Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Only By Moonlight ❯ Only By Moonlight ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own- all characters belong to Kazuki Takahashi. I am merely borrowing them for the fun of it!
Warnings: YAOI. A relationship between two boys is in this fic. Don't like? I'm not forcing you to read. May be some OOC… Not much I hope. THIS CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT! If you're not mature enough to read it- I'll let you be the judge- then please do not.
I refer to Yami Marik as Mariku here.
I refer to Hikari Malik as Malik. That should clear up some confusion as to who is talking!
Only By Moonlight
He waited, a small smile pulled across pale pink lips as he stared out at the moon. He leaned against the small door leading to the balcony.
It wouldn't be long now, he knew. He and the other could only meet by moonlight, and so neither was ever late.
He was right.
Bronze arms unfolded and he stood up straight, smile widening as a figure materialized on the balcony, face hidden in shadows cast by the pale light overhead. A dark cape fluttered gently around the tall, spiky-haired figure's ankles, but that mattered little.
Both move forward slowly, savoring the moment as both moved into full moonlight and their faces were clearly revealed.
If one didn't know better, one would have assumed they were twins. The same proud features, the same bronze skin- but for their hair styles and height, they were identical.
Their eyes flashed, the pure violet colors hiding nothing. It would be at this point that any observer would know that the two men are, in truth, nothing alike. One would say they were as different as night and day, light and dark, yami and hikari.
However, there were no observers to witness the two figures as they met in the middle of the balcony, arms wrapped tight around each other as two sets of lips collided hungrily.
This meeting- like all others before it, and all others yet to come- was a secret.
As they broke apart for air, a cloud overtook the moon and half of the balcony was cast into darkness.
The lovers stood at that divide, the first bathed in pale light, the second covered completely in shadow.
Light and dark met again and the cloud drifted past the moon. The darkness pressed forward, welcomed by the light as he moved back. They had done this dance before, and both knew every step. They moved in perfect synchronization back towards the small room the balcony was attached to.
For the moment, they were the only two people in existence. They were the only two that mattered.
As they passed through the doors- lips still joined- the world shrank, encompassing only that space around them. Moonlight lit the room from outside, the light more than enough to see by as powerful hands began pawing at clothing.
The cloak was the first to fall, the dark purple, almost black material pooling around the taller's ankles. Hands tangled in spiky hair as the darkness began his slow, torturous removal of the hikari's clothing. One by one, practiced fingers undid each small fastening, the light violet shirt falling open to reveal an expanse of unmarked bronze flesh.
A long lingering kiss later and the light dropped his hands to shrug off the violet top.
Gold glinted in the pale light as the yami pushed them forward again, the light falling backwards onto a soft mattress.
As soon as his back touched, the hikari leaned up to welcome hungry lips with his own, pulling insistently at the skintight shirt the other wore. A dark chuckle later and it was gone. Even though he knew the body above him well already, the slightly smaller male ran hungry hands over the bare skin, memorizing the hard planes until the next night.
The dark pressed down, completely covering the light as flesh met flesh. The sweet, almost electric contact nearly made the light cry out, but his mouth was covered by the other's.
Mouths opened, two sets of violet eyes closing as both immersed themselves in the feel of the other as they pressed closer.
Their hips pressed firmly together, their need evident.
After a time far too short for either's liking, they broke apart, breathing heavily.
Smirking slightly, the darkness moved down his lover's body, pressing light kisses and small, possessive bites on the tanned skin. His hands came up as he listened to the music that was his hikari's voice, breathy with want.
Powerful bronze hands slowly pulled at the waistband of the tight jeans his hikari was so fond of. Slowly, he pulled down the last few stitches of clothing his lover had, leaving the beautiful bronze body completely bare before his eyes.
Even though this was not new to them, he allowed himself to drink in every inch of the other's body. Even as the light pulled at the last of his own clothing, he just looked.
The moonlight seemed to add a beautiful accent to the dark skin.
Scant seconds later, both were bare to their lover.
Quiet words were exchanged as hungry hands roamed. The need to memorize by touch was too strong. The need to stake a claim was driving both, as skilled hands recalled every spot that would make the other cry out his pleasure. Both traced the large scars on the other's back without fear or revulsion. That area was the only place where smooth skin was interrupted by hard lines of scar tissue.
Whispered endearments were freely given as sweat rolled down bronze skin, the small beads of liquid catching the pale light as they ran together.
Soft moans and gasps were the only things to break the silence of the moonlit room as fire burned through their bodies.
A cloud once again overtook the moon, just as the light was taken by the dark. The feeling of pure completeness was unmatched by anything else. They were two halves of the same soul- nothing else would ever equal such a feeling of fullness, of completeness.
The light welcomed the dark as the dark filled the other's soul and body.
As light and dark moved together, a silent message both understood passed between them.
They did not need words to express how they felt.
Hikari held on to yami, gasping and moaning wantonly. His sounds covered the low noises the dark made.
The smaller's back straightened suddenly, and his body froze as a cry of the others name ripped from his throat. At the same time, the dark let out a long, low groan as he too reached completion.
They completely collapsed, still joined together.
"I love you." the light whispered quietly to the dark. Moonlight played across the dark's features as he smiled. The words were expected, as they were said every night, but they never got old, and the feelings they invoked never grew stale.
Hearing that voice say those words was his reason for being.
He opened his mouth to speak.
Violet eyes opened suddenly, their owner sitting up in bed.
His chest heaved as he panted, body soaked in cooling sweat. The sheet over his body pooled in his lap, the bed empty but for himself.
It was so cold.
He wrapped his arms around his body, the dream images playing in his mind. Physically, the heat was unnecessary, but emotionally the small amount of warmth generated from the action was not enough.
He glanced out his window. The pale light of the moon still lit the Egyptian landscape.
He sighed, knowing no more sleep would come to him despite the lateness of the hour.
He pushed himself out of the bed, placing his feet on the cold stone tiles that made up his bedroom floor.
The dreams were getting longer, and more intense. Visitations by his dream lover were a nightly occurrence, and had been for weeks. The person he dreamed of was most certainly out of his reach, even though he slept just down the hall- it wasn't fair.
No matter how much Malik longed for the other, it just wasn't possible.
'He doesn't care for me that way anyway.' the young Egyptian thought to himself, violet eyes drooping slightly in sorrow.
Hesitantly, his feet began moving him towards his door. Mariku would be asleep- he had to see his yami. It wasn't just a whim, it was a physical need.
Bare feet padded silently down the stone hallway, stopping in front of a wooden door he knew well.
Almost every night, he visited this room's occupant, unbeknownst to anyone else.
He opened the door, wincing slightly at the small creak the door made. Leaving it slightly ajar, he moved forward.
His eyes were focused on one thing- the person lying in the bed on the far side of the room.
He moved closer, stopping just feet from the bed as he stared down at his yami.
Mariku seemed almost innocent, lying so peacefully like that. For once, no smirk graced his lips, and his features were completely relaxed.
Malik moved forward again- closer than he usually dared move, but his boldness had been increased as the intensity of his dreams elevated- and lifted his hand to place a few fingers gently against his yami's face.
The skin was smooth and soft under his palm and he placed his hand fully against the warm flesh.
Keeping his hand still, he knelt next to the bed, resting his chin on the mattress just in front of Mariku's face. Only then did he allow his hand to wander back to gently comb through his dark's hair. He wasn't worried about waking his yami- Mariku was well known for sleeping late and sleeping deeply.
"If this were one of my dreams," Malik whispered quietly, fingers still brushing through the platinum blond strands of his yami's hair. "- you'd be awake and holding me." A look of complete sadness came over the hikari, and he slowly drew his hand away.
"But this isn't one of my dreams. It's reality and I have to face that." Malik slowly pushed back and went to stand, but then something grabbed his wrist and pulled him forward.
The hikari had no time to react as he landed facedown on the suddenly empty bed, wrists pinned above his head.
A warm body settled on his lower back, the other's weight keeping Malik from turning or moving.
The hikari craned his neck, wide violet eyes landing on the person pinning him down.
"Mariku!" he gasped, shocked. The yami's smile widened to a smirk.
"Hello, hikari." Mariku bent forward, putting more pressure on the single hand he used to hold Malik's hands down.
Malik swallowed. While he always wore a large T-shirt and pajama pants to bed, his yami wore only a thin pair of cotton pants, and that meant a great deal of skin was exposed to his eyes.
"Let me go- get off, yami." the hikari muttered, heat rising in his cheeks and body as Mariku pressed closer. "Sorry to wake you- now let me go."
"Nope." Mariku replied in an almost singsong. His voice deepened back to his regular pitch. "You don't really want me to move, and I won't let you go."
Malik frowned in annoyance, though the tone of voice his yami had used on the words 'I won't let you go' sent shivers down his spine.
"Yes I do. Release me at once!" Malik wiggled underneath his yami's body, struggling ineffectually to throw the other off. "Stop toying with me and let me go!"
His eyes were turned away, so he couldn't see the effect his moving had on his dark.
He froze as he felt slightly chapped lips brush by his ear.
"Who says I'm toying with you, hikari? Did you never consider that the darkness dreams too?"
Violet eyes widened in shock.
"You-" he started, but he couldn't think of a thing to follow up with.
"We were once never separate in body or mind. I may have gotten my own body, hikari, but the mental connection still remains! Don't think your dreams are only a product of your own thoughts."
"But- There's no way-" Malik cut himself off, glaring over his shoulder at his dark above him. "If that's true, why didn't you say anything before!?"
"I waited for you to come to me, Malik." Mariku's smirk widened. "If you still don't believe me, how about a demonstration?"
Before the hikari could reply, he was flipped onto his back and a hot mouth covered his own.
Paralyzed by shock, Malik did nothing as a warm, wet tongue slipped into his mouth, pulling back only after taking a long sample of his taste.
Wide violet eyes stared as Mariku licked his lips, like a cat that had just got the canary.
"You taste just as good as I thought, hikari." Slanted violet eyes turned a hungry look at the small amount of bared flesh where Malik's shirt his ridden up. "Do you taste just as sweet everywhere?"
"What?" the hikari asked, stuttering slightly. His wrists were suddenly released, both of Mariku's hands finding their way under his shirt to touch suddenly hypersensitive skin.
Automatically, he brought his hands to clutch at Mariku's wrists, trying to push them off of his body. The half-hearted attempt was stopped as one hand carelessly grazed a hardened nipple.
The light gasped, hands clenching tighter around the two powerful wrists he held, but no longer trying to push them away.
"Stop..." he commanded breathlessly, a small part of him still resisting. "I'm not... anyone's toy, Mariku." With all the force he could muster, he glared up at his dark.
"Your body disagrees." Mariku replied, unfazed by the glare as he gave his light's body a slow once-over. His eyes rested briefly on the larger-than-normal bulge between Malik's legs and the flushed face of his light before meeting Malik's eyes again.
"I don't want this. Get off!" Malik tried pushing his dark away, but the other had a clear advantage- Malik could only use his arms to try and shove the other away, while Mariku could simply relax and let his weight do the work for him.
The dark caught the hikari's wrists again, pulling Malik up so they were face to face. Mariku wasn't stupid enough to move off Malik's body- the hikari would leave, denying both of them what they really wanted.
"We both know you want this more than anything else. Why do you deny it?" Lightly, Mariku traced the shell of his hikari's ear with his tongue. Malik shivered, eyes shutting for a second, but then snapping back open as he tried to pull away. When that proved ineffective- Mariku simply held his wrists tighter, a smirk playing over his features- his shoulders slumped.
"What do you want from me?" he asked. It was obvious his yami would not let him go, and he couldn't escape.
"Everything." Mariku said huskily, tone pleased.
"What if I'm not willing to give everything?" Malik questioned, more curious than unwilling.
"Then your body will do for now, but eventually I will have claim over everything- your heart, mind, body, and soul. You will be mine, hikari- you want to be."
"All I have to give is my body- you've already taken everything else." Malik felt so lost in that moment, realizing how much his dark had taken without him ever realizing it. It was almost frightening to see how little he had left, and how easy it would be to give that up as well...
"Then give it to me." Mariku demanded, eyes flashing with a desire to completely possess his light. Malik's eyes hardened.
"No. This is all I have left- if I give it to you, I'll be left with nothing. Let me go, Mariku." Malik tried- in vain- to rip his hands away from his dark, glaring at his other as emotion threatened to choke him.
"Am I nothing?" Mariku asked, voice suddenly almost harsh. The two glared at each other, tension rising in the small room. "I was once left with nothing- I was once nothing. Don't think you are the only one giving- I won't ask more of you than I give of me."
Startled by his dark's words, Malik couldn't react in time as his yami suddenly surged forward, pressing a hungry, almost angry kiss to his lips as he pinned him back down to the bed.
"You're not only mine- I am yours, hikari."
It was silent for several minutes, as both just stared at each other. Malik breathed heavily, eyes wide as violet eyes stared down at him with an intensity he had never seen.
"I..." Malik started, breathing in deeply, then slowly releasing the breath to calm some of his nerves. "... I have nothing left to give." He pushed himself up, lips chastely meeting his dark's for a brief moment. "Everything I am is yours."
As Malik pulled back, he could see Mariku's expression change from pleased shock to a predator-like smile.
Hungry lips were suddenly at his own, tongue demanding entrance which Malik granted with only minimal hesitation.
Mariku tasted like some sort of citrus fruit, he vaguely noted, but that small observation was all he managed before two hands once again found their way under his shirt.
He moaned into the kiss as slightly callused palms ran along his sensitive sides and over his nipples. He almost didn't realize his hands had been freed until he felt warm flesh under his palms. He closed his eyes, pushing forward as he ran his own hands over the hard planes of his yami's body.
It was so much better than he had dreamed.
The flesh was warm and yielding under his hands as he explored, a bit too shy to drop his hands below the waistband of the other's only covering. He could feel the scar tissue on Mariku's back- he traced a few of the complex hieroglyphs, frowning slightly as he felt his dark break the heated kiss.
That slight disappointment he felt was more than made up for as those hot lips returned to his body, nipping lightly at his neck as skilled hands tugged on his shirt. Arching his back, Malik helped remove the top so his upper body was bare.
He looked at his dark's face, dark violet eyes staring hungrily at the bared flesh.
"Beautiful hikari." Mariku said, bringing his head back down to latch onto one erect nipple. Malik cried out at the feeling, body involuntarily arching again into that hot mouth as Mariku's tongue traced a lazy circle around the hard flesh.
"Mariku..." he moaned, the yami drawing a quickly cooling line across the hikari's chest with his tongue. For a moment, the light was certain his yami would give the other hard bud the same treatment, but Mariku's skillful tongue simply traced a circled at the outermost edge of the pinker flesh before moving down with hungry, openmouthed kisses.
Malik lifted his hips, rubbing his growing erection against his yami's body and moaning loudly at the sinfully pleasurable friction. He thought he heard a small groan from his dark as well, but he couldn't be sure.
Powerful hands ran lazily down his sides, causing pleased shivers to run up and down his body. Mariku's hands curled around the waistband of his drawstring bottoms as Mariku ran his lips gently over the growing hardness tenting the loose material of the pants.
Malik gasped, hips jerking forward for more friction. Mariku's low chuckle against his erection elicited a moan from the hikari, the vibration from the dark's throat almost sweet torture.
"Please..." Malik asked, voice somewhere between a frustrated plea and begging. He propped himself up on his arms, staring down with a suddenly dry mouth as Mariku gently grabbed the loose bow holding his pants tight around the light's hips with his teeth.
Mariku pulled, the bow coming undone and the yami slowly pulled both pants and boxers down, revealing more soft brown flesh. He didn't bother removing them completely, instead leaving them around Malik's knees as he moved back up his light's body to rest around his light's hips.
Malik forgot to breathe as Mariku met his eyes heatedly, long tongue coming out to lick a slow, wet line from base to tip of the light's hard cock.
A choked gasp tore itself from his lips and he threw his head back with a cry as a hot mouth enveloped the head of his member, sucking almost harshly. A tongue pressed lightly against the tiny slit at the head of his cock, then moved down to trace a line down his member as Mariku slowly took him in, inch by torturous inch.
One hand came up to lightly play with his balls, the other holding his hips down as they jerked involuntarily.
Unable to hold his head up straight- barely able to keep his eyes even open- Malik held Mariku's heated gaze, feeling sweat form and run down his face and chest. His hips constantly jerked, but he couldn't help it, desperate to feel all he could as the other sucked on him.
A disappointed groan burst from his throat as Mariku released his member, now painfully hard and leaking copious amounts of precum.
The dark moved his head down to tenderly kiss one of Malik's sensitive inner thighs.
"You do taste good everywhere, hikari." Mariku bit down, drawing a sound from his light somewhere between pleasure and pain.
He licked the small bite in apology, then sucked on the sensitive skin to make sure a mark was left.
Mariku moved back up his hikari's body, resting his legs on either side of Malik's and holding himself just above Malik's raised body with his hands.
He pressed a hungry kiss once again to the slightly swollen lips, leisurely exploring and plundering his hikari's mouth before pulling back to stare into passion-darkened orbs.
Malik's face was darkly flushed, his usually light violet eyes now almost black with want. A few strands of hair clung to his face, and his mouth was slightly opened as he panted. He seemed the very picture of desire and all things erotic.
Mariku could feel himself hardening further, his dick becoming almost painfully hard as Malik lifted his hips and rubbed against him temptingly.
Only one layer of cloth separated them now. Growling with frustration- he wanted to feel the soft flesh of his light against his own- Mariku moved off his hikari, kneeling as his hands fumbled with the tie holding his pants closed.
The quiet voice of his hikari stopped him. He glanced over to where his light was sitting up, kicking his clothes off the rest of the way. The yami was half annoyed and half curious as his hikari moved towards him.
"Let me."
Understanding dawned. Mariku let his hands drop as Malik's slightly shaking fingers took over. A wet kiss was pressed to his chest as the hikari slowly untied the knot. The white cotton dropped, fully removed as Mariku shifted, kicking the clothing item off the bed.
He turned his gaze back to his hikari, smirking as he saw Malik's face flush further, eyes focused on erect flesh.
He chuckled slightly- at the sound, Malik moved. He leaned forward, a small kiss pressed to his yami's chest before he moved down.
Mariku stared in surprise as warm breath brushed against his hardened member, just before Malik pressed a soft kiss to the leaking tip.
Biting his lip in frustration, he forced himself to hold still as soft lips skimmed the sensitive flesh of his cock, moaning out loud as Malik gave an experimental lick to the tip. Slowly- not wanting Malik's hot mouth to leave- he sat back from his kneeling position, keeping himself propped up with one hand while the other tangled in his hikari's hair almost roughly.
"Good, hikari... very good..." he moaned, watching as Malik gave a bolder lick to his cock. He hissed as Malik opened his mouth, surrounding the head of his dick with warm wetness.
His hips jerked slightly, just barely restraining himself as Malik began imitating what Mariku had done to him earlier. The yami growled, breathing shallow as he tried not to jerk forward to completely envelop himself in that wet heat...
His fingers tightened their grip in his hikari's hair as Malik's mouth moved further down, gently sucking the whole time.
All too soon, Malik began moving back up, tongue drawing along the underside of his yami's member. A small trail of saliva connected his lips to the head for a moment, disappearing as Malik's careful tongue licked the head clean of excess saliva and precum.
Mariku watched his hikari, those soft lips just millimeters from his aching cock.
With another growl, he pushed his hikari's face towards his dick, Malik's mouth opening to welcome the hard flesh.
A low moan escaped Malik's mouth, eyes closing as he sucked on his yami, tasting him in a way he was certain no one else ever had. The vibration moved through Mariku's body, heightening the pleasure he was receiving.
Mariku groaned loudly, hips jerking forward even as he tried to hold himself back. He shifted his legs out from under his body, relaxing fully against the mattress and moving his legs wide to give his hikari more access as he brought his other hand to tangle in the silk strands of his light's hair.
Experimentally, Malik moaned again, sending more delicious vibrations through Mariku's body.
"Malik..." the yami hissed, rocking his hips as his fingers tightened further in platinum blonde strands.
Mentally smirking at the effect he was having on his dark, the hikari moaned freely, bobbing his head back and forth as he sucked and licked at his lovers member.
The hikari glanced up, eyes meeting those of his yami. His mouth was just around the head of his lovers dick, and slowly- not moving his eyes from those of his dark- he slid his lips all the way to the base, humming as he did so.
Mariku tensed, breath loud and shallow.
"Malik..." he moaned- a warning.
Malik sucked harder, bringing one hand up to lightly tease his yami's balls.
With a choked cry, Mariku came, back arching up into the wet heat. Malik tried swallowing it all, feeling his dark's esscence run down his throat. Some dribbled out of his mouth- he caught these drops with his hand.
He kept sucking gently on Mariku until he knew the other was spent. He allowed his yami to collapse back into the mattress moving himself up to a kneeling position as he brought his hand up to lick.
He cleaned his hand, pretending to be oblivious to the intense gaze focused on him.
Malik almost yelped in surprise when strong hands pulled him down, a warm body rolling until he had his back to the bed.
Mariku was stradding his hips, cock just beginning to harden again.
"Very good hikari..." he murmured, eyes raking the expanse of skin below him. "Now I want to see what you look like when you come."
Mariku pressed a possessive kiss to Malik's lips, tongue diving deep to taste himself on Malik's tongue. The hikari responded eagerly, hips lifting to press his erection against his yami.
The dark broke the kiss, moving to whisper in his light's ear.
"I want to see you touch yourself." he commanded quietly, smirk evident in his voice. His lips lightly played with the sensitive skin around where his light's ears were pierced.
"What?" Malik asked, stunned.
"Touch yourself. Consider it... punishment for making me come first. I wanted to see you satisfied before I came." Mariku licked the shell of his light's ear. "We still have the rest of the night to play, my light. I can be a very patient dark when I want to be- and before I let you leave I'll have taken you completely."
One of Mariku's hands ran casually over Malik's ass, rubbing the firm muscle possessively.
Shivering slightly at how lustful his yami's voice was, Malik nodded slowly.
Smirking, Mariku shifted so he was no longer directly over Malik's body. He rested most of his weight on one forearm, the other bent over his hikari's chest with enough space below it so both could clearly see Malik's hands as they slid down his body.
Malik gasped as his hands reached their destination. Groaning slightly, he wrapped one hand around his shaft and began pumping slowly, keenly aware of his yami's gaze.
Somehow, the embarrassment he felt at masturbating in front of his dark made the thrill much more intense.
His back arched as he ran his thumb over the wet head. His eyes shut halfway as he began moving his hand faster, moaning loudly.
"Mariku..." he moaned, hips rocking against his hand as his eyes focused on his yami.
Mariku's gaze was intensely focused on Malik's face, enjoying the wanton expression his hikari made and delighting in every small moan Malik let loose.
"Pretty... so pretty, pretty hikari..." the dark murmured quietly, whispering into his light's ear. "Come for me."
Sharp teeth nipped lightly at Malik's ear.
"Come for me."
Mariku moved down to suck on the flesh where Malik's neck met his shoulder, biting lightly on the sensitive skin.
The hikari turned his head, opening up more flesh to his yami's hungry mouth. The extra stimulation proved too much.
With a loud cry, Malik came.
Hot semen splashed on his hands and he collapsed back into the bed, breathing heavily.
As he regained his breath, he could feel the intense stare of his yami leveled at his face. He met those eyes, leaning up to press a gentle kiss to Mariku's mouth.
The dark quickly dominated the kiss, pressing Malik forcefully back down on the bed as he straddled his light's hips. He ground his painfully hard erection down on to his hikari's limp cock, smirking as he felt it begin to respond.
He broke the kiss, trailing one hand lightly down Malik's arm to grab the wrist of one cum-covered hand as he sat back up.
Lazily, he brought it up to his mouth and began cleaning it, sucking on each finger. He heard Malik's gasp and smirked.
"We're not done yet, my light." Mariku dropped Malik's now-clean hand, pushing himself to a kneeling position so his body was completely off his hikari's.
Malik looked confused for a moment, but that expression quickly dissolved as his yami motioned for him to flip onto his stomach.
Slightly nervous, Malik rolled, keeping his body flat to the bed as he had no room to lift himself to all fours.
He rested his weight on his forearms, legs slightly spread as he held his upper body just off the bed.
He felt Mariku lower himself, pressing his body almost to the hikari's back.
"This will do for now."
Mariku bit lightly on the junction of Malik's neck and shoulder, kissing inwards until his mouth hit the top of his hikari's spine.
The light nearly choked on air as Mariku's tongue came out and began drawing a wet trail straight down Malik's back, perfectly following his spine. Involuntarily, his back arched as shivers ran through his body.
"Mariku..." he gasped, eyes wide as his yami's tongue reached as-of-yet untouched territory.
His dark's weight rested completely in between his legs- though Malik couldn't recall when the other had moved- as two large hands came up to part his buttcheeks. A long, wet tongue ran down the cleft of his ass.
Malik moaned, loud and long, as Mariku continued playing with the hikari's entrance using his tongue. He pressed his tongue slightly in, drawing the muscle back out as Malik's hips bucked back.
Ignoring his hikari's small cry of protest, he moved his mouth to draw his tongue teasingly through the cleft of his light's ass and being careful not to touch Malik's entrance again.
Malik growled, looking over his shoulder with such an intense look of want and desire Mariku gave his hikari what he needed.
His tongue lightly traced the small circular opening, pressing lightly in once or twice.
"More... gods, more..." Malik gasped, hips bucking back as if to force more of Mariku's tongue inside of him.
The yami chuckled, pulling back completely after one last, lingering lick, and once again ignoring Malik's protest.
He pulled up on his hikari's hips, Malik quickly catching on to what his yami wanted and lifting himself to his knees, forearms still firmly planted on the bed.
Mariku lifted himself to his knees just behind his hikari, laying himself over his light's back and presenting Malik with three fingers.
"Suck." he commanded, rubbing his hard cock against his light's entrance. Malik didn't need to be told twice- he leaned forward slightly, tongue tracing the three fingers before they were drawn into his mouth.
He quickly coated them with saliva, rubbing himself back against his yami and causing both of them to moan. It wasn't long before Mariku decided that his fingers were wet enough- he pulled them from Malik's mouth, a thin trail of saliva connecting his fingers and his light's mouth before it broke.
Mariku pressed a kiss to Malik's shoulder, moving back down his hikari's body and trailing his lips down tanned flesh on the way.
He could feel his light's body tense slightly in anticipation as he pressed a wet finger against his hikari's small entrance.
"Relax, Malik." he reassured, pressing another kiss to Malik's asscheek as he pushed one digit inside of his light. "This will hurt if you're so tense."
Malik wiggled uncomfortably, not used to having anything up his ass and wasn't sure if he liked the feeling. It wasn't quite painful, but it was odd and uncomfortable.
Breathing in and out slowly, he willed himself to relax. As he did, the sensation of the finger inside of him became less uncomfortable and more pleasureable, with the firm digit stroking him from the inside.
Unconsciously, he began moving with it, then froze again and hissed as Mariku added another finger.
This wasn't uncomfortable- it actually burned.
He rested his head against the sheets below his body, wincing in pain as his body involuntarily tensed against the intruding fingers.
They scissored inside of his body, stroking and stretching him, occasionally pushing deeper to stretch muscle farther inwards.
Briefly, the hikari could feel something deep within him react when Mariku's fingers brushed sensitive skin near it.
He gasped in pleasure this time, the pain that accompanied it only making it that much sweeter.
"Breathe, my light." Mariku whispered to him, temporarily removing his fingers so Malik could rewet them.
Malik latched onto the three offered fingers, coating them quickly.
When Mariku brought his hand back down, he quickly placed two back inside his hikari's body before almost instantly adding a third.
Malik cried out in an odd wail halfway between pleasure and pain- while the three fingers were stretching him much more than two ever would, casuing that painful burn again, his dark had brushed by that spot again.
The yami's fingers stretched and carressed, need growing by the moment as his hikari let out small, enticing sounds he didn't seem to realize he was making.
The second Malik began moving against his fingers, Mariku withdrew them, spitting carelessly on his palm and coating his leaking erection with his saliva and the precum that had collected on the tip. He placed himself at Malik's entrance, hips jerking slightly forward as he exerted all his will not to slam into his light.
"Are you ready?" he growled in Malik's ear, grinding forward a bit.
"Now... please, now." Malik responded, pressing himself back towards his yami. Without a further invitation, Mariku thrust his hips forward, getting himself halfway inside of his light and slowly pressing the rest of the way in.
When he was in his hikari as far as he could go, he paused, mouth open slightly as he felt his hikari's muscles clench around him, his light so wonderfully tight...
He pressed light kisses to Malik's face, licking up the few tears that forced their way out of his hikari's eyes as Malik hissed. His eyes were screwed shut, but his face was contorted into an expression of pain.
"Don't tense against me." Mariku instructed. "Relax, hikari. Let me inside."
"It hurts-"
"I know, light, I know. I can make it feel really good if you let me."
Taking a shuddering breath, Malik willed himself to relax. Slowly, his body followed his commands, making the intrusion more bearable. It was fairly difficult, but he kept his muscles from tensing as he shifted slightly.
It was still pretty uncomfortable, but the pain was lessening by the moment, and Malik could tell his dark was having problems holding himself back.
"Move." he urged his yami, grinding back slightly and gasping as the action caused real pleasure to run through his body. "Please." he added hesitantly, experimentally squeezing the muscles currently sheathing a very sensitive part of his dark.
Both moaned at the action.
"Gods, move Mariku!" Malik groaned, feeling his yami's cock brush against that spot that had sent white-hot bolts of pleasure through his body.
Growling, his yami left one hand on the bed to brace himself as he wrapped the other around Malik's waist to support his light. He drew just his hips back, pulling out almost all the way before slamming back in, moaning at how tight and hot his hikari was around him.
Malik didn't have any words to describe how he was feeling- it was just so right, he was complete, so full... It was as though he and Mariku were one being. Those few moments that Mariku hadn't been buried so deeply inside of him made his body feel empty, somehow hollow.
And, he could feel his yami brush against that spot again, not quite hitting it.
"More." he gasped, moving his body back and grinding, crying out as pleasure shot through him.
Mariku drew back again, slamming into his light with even more force. Malik barely registered the movements of his dark, just what was going on in his own body- everything seemed to be going haywire, and as Mariku drew back then filled him again, his yami hit that sweet spot dead-on.
"Mariku!" he cried out, moaning and pushing back as if to force him yami in deeper. He vaguely heard his yami chuckle, pulling back out and then thrusting back in. Mariku quickly set a pace, Malik moving with him.
Empty. Full.
Empty. Full.
Malik felt nothing but pure bliss as his dark pounded into him, able to hear little passed Mariku's lustful growls.
"Gods, harder... please, more... don't stop, gods, don't stop... more, please, harder..." Malik pleaded, not entirely sure what words were rolling off his tongue, voice trailing off to harsh pants and encouraging mewls as his dark complied with his requests.
All those sweet noises Malik was making were music to Mariku, but they also made him want to see Malik's face. Through sheer force of will, he pulled out completely.
Malik protested harshly, pushing back with a wail of loss.
With a possessive growl, Mariku grabbed one of Malik's shoulders and pushed him onto his back, not really registering the surprised look on his hikari's face as he pinned his light's arms down to the sides of his face and hungrily kissed him.
Malik eagerly responded, lifting his hips to rub wantonly against his dark as his arms were released. Mariku moved his hands down to Malik's hips, pulling his light closer to his weeping erection.
He moaned against his hikari's lips as Malik moved his legs, opening himself wide for his yami.
"Mine." he growled, thrusting back inside of his light. It hadn't even been a minute since he had last been sheathed in the velvety heat, but moving inside of his light again was an indescribably wonderful feeling.
Malik's back arched, legs wrapping around Mariku's waist to pull him in even deeper. A wordless cry of pleasure issued from his mouth, head tilted back and eyes closed in a picture of passion.
Mariku's hips began thrusting, quickly finding that same frantic rhythm he and his light had found earlier. By the might of his willpower alone, Mariku kept his eyes open to watch the rapturous expressions of his hikari.
Malik's arms found their way around his neck, pulling their bodies close. Malik's head was thrown back, mouth open in a wordless expression of pleasure and eyes shut as sensation overwhelmed his previously virgin body. His face was deeply flushed, sweat beading and running down the bronze skin as the light moved with Mariku, thrusting up with abandon every time the yami thrust down.
Delicious tension built within both bodies as they climbed higher and higher, neither able to speak as sheer bliss crashed over both, hitting both yami and hikari with the force of a tsunami.
Malik's inner muscles clenched and unclenched, completely beyond his control as his yami hit his prostate again and again, ramming into him.
The wave of pleasure crested, a pleasure-filled scream ripping from Malik's throat, barely recognizable as his yami's name. Mariku moaned loudly, the sound morphing into a growl of Malik's name as he came.
Both bodies went suddenly taut, muscles jerking involuntarily as white hot bliss consumed yami and hikari.
Malik's mouth opened and shut in wordless expressions of pleasure, eyes still shut tightly as he felt hot cum shoot deep inside his body, marking him and claiming him.
Mariku's eyes were half-lidded, barely able to keep them open as Malik's ass clenched around his spent shaft, milking him as the last waves of their shared orgasm ran through their veins.
They collapsed, bodies still intimately joined as both lay, panting.
"That was..." Malik murmured, shaking his head tiredly as he found himself unable to come up with an appropriate word. Nothing seemed strong enough to convey just how incredible their lovemaking had been.
"I know." Mariku replied softly, a hint of a satisfied smirk on his face. Grunting, he pulled out of his light with a wet sucking sound, re-collapsing on the bed right next to Malik.
The hikari moved closer to his yami, feeling some of Mariku's essence run out of his entrance and partway down his legs. The yami simply opened his arms to the hikari, holding him close with one arm as he used the other to grab the blankets and pull the covers over their quickly cooling bodies.
Mariku rested his head on a pillow, Malik resting his head on his yami's chest, legs intertwined as the hikari listened to his dark's heartbeat.
"I love you." he whispered, the words coming naturally to him.
"Love you too, my pretty, pretty hikari."
Malik's eyes shut slowly, fatigue overtaking him without any more energy to keep him going. He was quickly followed into sleep by his yami.
Cuddled close, the two sleeping lovers were unaware of the sun as it slowly peeked over the horizon.
*Time Skip!*
Isis walked down the long hall leading to her brother's room.
It was well past breakfast time, and while on occasion Malik did miss breakfast he was always up by now. It had to be at least ten in the morning, and the blonde teenager was never asleep past nine.
"Malik?" Isis called softly, knocking on her brother's door. When she received no reply, she quietly pushed the door open.
"Malik?" she called again, eyes scanning the room.
She blinked in confusion.
'That's odd- where could he be?'
She closed the door as she exited the room, puzzled expression on her face as she walked down the hall.
'Rishid hasn't seen him... none of the servants have... but he's not in his room...'
A sudden loud creak to her left nearly made her jump.
She glanced over in the direction of the noise, seeing that she was right across from Mariku's room.
Call it women's intuition, or call it the Millennium Necklace, but Isis had a hunch her brother was behind that door.
She stepped up to it, knocking loudly.
"Mariku? Malik?" she called, opening the door without waiting for a reply.
She froze in shock at the sight that awaited her.
The sunlight pouring in the window illuminated the scene all too well.
Her brother- completely naked- was perched on top of his yami, who was similarly clad. The only thing preventing Isis from seeing... what she really shouldn't see, was the fact that Malik was straddling Mariku's hips, completely sideways. That particular position hid both of their bodies around the waist quite well.
The hikari stared at her with a deer-in-the-headlights look, while his yami just looked annoyed at being interrupted, his hands on Malik's waist and lips still wet from intense kissing. She could only stare at them, open-mouthed.
It was Malik who broke the silence.
"Sister!" he exclaimed, face flaming with embarrassment. Isis couldn't believe her brother's voice could reach that pitch after puberty.
Hastily- trying hard not to turn too much- the light grabbed a sheet off the bed and pulled it around himself, sliding off of his dark. Mariku had begun sitting up, also grabbing a blanket to pull over his body to preserve modesty, though he wasn't as desperate to keep himself hidden as Malik was.
The hikari remained on the bed, sitting and facing his sister with the sheet held loosely around his waist. Isis tried hard not to think about why her brother kept the cloth loose.
"What brings you here?" Malik asked, going for normality. He failed miserably.
"I was looking for you, my brother. Rishid and I were worried since you never sleep this late, but apparently we didn't need to be so concerned." she answered, still in shock.
"Sorry to worry you. I was in good hands." Malik replied.
An awkward silence fell over the three. It was then Isis noted several marks of varying colors adorning her brother's body. Knowing what they were- especially since a certain yami looked so smug- she quickly decided it was time to go.
"I think I would be better off not knowing. Shall we expect both of you for lunch?" she asked.
Her eyes widened as she saw Mariku shift closer to her brother, mouth latching onto the hikari's neck and sucking to the obvious delight of both.
"Uh... y-yeah..." Malik replied, a bit breathless as his yami slid a hand under the sheet.
Isis quickly turned, face bright red.
'Mental note: never go anywhere near Mariku and Malik when they're alone together.'
She left, closing the door firmly behind her and ignoring the sounds coming from behind said door.
On her way to her own room, she passed Rishid who was still looking for Malik.
"Have you seen him, Isis?"
She paused, half-tempted to tell him to go to Mariku's room, but decided against it.
"I found him. He's fine- both he and Mariku will be joining us for lunch."
"Where was he?"
Isis smiled dryly.
"Trust me- you don't want to know."
Rishid opened his mouth to ask again, but apparently the look on Isis's face was enough to convince him that ignorance was bliss in this case.
*Place Skip*
Two figures with bronze skin and blonde hair embraced, sweaty and exhausted.
A gentle kiss was exchanged before the smaller rested his head against the chest of the other.
"Do we have to get up?" Malik asked lazily, tracing light patterns with a single finger on his yami's chest.
"Not until lunchtime."
"When is that?"
Mariku smirked lecherously.
"Not for another hour."
Apparently having the same thought, the hikari looked back up into the eyes of his dark.
"Oh? Is that so..." he replied. "Whatever shall we do for an hour to occupy ourselves?"
"I don't know, my pretty hikari. I'm sure we can think of something..."
Two lips met again, with a lot more passion than the previous gentle brush of lips.
They were a half hour late to lunch.
A/N: And that has to be the longest lemon I have ever written! Applause! Hope you all enjoyed! Feedback is appreciated!