Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Ouija ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: Hey hey! It's me again! Did you miss me? Probably not ><;;; I know I haven't been writing in months and months and months but I've been so busy and I've encountered the writer's block of doom…sometimes I wonder if I'm ever going to write again. But of course I did, cause here is a fic co-written with hato chiisai. Erm…we actually wanted this written by last Halloween…and it just didn't happen…but we got it done this year! I hope to really try and update more soon but I'm doubting whether I'll post up on mediaminer or not anymore because seems like everything I upload comes out in this terrible one paragraph formatting…but without much further ado, here's the story!
Malik rolled his eyes as Ryou giggled again. The other hikari found Malik's costume for the Halloween party to be the funniest thing he had ever seen. Malik was dressed as a can-can dancer with a black, white and lavender skirt, bodice and stockings, and black boots which he was lacing up. After he finished, he turned and let Ryou do his hair, complete with black and lavender feathers, and then his makeup. Of course, Ryou could hardly stop laughing at the fact that he was putting makeup on his best friend. Announcing that he was done, Malik turned and looked into the mirror, inspecting the lipstick, eye shadow and eyeliner, blush and, he smirked, a beauty mark on his cheek.
"Gorgeous, Ryou.” He said, turning, giving Ryou a saucy look and flipping up his skirts, showing off his frilly purple underwear. Ryou shrieked in laughter, falling onto the bed. Malik admired Ryou's cute little costume. He was done up like a little Musketeer, with a blue tunic, sword at his hip, boots and a fancy feathered hat that was sitting on the dresser. Malik grinned.
"Are you done yet?" He asked his hysterical friend.
Ryou clutched at his side, feeling a stitch from all his laughing, "Y-yes!" he spluttered, struggling into a sitting position and straightening his costume out, his sword having done a flip on his waist. He continued to snicker, watching Malik out of the corner of his eye turn and do different poses in front of the mirror. "You're going to make all the women of the neighborhood jealous and all the men up your skirts!"
Malik snorted, picked the large hat off the dresser and flung it at the other, who squeaked as it caught him in the face.
"Thanks," came the muffled reply; Ryou caught the hat as it slid off his face. He plumped up the large plume feather before cramming the hat on his head, effectively squishing his great volume of the top of his hair inside it. He gave a small twirl for his friend before placing his hands on his hips and stood proudly, puffing his chest out, "How do I look?"
Malik grinned, looking Ryou over. "Well...." He purred, circling Ryou in a teasing manner. "Can-Can dancers are sometimes prostitutes.... they sleep around.... and there was no man as desirable as a Musketeer...." Malik got to the front of Ryou and pulled the smaller boy hard into his body, curling one long leg around Ryou. "Does that answer your question?" He breathed, brushing his lips over Ryou's. Ryou squeaked, and Malik laughed, backing off. "You look adorable, Ryou." Both looked up at a knocking sound on the door. "That's the gang. Let's go." Malik said, and he and Ryou went down the stairs. Ryou opened the door.
"Ryou! You look awesome!!!" Otogi said as soon as the door opened. "Malik?! You.... you look......." Malik smirked and thrust out one hip, placing his hand on it, and using the other to slowly pull up his skirts, showing off his little black garter. The gang stared at him, eyes wide and mouths agape.
"I look damn sexy!" Malik said, and the group laughed. "Wow, Yami.... creative costume." Yami, who was dressed as a Pharaoh, flipped Malik off.
"Yami here insisted that going out as anything else but as himself would look foolish and stupid," Yugi huffed from beside his darker half, "I for one thought he looked really good in that Space Cadet outfit."
Yami rolled his eyes at the comment.
Yugi was dressed in the traditional blue and orange outfit of Dragonball Z characters, the other colours of his hair sprayed black and forming slightly more of a peak at the top rather than in all directions like normally. He pouted, "But the spandex showed off his body so nicely!"
Ryou giggled, "Yugi, is becoming huge, almighty and powerful a long dream of yours?" He made a gesture of height with his hand.
Yugi glared, "Goku was about this height as a kid! So it works!"
Malik laughed at Ryou's comment, and looked at Otogi, who was dressed up as Rurouni Kenshin.... just with black hair and green eyes.
"So, are we ready?" Otogi asked.
"WOOHOOO!!!!! PARTY!!!!” came a loud scream from behind Malik. Everyone jumped and turned to see who had made the god-awful racket. And there stood chaos and terror themselves; Marik and Bakura, all dressed up and ready to go. Ryou let out a little 'eep' at his yami in jeans, trench coat, and hockey mask, and brandishing a chainsaw. Malik yelped as his yami, decked out like a dominatrix, yes, dominaTRIX, complete with riding crop, was immediately up his skirts. Bakura revved the chainsaw, grinning like a madman beneath the mask. Yami stared at the two other spirits in horror, and Otogi began to slowly back away. Malik gasped as a result of his yami's naughty activities, and looked at Ryou.
"Do something!!!" He gasped, then screamed as he was flipped over the back of the sofa so all anyone could see was his legs sticking up in the air and Marik bending over his hikari between them.
Yugi squealed and clambered behind Yami, who was rigid with shock, "Who invited them!?"
"No one," Ryou said in a small voice, squeaking as Bakura growled angrily at him. "I thought they were going to spend the night watching TV or something! I honestly did! I saw them buy a whole ton of stuff earlier but I didn't think it was this!" He jumped as Bakura began to wave his new toy gleefully for everyone to see, the loud whirring sound filling the room and echoing out into the streets, already scaring children away from the house.
Marik, his head between Malik's legs, ran his tongue along the boy's inner thigh before standing straight, towering over his hikari, "And what would a prostitute do without his master?" he snapped his whip against the leather sofa, making Malik give a shriek of surprise and wriggling sideways, trying to get off the sofa. "Oh no no no..." Marik waggled his finger, and tapped the end of the riding crop against the other's behind, "I'm not finished with you yet!" and with a mess of yells and screams of terror, the wild haired yami jumped over the couch and landed on top of his lover with a crash.
Ryou screamed in horror, "What has gotten into you guys?!?!" ducking as the chainsaw whizzed by his again, watching a few fluffs from his feather drift in front of his face from being sliced off.
"We want to have fun too, Ryou." Bakura said, lowering the chainsaw and crushing his light in a hug. Malik managed to wriggle away from Marik and make his way over to the door.
"Ummm..... I don't think we'll be going out tonight Ryou...." He said. Not with these two like this." Yami, Yugi and Otogi were still staring in fear at Bakura, even though the chainsaw was off. Suddenly, Bakura let out a shriek and dropped the chainsaw, before raising his hand and smacking it across Malik's face with all his strength. Yugi and Ryou gasped as Malik yelped and spun to the floor, where he lay motionless for a moment. Marik looked down at Malik, up at Bakura, and back down to Malik, who moaned and slowly got to his feet.
"Ahh..... What the hell was that for?!" Malik roared at Bakura, who was starring at Malik in horror.
"AAAH!!! The bug!!!! It's still there!!!" And Malik was once again sent crashing to the floor, and getting quite dizzy.
"WHAT?!" Malik cried, standing, and leapt back when Bakura raised his hand again.
"There's a bug on your face!!!" Bakura cried, pointing to Malik's cheek and hopping up and down in his excitement. Malik blinked then groaned. He licked his finger and rubbed his cheek, smearing away the beauty mark. Bakura blinked and stopped jumping and lowered his finger.
"It's a BEAUTY MARK YOU FUCKING PSYCHO!!!!" Malik roared. Bakura blinked.
"Oh." He said, and then looked at Ryou. "Can we go now?" He asked, picking up his chainsaw, and Marik leapt up, a big grin on his face.
Ryou fiddled with his thumbs, "Ummm...well I don't think we'll go out tonight you guys..." hoping the others will get the idea without saying too much.
Yugi caught on quickly and tugged at Yami's arm, "Let's go Yami, we were just stopping by to show off our costumes anyways." Yami and Otogi seemed only too glad to get away and they waved good-bye to the others, scuttling off into the night, hoping that the two hikaris won't go through too much hell.
"But but but..." Marik stammered, staring at the retreating figures, "We looked forward to this!" he turned to Bakura who nodded, "we worked hard on our costumes!"
"Ummm well...well..." Ryou stammered, "We weren't really planning to...go out anyways, I mean...we just dressed up for fun...Trick or Treating's too old for us...for me at least. I thought maybe...ummm" he racked his brain for an idea, "that maybe we would play a game or..."
Marik's eyes lit up, which was extremely frightening in the dark up as he slapped the riding crop of the palm of his hand in anticipation, "Game? I like games...especially a game that involves a certain can-can dancer..." he turned his eyes to Malik.
"Well... I was thinking," Ryou could tell that Bakura was getting impatient and wasn't really buying his fibs; he had to come up with something quickly when a memory of a game stuck in his dad's office came to his mind, "my dad brought home an Ouija board from one of his trips before. It's not real, just a game one. But since it's Halloween and all...maybe we could play some spooky games with it."
"Ooooo an Ouija board! I love playing with Ouija boards!" Marik clapped his hands in delight, before a look of confusion washed over his face, "what's an Ouija board?"
Malik glared at Marik, before looking back at Ryou. "Yeah, what's an Ouija Board?" He asked.
"I'll show you!!!" Ryou said, and ran off to get it, the feathers on his hat bouncing as he ran off. Malik smiled, and then noticed Marik and Bakura staring at him. Bakura slowly removed his hockey mask, and the two yamis began closing in on the hikari in drag.
"Ummmm...... guys?" Malik squeaked, before he was tackled to the floor. When Ryou came back, Malik was sitting on the floor, leaning against Bakura's chest and was making out with Bakura. Marik's head was up between Malik's legs and his head and shoulders were hidden by Malik's skirts, but his hands were seen gently massaging his light's thighs. Malik was squirming as a result of... whatever his yami was doing to him where Ryou couldn't see. Ryou sweat dropped, and then cleared his throat as he shoved the coffee table out of the way and set the box down. Malik broke away from Bakura and looked at Ryou, then slammed his legs together, bringing a pained yowl from Marik, who recoiled quickly, holding his head. Bakura laughed.
"So, if this is a scary game, we should make the room scary." He said. "How about candles?” Before there was an answer, Bakura had run off, and ten minutes later, they were sitting around the Ouija Board with ten candles burning to light the room, but they didn't do a very good job.
Malik sat beside Ryou, a tissue in his hand and wiping off what was remaining of his makeup, most of the bright colours smeared across his face from making out with Bakura. "Damn you makeup!"
Ryou gave Malik a hand, effectively taking the rest of the makeup off. The Egyptian sighed in relief and then began to tackle his hair, trying to get all the bent feathers out from the knots. Ryou turned back to the box, lifting off the lid and taking the Ouija board out.
Bakura looked at the board, "Hey, looks like the one I use in my deck," he touched the circular plank of wood and the metal pointer, "but I've never seen it in real life. Too bad it's just a toy one," an evil gleam came to his eye, "now if it were real..."
Ryou sighed and pulled the game away from his yami, "Alright, this," he held the game up for Malik and Marik, who was still holding his head, "is an Ouija board. My father said that psychics use them to get answers from the spirits." he set the game down upon the table and everybody leaned in, "what a person would do is ask a question, place their finger upon the pointer and supposedly the pointer would move itself to spell out the answer, or point to the yes, no or maybe. The word good-bye...is well...like death." Marik and Bakura looked delighted, but Malik shrank back a bit, "but this is just a game board, so we can just play around with it. I could ask a question to Malik and he could try to answer the question by 'pretending' to be answering as a spirit. The mechanics of the toy board is supposed to just spit out random answers but there has to be pressure on the pointer for it to work."
Marik stared, "It would have been more fun if it were real."
Ryou stared in shock, "Oh no! I've heard terrible stories about people who use an Ouija board! It's supposedly a dark occult utensil used to demand answers with," Bakura's eyes sparkled at the idea of owning such a thing, "and some people suffer mental damage from using it for worse they get haunted by evil spirits for the rest of their lives!" he shivered, "this toy one even freaks me out. That's why I had it stuffed in my father's closet for years!"
"Well, let's play!!!" Bakura cried, and snatched the board from Ryou and put the pointer on it. "Will I ever get my hands on the Pharaoh's Puzzle?" He asked, and Marik leaned over, delighted. Bakura gasped as the pointed began to move. After a bit of quick movements from the pointer and startled looks from Bakura, it stopped, and everyone blinked.
'Hello Bakura,' the board had said. 'You wish.' Bakura snorted, and Malik took the pointer.
"Will Ryou ever be seme?" He asked, and Ryou gave him a look while the yamis laughed. But the laughing stopped and they all stared in shock as the pointer moved right out from under Malik's fingers and spelled out an answer..... all by itself.
'Never.' the board said, and the group stared at the pointer.
"Okay.... that's creepy...." Malik gasped. "Ummm... I've had enough. I'm turning on the lights. And he stood and moved towards the light switch in the shadows. Suddenly, Malik screamed and re-appeared, crashing to the floor. "THERE'S SOMETHING IN HERE!!!" He screamed, and leapt into Marik's lap, shaking in fright. Ryou whimpered.
"What's going on here?" Bakura gasped, looking around. To their horror, the pointer on the board moved.
'You are mine.' The board said.
"WHAT?!" Bakura screeched, leaping to his feet.
'I challenge you to a game,' the board said. 'You will answer my questions. For everyone you get wrong, you get closer and closer to the end.'
Marik held onto his hikari tightly, "Ok, maybe it ISN'T that fun if it's real."
Ryou held onto Bakura's arm, "It isn't real...it isn't real...it isn't real...it's supposed to be a toy one...father said so...father said..." he began to tremble with fear, his hat falling off his head.
Bakura sat back down, hovering over the board, "Fuck...I can't believe this...Ryou, you said..."
An insane smile suddenly appeared on Marik's face, which is his version of being serious, "Alright, if it's a game you want, I'll accept! I've seen enough occult and witchery and have caused some myself! I'm not afraid of you and nor if Bakura! Give us your question!"
'As you wish," the board spelled. 'From what country did this board originate?'
Ryou whimpered, knowing the answer but far too terrified to say anything. The pointer quivered in the candlelight, the board awaiting an answer.
'Make haste.'
Bakura looked up at Marik.
"You asshole,” he snapped, and Malik smacked Marik.
"WHAT HAVE YOU GOTTEN US INTO?!" He screamed. "I want nothing to do with this!!" and he stood and turned to leave. But as he got to the doorway, he seemed to run into an invisible shield. "OW!!" He yelped, clutching his nose. Then he turned, and reached out. "There's a barrier.... trapped... WE'RE TRAPPED!!!" He screamed, and turned to face the others. Bakura grunted as Ryou leapt into his lap, shaking in his fright. Malik slowly came back over and cuddled close to Marik. "Oh, gods...... someone know the answer?"
Marik was rubbing his cheek, "Bakura you son of a bitch, if we didn't accept this game would probably kill us on the spot!" He held Malik tightly, "don't anyone blame me! Ryou! You know the answer! You SHOULD know the answer! Your father gave you that game! Tell it! Tell it now!"
Ryou, in hysteria bust into tears and screamed, "GREECE! It's from GREECE!"
The board paused, and then moved to say 'yes.' The group breathed a sigh of relief.
"Good job, Ryou." Malik sighed, smiling at the boy. Ryou gave a shaky smile, and they all looked down as the board spoke again.
'What is the largest room in the world?' the board asked. The group blinked.
"Ummmm......” was Malik's answer.
"Yami's Soul Room?" Bakura offered, and Marik cracked up. The board paused, and then moved to point at 'No.'
"SHIT!!!” Bakura spat, and then, one of the ten candles in the room suddenly went out. Ryou squeaked. Bakura frowned and got up. He picked up the candle and moved it to another one, trying to light it. But Bakura yelped as the entire candle melted in his bare hands.
"AH!! Holy Ra!!!” He gasped, and leapt back.
'Do not try that again.' The board said. 'Now sit.' Bakura gulped and sat.
'Now that we have established where I originate and you now understand my rules, the real game begins.'
Ryou began to sob openly, burying his face into Bakura's arm, "Make it stop, for God's sake make it stop!!!"
Marik stared in horror at the board. Never has he seen such a thing that seemed to reek of so much evil. Yes he has done some pretty terrible things himself, but no he hasn't even been under the power of another. Shadows moved about the Ouija board as if it were alive.
'Shall we continue?' the board offered, 'listen carefully:
'At night they come without being fetched,
And by day they are lost without being stolen.'
Malik looked at the others, and then gulped. "Ummm.... stars?" He asked, tentatively.
The pointer twitched with malice, then moved to `yes'.
Malik blew out a breath while Marik hugged him tightly, "Good job love."
'You were lucky...' the board spelled, moving faster as if angered; 'now we move on...'
The board began to speak again:
'Born at the same time as the world,
Destined to live as long as the world,
And yet never five weeks old. What is it?'
It said, and they all looked up at each other with wide eyes.
Ryou kept his head buried in Bakura's arm, unwilling to answer anything for fear of getting it wrong.
Marik stared hard at the Ouija board, the board appearing to mock them all, "I've heard this one back in Egypt...fuck what is it?" he racked his mind for the answer.
'Make haste.'
"Fuck you!" Bakura screamed, "It's probably a plant!"
"NO!" Marik roared, Malik squealing to scramble off as his yami stood and hit Bakura, "That wasn't the answer damnit! It was...it was..." his brain started working more than it ever had in his life, "It was the moon! The moon damnit!"
Everyone stared in fear at the board, seeing which answer it would accept.
There was a very long pause, and then the board finally said 'Yes. The moon.'
"HA!!!" Marik barked at Bakura, who glared.
"Oh, shut up." He spat, and Malik glared.
"Shut up, Bakura. We got it right, that's all that matters. Okay, what's the next riddle?" Malik asked, looking down at the board.
'Should there be a fumble again...it will be the end.'
Ryou clawed at Bakura's trench coat, unable to take the sound of the moving pointer any longer, "Save me! Save me! SAVE ME!!!" he wailed. Bakura held to Ryou tightly, trying to keep the boy from doing further damage to him or himself, whispering to him gently.
"Fucking board," Marik cursed, unable to bear seeing the poor white haired boy like that.
'The beginning of eternity
The end of time and space
The beginning of every end,
And the end of every place.'
Everyone looked at each other, their faces horrified.
"Umm.... any guesses?" Malik whimpered, and the three others shook their heads.
"Shit...." Bakura murmured.
"Man.... any one have a GUESS?!" Marik cried, but no one did.
"Ummmm...... time?” Malik squeaked, and they all held their breaths and waited.
The pointer began to move towards the word 'yes', but suddenly whizzed past, 'no'.
Ryou shrieked as another candle blew out in the room and jumped right out of Bakura's lap and ran for the door, smashing headlong into the shield. Sobbing he hammered at the invisible wall, "LET ME OUT!!!! LET ME OUT!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" A cold air seemed to envelope the boy, "STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!" His eyes were stricken with pure terror as he got up and ran around, his hands clamped on either side of his head.
Bakura got up and chased after his hikari, grabbing onto the boy's waist and picking him up and taking the struggling boy back to the circle, "Ryou! Stay here with us! You'll be safer!"
Ryou flailed, wanting more than anything to be as for away from the evil thing on the table as possible, "TAKE IT AWAY!!!"
Marik pulled out his Millennium Rod, which was secured in a belt loop behind his back all that time, "Take this!" a force let loose from the Rod and at the Ouija board. A ripple shook the room as it hit an also invisible dome around the board and flung the energy back at Marik, who was blasted over the sofa and into a wall. "RA DAMNED!" he bellowed as his head made contact. Malik shrieked and rushed to his yami's aid.
'Do not DARE to attempt that again,' the board spelled, the pointer in jerky movements, 'If you don't want to die.'
Now Malik was sobbing in terror, cradling his moaning yami while Bakura was trying to calm his hysterical hikari.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US!?!" He bellowed at the board, which hesitated, before saying 'Your hikaris.' Bakura and Marik, who had come to see the answer, paled.
"You won't get them." Bakura snarled, and he and Marik held their lights close. The board asked the next riddle.
'What can you hold without ever touching or using your hands?' It asked.
Marik shifted back into his spot, comforting his hikari, "What the fuck riddle is that?!" his brain started overworking itself, but it was no use. He never really had much of an education and was never good at riddles...his glance shifted over to Bakura, knowing that the thief wasn't that good either; after all...thieves received no education whatsoever...but they were the only two left in any condition to answer any question at all...
Emotions? One can hold emotions...Sight? One can hold a gaze...fuck there are so many options! Marik thought, "Emotions!" he declared.
He and Bakura stared with vigor at the board, awaiting its answer.
A candle went out, leaving seven still burning. Ryou and Malik both shrieked, and the yamis tightened their holds on them, meeting worried gazes.
Marik was slowly losing hope, "At this rate...we're going to lose...we're not going to win..."
Bakura glared at the Egyptian yami, knowing that being a pessimist is only making it worse for Ryou and Malik.
An ominous shadow seemed to settle over them in the continuously dimming room as the next question was spelled:
'I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will
And yet I am the confidence of all
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.'
Bakura stared at the riddle, dumbstruck. Malik stared as well, horror plastered across his face.
"Oh, Ra....." He whimpered, and clung to Marik.
"Fuck...." Bakura breathed. "Any ideas, anyone?"
"Ummm... could you repeat that, please?" Malik asked the board, and after a moment, it did. "Ummmm.... time?" Malik offered, even though he knew that they had answered one riddle with it before. They got it wrong, but hey, no one else had any clue. Malik sighed, hoping that it was gold he had pulled out of his ass this time.
The board seemed to vibrate in the shifting candlelight, as if laughing in mockery as it wrote, 'Close, but repeating such amateur ideas will get you nowhere.'
Another candle was extinguished, this time with a small gust of wind.
Hairs on the back of Ryou's head stood on end and he clutched Bakura's arm so tightly his knuckles began to turn white. His sobbing was slowly calming down and residing to whimpering to himself about how he was going to die soon, how he wished he never took out the game and how it was his entire fault that it all started.
Marik wanted to knock himself in the head with his hikari's answer, knowing that the stress was slowly getting to them and the pressure was making them not think clearly. He was almost tempted to yell at Malik for screwing them over but he knew that it would destroy his already withering hikari. He pulled Malik into his chest, stroking stray feathers out of the boy's hair, "That was a good try though...at least the board said it was close..."
Malik whimpered, then gasped, and Ryou screamed as the room was suddenly filled with a strong wind. The candles flickered and Malik shrieked as his skirts flew up over his head. If the situation hadn't been so frightening, Marik and Bakura would be laughing their asses off at the sudden exposal of Malik's frilly little underpants. The wind died down and the pointer moved.
'Next question,' the board said, and they all stared at the board. 'What is it that gets wetter when it dries?'
Bakura felt like his brain was being twisted, he couldn't see the logic behind it, all things dry when they dry! He rubbed Ryou's back, afraid that the pale teen would go into hysteria again. He stroked the silvery hair, the hat long lost. "I don't know...I really..."
"Nor do I...I don't understand this question at all," Marik replied, also trying to calm his hikari down.
They had to admit defeat to this one...they couldn't even think of something remotely like an answer... and guessing was not an option for them anymore...they've lost all they've guessed...
"We don't know..." they murmured in unison.
Another candle went out.
'Not even trying to guess will come at a price.' The board said. The wind once again filled the room. The shadows seemed to come to life. Malik and Ryou screamed as they wrapped around their wrists and ankles and dragged them from their yamis' arms. Bakura and Marik cried out in horror, but the shadows held them back from reaching for their lights. Ryou was dragged back into the arm chair and the shadows held him there. Malik was pinned spread-eagle to the wall.
'Be silent.' the board said, and Marik and Bakura forced themselves to do so. Malik and Ryou also silenced their own whimpered and watched the board. 'Should you win our game, they shall be set free and I shall leave you forever. Should I win, they shall sink into the shadows to serve me for eternity.' The four stared at the board in horror.
Marik reached out for Malik, his eyes begging in apology for letting this happen. "If we had answered," he growled between clenched teeth, hating himself. Beside him Bakura was experiencing the same emotions. He gave a fleeting glance to the candles, only half left. The pressure was provoking him to go completely psychotic, suppressed only with the realization that if he dared pull a stunt like he did earlier and attack the board, that he may never see his hikari again.
'Once I was water, full of scaly fish;
But, by a new decision, Fate has changed
My nature: having suffered fiery pangs,
I now gleam white, like ashes or bright snow.'
Bakura and Marik slowly raised their eyes to each other. Bakura seemed ready to cry in fear and frustration. He had no clue, and the more they got wrong, the closer they were to losing their precious lights.
Ryou and Malik in the meantime, were shaking in fear, squirming against the strange bonds and wishing that they had gone out and just brought their yamis with them.
"Any idea?” Bakura asked Marik, and glanced at Ryou and Malik to let them know that the question was for them, too. Both shook their heads with wide eyes. Marik did as well. Bakura sighed. He didn't know, but if he didn't guess, who knew what would happen to Ryou and Malik.
"Ummm..... clouds?” He offered, hesitantly.
Yet another candle was extinguished as fast at the pointer flew to 'no'.
Ryou sobbed as if in agony; never in his life has he been so frightened, even his first encounters with his yami in previous days had not been so terrifying as this. The taunting was destroying him mentally; he would rather drop dead at that moment than to endure the torture that the thing of evil was giving to them. "S-stop...stop please!"
Bakura looked helplessly at his small lover, cursing himself for his inability to answer anything. For once in his life, he was ashamed of being a thief...and nothing but.
Malik began sobbing as the fear really started to take hold.
"MARIK!! FOR RA'S SAKE, DO SOMETHIING!!!" He screamed, writhing on the wall. Marik was getting a wild look in his eyes as they got closer and closer to doom. He looked at Bakura, who was now shaking in his own fear.
"Marik...." He whimpered. "Oh, gods...." They looked down as the Ouija board began the next riddle.
'What is so fragile that when you say its name you break it?' It said.
Marik and Bakura frowned in intense thought, and Ryou and Malik also began to wrack their brains.
The pressure began to build furthermore in the room, blurring everyone's range of thought further. Ryou's sobbing began to subside, a stunned look gracing his porcelain features instead. The pressure was burning inside of him so that he wanted to scream something to that cursed board, anything. "Silence!" he cried at it, "Silence!!!!"
Marik's heart fell, although Ryou didn't do it intentionally and only wanted to pour his frustration out, the way he phrased it made it seem like he was answering the board. And there was no way either he, Bakura or Malik can correct him now...having heeded the warning from the board earlier.
But to Marik's surprise and joy, the shaking pointer moved to say 'yes. Lucky guess.'
"Good job, Ryou!!" Malik called, and Ryou slumped back into the cushions of the chair with a feeble whimper, closing his eyes. Bakura suddenly grabbed Marik's hand.
"Ishtar.... we're fighting a losing battle. When we get it wrong, a candle goes out. When we get it right..... nothing happens. We're not getting any candles back. Marik, we keep going the wrong way with no way to go back! There literally is NO WAY TO WIN!!!"
'You are absolutely right Bakura,' the board spelled out, 'you are absolutely right.'
"Shut you good for nothing piece of shit!" Marik spat, but quickly refrained from releasing anymore obscenities as a candle flickered dangerously.
'Good boy,' the Ouija board mocked.
Marik growled and gripped onto Bakura's hand harder.
'What goes through the door without pinching itself?
What sits on the stove without burning itself?
What sits on the table and is not ashamed?'
Marik stared, "Fuck."
Malik shuddered from his place pinned to wall as the shadows began to literally caress his body, and Ryou shrieked and whimpered as they did the same to him.
"Ummm..... a cat?" Malik offered, then yelped as an invisible hand traced up his inner thigh. "GET OFF YOU FUCKING....... THING!!!"
The screams of the hikaris were heard as two candles went off at once.
“What the bloody fucking hell?” Marik roared, jerking instantly to his lovers but was pulled unceremoniously back by the dark bonds, “you cheating board! How dare you!!!!”
'Simple. Your hikaris insulted my advances, and a candle will pay the price.”
In the dim light of the remaining two candles, the Egyptian yami thought he could see a trickle of blood running from Bakura's lip.
”Bakura, you alright?”
`Too scared to cry…' the board answered.
Ryou and Malik, however, were a different story. Both were screaming hysterically, thrashing against the shadows that held them as more continued to feel them all over, taunting them.... torturing them....... The board began to move to ask the next riddle.
'I have millions of eyes, yet I live in darkness.
I have millions of ears, but only four lobes.
I have no muscle, yet I rule two hemispheres.
What am I?'
Marik and Bakura stared, stumped.
Marik could feel that Bakura's grip was increasing to a point of pain, which was saying a lot. It seemed that the trickles of blood from the thief's mouth were flowing more freely as well, "Bakura, snap out of it damnit. You're end up killing yourself if you continue to bite like that." He pulled his restraints as far as they could go and using his free hand, slapped the white haired yami's face gently.
"We're damned."
"No damnit!" the tanned male should have notice sooner when Bakura was ranting about not winning; the other yami was losing all hope. Yes he has lost duels before, but not like this. Not when so much is at stake that he couldn't just laugh it off and declare vengeance confidently.
"Ryou! Ryou! Snap Bakura out of it damnit!"
Marik's please were only met with hysterical sobbing.
"Ryou! Please!!!"
There was a loud choke. Ryou felt as if the dark shadows were fondling him through his clothes, their cold fingers licking at his skin. "S-stop! S-stop it! Bakura!!!! BAKURA!!!!!!"
Marik winced at Malik's desperate shriek, calling for his aid as Ryou called for Bakura.
'You? Sane? As if....' The board said, and Marik glared at it, grinding his teeth in hate. He looked up, grabbed Bakura's collar and punched him in the jaw. Bakura fell back and lay still for a moment, before slowly sitting up.
"Th-thanks....." He whimpered, and turned to Ryou, who was still screaming hysterically. "Ryou! Ryou, please, calm down!!" He shouted to his light. He reached out to Ryou through the mind link, as Marik did to Malik, but both found the link to be blocked; they couldn't mentally reach their hysterical hikaris.
“Fuck,” they said simultaneously. The board rattled behind them as if it was chuckling, sending a shiver down both of their spines. That fucking thing was alive! It was a monster!
“No…”Marik buried his head in his hands, feeling his own sanity slipping away from the mounting pressure, “the only person with enough skill to answer this is Ryou…and we don't have him…no Bakura…we have to do this ourselves.”
The despair that was knocked out of Bakura just seconds before seemed to be sinking back in, “You're right…and we are too worthless for it. No…we give up on this answer,” he said to the board.
The board seemed to gloat.
'Are you sure? There will be a consequence.' But it didn't give Bakura and Marik a chance to answer. A candle blew out, and suddenly, the shadows released Malik and Ryou. At first all was silent. Marik and Bakura stared at Malik and Ryou, who stared right back. Then, the hikaris leapt for their yamis. The board shuddered, and Ryou and Malik both hit an invisible dome covering the yamis, who were holding their arms out to their lights. Both boys screamed as shadows rose from the floor, once again restraining them. They screamed as they were held four feet above the floor, lying horizontal, face up. The yamis screamed and began beating on the barrier as their lights' shrieks were cut off as tendrils of shadows wrapped around their necks and snaked their way into their mouths, gagging them. The helpless hikaris writhed and sobbed and the shadows more or less molested them.
'Look upon them now.' The board said. 'You will never see them again, unless you can answer correctly. I am not so unfair as to not give you a way to save them. If you can answer three riddles correctly in a row, you may claim victory.'
Bakura let out a hoarse cry at the sight of his hikari, the streaks of tears staining the porcelain face and the wide, glazed eyes, “Oh Osiris help us now…”
'No one will help you, you two are in this alone.'
“Why? Why did we let this happen? Are we such incompetent idiots now that we can't even save our hikaris?” Marik moaned.
`It is because I am more powerful than you. I possess powers much more ancient than you two will ever be.'
Bakura made a vow that if they ever got out of this mess to redo his deck immediately to never possess the Ouija board cards in them again. “Just tell us the next one,” he hissed.
Needing some form of comfort, guilt ridden, Marik turned away from the wretched scene of his two beautiful lovers being violated mercilessly and pulled Bakura into his arms; he needed this closeness now, he really needed it.
`I give you a group of three.
One is sitting down, and will never get up.
The second eats as much as is given to him, yet is always hungry.
The third goes away and never returns.'
Bakura let out a furious scream and turned away from the board, hiding his face in Marik's chest.
"Please, Marik! Please say you know it!! PLEASE!!!"
"I..... I can't." Marik gasped, clutching Bakura tightly.
'Do you admit defeat?' The board asked.
"DAMN YOU!!!!" Bakura screamed, turning terrified eyes on the board. "DAMN YOU TO THE DEPTHS OF HELL!!!!"
'I'll take that as a yes.' The board said, and then, the pointer moved over the word 'Goodbye'. Bakura screamed and jerked out of Marik's arms and attacked the board, grabbing the pointer and hurling it away. But the pointer froze mid air and began to glow. Then, it stopped, and fell the floor. Marik and Bakura blinked. And then, the last candle went out. Marik and Bakura leapt up at Ryou and Malik's screams. The Ouija board suddenly began to glow and it rose up off the floor, the pointer mysteriously back on it's surface, and moving rapidly. The letters it spelled out seemed to appear in glowing mists as a violent wind filled the room.
'You have failed your lights; they belong to me.
And YOU are damned for all eternity!'
And the shadows began to drag Ryou and Malik down. The yamis lunged and seized their hikari's trying desperately to hold onto them. The lights screamed and cried clinging to their yamis, but the yamis could not save them. The shadows dragged Ryou and Malik into darkness. The yamis gripped tightly to their hands, screaming their names, but finally, their hands slipped from their grasp, and the entire room went dark. As suddenly as the darkness came, it was gone. All the candles lit up, and the fire returned to the fireplace. Marik and Bakura sat on their knees on either side of the silent Ouija board, pale and trembling.
The mental link was completely severed; Ryou and Malik were gone.
It was only when his sense of feeling returned that Marik realized he was crying. His ears rung from the sudden silence; never in his life had he ever felt so alone. His heart like it was cleaved cleanly in two. “B-Bakura,” he whimpered, feeling completely broken, completely defeated, “Oh Ra Bakura!!! Oh Ra….oh Ra…” he held onto the other sobbing yami tightly, scared that in another moment he might just lose him too. “Oh Ra Bakura…t-they're gone. GONE!!!”
Bakura was wide eyed and pale, and gasping. He was still in shock, and hadn't quite realized what had just happened. He pulled away from Marik and stood, looking around.
"R-Ryou?” Bakura called, tottering a few steps away from Marik. "Ryou?” He called again in a high pitched, whimper.
"He's gone...." Marik whispered, and Bakura turned to stare at the other yami, a broken expression on his face. He took a step towards Marik, then lurched forwards, collapsing into the other's chest. And then, Bakura screamed.
"RYOU!! RYYOOUUU!!!!!!” And he sobbed harshly, punctuated with an agonized scream here and there.
Seeing the thief break so violently Marik felt his own composure shatter and he buried his face into Bakura's hair, sobbing openly as well. “We failed them…WE FAILED THEM!” He wailed, no longer caring for anything. He's never felt so barren, so stripped of everything in his entire life. For possibly the first time he realized just how important Malik and Ryou were to his life; they say one only realizes what it truly precious when it's not there anymore, and at the moment Marik couldn't have agreed more. He'll never see the bright smiles of his two smaller lovers again…never…
It slowly began to sink in, those words.
“Malik…oh Ra…oh Malik…” he choked.
Suddenly, Bakura whirled and grabbed the blade of the Rod. With a scream of fury and despair, he pounced on the Ouija Board and began stabbing it, over and over again.
"DAMN YOU!!! DAMN YOU!!!! DAMN YOU!!!!" He screamed, over and over again before hurling the destroyed thing into the fire place. Then, he turned and repeated this on the pointer. He sat on his knees and watched them burn, tears streaming down his face, before finally collapsing face down on the floor and sobbing. Marik moved over to him and lay down beside him, joining him in his grief.
Then, there were two screams and a crash from the kitchen. Both yamis slowly looked up.
"Did you hear....?" Bakura hissed, and Marik nodded. The pair stood and slowly stalked over to the kitchen. Ready to attack, they leapt through the door, only to freeze. Their eyes widened and their jaws dropped as they gazed upon none other than Yami, casually sipping a soda at the kitchen table, flipping through a Riddle Book. And there, on the floor before the refrigerator sat Malik, cradling a passed out Ryou, looking scared out of his mind. Yami made a clicking noise with his tongue.
"Honestly, if that's how you protect your hikaris, I'd hate to see you not protecting them. I mean really, to just give up on your last chance to save them? Pitiful. You two are hopeless. Oh, and the answer to that last riddle was..." And he flipped the page and looked. "Stove, fire and wood. And the one before that was the human brain." And he smiled and shook his head. "Wow… Even I would have never been able to guess that. And for your information, the largest room in the world is NOT my soul room, but the room for improvement. You two would do well to remember that." And then, the Pharaoh finally looked up at the stunned yamis in the doorway. His mouth twitched. It twitched again. And then, the Pharaoh broke into hysterical laughter.
"OH, RA!! Your faces!! You should have seen yourselves shaking when I made Ryou and Malik disappear! Oh, Ra, I never thought Trick or Treating was this fun!!!"
"W-w-whuh?" Was all Bakura managed to get out.
"Oh come on...." Yami said, wiping mirthful tears away. “Trick or Treat. I came to your door. You didn't offer a Treat, so I had to play a Trick. And it was a damn good one at that." And he grinned proudly.
There was a moment of stunned silence, then...
"I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" Bakura flew at Yami with Marik Rod and promptly cracked the Pharaoh over the head with it. Yami went down with a grown and Bakura went down with him, beating every square inch of his body that he could possibly beat.
Marik could feel rage building up. He was completely and utterly humiliated by the Pharaoh! He went and shed tears over nothing! Now he was being laughed at! That good for nothing trashy piece of shit! He was going to join the fray when he caught the frightened look of his hikari, cradling the other white haired light in his arms, his violet eyes pleading to him for comfort. Marik quickly made the decision to leave Bakura to beat Yami to death and rushed to his lover's side, gathering both Malik and Ryou into his arms. "Malik...oh thank Ra Malik...you scared the living...shit out of me..."
Malik hurled himself into his yami's chest and cried. Bakura tore Yami's costume up, using it to bind him to the kitchen table.
"I'll be with you in a moment." He snarled, and then ran over to his three lovers. Marik quickly passed him Ryou. Bakura cradled his little hikari close, stroking his soft cheek and sniffling, relieved tears falling down his face.
"Ryou? Ryou, sweetheart, are you okay?"
"He fainted." Malik said. "We appeared in the kitchen, and Yami was in front of us. He said 'boo' and we screamed, and Ryou passed out." Marik rubbed Malik's back, trying to soothe his shaking light.
"I'm going to kill that fucking Pharaoh....." Bakura hissed, standing with Ryou in his arms. Marik stood as well and followed Bakura up to his bedroom. The yamis laid their lights on the bed.
"Stay here. We'll be right back." Bakura said, and at Malik's nod, he and Marik went back down to the kitchen to deal with Yami, who no longer looked amused.
"C-C-Come on, guys, it was joke!" Yami whimpered in a high pitched voice. "It was just a joke!!!"
"Yesss," Marik hissed menacingly, sounding very much like a snake about to leap on its prey, "just a joke. Just a mother fucking joke to get us so traumatized that we may never see our lights again and possibly have subjected them to mental damage..." he began to circle Yami, his eyes taking on an unusual glint of malice. "I think you'll be lucky tonight if you got out of here alive..."
He finished two rounds before standing back at Bakura's side, casually, too casually reaching into a nearby cupboard, "Too bad we didn't' have too many visitors tonight; must have scared them all away...what a shame, look at all this leftover candy. Think we should give our dear friend Yami some treats like he so wanted?"
Bakura's sinister grin only gave the answer too well.
Marik ripped a lollipop loose from its wrapping and began to suck on it. Yami was frightened out of his mind as well as confused, what was that crazy yami going to...
"Whoops...my bad," Yami yelped as Marik gave the now wet lollipop a vicious tug which had made its new home in his hair, "I guess I'll have to get another one. Bakura, if you'll be a dear and give me a hand; I can only eat so much candy at once...I think we have bubblegum..."
Bakrua grinned and tossed Marik some bubble gum as be began to chew it himself. The pair chewed their gum, blowing bubbles and popping them all over Yami's head.
"Oh, wow.... Look at this mess......" Bakura said in a false worried tone. "Yami, you're so careless with gum. Marik, I do believe we're going to have to cut it out of his hair." Yami shrieked and Marik grinned.
"I've heard of other methods."
"Do tell."
"Well, I've heard you can freeze it out. We can stick him in the freezer overnight. Or peanut butter. I've heard that peanut butter can get it out." Yami whimpered.
"Hmmm..... not this much. We'll have to cut it." Bakura said, shaking his head. "Really, Yami. Such irresponsibility."
"Don't talk back." Marik said, burying Yami's teeth into a candy apple, and because to the caramel, Yami couldn't remove his teeth. Bakura snickered and picked up a few Pixie Stix, sprinkling the sugar on Yami's upper lip. Because of the apple, Yami had to breathe through his nose, but now, with every inhalation, he got a nose full of the powder, and it burned tremendously.
"What now, Marik, my love?" Bakura asked, flinging arms around Marik's neck and kissing him briefly, before looking back at Yami with a sadistic grin.
“Mmmm” Marik pulled Bakura's head back for the lip lock again, this time pushing his tongue through and caressing Bakura's through their mouths. When he pulled away, panting slightly, he looked completely off his rocker, “Well I suppose we'll have to cut it off shall we?” he unsheathed the knife from his Millennium Rod, “I'm sure it'll grow back. Hold his hair will you darling?”
“With pleasure,” the white haired yami seized a large section of Yami's hair. The Pharaoh's eyes widened in absolute horror when the blade descended and in a swift movement, removed most of his hair.
“Dear dear,” Marik handed the blade to Bakura, who hacked away happily at the rest of Yami's hair, “I do believe we have something to send to the art galleries.” He picked up the first and largest chunk of hard sticky hair from the floor, “I do believe we make good artists Bakura.”
Yami took one look at his hair and opened his mouth in choked screams, which sounded like gurgles through the apple.
“Oh shut up you brat it will grow back…someday,” Marik smirked at the former Pharaoh, who's head looked unusually small now due to lack of hair, “maybe some gel.”
“I have some!” Bakura cried gleefully, pulling a jar of honey from seemingly out of nowhere, as if he was anticipating the event. Unscrewing the lid he dipped his fingers in, scooped some out and dumped it liberally onto Yami's new hairstyle. He then began to muss the hair about with his honey coated fingers like a happy child, giggling maniacally here and there.
Marik, meanwhile, set the large chunk of hair on top of the counter, gazing at it almost tenderly as if admiring his masterpiece, “I do say I like it,” he commented. He could feel Yami glaring at his back, but it made him all the more happier. “You look just like a stuffed pig, here piggy piggy. Maybe we should roast and eat you!”
Yami's eyes took on a saucer-like shape, as if wondering if the two yamis would actually be that crazy.
Bakura grinned. "We can't have a proper barbeque here..... That's what the park is made for." And he ran to the door to his room. "Malik, sweetie, we'll be back very soon!!!" He returned. "Come Marik. Let's have a party."
Half an hour later, Yami found himself tied to the monkey bars at the park with a fire burning under him while Marik and Bakura sat beside it, roasting marshmallows for s'mores.
"Mmmmm......" Bakura sighed, eating a s'more. "This is the life." And he grinned up at Yami, in his boxers, the apple in his mouth, honey on his non-existent hair, and covered in Barbeque sauce.
"Well, as fun as it's been....." Marik said, standing. "Malik just said that he thinks Ryou is waking. We must be going." Yami gave the pair a pleading look.
"Now, now, we'll be sure to send some people to keep you company." Bakura said, and he flung an arm around Marik's waist and the pair went home, stopping by the Game Shop on the way.
"Hey, squirt." Bakura said, poking his head into the living room. "Your Yami is in a bit of a spot at the park. I think you should go get him."
"No rush though.” Marik said. "Take your, ahem, SWEET time.” And he and Bakura shrieked with laughter and ran home.
Bakura entered the house first when they got back, and looked around. He closed the door after Marik walked in, and entered the living room. He looked at the cinders of the Ouija board, and shuddered.
Marik's violet eyes glinted malevolently at the last pieces of the wooden board dissolving away into the flames before smacking the back of Bakura's head sort of gently, "Come on, we have some...err...'consoling' to do."
Bakura winced and scratched the back of his head, then sighed. "Yeah. Consoling..." He said with a grin. "they're probably still downstairs.” And he turned and led the way to his bedroom. He opened the door and looked in.
"Hey...” Malik said, looking up. Ryou's eyes slowly peeked out over Malik's arm. "Where were you?"
Marik scratched the back of his head, trying to appear innocent, which...failed, "Erm...Bakura and me just tied up some loose ends...you know...just taught the Pharaoh a small little lesson..." he noticed a small glob of barbecue sauce on his left hand and wiped it onto his pants, "how are you two?"
Malik sighed and looked down at Ryou. "I think we're okay...” He said softly, and Bakura and Marik made their way down the stairs and over to the bed. "Still scared, I guess... I never wanna see another Ouija Board again..."
Ryou's eyes where still bright with unshed tears as he released his death hold on Malik and crawled over to Bakura, "C-can you...t-take out that terrible group of cards from your deck? That...board set? Please? Please? I never ever want to see those things again..."
Bakura blinked, then smiled and hugged Ryou. "I'll think about it...” He said, but at Ryou's whimper, he sighed. "Okay, okay... I'll do it...” Malik crawled into Marik's lap, draping his arms around his neck.
Ryou buried his face into the crook of his yami's neck, inhaling the familiar set and calming down a whole lot more than he had in the past hour or so, "Thanks..."
Marik played with Malik's blonde hair so like his own, though lying flat as opposed to his wild locks. He had always joked that the other's hair was limp and his was stylish. "Well..." he said quietly and possibly maybe even somewhat awkwardly, "this was some Halloween...but I didn't get candy..."
Malik blinked and pulled away, giving his yami a look. "Dear Ra in Heaven, the last thing we need right now is YOU on a sugar high!" He spat, and Bakura grinned and chuckled, petting Ryou's hair.
The white haired hikari, despite himself, with the added pleasure of Bakura's hand running through his hair, giggled.
Marik gazed mockingly hurt at his own hikari, "You wound me so much; you think after I saved your pretty little frilly girly butt that I would get some sort of reward. Oh well," he shrugged, "I guess I have to get some candy myself," and he covered Malik's lips with his own
Malik squeaked and giggled when he toppled over, Marik landing on top of him.
"Quit trying to get under my skirts!” He cried, then yelped and laughed when Marik snorted and tossed his skirts up over his head. "AAH!! MARIK!!!” Malik giggled, fighting to push his skirts down so he could see. Bakura quirked an eyebrow at the sight of Malik's frilly panties and skirts, and his fishnet stockings.
"Well... his costume certainly is... interesting...” He said, looking at Ryou.
Ryou flushed a bit and looked down at his costume self-consciously, "Does mine...look interesting to you?"
Bakura smiled and kissed his cheek. "You look adorable.” He said. "And not like a prostitute like Malik over there."
Marik resurfaced with just enough time to sputter, "But he's MY prostitute," before settling himself back in, murmuring words that Ryou decided he'd best not try to listen to.
Ryou broke into a series of shy giggles, still easily flattered by Bakura's words. His cheeks coloured with his next question, heat settling between his legs, "and what do you want to do with this adorable one?"
"I want to cuddle you and love you and treasure you for all time...” Bakura said, before kissing Ryou all over his face. "But I think the answer that you are fishing for is... I wanna fuck you..."
"Here here!!!” Marik's voice called from under Malik's dress. Malik giggled and sat up on his elbows, looking down between his legs where Marik was disappearing under his skirts. He whapped him playfully on the head, but a moment later he threw his head back with a groan.
"Ahhhh... M-Mariiiiiikkk.... oh gods...."
Heat coloured Ryou's pale cheeks even more as he pressed a hand against his lover's chest, sliding down to explore the nether regions, “If you say so…”
Marik licked and sucked, doing whatever in his imagination he could do to please his hikari. Motivated by his lover's cries of pleasure, he continued with increased efforts, his tongue swirling over every inch of skin he could find.
Bakura smiled and kissed Ryou, snickering at the colorful language that Malik was starting to fling around. "My, he has such a dirty mouth...” Bakura mumbled. "Yours tastes so sweet...” And he slipped his tongue between Ryou's lips and let his hand slide down to squeeze Ryou between the legs.
Ryou let out a loud, muffled gasp, his whole body going numb from the shock of having such a sensation pass through his body, "Bakura..." he whispered hoarsely, the name barely registering since his mouth was so wonderfully invaded by his lover. His hips bucked without him telling them to, eager of more.
Bakura smiled, gently squeezing and massaging Ryou, and chuckled when Malik let out a loud "FUCK!!! DON'T BITE!!!” And smacked Marik in the head.
Ryou broke the kiss and whimpered up to the ceiling, "M-more...quicker...please..."
Marik felt the whack, but was far too pleased with Malik's so-called angry reaction to his actions. He ignored the dull ache that was settling into and skull and continued nibbling, feeling the other squirm beneath layers of skirt and petticoat.
"MARIK!” Bakura broke off what he was doing to Ryou to turn and see what Malik was hollering about. The boy sat up and slammed his legs together, crushing Marik's head, making said yami howl. "Ra dammit, I said NO BITING!!!"
Alright, so Marik had to respond to that. He looked up at Malik, looking slightly disoriented, some pre cum slipping out the corner of his mouth, "But you're so yummy, " he protested, "can't I not even take a small nibble?" he forced a finger between the firmly shut legs, probing to find the boy's tight entrance, "you know you like it sweets, you know you do..." his finger found his mark and he pushed gently, toying with his hikari.
Ryou, recovering slightly from his beautiful onslaught, was aroused again from the scene before him. With more aggressiveness than he usually had, he grasped Bakura's hand and laid it upon his body, "Don't ignore me."
Bakura blinked, and chuckled. "Marik, my friend... we seem to have a hikari who is being stubborn and another being quite... forceful...” and he grinned down at his own light, affectionately.
Marik snorted, “Him? Stubborn?” as he prodded away at the orifice he could feel the force of Malik's pressed together legs loosening, “Don't make me laugh.”
Ryou himself gave a small moan at watching the Egyptian pair, “Bakura…” he whined softly and edged closer, his voice growing husky, “me…”
Bakura grinned. "fine.” He said, and flung Ryou down beside Malik, who turned his head and smiled.
"Hello, Ryou darling.” He chirped, kissing the tip of Ryou's nose. "How are you doing this fine even--EEEEEEEEK!!! MARIK!!!” And he sat up, smacking his dark in the head with both hands. Bakura laughed.
"Can you handle him, Ishtar?” He asked, before moving over Ryou and kissing him gently. "I love you, baby... Are you okay?” He asked, running his fingers through Ryou's hair.
Ryou pouted a bit, "I am not..." he whispered, "I need...you...now," and one arm flung itself around Bakura's neck and Ryou pulled his yami close to him, his body arching to meet up with his, trying to make as much contact with the other as possible, holding onto Bakura, Ryou's other slender hand as already fumbling with his clothes.
Marik was also getting more aggressive by his sexual desire, "Ohhhh," he drawled, "looks like my little prostitute isn't behaving today..." he grabbed his light's still flailing hands firmly and pinned them down. He thought over the head would look very arousing but it was more convenient off to the side. He snickered, his one finger still working its intrusion, "Now now...just be a good boy now and...oh, here we go," he commented offhanded as his finger finally slid itself in.
"Marik you son of a--ooohhh gods..." Malik cut himself of, groaning and thrusting his hips up, his legs dropping open until then were splayed obscenely. "Ohhh..."
"Looks like he's finally cooperating...” Bakura chuckled and sat up, staring to unbutton Ryou's shirt, then unbuckled his belt, slowly pulling it away. "Now... what to do with my little Musketeer..."
Ryou lay helplessly panting beyond control. Curse Bakura for being so slow and fooling around stupidly like this, "As long as it...doesn't involve a chainsaw," he rasped urgently, "just...god...do it!" his hand pushed itself beneath his now loosened pants and he caressed the organ that was throbbing most for attention, "Do...it..."
"oooh... you're more eager than I thought, D'Artagnan.” He chuckled, and jerked Ryou's pants down to his knees. "Eh? Ah. Boots..." He jerked the boots off and stripped Ryou of his pants completely. "Better, love?” He asked, slowly descending between Ryou's legs, before sucking his erection down his throat, then slowly pulling back and letting it slip from his lips. "Mmmm....." He purred, coaxing Ryou's legs open.
Ryou entangled his long fingers into Bakura's white hair violently, nearly choking his yami, but not caring; he just wasn't' going fast enough for him, "More...more...more...I love you Bakura..."
Marik smirked at his victory, "You're mine baby, you're all mine," he said throatily as he stretched out an arm to its fullest extent, and extinguished the lights with a small thwack.
Bakura yawned and strethced. "Ohhhhhh yyyyeahhhh...." He sighed, feeling quite... rejuvenated. He smiled and turned to kiss Ryou, only to find himself lip to lip with Marik.
"MMMPH!!” Bakura yelped, when Marik grabbed his hair and held him still.
After a few seconds, Marik released the other yami, "Next time, you might not be so lucky," he snickered as he rolled away and slowly pulled himself up to a sitting position, though still hunched over from morning exhaustion.
Ryous eyes opened and blinked a bit to focus, hearing the minor commotion, "Wha-?" he began slowly. He was going to say more, but then instead said what he dutifully said at the beginning of every month, "Rabbit rabbit." He said this quietly, though apparently not quietly enough.
Malik sat up. "Rabbit? Huh? What?” He asked. Bakura looked down at Ryou.
"What are you talking about?” He asked.
Ryou flushed slightly, "Ummm...I read it in a book when I was a kid...it said I would get good luck if I said it at the beginning of each month."
Marik roared in laughed, "R-rabbit? R-r-ab-b-i-it?!" he babbled stupidly, "that's the silliest thing I have ever heard! I've heard of offerings to gods and the like, but rabbit! HA!" he clutched his gut, grimacing yet laughing at the same time, the stiff stomach muscles complaining from the over usage.
Bakura growled and bashed Marik in the face with a pillow. "STOP THAT!!! I know it sounds dumb, but be nice to my light!!!"
"And let go of me, Marik. I have to take a piss.” Malik grumbled, squirming to get free.
Malik's squirming added with Bakura's assault made Marik loosen his grip enough for his hikari to scramble away and make way for the toilet. "Touchy touchy," he mumbled, "just because you practically tried to do me upon waking up doesn't mean you have the right to bash me up."
Ryou looked at Bakura curiously at Marik's last few words, "You tried to have sex with him Bakura?"
Bakura rolled his eyes. "No, I did not try to fuck him. I rolled over to give you a kiss good morning, you're usually on my right. But as you notice, you're on my left. I roll right by habit, so I kissed that baboon on accident.” He smiled and kissed Ryou gently. "Good morning angel." He cooed.
This time Marik bashed Bakura over the head with a pillow, "If I'm a baboon, I'm afraid of what you would be," he snarled.
Ryou squeaked and ducked away as the pillow bashed again inches from him since he's in such close proximity his yami.
Bakura growled and turned, and with a good shove sent Marik tumbling off of the bed.
"Bastard..." He growled.
"Come on, Ryou darling..." Malik said, coming out of the bathroom and pulling Ryou out of bed. "Let's go make breakfast." And he pulled him up the stairs.
Ryou was about to say something about changing, but looking feeling the impending chaos, he followed Malik downstairs.
Bakura glared at Marik. "Sometimes... I wonder if you hatched from a crocodile egg..." He hissed, chucking a pillow at Marik's head.
"At least I didn't get my first white hair at the ripe age of an infant," Marik retorted hotly, whipping a pillow back; he thanked the gods that he had a hikari whose body was better built than Ryou's. It gave him a better throwing arm.
Bakura glared. "BASTARD! There's NOTHING wrong with my hair!!!" And he pounced.
Downstairs, Malik looked up at the war cry and thud, then rolled his eyes as the yami's shouts and scuffling was heard.
"There they go again..." Malik sighed as he and Ryou set out the little gift for their Yami's on the kitchen table. The yamis crashed down the stairs and the sounds of fighting continued, but the hikaris ignored it. But then suddenly, Marik screamed.
"OH FUCK!!" And this was followed immediately by the shrill screaming of the chainsaw.
Ryou squealed, "Oh no! He's going to destroy that room!" he made to run towards the sound, but stopped when he remembered that his safety was probably more important. "Oh no!" was all he could say helplessly.
Malik rolled his eyes and grabbed Ryou's hand.
"You're the only one he WON'T swing that thing at, don't be a baby..." He grumbled, and ran to the living room where Bakura was chasing Marik around the sofa.
Ryou knew Malik was right, but it still didn't quench the uneasy feeling that a running chainsaw in Bakura's hands did to him. "Bakura!" he wailed, "turn that thing off!"
"SOMEONE FUCKING STOP HIM!" Marik screeched as he dove over the sofa to gain some distance, "YOU FUCKING OLD MAN HAIR PSYCHO!"
Malik tackled Bakura. "KNOCK IT OFF!!!" He howled, jerking the chainsaw away and turning it off. "What the hell is your problem?!"
"Hey!" Bakura howled after Malik took his toy away.
Marik collapsed on the couch, his legs seizing up from overworking them too early in the morning, "Freak," he muttered, wheezing slightly.
Ryou looked shades paler as he stepped closer, deflating with relief that Bakura doesn't have the weapon of mass destruction in his hand anymore, "Bakura!" he flailed his arms, "you could have destroyed the room! You could have killed Marik! What were you thinking?!" he was beginning to babble, but this much shock early morn was a bit too much for him.
Malik glared at Bakura, then smacked him upside the head. "You are FORBIDDEN to touch chainsaws EVER again!" He shrieked.
"OWW!!! Hikari no Marik, do NOT strike me!"
"Fuck you, Bakura!" Malik growled.
Marik managed to grin at everyone amidst of all the anger, "Bakura's being told," he snickered.
Ryou sighed, sagging slightly, "It's ok Malik, you calm down too," he said quietly as he took the chainsaw and left the room with it, depositing the thing in the garage and returning, "Just...Bakura, pretty please, no more chainsaws." Whether it was intentional or not, Ryou's master wide eyed innocent face came to play.
Bakura looked at Ryou with a sneer, but it melted away to a love struck look. "Okay, baby..." He said, kissing Ryou's cheek.
"Come on. Time for breakfast." Malik said, pulling Marik to his feet, and they all trooped into the kitchen. And there, Marik and Bakura froze.
"Happy Halloween!" Ryou and Malik giggled.
"A gift for not letting you Trick or Treat." Malik said. Marik and Bakura's eyes widened and sparkled. Sitting on the kitchen table were two gigantic boxes filled to the brim with candy, and sweets were scattered all over the table, too.
Ryou laughed delightedly again and held Bakura's arm lightly, so that he won't lose his arm should Bakura suddenly make a dash towards the table, "Maybe next year if you two behave we can all go together," he chirped.
Marik's eyes were abnormally large, shining brightly at the large amount of sweets, "Dear Ra...thank you thank you thank you!" he rushed forward, stopped, turned and with a swing of arm, crushed Malik close to him and delivered a wild kiss before turning back and hurled himself at the table, "Candy Land here I come!"
"SCORE!!!" Bakura howled, following Marik to the table. Ryou giggled and looked at Malik.
"Is it smart to give them sugar this early in the morning?" Malik muttered, and Ryou shrugged. "Hey umm... what did you two do with Yami last night?" Malik called to the yamis. Marik and Bakura glanced at each other, with amused grins. "You had better not have done anything mean!"
"Umm... no." They giggled. Then, Malik turned and spotted something on the counter. He frowned and walked over to it.
"Guys? What's this?" He asked. The yamis turned and stared, eyes wide and guilty; it was the gum covered chunk of Yami's hair...
Ryou gasped, "Bakura! Marik! Y-you didn't...!"
Marik shuffled a foot, his cheeks puffed out with chocolate, "Err...yea..." he said, mouth full, "erm...it's just a modern sculpture...really."
Malik slowly turned to glare at the yamis. "This... is Yami's... HAIR!!!" Bakura gulped.
"I didn't say it wasn't his hair..." Marik said slowly, "I just said it was a modern sculpture..."
Ryou didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He knew the yamis did this because they were angry at what Yami did to them and the little tiny devil inside him made him grateful; but all that hair...
Malik growled and flung the thing down on the counter, then turned and walked out of the room. Marik and Bakura blinked at each other, and followed. All was quiet. But then, Ryou jumped, startled, when suddenly Bakura and Marik screamed and thundered past the doorway... and the sound of the chainsaw ripped through the house. A few thumps and crashes, and the front door opened. Ryou's eyes widened. And moments later, neighbors were poking their faces into the windows to watch the chase heading down the street; Marik and Bakura ran, screaming, Malik after them, wielding a chainsaw, and Ryou chasing Malik, screaming at him to stop it before he got arrested. Otogi and Jounouchi, on their way home from staying the night at Yugi's, stopped and blinked as the strange chase passed by.
"I'm not EVEN gonna ask..." Otogi mumbled.
"I'm with ya there, pal..." Jounouchi agreed, and acting as though nothing had happened, they went on their way, discussing Yami's new haircut.
Author: And Happy Halloween to you all!