Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One Way Street ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Way Street

by Dragondreamer and Yami Dragon

Disclaimer: We don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! DUH! If we did, the show wouldn't be fit for kids, that's for sure!

Warning: This story contains shouenen-ai (guy/guy relationships) and yaoi (guys having sex with guys). It also contains coarse language and violence. If you don't like it, or become offended by such things, what are you doing here? Haven't you figured out by now that all our writing contains this stuff?



DD: *sobs* This is it!!

YD: I can't believe it!

Tristan: Well I, for one, am GLAD it's over!

Seto: Me too!

YD: *smirk*


Bakura came out of the bathroom to find Joey sitting on the foot of the bed, twisting his hands in his lap.

It was blatantly obvious he was scared.

"Joey," Bakura sat down next to him, placing a gentle hand on the blond's arm. "We don't have to do this."

"No…I want to. I do." Joey looked up, a blush spreading across his cheeks. "You've waited long enough."

During the last slow dance, Joey had bent to Bakura's ear, whispering the three words that the white haired man had been waiting nine months to hear.

Before he could react, however, Joey had gone on; telling Bakura he was ready, that he didn't want to wait any more, asking him to make love to him.

And now, they found themselves here…and Joey seemed to be having second thoughts.

"This isn't only about me." Bakura reached out to caress a hot cheek. "It's more about what you want. It's your first time, Joey; I want to make it special for you."

"You sound like Tristan."

"Maybe because he's right." Bakura's eyes darkened for a moment. "I love you. I will NOT take your most precious possession from you unless you are truly willing."

"Wasn't your first time special?" Joey asked, although he was pretty sure he already knew the answer.

"I was ten. I was caught stealing fruit in the marketplace. I had no money and I hadn't eaten in days." The hand not on Joey's arm clenched into a fist. "The shopkeeper decided there was other ways I could pay for what I had stolen."

Joey gathered Bakura into his arms, ignoring the fact that he tensed against the embrace. "I'm so sorry, Bakura."

Bakura took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, the tension leaving his body. "It's okay. It's an old wound, long avenged."


"No, ana sabi." Bakura interrupted. "We're talking about you. Tell me why you're so nervous."

"It's just…" Joey hung his head to hide his face. "I don't know what to do."

Bakura was speechless for a moment. How could Joey NOT know what went on between two men? His two best friends were gay.

"Look at me, Joey." He commanded softly. "What don't you know?"

Joey lifted his head, his face flushed bright red and his honey colored eyes confused. He shook his head.

"Answer me this then." Bakura said. "Have you ever been with a woman?"

"Of course!" Joey sounded indignant.

Bakura raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"Okay…one woman."

Bakura just stared, watching the blush creep down Joey's neck.


"Just once?"

"Yeah." Joey gave him a lop-sided grin. "My sixteenth birthday present from my dad was a box of condoms and a hooker."

"You're kidding me!" Bakura's eyes were wide with disbelief.

"He said no son of his was going to be lousy in the bedroom."

Bakura shook his head. "Your father needs help, Joey."

The blond gave a casual shrug. "It was an experience."

"Well…there's not really that much of a difference…" Bakura trailed off, finding the topic a little uncomfortable. "Why didn't you ever talk to Tristan about it? Or Yugi?"

"Gods, no!" Joey shivered, tightening his grip on Bakura. "I just can't see Yugi having sex…period. And…well…I didn't want to talk to Tris because…I didn't want to look…you know…stupid or something."

"Joey?" Bakura looked deeply into his love's eyes. "Do you trust me?"

"Absolutely." Joey answered without hesitation.

"Then that's all you need to know." Bakura leaned closer, wrapping his arms around Joey's neck and kissing him deeply.

A soft moan of approval escaped the blond as he parted his lips, allowing enterance to Bakura's questing tongue. He had never imagined that a kiss could be so gentle, yet so demanding at the same time.

Joey sighed as Bakura left his lips, placing soft kisses across his jaw and down his neck. It was always like this. Bakura was a study in contradictions. One minute fierce, and sometimes sadistic, the next, loving and gentle. It had been a battle at first, but Joey had come to love him for who he was.

Bakura broke away, slipping from Joey's arms and removing his shirt. He moved behind the blond, putting his arms around him, nimble fingers going to the buttons on the other's green cotton shirt. Once he had it unbuttoned, he slowly drew it off Joey's body, tossing it to the floor before moving closer and pressing his lips to a lean, but well muscled shoulder.

Joey shivered, his head dropping back as Bakura trailed hot, wet kisses up his neck. He gasped as Bakura bit down gently on his earlobe, his warm breath tickling Joey's cheek.

"I've wanted this for so long, Joey." Bakura's voice was deeper than normal, giving testament to his desire for the blond in his arms.

"Then don't wait." Joey's arms went back to encircle Bakura's neck. "I said I'd give myself to you, and I will."

Bakura heard the quaver in his love's voice and pulled Joey's arms from his neck. He rose from the bed, going around to face Joey, dropping to his knees in front of him.

"What's wrong?" Bakura asked, running his hands gently over Joey's thighs.


"Don't lie to me, ana sabi."

"I guess I'm just…nervous. You've never touched me like this before."

"Don't you want me to touch you?" Bakura asked, holding Joey's eyes as one hand drifted up to cup the bulge in the blond's pants.

Joey moaned. "Yes…I-I want you to."

Bakura massaged the blond's arousal through his pants, watching his eyes slip closed as his breathing picked up until he was practically panting.

The white haired spirit lifted himself up, pressing his lips softly to Joey's slightly parted ones.

"I'll be right back." He whispered, breaking the intimate contact and rising.

Joey barely acknowledged the other's departure into the bathroom.

Bakura quickly scanned the room, knowing he had already seen what he was looking for. His eyes lit on a basket next to the sink filled with decent sized bottles of shampoo, conditioner and the like.

Rummaging through it, he found a bottle of hand lotion. Flipping open the lid, he smiled, his senses being assaulted by the rich vanilla scent of the cream.

He peeled himself out of his tight leather pants. Maybe if he moved things along a little quicker, Joey's fear would dissipate into pleasure.

Walking back into the bedroom, he stopped dead in his tracks. Joey obviously had the same idea.

The blond was lying in the bed, covers pulled up to his waist and his clothes in a pile on the floor. His eyes widened at the sight of his soon to be lover's naked form.

Joey swallowed hard, trying to beat down yet another blush, and pushed the bedclothes from his body, exposing himself to Bakura's gaze.

Knowing that staring would only make Joey more uncomfortable, Bakura approached the bed, setting the bottle of lotion on the nightstand before lying down next to the blond.

"You're very beautiful, Joey." Bakura reached out and ran his fingers down the other's neck and shoulder.

The crimson flush on Joey's cheeks intensified. "I think you are to."

"You're so sweet when you blush." Bakura grinned. "What's wrong? Never seen a naked man before?"

"Not funny, Bakura." Joey scowled. "This is all new to me. I can't help it if I'm nervous."

"I'm sorry, ana sabi." Instantly contrite, Bakura pressed a soft kiss to Joey's cheek.

"So, what am I supposed to do?" Part of Joey just wanted to get this over with. Fear of the unknown wasn't on his top ten favorites list.

"You don't have to do anything but enjoy it." Bakura said, running his hand through Joey's hair. "Unless you want to."

Gently pushing Joey down on his back, Bakura leaned down, taking possession of his lips. Joey sighed into the kiss, obediently opening his mouth so Bakura could invade it with his hot tongue.

He shivered hard, feeling Bakura's hand drift over his chest, fingers pausing to tease one caramel colored nipple to hardness.

Joey broke the kiss, throwing his head back with a gasp. It quickly turned into a moan as he felt soft lips enclose the hardened nub, sharp teeth gently grazing the sensitive flesh.

Bakura kissed his way down to Joey's stomach, enjoying the feeling of the other's quivering muscles beneath his mouth, while his hands ghosted over warming skin.

"Bakura…" Joey whimpered, his hands coming up to tangle in star-bright locks.

Bakura groaned as he caressed Joey's hips and thighs. He had waited so long for this. In the nine months since he had first told Joey he loved him, he had been loyal to the blond, spurning all advances, wanting only the one writhing beneath him now.

He wrapped one long fingered hand around Joey's straining arousal, the tip of his tongue snaking out to lick away the translucent drop of fluid there. Joey moaned loudly, bucking up into Bakura's hand.

Bakura let go, using both hands to hold Joey's hips down, and taking him into his mouth, sucking hard.

"Oh, gods!" Joey's grip on Bakura's hair tightened as sweat broke out all over his body.

Bakura bobbed his head, working the blond's length until he felt his body tensing, readying for release. He released him, ignoring the groan of protest, and moved up to kiss him again.

Joey kissed him back hungrily, arching his body against Bakura's

"Bakura," Joey's voice was ragged as the kiss ended. "I want you to…I…I need…oh, hell! I don't know what I want!"

"It's okay, Joey. I know what you need." Bakura reached for the lotion. "Do you know at all what happens?"

Joey looked a little embarrassed. "Umm…what goes where…but that's about it."

"Do you want this now?" Bakura tried to keep the grin off his face. "Or do you want me to continue what I was doing?"

"I don't know. My…my whole body feels like it's on fire. I feel…empty."

Bakura reached out to stroke Joey's face, making him shiver. The fear was gone from his eyes, being replaced by pure need and shining with love and trust.

"I'm not going to lie to you. This is probably going to hurt." Bakura saw Joey's eyes widen and the fear begin to creep back in. "I'll do my best to make sure it's not bad."

"How?" Joey looked confused.

"Just lie back and try to relax. Trust me."

"Always." Joey whispered, catching Bakura's lips in a brief kiss before doing as he was asked.

Bakura liberally coated his fingers with the vanilla scented lotion and gently nudged Joey's legs apart. Amber eyes widened in shock as he felt Bakura trace a slick finger over his entrance.

"Relax." Bakura said as he began to slide a single digit into the blond's virgin body.

Joey hissed, trying not to tense up. It didn't hurt, it just felt…weird. He saw the concern in Bakura's eyes and smiled reassuringly at him.

"I'm okay, love. Really. Don't stop now."

Bakura bent to Joey's lips, stifling the blond's sharp gasp as another finger entered him. Bakura gave him time to adjust before moving, stretching him as gently as possible.

Joey cried out as Bakura's fingers made contact with something that made pleasure shoot through his body. He opened his mouth to ask what it was when Bakura did it again, making him see stars.

Bakura took advantage of his lover's distraction to add a third finger, watching him closely for signs of distress.

Joey winced, his eyes clenching shut. It hurt, but it wasn't too bad. He had expected it to be worse.

Knowing he had done everything he could, he used the rest of the lotion to coat his throbbing erection, moaning at the friction do so caused.

He positioned himself between the blond's legs, lifting one over his shoulder.

"Are you ready?" He asked, looking into hazy amber eyes.

Joey nodded. "I love you, Bakura."

Bakura bit his lip, pushing slowly into the tight, hot body below him.

Joey whimpered. "It hurts…gods!"

"I'm sorry. It'll get better soon. I promise. Just try to relax."

A few tears escaped Joey's eyes as he tried desperately to do what Bakura had told him to.

Finally, Bakura was seated to the hilt, deep inside the other's trembling body. "Are you alright? Do you want me to stop?"

"No." Joey relaxed as the pain grew less. "It's not as bad now."

Bakura brushed Joey's lips with his own before licking the tears from his face. He trailed his tongue under the other's jaw, licking and nibbling on the blond's weak spot, trying to distract him from the pain.

Joey moaned, tilting his head to the side to expose more of his neck. When Bakura kissed him like this, nothing else mattered. It was as if time stood still.

Feeling Joey relax, he pulled back slightly, gauging his lover's reaction. Joey gasped and thrust up against him.

"You like that, ana sabi?" Bakura whispered against sweat damp flesh.

"Yes! Bakura, please…more…"

It still hurt, but the pain was nothing compared to the euphoria spreading through his body. He could feel Bakura inside him, hard and hot, throbbing as his white haired love began to move on him.

Joey whimpered as the last of the pain faded, leaving nothing but pleasure. It was overwhelming.

"Harder, love…please!" Joey wrapped his other leg around Bakura's waist and began to meet his thrusts, feeling tension coiling in his stomach.

Bakura began moving faster, deeper, surprised when Joey immediately began begging him for more.

"I don't want to hurt you."

Joey wrapped his arms around Bakura, pulling him down until they were chest to chest, holding him tightly.

"N-Never felt anything like this b-before. I want it." Joey pleaded. "Oh, gods, Bakura…please! I want it!"

Bakura tightened his grip on the blond and began pounding into him, part of his mind berating him for the fact that Joey probably wouldn't be to walk in the morning.

He could feel Joey's entire body tensing up, heralding his release.

"Bakura…I think…oh, gods! I'm gonna come!" Joey began to buck wildly, trying to reach the edge.

Bakura moaned, feeling his own climax approaching. He fought it back, wanting Joey to get there first.

He thought he heard his lover whisper his name when, suddenly, Joey arched up off the bed, screaming loud enough to make the entire hotel aware of his pleasure.

Bakura came with a low growl, his vision fogging. He could feel Joey still moving, and he pushed himself up on one arm.

"Sweet Isis." He breathed, taking in the sight below him.

Joey was thrashing, still caught in the throes of his orgasm. His eyes barely open, his lips parted as he struggled for air, his hair sticking to his face and neck; Bakura was sure he had never seen anything more beautiful.

As Joey fell limp beneath him, Bakura moved to lay on his side next to him, gathering his golden treasure into his arms. He waited until Joey's breathing returned to normal before cupping his chin and lifting his head up, leaning down to kiss him softly.

Joey met Bakura's chocolate gaze briefly before burying his face in his lover's chest and promptly bursting into tears.

"Joey? What's wrong?" Bakura asked, worry evident in his voice.
Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

"I love you." Joey sobbed. "I was such an idiot! I was so wrong!"

"Wrong about what, ana sabi?" Bakura combed his fingers gently through tangled golden locks.

"I was wrong to cut Tristan for being gay, and for distancing myself because he chose Seto." Joey scrubbed at his eyes with the heel of his hand, looking up at Bakura through spiky lashes. "And I was wrong to make you wait because I was scared."

"No, Joey. I wanted you to take your time…to be sure. And as for Tristan, I know he understands."

"It's just…who was I to try to deny him his feelings? He loves Seto."

"And I love you." Bakura kissed Joey gently on the forehead. "What Tristan and Seto have…what you and I have…it's no different from what Ryou and Kendra share. It just took you some time to figure that out. Don't beat yourself up over it."

Joey lifted his hand, wet with his own tears, and cupped Bakura's cheek. "I really do love you."

"I love you too, ana sabi." Bakura settled them more comfortably, Joey's head resting in the hollow of his shoulder. "Sleep now."

Joey lifted his head, pressing a soft kiss to his lover's chest. He cuddled in close and drifted off to sleep, a smile of contentment on his face.


Tony Andretti sat in front of the television set, his eyes wide with horror, listening to the reporter.

`The body of a foreign exchanged student, identified as twenty three year old Brad Hawkes, was found in the mountains surrounding the city of Domino, Japan. Formerly a resident of Venice, Italy, where he attended university, Mr. Hawkes had gone to Japan to study political science at the local college.

Local police aren't giving a full report yet, but foul play is suspected. Sources tell me that Mr. Hawkes' throat was slashed and his body dumped in the forest surrounding the base of the mountain.

We'll update this story as more information becomes available.'

"No…Brad…" Tony buried his face in his hands with a sob.

He had known his lover was going to Japan for a year, but he had promised he would be back. They were going to be together after Brad finished school there.

He knew of one person who might know what happened. Tristan Taylor. Tony was aware of their relationship; he had gone to school with the Japanese boy while he was here. Tristan had been responsible for introducing Tony to Brad.

Tony still felt a twinge of guilt whenever he thought about how he had slept with Brad while he was still seeing Tristan. But Brad had told him he didn't love Tristan…he loved him, and they would be free to be together once Tristan went back to Japan.

He needed to get to Domino. He had to find Tristan. If he knew Brad, and he knew him well, he would have at least tried to contact Tristan…for old time's sake.

Someone was going to pay for the death of the man he loved. Someone was going to pay with their own life.



Seto: *shakes head* We should have known.

YD: Well, you should have expected it from us by now.

DD: I can't promise when we'll get to it though. We want to finish Stronger Than Before first.

Joey: Please tell me I get away from Bakura in the sequel.

Bakura: *glomps Joey* Not a chance!

Ryou: Please review and let us know what you thought.

DD: I want to thank all our marvelous readers for making this story our most successful ever!

YD: Yeah! You guys ROCK!