Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Way Street ❯ chapter17 ( Chapter 17 )
One Way Street
by Dragondreamer and Yami Dragon
Disclaimer: We don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! DUH! If we did, the show wouldn't be fit for kids, that's for sure!
Warning: This story contains shouenen-ai (guy/guy relationships) and yaoi (guys having sex with guys). It also contains coarse language and violence. If you don't like it, or become offended by such things, what are you doing here? Haven't you figured out by now that all our writing contains this stuff?
Note: /…/ Tristan's thoughts
[…] Seto's thoughts
YD: Sorry it took so long to get this chappie out.
DD: We opened the shop today. We've been working 10-12 hour days since last week.
Seto: No wonder this chapter got away on you.
YD: *grumbles*
Tristan: Let's get on with it before she snaps from sleep deprivation.
Seto took off his jacket and turned to his brother. "Go do your homework, Mokuba."
"Are you mad at me, big brother?"
"No, of course not. But I want you to tell me if it happens again, okay? I'll take care of it myself."
Mokuba threw his arms around Seto. "I couldn't let him say those things about you, Seto."
"I'm glad I have such a stalwart champion." Seto grinned, ruffling the raven locks.
"What's that mean?"
"Go look it up." Seto gave him a quick hug. "I've got to go find Tristan. Maybe I can talk him into making his famous pizza for dinner."
Mokuba whooped and ran off down the hall to his bedroom while Seto went looking for Tristan.
He had had to go to Mokuba's school to extract his brother from a sticky situation with the principal. Apparently, Mokuba had heard one of the teachers spouting off about the evilness of large corporations, such as Kaiba Corp., and the supposedly negative effect they had on the economy. Mokuba had verbally torn into the man, using a few choice curse words he had obviously learned from Bakura, when Seto's name was mentioned.
He had been sent to the office and Seto called out of the last class of the day. The principal had wanted to suspend Mokuba for his language and the fact that he had disrespected a teacher. Seto had simply glared coldly at the man in silence until he started sweating and finally caved, promising to take disciplinary action with the teacher in question.
Before all this, he had unapologetically interrupted Tristan's class to let him know where he was going. Tristan had nodded, his face expressionless; though Seto had seen the amusement in his lover's eyes; and stated in bored tones that he'd call a limo to take him home. He was obviously beginning to rub off on the shorter brunet.
Seto smiled to himself, remembering how he had to look away from Tristan to keep from laughing as the teacher fumed.
Not finding Tristan anywhere in the house, Seto stepped outside onto the patio. Tristan wasn't there.
Seto frowned, wondering where the other had gotten to. [I don't suppose he's actually gone out into the grounds? Gods, I hope so. He's been starting to get a little more confident with John around.]
Seto decided to check the garage first.
When he got there, he saw Tristan's bike parked outside. From the empty bucket and wet rags, he gathered Tristan had been washing it. So there was probably only one other place Tristan would be.
Seto headed around the back of the garage to the basketball court. Sure enough, Tristan was there.
John immediately caught Seto's eye, giving a minute shrug. Seto just shook his head and watched Tristan. It was obvious he was in pain from the way he held his injured shoulder slightly higher than the other and the way he was breathing. Never mind the fact that he wasn't making his shots.
"What are you doing?" Seto asked.
"What does it look like?" Tristan answered, not taking his eyes off the net.
"Shooting hoops." Seto watched as Tristan missed the basket for the fourth time since he had shown up. "Badly."
"Very funny, amante." Tristan held out his hands to John, who had retrieved the ball, wincing when he caught it.
"Tristan, you're in pain."
"So?" Tristan missed again. "Shit!"
"You're just going to make it worse."
"Seto," Tristan turned around, looking at him for the first time. "If I can't play, I'll lose my spot. Then I won't have a chance at a scholarship. What am I going to do then?"
"If you don't let it heal, you won't be able to play period."
"I HAVE to play! There's a scout coming over from Georgetown in the States for our first game! Coach sent him a tape of one of our games from last season, and he's coming to watch me play, Seto! I can't miss this chance!"
"I know this means a lot to you, love, but if your shoulder's not healed enough for physio, it's definitely not healed enough to play ball."
Tristan shook his head. "It doesn't matter. I have to practice."
Seto began to comment, but Tristan turned away from him, taking aim at the basket and shooting left-handed. Before, he would have made the shot no problem, but this time it sailed wide of the backboard. Seto didn't even notice as he ran to Tristan who was doubled over, clutching his shoulder and hissing in pain.
"Enough." Seto put his arm around the other brunet. "Come on…into the house."
Tristan straightened; opening his mouth to protest, but the look in Seto's eyes stopped him.
"Don't even think about it, Tristan." Seto shook his head. "I'm not going to listen to ANY arguments. Got it?"
"Fine." Tristan leaned against Seto for a moment, temporarily giving in to the pain.
"Go on home, John." Seto said to the bodyguard. "We'll call you if we need you over the weekend."
"Yes, sir." John came up to the two of them, laying a hand on Tristan's arm. "Please don't overdo it, Tristan."
"No promises, big guy." Tristan smiled weakly at the man.
John shook his head and left them alone.
"Let's get you some ice." Seto led Tristan towards the house. "And you're taking the painkillers."
"Gods, you're worse than Yami is with Yugi!"
Seto snorted, opening the door to the kitchen. "I can hardly be compared to that skinny, long dead monarch. I'm much sexier."
Tristan burst out laughing, leaning against the kitchen counter for support. "Oh, gods, amante!"
"What?" Seto had his head stuck in the freezer, looking for an ice pack. "It's true."
"Well, you won't get an argument from me there." Tristan put an arm around Seto as he came over, ice pack in hand.
Seto leaned in and kissed Tristan softly. Tristan parted his lips, letting Seto take control while pulling him closer. He yelped, jerking away as Seto dropped the ice pack on his shoulder.
"Ass." Tristan shook his head.
Seto smirked. "Upstairs…now."
Tristan rolled his eyes, leading the way. "Amante, let's take Mokuba out tonight."
"Sure you're up to it?" Seto raised an eyebrow.
"Once I get something in to me for the pain I will be."
"I meant, are you up to going out in public like that." Seto opened their bedroom door and headed for the bathroom to get Tristan's pills.
"Umm…yeah, I think so. Just some place that's not too crowded."
"Okay." Seto came back into the room and handed Tristan the pills and a glass of water. "I'll call John."
"Don't bother. I'll be okay."
Seto looked at him, surprised.
"Really, amante. It's Friday night. Let John spend some time with his kids. He's been with me all week."
"If that's what you want." Seto turned to leave. "I'll go tell Mokuba. Lie back and let the pills work. By the time Mokuba's finished his homework, they should have kicked in."
Tristan smiled as Seto left the room. /I really do want to go out without John tagging along. Seto was right. I did need to get out of the house. Dinner with him and Mokuba sounds good. I just wish…I still can't feel it. I really miss making love to him. I know he does too. I can see it in his eyes. I need to put an end to this if we're going to move on. I wish Bakura would come home./
Bakura reached out to touch the Ring. Still too weak. Maybe another hour or so, then he'd be close enough.
Ryou's emotions had been getting stronger the closer he got to home. He was starting to get worried. His light was very concerned about Tristan. What could possibly be so wrong with him that Ryou couldn't stop thinking about him?
Bakura shook his head, grumbling to himself.
He knew that Seto would help him get through what Brad had done to him. But he also knew that Tristan hid a brittle, easily hurt heart under his tough exterior. Maybe he WASN'T handling it as well as Bakura though he would.
"Ra, damn." He muttered. "I shouldn't have stayed away so long."
Bakura quickened his pace, the overwhelming need to get back eating at him. He was convinced now that there was something very wrong…and he was the only one who could fix it.
Mokuba slipped his hand into Tristan's as Seto left them to talk to the hostess. Tristan smiled down at him before going back to surveying the people in the small restaurant that Seto had decided on.
Seto motioned to them and Tristan led the younger Kaiba across the dining room, following Seto and the young woman.
She showed them to a table concealed from the rest of the restaurant by a huge potted plant. Tristan immediately sat down in the chair against the wall, feeling more secure with something solid at his back.
"Okay, Tristan?" Seto sat down next to him, reaching for his hand.
Tristan nodded, giving Mokuba another smile as the boy reached for his other hand, giving it a quick squeeze before letting go and picking up his menu.
Seto raised Tristan's hand to his lips, gently kissing his fingers. "You're doing good, baby."
The waiter came over then, his face lighting up when he saw Seto. "Mr. Kaiba! It's good to see you again!"
"Thank you, Roger. Could you bring us a bottle of the house white, and a Coke for my brother."
"Right away, sir."
Tristan raised an eyebrow as the waiter hurried away.
Seto just shrugged, an amused grin on his face. "Pays to be rich."
Tristan chuckled, pulling his hand from Seto's and picking up his own menu. He wasn't really hungry, but he knew if he didn't eat, he'd catch it from both Kaiba brothers.
The waiter came back, Mokuba's soda and the wine in hand. He poured the two teens a glass each and then proceeded to take their orders.
Halfway through their meal, Tristan was completely relaxed. It could have been the combination of the wine and the painkillers, but Tristan didn't really care. It felt good to be out and not looking over his shoulder.
He leaned over and pressed a kiss to Seto's cheek. "Thanks, amante."
"No problem." Seto smiled. "Do you want to go home when we're done, or would you like to go somewhere else?"
"Could we just go for a drive?"
"I'll go home so you two can be alone." Mokuba said, a smirk on his face.
"You know, Mokuba," Tristan matched the boy's grin. "You have absolutely no tact."
Mokuba shrugged. "I'm enjoying my supper too much to lose it by seeing the two of you make out."
Seto rolled his eyes and tossed his cell phone across the table. "Go straight home, got it?"
"Well, gee, Seto. I thought I'd stop off somewhere for a beer and a lap dance."
"That's it!" Seto said, mock stern. "You're ARE NOT hanging around with Bakura any more!"
Mokuba tried to look innocent, but totally failed when Tristan started laughing. The younger Kaiba snickered along with his brother's lover, gasping for breath, laughing harder at the look on Seto's face.
"I swear you two are in collusion to drive me insane." Seto shook his head, his lips twitching.
Mokuba wiped the tears from his eyes, picking up the phone to call a driver. He had given up on trying to finish his food and got up to go wait outside for the car.
"I'll see you guys when you get home." He leaned over and hugged Tristan before going around the table to put his arms around his brother.
"Don't wait up for us." Seto said, ruffling his hair.
"Oh, don't worry about that. Just no sex in the back of the car, okay? I have to sit there."
Seto took a swat at the raven haired boy. "Go."
Mokuba grinned. "Bye!"
Tristan chuckled as Mokuba walked away. "I really do think Bakura's sense of humor is rubbing off on him."
Seto snorted and picked up his wine glass. "Finish up, baby, and let's go for that drive."
Ryou tensed, feeling Bakura return to the Ring.
"What is it?" Kendra asked, lifting her head from his shoulder.
Ryou jumped up from the couch and looked down at the Item. It glowed briefly and suddenly Bakura was standing next to him, looking exhausted.
"Yami!" Ryou threw himself at the spirit. "Where have you been?!"
Bakura hugged his hikari briefly before dropping down on the couch next to Kendra. Accessing the Ring from such a long distance had taken a lot of energy.
"Bakura? Are you alright?" Kendra put an arm around his shoulders.
"Just tired." He leaned against the girl, smiling as Ryou sat down on his other side, practically crawling into his lap.
"Oh, yami! I'm so glad you're back!" Ryou buried his face in Bakura's hair. "We've needed you…Tristan…"
"What's wrong with Tristan?" Bakura put his arms around his light as the boy began to cry.
Kendra shook her head, reaching over to stroke Ryou's hair. "It's been really bad. At first, he wouldn't even look at Seto, and he wouldn't let Yami and Yugi near him either. Things have gotten a bit better, but he won't leave the house except to go to school; and then he has Seto's bodyguard with him."
"So, it's Seto know, is it?"
"We've been through a lot together, Bakura."
"But, what's wrong with Tristan? What's he so scared of that he won't even go outside?" Bakura was confused. He was missing something.
"He's…he's afraid B-Brad's going to come b-back." Ryou sobbed.
"But…he's gone!" Bakura was shocked. "Kaiba told me to take care of it and I did!"
"You didn't…kill him…did you, yami?"
"No, Ryou." Bakura hugged him tighter. "I made you a promise and I've kept it."
"What happened to him then?"
"I took him to the Shadow Realm." Bakura's eyes narrowed. "He's there…alive. Well, sort of."
Ryou pulled from his dark's arms, jumping up from his place and hauling Bakura to his feet. "We have to go to Seto's. You have to tell him. Please, yami! We have to go now!"
"It's okay, Ryou." Kendra stood up as well, prying her boyfriend's hands off Bakura. "Please, Bakura? Tristan has been through so much. Don't let it go on any longer."
Bakura nodded, feeling angry at himself for staying away so long. The first thing he was going to do when he saw Tristan was apologize to him.
Seto parked the car in the empty parking lot belonging to the park where Tristan used to hang out with his friends.
"Why are we here?" Tristan asked.
"I thought you might like to go for a walk."
Tristan's eyes widened and he moved away from Seto slightly. "Can…can we just stay here instead?"
"If you want." Seto reached for Tristan's hand, drawing him closer. "It's probably better if you don't push it. You did really well tonight, baby. I'm proud of you."
"It wasn't easy at first." Tristan sighed, laying his head on Seto's shoulder. "But after a while…it was okay. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to get me drunk."
Seto snickered, dropping a kiss on Tristan's forehead.
"You were right about one thing though. I'm going to have to give up the basketball team." Tristan's voice caught. "It's just…I know it sounds stupid, but I've always dreamed of moving to the States and playing in the NBA."
"That's not stupid, Tristan." Seto leaned down to kiss him as Tristan looked up.
"He took that from me too, Seto." Tristan blinked back the tears, his voice dropping to a whisper. "He's taken so much…from both of us."
"Tristan, he's dead. He has to be. You have to stop letting him control you from the grave."
"It would be easier if…if I could…" Tristan moved back, reaching up to cup Seto's face in his hands, looking intently into his eyes. "Amante, I want to make love to you so badly. But I can't. That's not fair to either of us."
"Let me decide what's fair for me, love. I told you I'd wait…and I meant it."
"But it hurts you. I know it does." Tristan rubbed his thumb across Seto's cheek. "And I know it frustrates you. You know, amante, it's okay if you take me. If you want to love me, I'm willing."
"No." Seto pulled Tristan's hands from his face. "We've had this discussion, Tristan."
Tristan gripped Seto's hands, refusing to let him pull away. "Seto…I may not feel it physically, but…I feel it emotionally. It makes me feel closer to you. Really…I do want it."
Seto shook his head. "I can't. Tristan…it's not that I don't want you. I do…but when you can't feel it…it's just not the same."
"I understand, amante." Tristan leaned forward and pressed his lips gently to Seto's. "But if you want to…if you need to…it's okay."
"Let's go home." Seto started up the car again. "Maybe we can come back tomorrow with Mokuba and the others."
"Maybe." Tristan replied noncommittally.
Seto smiled as Tristan laid his hand on his leg as they pulled out of the parking lot. Whether he knew it or not, he was getting better. Somehow Seto knew that it was just a matter of time before things turned around.
The guard at the gates of the Kaiba estate was thanking every god he could think of as Seto's car pulled up. He had been trying to deal with a group of teenagers who were demanding to see the master's boyfriend. The tall white haired one with the hard eyes was growling at him.
Seto rolled down his window, his eyes immediately going to Bakura, totally disregarding the rest of Tristan's friends. "Bakura. Where the hell have you been?!"
"Tell this pompous son of a bitch to let us in before I show him what his liver looks like." Bakura had had it with the guard.
Seto simply nodded at the guard and the gates swung open, admitting both Seto's car and the group of strange looking boys. The guard raised an eyebrow at the two boys with the tri colored hair. Well, it wasn't his business who his employer hung around with.
Tristan tried to stop shaking as Seto parked the car and got out. He took a deep breath and followed, immediately being surrounded by his friends.
"Tristan." Bakura pushed Yugi out of the way, ignoring Yami's warning growl. "We have to talk…"
"Inside." Seto interrupted, leading them all into the house.
"Sir?" Mokuba's maid, Peggy was standing at the top of the stairs. "Is everything alright?"
"Everything's fine, Peg." Seto reassured her. "Just please go back upstairs and make sure Mokuba doesn't come down. Not for ANY reason."
"Yes, sir." The woman turned, heading down the hall towards the younger Kaiba's room.
"In here." Seto opened a door at the end of the foyer, ushering everyone inside.
He waited until everyone had settled before sitting down next to Tristan, pulling him close. "Where have you been, Bakura?"
"Away. I…had some thinking to do." Everyone saw the glance he cast Joey's way…including Joey.
The blond blushed slightly, looking away. He had also done some thinking while Bakura was gone, but now wasn't the time to talk about it.
Tristan leaned into Seto, not know what to say or even where to start. There were so many questions he wasn't sure he wanted answers to.
"Tristan…I'm…" Bakura bit his lip, finding it difficult to say what he wanted to say. "I'm…sorry. If I had've known…"
"Do you know where he is?" Tristan asked hesitantly.
"He's in the Shadow Realm."
Tristan clutched Seto's hand. "So he is still alive."
"I don't know if I'd go that far."
"But," Panic glanced across Tristan's features. "What…what if he comes back?"
"He can't. There's no way." Bakura shook his head.
"You don't know that!" Tristan practically shouted. "People have come back from there before!"
"Tristan," Yami interjected. "The only people who have come back are the ones who have had help from those of us with the power to travel to the Shadow Realm."
Tristan shook his head. "But…but he said he was coming back."
"Calm down, love." Seto put his arm around the other brunet. "Bakura and Yami know what they're talking about."
"What if he finds a way, Seto? I can't…"
"There's only one way for you to be sure." Yami said.
Seto raised an eyebrow at his former rival. "How's that?"
"The Tomb Robber needs to take him there…let him see it with his own eyes."
"Not a chance!" Joey said. "Listen, Yami…we've been there before. I don't want Tristan to go through that again!"
"I agree." Bakura put it. "You know it's not easy for mortals to be in the Shadow Realm, Pharaoh."
"Excuse me?" Tristan's voice was cold. "I'm sitting right here."
"Don't get all defensive, Tris." Joey said. "Come on, man! You remember what it was like."
"I don't care. Yami's right. I need to see for myself."
"Tristan…" Kendra looked worried. "I don't know much about this place, but from what you've all told me, it's not something to take lightly."
"You think I'm taking this lightly?!" Tristan shook off Seto's arm. "Gods, Kendra! Do you actually think I WANT to go?!"
"All I'm saying is…are you sure you HAVE to?"
"I do." Tristan looked around the room, seeing the expressions of fear on his friend's faces. "If I can't put this behind me, I'll never be able to…"
"Shh…baby. It's alright." Seto put both his arms around Tristan, drawing him back against his chest as tears filled his lover's hazel eyes. They hadn't told anyone about the problems Tristan had been having.
"Please, amante. I have to do this."
"Then you're not going without me." Seto tightened his grip, looking at Bakura. "You take both of us…or not at all."
"Are you sure you want to do this, Tristan?" Bakura gave him one last chance to back out.
"I am." Tristan untangled himself from Seto and stood. "Amante, you don't have to do this."
Seto suppressed a shudder. "I won't let you do this alone."
Tristan held out his hand. Seto took it and rose, turning to Bakura and nodding.
Bakura sighed in defeat, standing as well. "Alright, let's get it over with."
"Bakura, wait…" Joey was on his feet, looking at the white haired spirit with an unreadable expression.
Joey opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Bakura waited patiently, hoping, praying that the blond pup was going to say what he wanted to hear.
"Just…" Joey ran his hand through his hair. "Just bring them back, okay?"
"I will, Joey."
A thick purple mist swirled around the three. When it dissipated, they were gone.
"You come back to." Joey whispered. "Please."
Seto: Awww…the mutt's sweet on the tomb robber.
Joey: Very funny.
DD: SOOOOOO toasted! Need sleep!!
YD: We're going to bed.
Ryou: It would be really nice if they got up to a bunch of reviews tomorrow.
DD: *huggles Ryou* Thanks, cutie!
