Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Our Farewell ❯ Our Farewll ( Chapter 1 )

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Our Farewell

A/N Here is another one-shot. I know that I’m in the middle of a story on ff.net but I had to get this done. I hope you all like it and please send in those reviews.

Don’t own the characters.

In my handsA legacy of memoriesI can hear you say my nameI can almost see your smileFeel the warmth of your embraceBut there is nothing but silence nowAround the one I lovedIs this our farewell?

Ryou Bakura was sitting on his bed in his book looking through some old pictures he had of his friends before he moved back to England.
Ryou was a normal teenage boy. He had long snow white hair that framed his face. He had doe brown eyes that sometimes turn a dark chocolate color when he got really upset or really happy. His skin was the color of porcelain white.
He was normal a very happy and sweet boy. He was also very loyal to his friends.
Not today. To day Ryou was very depressed as flipped throw the photo album. Then came across a picture that was of him but not him. It was taken by one of his friends.
The picture was really of his dark. The sprit that lived in the millennium ring, then in his body. They had shared his, Ryou’s, body.
Yes the sprit was mean and cruel. He had used Ryou’s body not caring if Ryou wanted him or not and even hurt his body. This had caused Ryou to be upset and at first hate the sprit. At first.
Then Ryou grew to know his sprit, his darker half. He grew to like him then that grew into love. Ryou had grown to love his darker half. Then when he learned his darker half loved him back, Ryou couldn’t have been happier.

Ryou flipped a few more pages to see his sprit smiling in one before he closed the book and laid it on his nightstand next to his bed. He sighed as he got up and went to his bathroom. He had school the next day and needed to get ready for bed.

Ryou had moved back to England just a few days after Yugi’s duel with Atemu. Where Yugi had won. Without Atemu around, Ryou knew there was no chance on getting his love back.
On top of losing his love for good his father wanted him to move back. Back in with the family. With his mother and sister. Ryou didn’t understand why and really did not care.

As Ryou watched himself in the mirror he could almost see his sprit behind him and could almost feel his embrace around him. He closed his eyes as he remembers the warmth and his voice. How it sounded it as he called his name.
“Kura.” he said softly as he open his eyes and shook his head. His head. The thing that was now empty.
“No more….gone.” Ryou said as he felt the tears start to fall but did not try to stop them.

Sweet darling you worry too much, my childSee the sadness in your eyesYou are not alone in life Although you might think that you are

The sprit or Bakura as he liked to be called was watching his host turned love. He let out a soft sigh. He had been sent to the shadow realm.
When Ryou had given Yugi the ring, Bakura wasn’t able to come back, no matter how he wanted to. At lest he not like he was use to.
All he could do now was ‘haunt’ his love. Follow him every Ryou went.
Bakura could see how said Ryou was. He could see it in the way he walk, held himself, hear it in his voice. He could also see it in his eyes. Ryou’s eyes always gave how he always feels.
Bakura also knew that Ryou felt like he was alone now. ‘You’re not alone.’ Bakura thought as he let out another sigh.

Never thoughtThis day would come so soonWe had no time to say goodbyeHow can the world just carry on?I feel so lost when you are not at my sideBut there is nothing but silence nowAround the one I lovedIs this our farewell?

Ryou let out a soft sigh as he closed his eyes once he got in bed. He could feel a few more tears still falling as he laid there.
He thought of the day his sprit left him. He didn’t think that day would come or at lest not as fast as it had. It came way to fast for Ryou’s liking.
On top of that he had to carry on? Move on? “Can’t” He said as sleep slowly took over. “Can’t move on.”

The next few days went by in a blur. Ryou made sure his school work never slipped. He did not care but knew his father would and would start to wonder about him. Ask questions. Something he did not want to deal with.

Ryou was sitting at his desk doing his homework when he just put his pencil down and laid his head down. He felt so lost without his dark at his side. Without him in his head. Ryou also hated how empty his head sounded now. How he could not hear him any more. Ryou wished he could get him back.

Sweet darling you worry too much, my childSee the sadness in your eyesYou are not alone in life Although you might think that you are

Bakura just let out a soft sigh. Something he had been doing a lot since he could not get back to his love.
He knew how his love felt and how his depression was getting worse. He knew his love needed to say goodbye but Bakura would never allow that to happen. “I won’t leave you Ryou. Never.”

So sorry your world is tumbling downI'll watch you through these nightsRest your head and go to sleepBecause my child, this is not our farewell.This is not our farewell.

Bakura watched as Ryou had gone to sleep on his desk as he then smiled. He would see him in his dream.

Ryou looked around then blinked when he felt a pair of strong arms around his waist. “Hello Ryou.” he then heard as he spun in said arms. He smiled as he saw his love… his dark…his ‘KURA!”

Bakura lean down as he gave his love a kiss then smiled when he felt Ryou start to kiss him back. The two had missed each other.
After awhile Bakura pulled away as he saw how Ryou snuggled into him. Bakura just tighten his hold on Ryou, never wanted to let go.
“I’m sorry Ryou. I’m sorry I can’t be with you and your world seems to be tumbling down around you. I’m sorry you feel so alone all the time.” Bakura said as he watched his love as guilt came off of him in waves.

Ryou just looked at he blinked. “You have nothing to be…wait. Why can’t you be with me? Because I gave Yugi the ring?”

“Yes. Without it I can’t come back. Just haunt you. Follow you around. Be with you in your dreams.” Bakura said as he closed with his eyes. “No matter how much I want to be with you I can’t be.”

“So this is the last time I’ll see you. Is this our goodbye?” Ryou asked as he looked down.

“No.” Bakura said as he lift Ryou’s chin. “I won’t let you go. I won’t say goodbye.” He said as he then grinned his classic evil grin. “I can’t be with you but you can be with me.”

Ryou blinked before he got what his dark was getting out. “Yes. I’ll come to you.”

The very next day Bakura just watched as his love down a full bottle of sleeping pills. Bakura just stood there as he grinned. “Sleep Ryou. I’ll watch over you until you with me. That should be soon.”

Moment later Ryou stood next to his dark as he lean in and gave him a kiss. “Now we never have to stay goodbye.” Ryou as he felt Bakura’s arms around him a lean him to the afterlife in the shadow realm.

A/N Done. I hope you all liked it. I know its kind of short and may seem a bit rushed but I had to get this one out. Please send in those reviews to let me know how you like it. See you all later.