Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Way Street ❯ chapter18 ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Way Street

by Dragondreamer and Yami Dragon

Disclaimer: We don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! DUH! If we did, the show wouldn't be fit for kids, that's for sure!

Warning: This story contains shouenen-ai (guy/guy relationships) and yaoi (guys having sex with guys). It also contains coarse language and violence. If you don't like it, or become offended by such things, what are you doing here? Haven't you figured out by now that all our writing contains this stuff?


Note: /…/ Tristan's thoughts

[…] Seto's thoughts


DD: Wow! Did this chapter ever happen fast!

YD: Well, we had half of it written weeks ago.

Tristan: Are you done YET?!

YD: No…now shut up, bipolar boy.

Bakura: When am I gonna get some?

DD: Patience my sexy thief.


Seto shuddered as the unnatural frigidness of the Shadow Realm enveloped them.

It wasn't just the immense cold that made him shiver. It was the memories that came along with it. The memories of wandering the bleak landscape, looking for Mokuba, the crushing agony of failing his little brother growing with each step he took in his fruitless search.

Tristan put an arm around Seto's waist. "You okay?"

Seto gave an unconvincing nod and Tristan decided not to push it.

His own time here during the duel Yami had with Bakura had been brief, but it had been bad enough. He certainly never thought he would return here willingly with the one responsible for his first visit.

He knew what Seto had gone through when Pegasus had sent him here. He slipped his other arm around Seto and held him close as the taller brunet continued to tremble.

"Bakura, send him back." Tristan said when he saw the other's blue eyes cloud with the painful memories. "He doesn't need to be here."

"No." Seto interjected. "I'm staying. I won't let you go through this by yourself."

Bakura gave the two mortals a calculating look. "If you're going back, you're going now. I don't want to expose either of you longer than necessary."

"Amante, go back." Tristan kissed him gently. "You don't have to do this. I'll be fine."

"I said I'm staying." Seto pulled away and took Tristan's hand. "I want to be there when you finally put an end to this."

"Let's go already." Bakura said, cutting off Tristan's reply. "I've got other things to do tonight."

The pale fiend turned, leading them through the dead landscape until they reached a stand of gnarled, sickly looking trees.

"Could have sworn I left him here." Bakura muttered, looking around. "Ra damn…where'd he go?"

"What?!" Tristan's grip on Seto's hand tightened painfully. "He's gone?!"

"Bakura," Seto growled threateningly. "Where is he?"

"Hang on. Let me think." Bakura tugged on his bottom lip. "Oh, yeah! This was the spot I had picked out for the Pharaoh!"

Tristan and Seto exchanged looks.

"Oh, well." Bakura shrugged, turning around. "Not much chance of that now. This way."

"That was a scare I didn't need." Tristan stated as they followed Bakura in the opposite direction.

"Here we are." Bakura led them into an area surrounded by large, broken boulders.

"Oh, gods." Tristan's voice was choked.

"What?" The white haired spirit sounded puzzled as he stepped around a pool of blood and approached the body lying on the ground.

Seto stood behind Tristan, wrapping both arms tightly around the other teen, staring in horror at the sight before them.

Brad lay at Bakura's feet, struggling for breath, blood pumping from a vicious gash in his neck. A last tortured gasp fell from his lips and his eyes glazed over, the blood ceasing it's flow.

Then, slowly, the crimson pool in which he lay disappeared. His chest heaved and the dead, glassy look in his eyes was replaced with one of pure terror as he once again struggled to breathe, his life's blood arcing from severed arteries.

"What did you do to him?" Tristan whispered.

"I got revenge. For both of us." Bakura's foot made contact with Brad's ribs. "He'll spend eternity here. His only awareness being the horror of his last breath."

"Make it stop."

"WHAT?!" Bakura's eyes went wide. "Are you out of your fucking mind?! He deserves this, Tristan!"

"No one deserves this." Tristan said quietly, his hands coming up to grasp Seto's arms. "No one."

"He RAPED you!" Bakura shouted.

"Yes, he did." Tristan tore his gaze away from Brad, meeting Bakura's eyes. "But if I allow this to continue, I'm no better than he is."

Bakura glared at Tristan, his hands on his hips. "I won't do it."

"It's not your decision, Bakura." Seto spoke for the first time since coming upon the mini horror show. "Tristan's the only one with the right to decide what should happen to him."

"You do realize that if he leaves here he's dead." Bakura said.

Tristan nodded, feeling secure with Seto's arms around him, feeling the strong beat of his heart against his back. "I do. Please, Bakura. I just want it to end."

"Fine." Bakura grumbled. "I'll send you back and then I'll take him somewhere remote and dump him."

Tristan turned his back on the scene and buried his face in Seto's shirt.

"It's okay, baby." Seto whispered to him. "Let it go. I'm here. It's okay."

Tristan began to cry quietly, feeling the fear he had been carrying drain from his body as the twisting, icy mist engulfed them.


Joey was pacing the room. He had begun just a few minutes after Bakura had left, taking Tristan and Seto with him.

"Joey, sit down." Yugi said. "You're making me dizzy."

"They've been gone for over two hours!" Joey ran his hand through his hair. "Where ARE they?!"

"Time moves differently in the Shadow Realm." Yami put his arm around Yugi as the little hikari began to shiver.

"Is it just me, or did it drop about twenty degrees in here?" Kendra asked, moving closer to Ryou.

"They're coming back." The words were barely out of Yami's mouth when the telling mist filled the room and Tristan and Seto appeared, clinging to each other, frost forming on their hair and clothes as they came in contact with the marginally warmer air of the room.

"Tristan!" Joey ran to his friend, pulling him from Seto's grasp and into his own arms, wincing at how cold he was.

He saw Kendra pull an afghan off a nearby chair and wrap it around Seto before she and Ryou wrapped their arms around him.

He held Tristan's shaking body close, barely noticing Yugi come up behind Tristan and press his small body against the taller boy, trying to warm him.

"Where's the Tomb Robber?" Yami asked, noticing they were one short.

Tristan shook his head, unable to speak for the moment.

"Taking care of Brad." Seto pulled away from Ryou and Kendra, going to the gas fireplace and flipping the switch to turn on the flame.

Joey led Tristan over and Seto immediately turned to him, taking the blanket from his shoulders and wrapping it around the other brunet. He pulled Tristan to him, pressing small, almost desperate kisses over his face.

"Amante…" Tristan opened the blanket, wrapping Seto up in it with him.

There was a flash of light and everyone turned in time to see Bakura emerge from the Ring.

"It's done." Bakura slid a glance at Joey before going over to Seto and Tristan.

To everyone's surprise, he put his arms around both boys, hugging them tightly.

"You don't have to be afraid any more, Tristan." Bakura looked up into wide hazel eyes. "It's over."

"Thank you, Bakura." Tristan's smile was anything but convincing. "I hope we didn't ruin your plans for the evening."

"Hmm." Bakura stepped away, turning to look at Joey. "It's early yet."

Seto couldn't help but chuckle at the hard blush that crept over the blond's face. "I'd like all of you to stay. It's late."

"Thank you, Seto." Kendra replied for them all.

"The phone's in the kitchen if you need to call your parents."

Kendra's eyes darkened for a moment. "That's okay, I don't need to."

Knowing the others didn't really have anyone to answer to; Yugi's grandfather never worried when his grandson was out all night with Yami, and Joey's father just didn't care; Seto untangled himself from Tristan and offered to show the other's to their rooms.

"Um, I think I'm gonna stay up for a while…if that's okay with you, Seto." Joey said, ducking his head and glancing at Bakura from under his bangs.

"Sure, pup. Whatever you want."

Bakura wasn't so subtle. "I need to talk to Joey. You guys go on to bed."

Ryou went to hug his yami while Kendra gave Tristan a quick hug before turning to Seto.

"Are you guys going to be okay?" She asked quietly, wrapping her arms around him.

"I think so." Seto hugged her back, wondering why it was that he seemed to gravitate towards the girl. "Come on, I'll show you and Ryou to your room."

He raised an eyebrow at the girl's blush but said nothing as he took her hand, putting his other arm around Tristan's waist and leading them, along with Yami and Yugi, from the room, saying goodnight to Joey and Bakura.

When they had left the room, Bakura walked slowly up to Joey, stopping arm's length away from the blond. "Joey…we need to talk."

"O-Okay." Joey sat down on the couch, looking up at Bakura expectantly.

Bakura sat down next to him and turned so he could look him in the eye. "I did a lot of thinking while I was gone, and well…are you SURE you're straight? Because if you are, I'll back off."

"I don't…" Joey looked away from the intense chocolate brown eyes. "I'm not so sure any more."

"Why's that?" Bakura asked softly, moving closer.

"I don't know. I mean…I like girls, so that makes me straight, right?"

"You sound like you're trying to convince yourself." Bakura smiled. "Has it ever occurred to you that you might be bi?"

Joey's eyes snapped back to Bakura's face. "What?!"

"Bisexual." Bakura moved in even closer, placing a hand on Joey's leg. "Seems to me you might just be."


"Let me ask you this…how would you feel if I kissed you?" He didn't wait for an answer, leaning in and claiming the blond's lips.

Joey stiffened in shock for a moment, unsure of how he was supposed to react. He felt Bakura's hands in his hair, the tips of his fingers gently kneading his scalp. He could feel Bakura's lips, warm and soft, moving over his own and his eyes slid shut.

He moaned softly as Bakura brought one hand down to caress his chest and Bakura took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, slipping his tongue into Joey's mouth, tasting him. He smiled to himself as he felt Joey's tongue tentatively brush his own.

He broke the kiss slowly, not wanting to startle the boy. He felt a flash of arousal when he opened his eyes to Joey's flushed face, eyes closed and lips still parted.

Dazed amber eyes opened. "Holy shit."

"I'll take that as a big yes that you're attracted to guys." Bakura grinned.

"But…I'm not. At least, not all guys." Joey looked down at his hands resting in his lap. "I'm not attracted to…umm…well, Yami, for one."

Bakura snorted. "I'm not surprised. Joey…do you fine me attractive?"

"Yes." Joey whispered, the crimson blush reappearing. "I do."

Bakura reached out and cupped Joey's chin in his hand, tipping his head up so he could look into the confused amber eyes. "And what do you want to do about it?"

"I…I don't know. It's just…I'm so…I don't know what I want." The blond stammered.

"Joey," Bakura looked seriously at him. "I want to be with you. You've brought out a side of me that I didn't think really existed…that no one's ever seen…except Ryou and Kendra."

"I think I want to be with you too." Joey looked away, embarrassed. "I just don't know if I'm ready for…you know."

"I'm willing to take it slow."

Joey's eyes widened and he looked back at Bakura. "You are?!"

"Of course." Bakura leaned in and kissed him softly. "Why, I'm not really sure. Except for…well…I love you, Joey."

Joey would swear to his dying day that his heart stopped beating at the other's words. "You…you LOVE me?!"

"Yes." Bakura scowled, a bit of his normal demeanor returning. "Totally pissed me off when I realized it."

Joey grinned. "Well, if it's any help, one thing that Tristan and Seto have taught me is that when someone loves you, gender doesn't matter."

Bakura smiled, reaching out to run his hand through Joey's blond locks. "You've come a long way, puppy."

"Kiss me again." Joey closed his eyes and leaned into Bakura's touch.

"Gladly." Bakura captured the other's mouth in a deep, sensual kiss, moaning a little when the blond immediately responded.

Yes, he was willing to take it slow, willing to give Joey the time he needed to feel comfortable with him. It was going to be frustrating as hell, but in the end, it would be worth it.


Seto and Tristan cuddled together in their bed after seeing the others settled for the night.

"They'd better not have sex on my new couch." Seto commented.

Tristan snickered. "Don't be so sure."

"Come on, baby. How many times do I have to tell you…the mutt's attracted to Bakura."

"If you say so, amante." Tristan moved closer to Seto, laying his head on his chest.

They were both completely aware that they were avoiding the one subject they should be talking about.

"What's with Kendra?" Seto asked.

"What do you mean?"

"That look on her face when I told her she could call her parents. She didn't look too excited by the prospect."

"Her mother's not much of one." Tristan said. "And she doesn't even know who her father is. He left when he found out her mom was pregnant."


"Yeah. I'm surprised that Kendra's as strong as she is." Tristan lifted his head and looked at Seto. "You seem to be developing quite the connection with her. Should I be jealous?"

"Very funny, love." Seto grinned. "She's a great girl. I must admit, it's kind of nice to have a woman in my life that doesn't work for me."

"Mmm…she's pretty special. Especially for putting up with Bakura."

"She needs a medal for that one. I don't know how Ryou does it."

"Infinite patience." Tristan commented, his voice dropping.


"Yeah." Tristan snuggled in close, kissing Seto's chest. "I know we need to talk, amante…but…I don't know if I can yet."

"I know what you mean. Let's sleep on it, love. Tomorrow's soon enough to think about it."

Tristan sleepily agreed; already well on his way to a deep sleep. Seto quickly followed him, exhausted by the day's events.


Bakura lay with his back against the arm of the couch, the golden puppy cradled against his chest.

They had talked some more, kissed again, and finally Joey had simply snuggled up against Bakura's chest and fallen asleep like a trusting child.

"I really do love you, Joey." Bakura whispered, burying his face in Joey's hair, inhaling the mortal scent of him. "Maybe it won't be such a bad thing."

Joey murmured in his sleep, clutching at Bakura's shirt. Bakura kissed his forehead and Joey's sighed, settling back down.

"Good night, Joey." Bakura closed his eyes, a warm feeling spreading through him as he realized he wouldn't have to wake up in the cold loneliness of his soul room tomorrow.


He was walking through the darkness again, only this time it didn't seem so…menacing.

A figure in the distance caught his attention and he turned towards it, suddenly finding himself standing right in front of the person.


He started to retreat, feeling fear nicking away at the edge of his consciousness, when he noticed something about his ex-boyfriend turned rapist.

He was deathly pale and there was a huge, gaping wound across his neck. Dead eyes stared blankly at him.

"This is your chance, bud."

Tristan felt someone take his hand and turned to see Joey standing next to him. "My chance?"

"Your chance to put an end to it." Bakura stood on his other side, a hand on the brunet's shoulder.

Tristan looked quizzically at the spirit. "But…you mean revenge?"

"If that's what you need."

"No." Tristan shook his head. "I just want to put it behind me."


Tristan's head snapped around to see Brad's dead eyes focusing on him, a sneer on his face.

"You're a slut, Tristan. He doesn't really love you. He only keeps you around because you're a good fuck!"

Tristan recoiled at the harsh words and tried to back away. Joey and Bakura grabbed him, holding him still.

"No, Tris." Joey clutched his arm. "Stay. You need to do this. It's time you stopped running."

"He can't hurt you here." Bakura said. "Not unless you let him."

/He can't hurt me. He's dead…he's dead! This is just a dream./ Tristan stared at his tormenter, feeling anger growing inside him. /It's also the last chance I'll get to tell him EXACTLY what I think./

He shook off his friend's hands and advanced on Brad, fists clenched and eyes blazing with pure fury.

"You bastard! You have NO idea what you're talking about! Seto loves me! Damn you for EVER making me doubt him!"

He hooked a hand into Brad's hair, yanking him closer, his voice dropping to a deadly whisper. "You're a coward, Brad. You had to tie me down and take me against my will because you couldn't have me any other way. Well, guess what? You may have shown me who I really was, but Seto showed me how to love…REAL love, Brad; something you never knew ANYTHING about!"

Tristan let go and drew back his fist. "You're NOTHING!"

He punched Brad square in the face, sending him flying back. He hit the ground and shattered, like a duel monster defeated in the arena.

He turned around to thank Bakura and Joey for making him face the last of his fears, but they were gone. Seto was standing in their place.

He held out his arms, smiling at Tristan. "It's time to come back to me now, love."

Tristan went to him and was enfolded in his lover's strong arms and held close. He felt Seto press a gentle kiss to his lips.

"Wake up, Tristan."


"Wake up, Tristan."

Tristan opened his eyes to see Seto looking concerned. "Amante?"

"It's okay, baby. It was just a dream." Seto pulled himself up to sit against the headboard and held out his arms. "Come here."

Tristan moved to lay his head against Seto's chest and sighed with contentment as he was cradled in the other's arms. "He's gone."

"He is. And he can't hurt you anymore."

"He can't hurt you either." Tristan looked up, a small, sad smile gracing his lips. "He hurt you too."

"Indirectly, yes."

"Seto…I'm so sorry." Tristan reached up to touch Seto's face, tears escaping his eyes. "I'm sorry for everything I've put you through. And you're still here. It's going to take me the rest of my life to show you how much it's meant to me."

"Shh…baby." Seto pulled him closer. "No more apologies. No more tears. It's time for you to heal. For both of us to heal."

Tristan moved to straddle Seto's lap, burying his hands in the silky brown locks, capturing his mouth in a tender kiss. He moaned, feeling desire rising to quickly engulf his body. It was different this time…like it used to be.

"Amante…" Tristan broke the kiss, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "I want you. Please…I need you."


Tristan leaned over and dug into the bedside table drawer, pulling out a tube of lubricant. He placed it in Seto's hand, his look smoldering. "Take me, amante."

"Baby, are you sure?"

"Now." Tristan began to tremble. "Please…now."

Seto squeezed the lube onto his fingers, tossing the tube among the bed sheets. He wrapped one arm around Tristan, pulling him tight against his chest, distracting him with a burning kiss as he slipped two fingers into him.

Tristan whimpered, thrusting his tongue into Seto's mouth, clinging to him. He moved to press small, hot kisses across his lover's face, involuntarily rocking against the intrusion.


Seto moved to wrap both hands around Tristan's hips, guiding him. Tristan pressed down, moaning at the pleasure of being able to feel more than just the other's physical presence.

"Tristan…" Seto kept his hands on the other's hips, fighting not to move as he felt himself become completely buried inside his lover. "Please, love…tell me you can feel it."

"Oh gods…yes! Yes, amante…" Tristan cupped Seto's face, leaning his forehead against the other brunet's. "It's so good…Seto…it feels so good…"

Tristan ran his hands down Seto's neck and chest, following with his lips. Seto moaned, tightening his grip on Tristan's hips, urging him to move.

Tristan began a slow rhythm, looking deeply into the other's eyes. He caught the movement of Seto's hand reaching to touch his face out of the corner of his eye and he flinched. As Seto began to withdraw his hand, Tristan grabbed his wrist, placing Seto's hand to his face, whispering an apology.

"Everything isn't just going to disappear, love." Seto leaned in and kissed him gently.

"I know. It's okay, amante…I like it when you touch my face." Tristan rubbed his cheek against Seto's palm. "It just spooks me a little."

Seto drew Tristan closer, kissing him passionately and beginning to thrust up into him. "Mmm…baby…love you."

"I love you too." Tristan began to meet his thrusts, reveling in the fire flowing through him to pool in his stomach.

Hands and lips roamed, their movements quickly becoming frantic. Sweat poured from their bodies, mingling, as they kissed again, getting lost in each other.

Tristan felt his release approaching and fought against it. "No…not yet…amante…it's too soon."

"It's okay, love." Seto's long fingers wrapped around Tristan's arousal, stroking. "Meet me there."

Tristan's fingers dug into Seto's shoulders, the tendons standing out along his arms as he began to fight his way to the edge. "S-Seto…"

Seto cried out, his climax hitting him at the husky sound of his name on his lover's lips. Tristan shuddered as he felt Seto release deep inside him in hot, savage spurts. He moaned deeply, spilling his passion over Seto's fist and stomach.

He slumped limply against Seto's chest, gasping for breath. Seto whispered to him, kissing the side of his face and holding him gently.

When he finally lifted his head from Seto's shoulder, there were tears in his eyes. "Ti amo, mi amante."

"I love you too, Tristan."

When Tristan moved back, Seto brought his fingers to his mouth, licking away the sticky substance covering them. Raw lust stabbed through Tristan at the sight and the second Seto removed his hand, Tristan dug his fingers into Seto's hair, fusing their lips together with a low growl.

Seto kissed him back hungrily, feeling his own need reawakening.

"It's not enough." Tristan gasped, pulling away just enough to speak.

"No…it's not."

"I need to be inside you."

"Oh gods, Tristan…" Seto groaned. "Yes…gods, yes!"

Tristan moved off the other brunet, pulling him down to lie on his back.

He looked down into those beautiful blue eyes looking up at him and he felt a need growing inside him that he hadn't felt in a long time. The need to take Seto and dominate him completely. He knelt between Seto's spread legs, fighting for control…and losing.

"Amante…I-I need you to…" He trailed off, unsure how to express it.

Seto saw the hunger in his eyes and immediately understood. At that moment he was dealing with a hunger of his own. If Tristan needed to dominate, then Seto needed to be dominated just as badly. He wanted Tristan to take him and bend him to his will. He wanted to be controlled, possessed. It felt like it had been forever since Tristan had last made love to him and he wanted to submit.

He put his arms over his head, closing his eyes. "I'm yours, Tristan. Willingly, and with everything I have."

Tristan leaned forward then, running possessive hands over his lover's body, completely unaware of the soft growl emitting from the back of his throat.

Soon enough, Seto was writhing beneath the other's expert touch. His eyes snapped open and he moaned loudly as he felt Tristan nip sharply at his hip. He became aware of Tristan working his way up his body, and he began to bring his arms down to encircle the broad back.

Tristan grabbed his wrists in one hand and pinned his hands back over his head. "No. Give yourself to me, amante."

"Yes…Tristan…" It came out as a sob of pure need.

Tristan hooked his other arm under Seto's knee, lifting his leg and driving into him. Seto bit his lip, tensing against the pain, a whimper escaping him.

"Seto…I'm sorry." Tristan began to withdraw.

"No!" Seto thrust up against him, hissing at the contact. "Please…I want it this way. I need it."

Tristan pulled back, only to plunge into him again, tearing a sharp gasp from Seto's lips. He began to pound into him, slamming into Seto's prostate with every thrust. Seto quickly became incoherent with pleasure, moaning Tristan's name.

Tristan gave into it, grabbing a handful of Seto's hair, pinning him down with his body, snarling as he leaned down to mark his territory.

Seto tilted his head back, exposing his neck, crying out as Tristan bit down. Every nerve in his body was on fire. It felt like his heart was going to burst from his chest as he struggled for air. He gave himself up to Tristan's savage loving, moaning with every thrust of the other's hips.

Tristan could feel Seto tightening around him, his release seconds away. "Scream, amante…scream my name."

"Tristan…" Seto whimpered, thrashing beneath Tristan's greater weight.

"Do it!" Tristan demanded, his voice rough as he drove into him harder. "Now!"

"TRISTAN!" Seto's body went into convulsions as his orgasm crashed into him.

Tristan released Seto's hands, arching his back, moaning as he came inside his lover. He collapsed with a sob on Seto's chest.

Seto's arms came weakly around Tristan, his whole body still trembling. "Oh gods, baby."

"Amante…amante. Ti amo…per sempre." Tristan whispered against Seto's neck. "It's over. It's finally over. Gods, I never thought I'd feel this again."

"Me either. I was so afraid, Tristan. Afraid you'd never be able to make love to me again."

Tristan just slipped his arms around Seto's shoulders, knowing his lover didn't want a reply to his admission. Just saying it out loud spoke volumes of his love, and his trust, for Tristan.

"No…don't move." Seto clutched Tristan to him as he began to withdraw. "Please? I want to stay like this."

Tristan lifted his head, meeting Seto's pleading eyes. "I'm not too heavy?"

"No. It feels so perfect."

Tristan smiled, placing a gentle kiss on the other's lips. "And if I wake up, I'll be right where I want to be. In your arms, surrounded by you. You're my world, amante. I love you."

"I love you, baby." Seto kissed the top of Tristan's head. "Before you came, all I had was my work…and Mokuba. Despite everything that's happened, I'm grateful. Grateful that you're here, with me."

"I'm not going anywhere, amante. Just like you stayed by my side, I'll stand with you against anything."

Seto hugged Tristan tightly, feeling tears pricking the backs of his eyes. No one had ever cared for him like Tristan did. He was never going to let him go.

They gave in to exhaustion, holding each other close as they slipped into a deep sleep, knowing that it could only get better from here.


Seto: Go Dragon!

YD: *bows*

Tristan: You're done now, right?

DD: No…one more chappie and the epilogue.

Tristan: You said that the chapter before this one.

DD: I know, but that's the way it worked out.

Bakura: I'm gonna get some in THAT chapter, right?

YD: Maybe.

Joey: Please review…and save me from this freak of a tomb robber.

YD: *rolls eyes* As if!