Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opal ❯ Opal ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Whelp, here it is in all its glory and splendor. My first decent Yu-gi-oh story I've written in quite some time.
I *had* another fanfic in the making, but I haven't touched it in ages and I'd probably have to change a lot of it before I was satisfied enough to actually upload the stupid thing.
This story will eventually be NC-17 if I decide to put forth the effort to finish it. I have a bad habit of starting fanfiction and never finishing them. o.O;
For all my fanfiction.net readers: Lemons will be exempt from this story.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Yu-gi-oh or any of its characters and I make no profit from this story.
Summary: Ryou, a human currently residing on a research ship named The Opal, encounters a Kaitsune, one of the human race's most deadly enemies. What will become of him once he begins to develop feelings for the other? B/R
Notes: Bakura in this story is going to be based off Thief King Bakura. Mmm…sexyness.
I might also include the Marik/Malik pairing in this story, depending on how they fit in. If they don't fit, I won't include them. Smart, neh?
One more quick note: Please, PLEASE, for the love of all that's holy, forgive my craptastic choice of names for this story. As we all know, Ryou's father is never actually NAMED in the anime (not to my knowledge, at least) and I'm terrible at pulling names for characters out of thin air. Any other yu-gi-oh names I use other than Ryou or Bakura (and possibly Malik and Marik) are just from a lack of any better name to use.
They're usually lesser character names, anyway, so it's not that big of a deal.
Ch. 1
In the years after the humans first moved their societies into the regions of space, their lives were forever mingled with those of numerous other species. Allies were made, enemies were fought, and the human race lived on.
Earth, now almost completely left behind, only served as a reminder of the history and ignorance of man. Its soil useless, oceans and fresh water sources growing smaller by the day, it waits silently for its demise, spinning slowly around the sun.
Man, now scattering across other parts of the known universe, enjoyed trading and living with the friendlier species located near their home galaxy. They took Mars in as their home planet and began creating a new Earth, complete with fields, oceans, and large upscale cities.
Many species, known and unknown to the humans, despised this show of greed and arrogance. One species in particular, known as the Kaitsunes, hated the idea of the humans taking Mars and feared they would move on to capture other territory. To keep this from occurring, the Kaitsunes fought tooth and nail to keep the humans out and themselves in.
Yet, after many brutal wars with both the humans and other adjacent species, the Kaitsunes numbers began to dwindle. Angered and beaten, they left their home planet, Kait, in search of a new home, promising revenge for their loss of life and land.
The soft click of his bedroom door opening roused Ryou slowly from his dream filled sleep. He yawned and cracked open an eye, glancing over to the door in time to see his father step into the room, the metallic door closing behind him.
“Ah, Ryou. Glad to see you're awake.” His father, Katashi Kio, smiled and stepped over the papers and journals littering the floor, slowly making his way to the edge of Ryou's bed. Katashi's lab coat swished quietly as he walked, the thick material scraping against his tanned slacks and boots underneath.
As his father reached the bed, Ryou looked up into the older man's face, blinking drowsily. Though their opinions and ways of thinking clashed often, Katashi and his son resembled each other on physical terms. They both had long, silver hair, light skin, deep brown eyes, and were around the same height, Ryou being slightly shorter than his father. He never quite understood how they could look so alike and yet have such different views.
The pale boy groaned and rolled over onto his stomach, pulling the sheets above his head and successfully hid himself from view. “What is it, Father?” Ryou asked groggily, “I was finally getting some rest. You know this research has kept me up and going for the past week with hardly any time to eat, let alone catch up on some sleep.” The boy signed and snuggled deeper into the sheets, listening to the bed creak as his father sat.
“I know you're tired, Ryou, but I need you to help me with the new test material that's been shipped in from home. We've gotten quite a load in this month and I can't look through it myself.”
Ugh, his father's research. How could he have forgotten? His father was in charge of plant research for the people of Mars. Gene splicing was one of the many things he performed, attempting to create a greater and easier way to grow food for the ever increasing population. Ryou detested his father's work, finding it intensely dull, even if it was useful.
“Why can't the others help you? I have enough things to do right now.” To prove his point, Ryou visibly pushed deeper into the mattress. Katashi chuckled, prying the covers out of his son's grip and pulled them down, leaving the boy in his shirt and boxers, shivering.
Growling, Ryou wrapped his arms around himself and sat up.
“Father, please, just get someone else! I need to sleep! I'm so tired I barely made it to my room before I passed out and I'm about to the point of telling Mr. Nibori to shove his research. Honestly, who cares what the Kaitsunes eat and what type of environment they live in?”
The smile faded from Katashi's face and he frowned.
“The Kaitsunes are our enemy, Ryou. They'd just as soon tear you apart as look at you. It's important that we know exactly what we're up against. I'd expect someone as smart as you to understand something so simple.”
Ryou bit his tongue and nodded. Personally, he believed Mr. Nibori to be a quack. Short, bald, and dangerously senile, the man was paranoid about everything, so much so that he refused to walk the length of the ship without some kind of escort. It was like he believed someone or something (most probably a Kaitsune) would just jump around the corner and tear him to shreds. Ryou wished he'd just consider the idea that he had been in space much too long.
The springs of his bed groaned as his father stood.
“I expect to see you in Lab 3 as soon as you're dressed. Like I said, we have much to do.”
The teen watched as his father left, the bedroom doors closing behind him, shielding the boy from the rest of the ship. Slowly, he stood and began dressing.