had stalked off, grabbing the first guy he found and dragging him out on to the floor.

He was considering getting up and going to pull the little snot off the brunet when his attention was caught by the couple dancing next to Brad.

He smirked when he realized it was Seto and Tristan.

"Go, Tristan." Bakura chuckled to himself as he watched Tristan wrap himself around the CEO.

Bakura watched the two of them kiss and thought to himself if Joey would do that, he might just learn to like to dance.

He glanced at the booth next to him, seeing Pegasus leaving with the twins clinging to him. He snickered, thinking it'd be a while before they saw him back here again.

Casting his attention back to the dance floor, he saw Brad say something and Tristan spun around. Even from as far away as he was, Bakura could see the shock on Tristan's face. He growled as he saw his lover grab his friend and kiss him.

He took a step forward, with the intention of gutting his lover with something blunt, like a spoon, when he saw Seto whirl around and push his way through the crowd, all but running for the door.

Bakura hesitated, for some unfathomable reason, torn between confronting Brad and going after the CEO.

Just then, he saw Tristan push Brad away. Tristan turned to look for Seto and Brad grabbed him. A heated discussion followed, and Bakura decided that Tristan could take care of himself and took off after Seto. He'd deal with his deceiving lover later.


Taken by surprise, Tristan sank into the kiss momentarily, taken back by the familiar taste and feel of the other's lips. He felt Brad press him closer to his body, thinking to himself that Brad had always made him feel small. His chest and arms were massively muscled, and he was taller than Seto.


Tristan's hands fisted in the material of Brad's tank top, pulling frantically. Brad backed up, looking at Tristan questioningly.

"Seto…" Tristan turned away, his heart pounding.

"Tristan." Brad grabbed his wrist. "Aren't you glad to see me?"

"I have to find Seto."

"That guy you were with?" Brad tightened his grip. "Wasn't that Seto Kaiba?"

"Please…Brad…I have to find him." Tristan tried to break the man's hold, but couldn't.

"What's he to you? He your boyfriend or something?"

"Damn it, Brad, let go!" Tristan finally managed to get free and pushed his way through the crowd.

Brad followed him, noticing that Bakura was gone as well.

Tristan pounded down the hallway outside the club, vaguely aware that Al wasn't there, and burst through the door. His foot made contact with something and sent it skittering across the parking lot.

Ignoring it, he turned to see Seto's Harley was gone. Brad had retrieved the object and came to stand next to Tristan, holding it out to him.

"Someone lost their helmet."

Tristan took it from him, his heart sinking as he realized he'd screwed up again. "It's mine."


Seto grabbed his keys from the peg board and pushed through the doors into the parking lot. Straddling his motorcycle, he put the key in the ignition with a shaking hand and fired up the engine. Mind numb and tears blurring his vision, he picked up Tristan's helmet and threw it to the ground. Pulling on his own, he popped the clutch, sending the bike fishtailing and streaked away from the club…not noticing the white haired man calling out to him.


"KAIBA!" Bakura shouted as the CEO tore from the parking lot.

Bakura growled in frustration and went immediately to the closest motorcycle and hopped on, his nimble fingers finding the wires needed to hot-wire the machine.

Not bothering with the helmet strapped to the back of the seat, he pulled away, leaving a streak of rubber behind him as he raced to catch up with Seto.


"Shit." Tristan whispered, looking down at the helmet in his hands. "Fucked up again."

"Tristan?" Brad placed a hand on the other's shoulder. "I didn't know. You guys are together, huh?"

"Yeah." Tristan sighed.

"I'm sorry. Maybe you should go after him."

Tristan shook his head. "Tomorrow. There's no getting him to talk now. He's too stubborn. He needs time to cool down."

"Well…" Brad hesitated. "Want to go back inside?"

"No. I think I'll head home."

"Do you want me to come with you? You look like you need someone around." Brad smiled. "We can catch up."

"Sure." Tristan didn't sound too excited about the prospect. He did have a lot of questions, but he wasn't so sure he wanted to deal with Brad right now. "My parent's place isn't too far from here. They're out of town for the summer."

"Bakura and I took a cab, so I guess we'll have to walk."

"Bakura?!" Tristan looked at Brad, shocked. "YOU'RE the one Bakura's been seeing?!"

"You know him?" Brad asked as they began to walk.

"He's…he's a friend of mine."

Brad snickered. "Didn't know he had any friends. He only ever mentioned his brother Ryou, and his girlfriend. I forget her name."

"Kendra." Tristan shook his head, deciding to let Brad keep believing, like most people, that Ryou and his yami were brothers. "Where'd he go?"

"I dunno." The older man seemed unconcerned. "He comes and goes as he pleases."

"That's Bakura, all right."

Silence settled over them as they continued to walk through the darkened streets, finally reaching Tristan's house. Gaining the door, Tristan picked up a small angel figurine from the step and turned it over, revealing a hole in the base that contained a key.

Unlocking the door, Tristan threw the key on a small table and dropped his helmet on the floor. He kicked off his boots, motioning for Brad to do the same and then led him into the living room, turning on a few lights as he went.

He collapsed on the couch, draping his arm across the back and shifting a little uncomfortably when Brad sat down close to him.

"Aren't you even going to call him?" Brad asked.

"There's no sense. He wouldn't answer anyway." Tristan tucked his leg under him and propped his head in his hand. "I've been here before. He needs some time to settle. I'll go over tomorrow and explain things."

Brad looked at him strangely, wondering just how close Tristan was to his boyfriend.

"So," Tristan said, trying to turn his mind from Seto. Worrying wasn't going to help. He knew his lover well enough to give him some time. "What happened to you? You just disappeared."

"I got a call that my dad was in the hospital. I took the first flight out to the States."

Tristan bristled under the nonchalant reply. "I looked for you everywhere, Brad."

"Well, I'm here now."

"That doesn't excuse it! I was really worried. I woke up and you were gone! You couldn't have called me when you got home?! Do you have any idea how that made me feel?!" Tristan was seriously starting to lose his temper. He clenched both hands in his lap, trying to control himself.

"I'm sorry, Tristan." Brad placed a hand over Tristan's. "I really am."

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Brad."

"Let me make it up to you. And I know just the way." Brad leaned forward and brushed Tristan's lips with his own.

Tristan moved back. "Don't."

"Why not?" Brad slipped his hand inside Tristan's shirt, caressing his chest. "Don't you want me?"

"Stop it." Tristan grabbed Brad's wrist.

"You always loved the way I touched you." Brad purred, moving closer. "He can't possibly make you feel the way I can."

"That's enough!" Tristan yanked Brad's hand away from his body. "I love him, Brad. I won't betray him like that."

Brad's eyes narrowed and his face flushed with anger. "You love him? You love him more than you love me?"

"What?!" Tristan's back pressed up against the arm of the couch. "Brad…I loved you very much. It almost killed me when you left…but…I love Seto. He's everything to me."

"What about us?"

"What about us? There is no us anymore." Tristan placed a hand on the other's shoulder in a comforting manner. "That's past. Seto's my present…and my future. I can't explain it to you. It's like…like he owns my heart. I love him so much, Brad. Please understand."

"I understand that you don't want me. After everything I did for you, you're not even willing to give me another chance."

"I'm grateful for what you did, Brad. I am. Maybe if I hadn't fallen in love with Seto there'd be another chance. But it's just not possible now. I'm sorry."

"Fine." Brad shrugged Tristan's hand off, obviously upset.

Tristan rose from the couch with a sigh. "You can sleep here tonight. I'm going to bed."

Brad just fixed his eyes on the floor, not replying.

Tristan sighed again, turning and heading upstairs, not noticing the angry, predatory look Brad gave him as he left.


Seto pulled over in a small cul de sac off the road.

He yanked off his helmet and scrubbed at his eyes. [Why? Oh gods, why did this have to happen now?]

He got off the bike, pacing. [Tristan…damn it…I've lost him. He's never been able to forget Brad…and now he's here. I can't compete with that.]

He leaned against the Harley, giving in to the tears. His head snapped up when a long, black limo stopped just past him. The door opened and a tall figure stepped out.

"Well, well, Kaiba-boy. What are you doing here all alone?"

"Pegasus." Seto growled.

Seto glared at the silver haired man as he approached. His face was flushed, and Seto could smell the alcohol off him from five feet away. He stepped closer to the brunet, smiling.

"Get away from me, you pig." Seto snarled. "Unless you want another broken nose."

Pegasus flinched and then grinned evilly. "I saw you there with him. Tristan. Is he as good as they say?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"You do realize you're just another notch on his belt, don't you, Kaiba-boy?" Pegasus leaned in and Seto fought not to gag at the order of whiskey on the man's breath. "He has quite the reputation. Half the men in that club have been in his bed. You didn't know you were fucking the biggest slut in Domino, did you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Seto was pressed up against his bike with no way out.

"Poor little Kaiba. Not as smart as he thinks." Pegasus reached up and stroked his fingers down Seto's cheek. "I suppose you think he loves you. That you mean the world to him. Poor, naïve boy. Taken in by such a player."

Seto shook his head, unable to find his voice as his tormenter pressed against him.

"Poor, sweet Kaiba-boy." He leaned down, his lips slightly parted and Seto stiffened.

"Back off unless you want me to rip your other eye out."

Pegasus stumbled back as a hand fisted in his hair, pulling him away from Seto. He jerked away, the color draining from his face as he recognized the owner of the voice.


"Aren't the twins enough for you, you freak?" Bakura took a step toward him, the silver blade in his hand catching the light. "Get out of here before you really piss me off."

Bakura sneered as the man shrieked, spinning, and ran for his limo. "Asshole. Squeals like a frigging girl."

"You okay?" Bakura turned to Seto as the limo peeled away.

"Is it true?"

"Is what true?" Bakura's eyes searched Seto's, looking for an assurance that the brunet was alright.

"About Tristan."

Bakura shook his head, leaning on the bike next to Seto. "We need to talk."


Tristan stood in his bedroom, looking around. It looked so empty. Most of his things were at Seto's.

Seto had the room next to his home office redone into a den for Tristan. His books and all the pictures of his brother and friends were there.

Shaking his head, Tristan stripped out of his clothes, carelessly throwing them on the floor, and went to his dresser taking out a pair of shorts he had left behind. He slipped them on, going back to the doorway to turn off the light, thinking to himself that he wasn't going to get any sleep tonight.

He turned toward the bed, a hand reaching out to turn on the bedside lamp. His fingers never made contact as pain exploded in the back of his head and everything went black.


"So it's true." Seto's voice was lifeless. He hadn't said a word as Bakura told him everything he knew about Tristan's reputation at the club.

"Don't be a moron! He loves you!"

"I wish I could be sure of that." Seto whispered, hanging his head.

"Well, it's true. The others didn't mean anything to him. As a matter of fact, the guys I saw him with all bore a strong resemblance to you."

"They did?" Seto looked up at Bakura, a pleading, desperate look in his eyes.

"Yeah. Brown hair, blue eyes, tall, thin…I've seen him turn down drop dead gorgeous blondes. He wanted you. He figured he couldn't, so he took the next best thing."

"I don't know…"

"Listen, Kaiba…I have NO fucking idea why I give a shit, but I don't want to see the two of you split because of Brad. Besides, once I'm done with him…" Bakura trailed off, leaving the threat hanging.

"You know him?"

Bakura rolled his eyes. "Let's just say he's where I've been spending my nights."

Seto tried to digest this new piece of information, but was interrupted by one impatient spirit.

"Get over there and talk to him. You know he would have headed home." Bakura pushed away from the Harley and crossed over to the stolen bike. "If you don't fight for him, you're less of I man that I've always thought you were, Kaiba."

[He's right.] Seto realized as he watched Bakura pull away. [I love him. He's mine and I'm NOT going to let some ghost from his past take him from me!]

Seto jumped onto his bike, kicking it to life and tearing off towards Tristan's house.


Tristan groaned as he came to, his head pounding. It wasn't until he tried to rub the lump on the back of his head that he realized he couldn't move his arms.

"You're awake."

Tristan's eyes snapped open to lock with bright blue, glittering dangerously.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Tristan demanded, his eyes widening at the sight of Brad's naked form.

"It's so much better when you're conscious."

"Let me go, Brad." Tristan tried to keep the fear from his voice as he realized he was also naked, and not only were his hands bound, but his legs were tied to the footboard of the bed. He risked a glance upwards to see that Brad had handcuffed him to the wrought iron spindles of the headboard.

"No." Brad climbed over top of Tristan and settled on his stomach. "You're mine."

Anger flashed through Tristan, replacing the fear. "No. I'm not!"

"Oh, yes you are. You belong to me."

"You're insane!" Tristan struggled against his bonds, trying to get free.

Brad's hand flashed out and he struck Tristan across the face. "Don't do that."

Tristan snarled, licking the blood from the corner of his mouth. "I don't belong to you."

"I made you, Tristan. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't know who you are."

"That's bullshit!"

Brad's eyes narrowed and he struck Tristan again, harder this time. "I'm going to take you…willing or not."

"Brad, please…" Tristan tried to reason with him, ignoring the ringing in his ears from the blow. "If you've ever had any feelings for me, don't do this."

"Feelings?!" Brad laughed harshly. "You've got to be joking. You were nothing more than an easy conquest. Shy, innocent, easy to mold. A good fuck, admittedly, but no more than that."

Tristan shook his head in denial, tears coming to his eyes. "Don't say that."

"Why not? It's true." Brad smirked. "You're nothing but a whore, Tristan. You don't honestly think your rich boyfriend sees you any other way, do you?"

"Seto loves me." Tristan hissed, his anger returning somewhat.

"He won't love you when I'm done with you." Brad reached for the chain around Tristan's neck, yanking it off and throwing it across the room.

Then, he stretched out on top of Tristan, capturing his mouth in a brutal kiss. Tristan renewed his struggles, refusing to submit. He felt something sharp pierce the skin under his jaw and he realized Brad had a small pocket knife in his hand.

Risking an injury, Tristan turned his head away, clenching his eyes shut.

"Fine then."

It was all the warning he got before Brad thrust into his unwilling body, tearing a scream from his throat.

"Fuck!" Brad groaned. "You're so tight! Didn't that prick-less bastard ever take you?"

"No…please, Brad…stop!"

Brad ignored him, grunting as he pounded into him. "You belong to me, Tristan…me."

"No! I belong to Seto!"

Brad snarled, bringing up the knife and plunging it into Tristan's shoulder, causing him to cry out sharply as he twisted it. He laughed again as blood began to seep from the wound.

"He's not going to want you anymore." Brad growled as he continued to grind savagely into him. "Not once I tell him what a slut you are. I've heard all about you…at the club…how you'd fuck any guy who asked. Did they pay your for your services, Tristan? Did they?"

Tristan turned his head again, trying to bite back the sobs of pain and humiliation. The cruel words rang true in some part of Tristan's mind. If Seto found out, he wouldn't want him anymore.

Brad let out a howl, releasing deep inside Tristan's battered body. He fell, panting, across his victim's unresponsive body.

"You're awfully cold for a whore." Brad sat back, frowning. "Whores are supposed to enjoy it."

"How could you possibly believe I wanted that?" Tristan whispered brokenly, not looking at the other.

Brad snarled, grabbing Tristan by the throat, squeezing, as he backhanded him across the face. Tristan's head snapped to the side, blood pouring from his nose.

He bit his lip, refusing to give Brad the satisfaction of his cries as his body reflexively tried to curl up when he was punched in the stomach. Tristan closed his eyes against the pain as Brad punched him a few more times before grinning wickedly and twisting the knife, still embedded in Tristan's shoulder, one more time.

A low grunt of pain was all he received.

Brad crawled off the bed and picked up Tristan's discarded shirt, sketchily wiping himself off before pulling on his clothes. He reached into his pocket and drew forth a small key, leaning over Tristan and unlocking the handcuffs.

"Don't go anywhere. I'll be back for you." He ran a possessive hand over Tristan's bleeding, bruised body before leaving the room without a backwards glance.

Tristan waited until he heard the front door slam before sitting up painfully and untying his legs. Then he lay back down on the blood stained sheets, sobbing.

/Oh gods…no…I have to get out of here. If he comes back I won't be able to fight him…not like this./

He closed his hand over the slippery hilt of the knife with the intention of pulling it out. The minute he put the slightest pressure on it, the blood began to flow faster and pain ripped through his shoulder, so intense he could only gasp.

He tried to turn over and his whole body screamed in protest. Everything started going blurry and he knew he didn't have a lot of time before he passed out from blood loss.

He reached for the phone on the bedside table slowly, fighting down the sudden nausea. With a shaking, blood soaked hand he dialed the first number that came to his fogged mind.

:: Hello?::

"Joey…" Tristan's voice was weak. "I…need your help…please…Joey…he's coming…back…I can't..."

The phone slipped from his hand, dropping to the floor as he lost consciousness.


DD: Yes, I know…it's an evil cliffie.

YD: Yeah, but I'm sure…*looks at commentary at the beginning of the story* WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!

Tristan: It was Seto's idea! *runs from room*

Bakura: Yeah! *runs*

Seto: Well, you couldn't keep it secret forever.

YD: He has a point.

DD: I was getting sick of hiding it anyway.

YD: Yeah…kinda hard not to shout it to the world when you love someone that much.

Seto: So, you're not going to kill me?

DD: No…our readers have become our friends. It's only right that we share this with them.

Seto: *sweatdrop* Good…I just couldn't contain myself anymore.

YD: So, please review. Tell us what you think of this chappie and feel free to congratulate us.

DD: Yeah…just please don't bother telling us what freaks we are for living a polyamorous lifestyle…we already know.