Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Out of action ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Out of Action

Genre; humour/black comedy

Couples; Yugi x Yami

Age group; All

Warnings; contains blood and carnage

Summary; Yami comes down with something very unpleasant and at the same time Anzu's dreaded birthday party is coming up. What can go wrong?

This story is by Yami27.

Disclaimer; Yugioh is owned by Kazuki as he created it but it will be loved elsewhere.

Autumn arrived all too soon. The winds tossed and churned the fallen leaves and the misty sun shone weakly through the clouds.

A small boy griped the straps of his backpack as he strolled into school, the weighted millennium puzzle hanging from his neck.

Joey leaped at him from his hiding spot behind the school gate.

"Late again!" He cheered, grinning, "I thought you'd never get here!"

Yugi looked at him as if he did not know him. "I was kinda busy."

"Busy? On a Monday morning?" He laughed, "come on, before Mrs whatsherface gives us another lecture!"

The two trotted into school and began their lessons. After a tiring morning, Yugi looked forward to lunch. When the clock chimed twelve, Joey and Anzu galloped to the dining area, leaving him alone.

Joey sat at the table, digging into something he called `mashed up chips with mashed up soggy egg balls.'

Anzu sat quietly beside him, munching on carrots and cheese. Yugi joined them. He sadly sat down and opened his bag.

"Wha `ave ya got today Yuug?" Joey said between mouthfuls of food.

"Same boring crap." Yugi took out each item of food one by one and lined them up in front of him. "Grampa always gives me the same stuff to eat." The small duellist protested.

"Shame. You should eat school dinners, like me!" He smiled at the thought.

Anzu suddenly slammed her fists on the table to get attention and cried, "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY NEXT WEEK!"

"Holy cow." Joey sighed, continuing to mash up his food.

Yugi perked up. "Cool, you're gonna be eighteen! Just like the rest of us!"

"Oh no…" Joey whispered.

"Ain't it cool!" Anzu ignored Joey's comment, "and you're all invited! Oh, and tell Yami he's invited too! I haven't seen him in ages!"

"It's because he doesn't want to see ya!" Joey sniggered.

Anzu knocked him off his chair. She blushed. "Can he?"

"Uh… I'll ask." Yugi said.

Yugi began the depressing walk back home again when school had finished. He wanted Anzu and Yami to keep away from each other. Anzu was such a spoilt bitch. All she cared about was herself. He loved Yami and if his partner started to fall in love with Anzu, he didn't know what he'd do.

He knocked on the door to the Games shop and miserably waited to be answered. Yami opened the door and lunged at him like Joey had done in the morning. He squeezed him into a tight hug.

"I've missed you!" He cried.

Yugi smiled, "I've missed you too. It's been such a boring day and I have so much homework to do."

"I'll help!"

"Nah, it's okay. It's about Math." He knew the Pharaoh was useless on that subject.

Yami nodded and followed Yugi inside the shop.

"So what have you been doing today, Atemu?" Yugi asked as he sat in the lounge and discarded his coat and bags.

"Chores! Can you believe that? Grampa told me to do all this work and I had to go out and deliver shit to people." Yami tugged on one of his golden bangs of hair. He looked quite hot and was wearing a pink apron. Yugi had only just noticed it. He began to laugh.

"Why on earth are you wearing that?" Yugi cried, pointing at the girlie apron.

Yami crossed his arms against his chest, leaving his locks alone. "I've been working. I've been making cookies."

"Sweet Ra! Really?"


Yugi rose from his seat and rushed to the kitchen. But then he stopped dead. "Where's Grampa?"

"Out doing errands. You know what he's like." Yami said, following Yugi like he was attached to him by an invisible piece of string.

"So you made the cookies without help?" Yugi inquired. Yami nodded. "How much salt did you put in those cookies?"

"Well, you see, we were low on salt anyway so I bought some more. I used the whole jar."

"Great. Just great. Atemu, put sugar in next time! Not fucking salt!"

"Language Aibou! Only adults are allowed to swear!" Yami said, putting his hands in his pockets.

"For crying out loud! I'm older than you!"

Yami shrugged. "Well, I look older."

Yugi still smiled. Yami had cheered him up. What would he do without him?

"Hey, I'll race you upstairs!" Yugi said.

"But you know I'll win!" The two duellists charged upstairs and into Yugi's bedroom.

Later into the darkening afternoon, Grampa returned with a large box in his hands. He had come home from the help of a taxi and made his way to the door of his shop. Opening the door with his keys, he called the boys down.

He put the box on the floor. It was wrapped in colored paper.

"I thought I'd buy you boys something." He said as he looked to both his grandsons. "You have both been working hard so I decided to reward you."

Yugi fiddled with his fingers. What could it be? Yami edged closer. "What is it?" He asked.

"Open it and find out." And Solomon went to put on the dinner.

Yugi tore away the wrapping paper and opened the lid of the box. He gasped in surprise and lifted the thing out. It was a kitten.

Yami went pale and took a few steps backward, away from the animal. His eyes were fixed on the hazel, furry body.

"Grampa, thank you!" Yugi cried, hugging the tiny creature to him. The kitten made a soft `meow' as it purred and wriggled in Yugi's arms.

"What are you going to call it?" Grampa asked, "I brought a male kitten. I got him from the animal rescue centre."

"Oh thank you thank you! Atemu! Look!" Yugi turned round ready to hand the cat over to him when he saw Yami kneeling down on the floor, praying. "What? What are you doing?!"

Yami stopped his chants and looked up, pointing at the cat. "Bastet!" He cried, "it's Bastet!" He crawled further away, never taking his eyes off the cat.

"Atemu? What has gotten into you?"

Grampa knelt beside Yami and shook his shoulder; "it's just a kitten. It is not Bastet. It's a present for you and Yugi. Now get back up. You're worrying me!"

Grampa helped Yami back to his feet. Yugi put the kitten on the floor and it trotted off, exploring his new home.

Grampa sighed and continued with the dinner. Yami, quite shaken, disappeared upstairs.

Late in the evening, when everyone had gone to bed, Yami went into the bathroom and took his shirt off, revealing his bare thorax. He stood in front of a mirror all most as tall as he was, fixed to the blue wall. Checking that no one was around, Yami started singing and dancing in front of the mirror, smiling and laughing and checking out his sleek muscles and skinny body.

"I'm too sexy for my car…" He sang, acting like a four-year-old. No one was quite sure why he did this almost every night but it was just Yami's way of saying that he was pleased with how thin and majestic he was.

Night fell quickly. Yugi lay awake in bed, counting the seconds that ticked by. Grampa had gone to sleep and Yami had just snuggled in beside Yugi. He was late because it took him ages to take a shower and dress into his starry pyjamas and secretly dance in front of the mirror.

"You take forever." Yugi whispered, smiling as Yami slided in beside him.

"Bastet was at the door. I couldn't get out until it left."

Yugi giggled. "What shall we call him?"

Yami shrugged and closed his eyes. "Sekhemet?"

Yugi lost his smile, changing the subject entirely. "Atemu, it's Anzu's birthday in seven days. She asked if you can make it for her party."

"Oh Ra not another one. I've just got over Joey's. Do I have to?"

"No, not really. I don't want to come but she'll scream or blow herself up if we don't."

Yami opened his eyes. "I know! I've got a great idea!"

"Do tell!"

"We will go to her party but if we wanna leave early, I'll pretend I'm having a heart attack!"

"Dear God."

"And she'll freak! We can then go home! We'll have to warn everybody except her. It'll be great!"

"Well, she knows you are prone to them!" Yugi said, "I guess it'll work but it could get you into trouble, plus you'll be jinxing yourself. That's not what I had in mind."

Yami chuckled. "I want to see the look on her face!"

"You will be in trouble if she calls an ambulance you know!"

"Ah who cares. We would have left by then anyway."

Yugi put an arm round him, "it's worth a try. Tell Joey first. Now, we gotta go to sleep. I've got school tomorrow and you need to go with Grampa into Tyoko."

Yugi walked to school the very next day, humming to himself as he went. The sun was out this time and he felt happier. Grampa was left to look after the kitten, as Yami wouldn't dare touch it.

When he returned home in the evening, the shop was empty. He had to let himself in using his keys. He was a bit worried. Yami and Grampa should have been back by now.

Hanging his coat up to dry, he kicked his shoes off and sat in the lounge. It had been raining all afternoon. He was considerably wet and his hair still dripped with water. The kitten came bounding up to him and wove in and out between his feet, purring. It seemed to be a very friendly cat.

Yugi picked him up and cuddled him while thinking of a name. He'd call him Neko.

At seven, Grampa and Yami returned home. Sugo was grumbling to himself. "Bloody traffic jams. People are going crazy these days. And the price of packaging to America! Do people think we're rich or something?"

"Hi Grampa! Hi Atemu!" Yugi let Neko go and welcomed the two into the shop. Both of them were drenched head to toe in rainwater, which didn't help them feel any better.

"I'm getting too old for this." Yami said.

"Well, theoretically you are the oldest person in the world, well over a millennia. Tell me, what sort of anti-ageing cream do you use?" Yugi asked him.

"Anti-ageing cream? Anti-ageing cream!" Yami smiled, "I don't use anti-ageing cream!"

"Yeah, I know. How do I know?" He looked closely at Yami's face, "because you have a wrinkle!"

"I do not have a wrinkle! I don't!" Yami cried, still smiling, "do I?"

Several days later, it was finally Saturday. Yugi didn't have to go into school. Now he could relax and not have to worry about getting up in the morning. So he happily continued to nap as Yami slept beside him. But only a few minutes later, Yami was fidgeting and very soon got up and left, leaving Yugi on his own.

When it was almost ten, Yugi decided to get up. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he got up and made his bed before changing into his day clothes. He put on his black tank top and black leather pants and also adorned his neck collar. Wondering where the Pharaoh had gone, he left his bedroom to find out.

Grampa was doing the housework as usual but Yami was nowhere to be seen. Getting a bit suspicious, he searched the shop. The he gave up and went to ask Grampa.

Solomon gazed at his watch and sighed. "He's been in the bathroom for hours and I'm still waiting to use it. Go and tell him to get out please." His words were short and abrupt. Yugi went and stood at the bathroom door. He tested the doorknob. It was locked. He knocked on the door.

"Atemu? Are you still in there? What are you doing? There's a queue!" He heard a moan and the turn of a tap.

"I'll be out in a few minutes." Came a muffled voice.

"Are you okay?" Yugi asked him.

"Well, not quite. I think I'm mutating." He sounded rather calm.

"Let me in. Let me see what's up. I'm sure you're fussing over nothing. What part of you is mutating?"

"My… m-my whole body…" Now he sounded scared.

"Just open the door or I'll get Grampa."

"Okay, okay. Just promise you won't do anything irrational?"

"Promise." Yugi tapped his foot in impatience.

"Oh, I don't know. This is so… embarrassing…" Yami continued as Yugi heard the toilet flush.

"Just come out and let me look. You're probably overreacting."

The door opened and hot steam poured out from the heat of the water still in the bath. Yugi stepped in. Yami stood there, gaze to the carpeted floor. He had a white towel wrapped round his middle but all over his thorax and face was a red rash. It looked incredibly sore.

"Atem…u… You're not mutating." He seemed startled. No wonder Yami was afraid of showing himself. It would take guts and courage.

"Just look at me…" Yami sobbed, "my face is ruined and I can't get rid of it. I've tried everything to get rid of it. I've rubbed my skin with the towel, I've washed about sixty times… …and showered…"

"Let me take a look." Yugi placed a cold hand to Yami's hot skin and felt the rash. "You shouldn't have rubbed it. You'll make it worse."

"Well? What's bloody wrong with me?" His legs were trembling.

"Let's take you upstairs. Come on. I'll help."

Yugi shut the door to his room and motioned the confused King to sit on his bed. Yugi asked gently if he would dispose of the towel to see the rest of him. Yami was reluctant but did not refuse. He took the towel off and shamefully sat there, looking down.

Yugi sat on the bed beside him. His whole body was covered in this rash that looked very painful. His groin area was covered in it, even his feet. It was all over him.

"Aibou…" Yami said, "can I put on some clothes now?"

"Not yet. I'm going to get Grampa so he can look at you."

"Is it that bad?"

"NO! At least, I don't think it is."

Yami gripped the bed-sheets he was sitting on. "I'm turning into an alien or something!" He cried, "I'm cursed!"

"Don't be silly." Yugi said gently, "you've just picked something up, like measles. But I need to get Grampa."

Yami looked at his legs and stomach. "Okay," he said, "but it hurts."

Yugi nodded. "Don't get changed. I'll be quick." And he left to get Sugo. He was very worried. What if Yami was allergic to Neko? Or was he was reacting to something else very violently? He dashed down the stairs and found Grampa washing the dishes.

"Grampa," he began, "there's something wrong with Atemu." He was almost bouncing up and down, "he's got a rash of some kind all over him. You gotta see."

Grampa looked quite confused. "A rash? Well, we did pass a field of late autumn flowers yesterday, but really…"

"Come and see him before he puts on his clothes."

Yami had grabbed one of Yugi's pillows and used it as a shield to hide his body from whoever came in to see him. He kept glancing down at his body and shivering from the sight. He needed to bathe again and try and scrub the rash away.

Grampa came in, closely followed by Yugi. "What's up, Yami?" He asked, "Yugi's telling me you've got a rash. Can I have a look?"

Yami nodded, hoping he wouldn't come too close.

Grampa pried the pillow away from the disgruntled Pharaoh and saw the marks on Yami's skin.

"I don't get it…" Yami was mumbling more to himself, "I was okay yesterday."

"It obviously developed over night." Sugo said as he spread Yami's legs out. The rash was on such a large scale that it seemed strange for it to be an allergic reaction. Yami just seemed red and pink all over, completely the opposite from his once pale self.

"Are you going to take him to the doctor?" Yugi asked.

"I don't think so. Yami, does it hurt or itch at all?" Grampa asked him.

"It hurts."

Grampa checked his back and neck. The strange rash even covered his armpits.

"Well, I think I know what it is." Sugo said, pulling away, "Yami, you may have the chickenpox."

"The what?"

"Chickenpox." Yugi repeated for him, "I had it when I was little. Everyone has it at least once unless you get a vaccination. It's not very pleasant."

Yami felt faint. "Chicken…pox? Am I gonna turn into a…" He gulped, "… a chicken?"

"No, no sweetheart!" Grampa said quickly, "it's a type of virus that you catch from another person. You'll get a rash and spots. Nothing terribly serious. You'll just need rest and plenty to drink. Don't look at me like that, Yami!"

The Pharaoh stared at Sugo like he had been drugged. He'd have to punish the bastard who gave it to him.

"Will it go away?" He asked.

"Yes, eventually. Now I suggest you get into your pyjamas and stay in bed. I have some medicine if you need it."

"Ah great. Just what I bloody need!" Yami got back the pillow and slammed his head into it. "What am I going to do?"

"Rest, honey." Sugo kindly said, "your body will need it. I'll help you get back into your pyjamas."

Sugo quietly helped Yami back into his comfy, padded pyjamas and helped him into bed. Then Grampa left to continue work.

"I'll be back soon." Yugi told his partner.

Yami nodded, "come back before I get too bored!"

Yugi stomped into the kitchen and confronted his Grampa. He knew all about chickenpox and Yami could have got a vaccination against it, so why didn't Grampa give him one?

"You could have taken him to the GP!" Yugi almost shouted at the old man, "and gave him protection against it. Why didn't you?"

"Yugi, I'm sorry but it's just one of those things." Grampa put away the washing; "you know how much he hates doctors and needles. He'll get by."

"But look what you've done! He'll get sick."

"Yugi. There is no vaccination for chickenpox. I should have told you this earlier. It is a virus, like the cold. There is no cure or vaccination. So, it's better to get it when you are little. When you are an adult like he is, it is much more painful." He smiled, "but Yami should be fine if the lad rests."

Yami, as expected, did not stay in bed. In fact, he went against all of his Grandfather's words and got changed into his day clothes. He wore all his tight buckles, which rubbed against his inflamed skin. He put on his neck buckle and a belt. He even put gloves on to try and hide his red skin. But he didn't know what to do about his face. It looked as red and blotchy as ever.

He searched Yugi's desk for makeup and decided to try and hide the marks using white powder. It worked. They no longer showed. Now much more confident, he went downstairs.

Trying his best to avoid Grampa, he sneaked past the kitchen and headed to the door to go outside and play. He needed to tell Joey about the prank he was going to set on Anzu. It would be perfect!

"Do you hear something?" Grampa said from the kitchen as Yugi paced up and down. Yami pressed his back against the wall beside the front door and froze. If Solomon saw him, he'd be a goner.

"I didn't." Yugi's voice sounded sad, "perhaps it was just Neko."

"Who?" He heard Grampa ask.

"Neko, the kitten I named."

Yami let out a sigh of relief. He opened the front door and quietly slipped outside. He closed it behind him and cringed as the door clicked when he shut it. Then, making his escape, he ran all the way to the park.

Joey was found on his own, tossing his loose change into the pond. He jumped when Yami came stumbling out of the bushes.

"Oh, hi Yami!" He said, flicking another coin into the pond, "you coming here for some private time?"

"No." Yami folded his arms. "I hoped to find you here. I have something to tell you."

"Okay." Joey took a few steps forward and noticed the whiteness of Yami's face. "You look really pale today. Have you seen yourself in a mirror?"


"You haven't been taking those iron tablets have you?"

"It's makeup!" Yami screamed before he could stop himself.

"If you say so."

"Joe, before I forget, I'm going to Anzu's birthday party."

"Yeah, I know. Yuug told me."

"Yes, but I'm going to do a prank on her!" Yami lightened up at the mere thought of putting on a joke.

"On her birthday? Man you're growing up!"

"Listen! I hate that bitch anyway but listen."

"I am listening!" Joey shouted. Yami unfolded his arms and whispered. He explained to Joey the prank he was going to pull. After he had told him, he drew away, hoping Joey would see the funny side of it. Joey twitched. "That is NOT funny." The blonde almost growled, "you're gonna get killed! If she finds out the truth or if she gets mad… Dude! You're sick!"

Yami frowned, "but I thought it was a good idea. I mean, I have them every month…"

"For pity's sake! Don't do it on her birthday!" Joey gripped his shoulders, "do something else like pretend you're sick and run or limp home but don't do an ER. She'll freak."

"Oh all right. If you say so." But he still wanted to go along with it. A horrible itch started to arouse from his cheek and he frantically began to rub at his white cheek with his nails.

Joey let Yami go and kicked a few stones into the pond. He then looked over at the pond and saw his reflection in the water. Yami joined him. Then the Pharaoh noticed that red was showing through his makeup from where he had scratched at it. He swore.

"Hey, Yami, what's up?" Joey asked as he heard the King curse.

"Urm, I gotta go home now. I've just remembered something. See you later." Yami made a swift exit and headed quickly back to the Game shop.

Joey wondered why he had left so soon. Shrugging he continued to gaze down into the pond.

Yami was racing back home. He crossed the road and followed up the path leading to the shop. A black cat darted out from the bushes; surprised and scared by Yami approach, it scattered in front of him. The Pharaoh didn't see the cat until he had tripped over it. He fell painfully on to his side and screamed like hell. His sore skin was burning.

"BLOODY ANIMALS!" He screamed, "why Bastet why?" Shouting and crying in Egyptian he rose back to his feet and dusted off his clothes. He was fuming from embarrassment and anger. He heard a scream.

"Mommy, mommy, that's man's just fallen over and half of his face is all red." Cried a girl as she bounded up and down by her mother.

"Now, now dear, that isn't very nice to say about someone is it?" Came her plain reply.

Yami rolled his eyes. Holy crap. The whole world might as well see him like this. But he wish he had never had thought that. He spotted Seto Kaiba walking towards him from across the road.

"Haut." Yami swore in Egyptian. Not now, not now. That CEO can go and shrag someone else for a change.

"Yami, honey, it's me Kaiba. Come over here." The lanky adult called over to him.

Yami cowardly didn't face him in fear of Kaiba seeing the rash growing on his face as the ridiculous makeup wore off. "I gotta go now. See ya later." And he dashed off again.

"He's always in a hurry." Kaiba quietly moaned to himself. "I guess he's still trying to catch to up the twenty 1st century. Silly thing."

Yami eventually got home, panting like crazy. He slammed the door behind him and stood there on shaky legs, trying to regain his breath. But the racket he had made when he came in did not go unnoticed.

Grampa came storming towards him from upstairs and he carried a belt in his wrinkled hands.

"And where have you been?" He boomed.

Yami gulped. "I-I went out… for a little f-fresh air…"

"You DID NOT listen to me at all. I told you to stay in bed. I even helped you into your pyjamas and is this the thanks I get? You're in big trouble Yami, and God knows how many people you've contaminated with your chickenpox. I'm very angry with you. How dare you go out like that. You're sick, now go upstairs and wait on your bed until I come and see you."

Yami gulped again, looking down in shame. He retreated upstairs.

Grampa gave a sigh and put the belt in his oversized pocket.

Yami got angry as he sat down on his bed. "He's punishing me like a child." He spoke to himself; "I can go out if I want. It's not as if I'm grounded." Before he could continue to debate with himself about staying in that room, Yugi came in to join him.

"Oh, Atemu. Can't you just stay in bed for a few hours? You need rest." Yugi said. Yami unexpectedly burst out laughing. Yugi sat on the desk chair. "What's so funny?"

"I'm fine!" Yami chuckled, "you all want someone to fuss over, so you picked me! Well, I'm tired of this game, so let's fuss over you this time!"

"That's not it at all. You've caught this virus from someone else, yeah?"

"I guess so."

"So you are sick. We need to keep you in. Besides, you could spread it to anybody."

"Even you?" Yami asked, crossing his legs and smiling like this was all some big joke.

"Err, yeah but I'm more immune to it because I've already had it. Grampa's had it lots of times. Some people will never have chickenpox. It's just one of those things."

Yami nodded and took his gloves off and studied his hands. "Will it fade?"

"Yes, soon. Maybe you won't be going to Anzu's birthday party after all!" Yugi giggled but his laughter was short lived when he heard his angry Grandfather coming up the stairs.

Sugo came in and put down stuff that Yami sneered at. A towel, a medical kit and a bowl of water.

"What you are doing in here, Yugi?" Solomon asked, "go downstairs and continue with the dishes."

Yugi nodded and quickly got out of the way.

Sugo sighed like he had done after he had shouted at Yami and knelt in front of his grandson. "I'm gonna have to tie you to the bed or something." He said, "to stop you from going out." Yami scowled at the floor, making no comment. His hands shook from anger more than anything. How could he stop him going out? Who would do that to a man? "Yami, look at me." He demanded softly. He got no response. "I'm sorry for shouting at you," he said, "but I worry about you. You make yourself worse, you always do."

"But I haven't been near any chickens so how could I have caught it?"

Grampa laughed. "I can assure you the virus has nothing to do with chickens. I have no idea why they call it chickenpox but oh well. When I had it when I was a boy I bathed myself in bicarbonate soda and I was never allowed to pick the spots."

"Why?" Yami asked, his anger ad disappointment leaving him.

"Because if I did I would leave scars and marks that would be permanent. So you mustn't scratch at the rash if its gets itchy."


Grampa soaked a cloth in the tepid water in the bowl and washed away all of Yami's makeup on his face. Then he gently dried it and helped Yami take his clothes off. He rubbed cold cream into Yami's irritated skin before changing him into his pyjamas once more. He tucked Yami under his blankets and told him to go to rest. Yami tossed and turned in bed but he eventually fell asleep much to Grampa's relief.

The next morning (Author note; Yes, Yami has slept that long), Yami woke up and screamed. Yugi came rushing into his room, still adorning his pyjamas. Since the Pharaoh had been diagnosed with chickenpox, Yugi slept downstairs on the sofa to give Yami space and to avoid as much contact as he possibly could from his counter-part.

"Atemu, what's wrong?" Yugi had asked when he came and made himself comfortable on his bed.

"I have… spots!" Yami cried, "look at me! Where have they come from? They're all over my beautiful body!"

"Your rash is just forming into spots. You'll be okay."

"I don't think so. My face will be ruined forever!" Yami moaned.

They heard the doorbell ring. Yugi slided off the bed and went downstairs to answer it. It was Joey.

"Yo!" He said, "can I come in?"

"No, because Yami's not feeling well and we do need the shop to be quiet…"

"Naze-ka? What's wrong with him?"

"He has chickenpox."

"Really? Can I see him?" He grinned as he tried to make his way in.

"Joey! You might catch it! Do you want the virus too?"

"It would give me something to do wouldn't it!"

"What's all this fuss about?" Grampa came up behind Yugi, a dustpan and brush in his hands, "go and argue outside. Yami is trying to get some rest!"

"But Joey wants to see him!" Yugi said, still trying to hold the blonde back who took no notice of Yugi's Grandfather.

"For how long?" He asked.

"For a few minutes?" Joey shoved his midget friend out the way.

"If you must. But I think we may get an epidemic of chickenpox. Oh well." And he scurried off, continuing to clean the shop.

Joey rushed up the stairs after suspecting that Yami would be in his room and opened the door, Yugi not too far behind.

He saw Yami sitting up in bed with his arms crossed. He looked VERY angry.

Joey burst out into mocking laughter. He pointed an accusing finger at the Pharaoh. "Ha! Look at him! He has spots all over his face!"

"That's enough, Joey!" Yugi came up to Yami and shoved a thermometer into his mouth before he could cuss at Joey.

"The guys gotta see this!" Joey held his sides, "you just look so funny, Yami! Let's use you as a dartboard! No! Let's take a picture of you!"

Yami rolled his eyes disbelievingly. He gripped his bed-sheets and grunted.

"Joey, stop it!" Yugi cried, "snap out of it!"

Joey giggled but he did have a remorse look in his eyes. "All right," he said, "just be careful when you take him outside! You don't want him to explode everywhere!"

"Enough!" Yami bellowed and the thermometer came flying out his mouth, hitting Yugi on the head. Yugi yelped in pain. "Aibou! Gomen nasi!" Yami made a move to get out of bed.

Yugi quickly stopped him. "I'm okay." He said, "it didn't hurt that much anyway."

"Now Yami's attacking Yugi! What is the world coming to?"

"Joey!" Yugi put the thermometer back in Yami's mouth and managed to shove Joey out the room, "now go out and get lost!"

Joey smirked and winked in the Pharaoh's direction before saying his farewells. After the blonde had left, Yugi returned to Yami's side and took his surprisingly hot hand into his.

"Sorry about that." He said, "some friend huh?"

Yami nodded, his cross expression fading to replace a much calmer state. He lifted his eyebrows, feeling uncomfortable when he felt Yugi's eyes observing him.

"So much for the prank you were gonna do at Mrs. Princess's birthday. You'll be too ill to go. What a bonus!" Yugi said, "but I still gotta go." He took the thermometer out from under his tongue and read the results.

"I'll still go." Yami sighed, "I'm sure I'll be better by then."

"But it's two days now! Grampa might not let you!"

Yami lay back down in bed. "Ra, it's cold in here. Is the heating on?"

Seeing that his remark got ignored he passed it aside. "I'll ask Grampa."

Yugi went downstairs and found Sugo behind the counter, still cleaning. Since it was the weekend he was especially busy. Hardly any customers came in which gave him time to do the housework.

"Grampa," Yugi stood opposite the counter, looking frustrated and worried, "Yami's got a fever. I put the thermometer in his mouth and his temperature is very high. And he says he's cold. Can you help?"

"I'll help as much as I can Yugi but as you can see I am very busy." He dusted the counter before putting away a box of Yugioh card packets on the shelve.

"I'll do the chores." Yugi volunteered, "just see him."

"Arigatoo, Yugi." Sugo put down his stuff and got out the medical kit.

Yami was lying on his side, his blankets strewn all over the floor. He scratched at his itchy spots and tossed and turned. Even after a long sleep he felt very tired.

Grampa knelt down by his bed and washed Yami's irritated skin on his face. "I've already told you, you mustn't scratch the spots, honey. You'll make it worse."

"How? It's itchy." Yami tried to soothe an itch on his back.

"Because if you continue, they will scar and you'll have the scar forever."

"Darn it."

Grampa sat him up and stripped him carefully of his pyjamas. "I'll give you a bath to reduce the itching. Then I'll give you some medicine."

Yami twitched. Medicine was not what he had in mind.

Yami resisted but Grampa managed to urge him into the bathroom. Solomon ran the bath with warm water and added in bicarbonate soda to help ease Yami's persistent itching. He undressed Yami and helped him into the bathtub. He gently washed him and rinsed him off in tepid water. When he came out, Sugo gently dried him before applying calamine lotion to the rash to ease the itching further. Then he gave him pants to wear and a loose vest. Yami felt so much better. His fever had cooled and his skin was soothed from all irritation. However, his skin was so white from the treatment he looked like a ghost.

After that was over, Yami was offered food but he told them he was not hungry. Sugo forced him to drink and take his medicine. Then Yami was snuggled in soft blankets and was allowed to nap on the sofa in the lounge.

Later in the morning, there was a ring at the door. Yugi answered it as Solomon was too busy and his counter-part was still sleeping.

To his dread, it was Anzu.

"Hi ya Yugi! Just popped round to give you my invitation!" She squealed, taking out a wad of invitation letters tied up in string from her small bag.

"Jeez, thanks but Atem -"

"So, Wednesday at five after school?"

"Err, yeah!" She handed him two letters. One for him and the other for Yami.

"Well, gotta go! Jou's next!"

Good luck to him then. Yugi thought. "Okay, see you later, Anzu." He closed the door sharply. At least that was over. If only the party was going to be next week. She had to pick a day when Yami was going to be ill.

The young, small duellist went into the lounge and knelt beside the sofa, gently shaking Yami awake.

The Pharaoh grunted before opening his eyes.


"Anzu's just been round handing out her evil invitations. This one is yours." And he handed it to him.

Yami opened the pink envelope coated in cheap perfume and read the letter. He smirked. "This is going to be great!"

"You're still going ahead with your little prank? You'll be too sick anyway, so stay home. You only wanted to do the prank so you could leave early anyway. Now you don't need to."

"But then you'll be stuck with her, all on your own." Atemu exclaimed, shredding the invitation to bits in his white hands.

"I know but I'm sure it won't be that bad. She fancies you."

"I guessed. Ra she makes me wanna throw up."

Yugi giggled, "that's not very nice to say!"

"Too bad." Yami threw the remaining pieces of the pink letter into the bin beside the television set. He laid his head on the pillow, relaxing again. "Man, I feel no itches what so ever!" He smiled.

"Good. It must be such a relief for you."

Yami nodded and closed his eyes. With the white pastel stuff coating his infected skin, Yugi could not catch the virus. "I'll see you later, Atemu." And he left to let him sleep.

Word spread fast about Anzu's princess party and that everyone would rather kill themselves than get invited. Yami, restless and stubborn as he was, wondered the house, trying to find something to do. When he heard the doorbell ring he galloped to the door, hoping it was a playmate. He opened it, and there, Weevil stood.

Weevil was talking to Rex, in his usual, selfish mood as the two ranted on Yami's doorstep. When they looked up, they screamed.

"OHMYGOD!" Weevil cried, tugging on Rex's shirt and dragging him away as the two tried to run away as quickly as they could, "he's got the new virus!" Yami heard Weevil cry, "we might catch it!"

Yugi was back to school on Monday. He had to leave Yami at home. He hoped he would feel better.

Much to his surprise and dread, Kaiba seemed to appear from nowhere behind Yugi.

"God, why did I have to pick this side of the pavement to walk on?" He heard Kaiba moan, "it has to have a little wimp on it."

Yugi dared not speak to him. He had heard tales that Seto had grown colder, tolerated no one and had killed Mokuba. Even his yami had been harmed but the icy CEO.

In a tiny voice, Yugi asked him; "why are you walking? Where is your car?"

"Do I have to bloody answer to you?" He stopped and yanked on Yugi's collar, halting him also. He dragged him into an alleyway.

Yugi panicked. Kaiba was going to do something bad he just knew it.

Seto unexpectingly dropped him and stood there, arms crossed like he wanted something. "I dropped by to see your Pharaoh. Since he wouldn't answer to me, you will."

"Kaiba, I'm gonna be late -"

"Where is Yami? Why won't he speak to me?"

"Ra, Kaiba! What has gotten into you?"

"Look, I'll pay ya." Kaiba got his wallet out from his pocket and took out a few notes.

"Atemu's sick, really, really sick. He'll see you when he's better."

Seto Kaiba smirked. "Coronary thrombosis again? God he does it on purpose! Just so that he can avoid me!" He turned tail and stalked off, disappearing again into the streets of domino without a car or his suitcase. Now that was weird.

"My day hasn't even started yet!" Yugi knew he was late again. He turned heel and ran all the way to school.

"Holy Isis Grampa!" Yami had pressed a button on the washing machine and the whole thing convulsed, spraying out foam and hot water.

"Yami!" Grampa threw his grandson aside and tried to turn the machine off. Yami was nothing but trouble. With this illness, Yami was bored and restless. The need to itch was growing stronger again and now that he was back to doing light chores, everything he tried to do right went wrong.

Grampa stopped the machine at last.

"You did it!" Yami slipped on the foamy water on the floor from the washing machine and fell into Grampa. The two collided into the bin, which toppled to the floor and spilled its contents.


Soon, it was Anzu's birthday straight after school. Yugi went home first to get changed. Yami was sound asleep in bed. Being careful not to disturb him, Yugi changed and left for Anzu's house.

The birthday party was actually rather grand and expensive. Anzu knew how to celebrate and she had invited as many people as she could get hold of. There was Weevil and Rex, Espa Roba and Maku, even Mai and Otogi. Yugi even saw people he had never even seen before. They were much older than anyone he knew was and they looked like the sort of people you would find living on the street. He didn't like it.

At last he spotted Joey lurking near the cake, set out on a grand table in Anzu's garden. Balloons of all sizes and colors were strung to the table legs and anywhere they could be tied to. Party poppers were abundant and luxurious food was lavished with decorations set on the table. This was one party. He wondered how a girl his age could afford all this. And to think of it, he hadn't seen Anzu yet since he had come from home.

Joey smuggled a few weenies from the table and stuffed them into his mouth before anyone could see. Yugi joined him, laughing.

"You're always hungry aren't you!" He giggled.

"Well you never know how long Anzu's gonna take until she actually decides when we can eat the food… and others will snatch the best food before you do." He quickly snatched a handful of salted crisps from a bowl.

"I haven't even seen her yet," Yugi admitted, trying to look for her with his odd glances from all the other people as loud pop music flooded the air in which they breathed, "have you?"

"Nah, not lately. Probably getting ready. She's expecting Yami you know."

"But he's very ill. You've seen him!"

"I know! He looks like a friggen' dart board!"

Yugi huffed. "Ra, I'm bored already. Isn't she doing any games?"

"Well, we aren't pre-school children." Joey ate a small cup cake; "you'll see her. She's probably having sex or tearing open her presents as we speak."

The minutes turned into hours. Yugi thought at the rate Joey was going, there would be no food left at the table. Just when he thought Anzu was never going to turn up, he saw her walk out into her yard from her house, cheering and dancing with everybody else.

"If she doesn't notice us, we'll leave." Joey said, "I'd rather spend my time counting how many spots Yami has on his face."

Yugi listened to the boring music being played when suddenly it all stopped and everyone stopped their dancing and stood still, whispering to each other and even laughing. They were pointing at the gate as it opened. Yugi almost fainted from embarrassment and surprise when he saw his counter-part standing there like someone had shoved a rather large stick up his butt.

"Oh dear God, what is Yami doing here?" Joey scratched his head and turned to see a screaming Anzu.

Yugi, getting back to his senses, ran past the crowd of bunching people and rushed over to Yami. He had changed into his clad leather and looked rather ill. His spots were now forming into very painful blisters and he walked like a cripple.

"Yami? Yami?" Yugi cried as Anzu screamed, "what are you doing here?"

Yami bent down to his level. "I escaped from the bedroom window while Grampa went to the corner shop for groceries. I wanted to come. I felt left out."

"But you're a mess!"

"And? I feel okay."

Anzu pointed at Yami, as he stood halfway from the sidewalk and into her garden. "Yami?" She shrieked, "what have you done to your face?"

"It's puberty!" Cried someone who Yugi could not see behind the crowd of some rather stunned people.

"I had my puberty when I was fourteen!" Yami yelled.

"God that was young!" Someone else sniggered.

If Yugi told everyone that he had chickenpox, they'd freak out more than they were already.

"Urm, it's an allergic reaction he's going through," Yugi tried to innocently explain, "he's had it for quite a few days now!"

"What from?" A girl asked.

Yugi shrugged and said the first thing that came to mind, "chickens?"

Now everyone was in a roar of laughter. Yami stood there, wide eyed, mouth open.

"Let's get out of here," Joey came over to them carrying cookies and sausage rolls, "while we still can!"

"I can never come out of my home again!" Yami sobbed, looking very pale.

"Oh never mind! They'll get over it!" Joey said with a grin. Behind him they were still snorting with laughter. Anzu joined in the laughter though she still looked perplexed and shocked.

"Can I have a cookie?" Yami asked the blonde.

"Ah, sure, I have plenty. This one's real salty. Here, you have it, I don't want it." And he gave it to Yami. The Pharaoh gobbled it down.

Yugi could take no more of the cruel laughter. None of them should be here. And he needed to get Yami back home before Grampa did.

"Yeah, let's get out of here." Yugi decided. They were about to make a move when Yami fell to the floor, clutching his chest.

"Yami! Not now!" Joey whispered, "don't do it!"

Yami whimpered, "I'm not… faking! I t-think I'm having a real h-heart attack!"

Yugi flushed red from embarrassment and hoped no one would notice Yami's stupid act. Either way, they just kept on laughing.

"Ow! Do something!" Yami gripped his chest and shook, "t-this is real!"

Joey rolled his eyes. "Look, I know you're embarrassed but really…"

When Yami realized Joey wasn't going to do anything, he turned to his Aibou. "YUGI!" He coughed.

Yugi tried to pull Yami back to his feet. "Baka!" He shouted at him, "do you wanna leave?"

Yami started crying and wailing like a child. "Wanna… go home… want my mummy…"

"Holy shit." Joey picked him up and walked out of Anzu's yard, closing the fence gate, shunning Anzu and her nutty friends from sight.

As they walked back to Kame shop a black cat darted out into the road. At the same time, a black car sped towards it and hit the creature in its tracks. There was an almighty splat as blood and guts went flying. Yami must have seen the whole thing as he began crying even louder. Joey was sure he'd go deaf. And to top it all off, Yugi saw his Grampa driving his old car up the same road they were taking. His eyes were wide and his mouth open, looking at Yugi and whom Joey was carrying. Yugi was dead now. But the old man didn't see where he was going and his car slammed into a brick wall.

Yugi had never been so embarrassed in the whole of his life.


From which have been edited out of the original, as the actual story was thought too long. Read if you must.


Yami had been begging Yugi until three o'clock in the morning for some pocket money. Yugi tried his best to ignore him as he tossed and turned in his bed, pillow over his head. Yami started squealing like a child. When Yugi could take no more he agreed and gave Yami seven hundred-yen.

In the morning, Yami went shopping and he only had one thing in his mind. Duel monster cards.

Joey was passing by some time later and saw Yami coming out of the corner shop, looking rather pissed.

"Hey, dude!" Said his mate, "what's up?"

"Nothing that concerns you."

"Did it involve a girl?" He asked hopefully.

Yami twitched, "well, yeah…"

"Then spit it out!"

Yami twitched again. "Firstly I've spent all of Yugi's money on booster packs. He's gonna KILL me!"

"Oh, so you haven't told him?"

"Well, no. He's still sleeping. I kept him up like all night."


"And, and this girl kept looking at me….!" His face went red.

"What's so wrong with that?"

"She… I don't know!"

"Gee you're paranoid!"


"EAT SOMETHING!" Yugi threw Yami's new booster packs all over the floor like he had intended to throw them away, "I don't care if you spend all my money! Just get out of my room and have your breakfast!" After their little argument Yami had locked himself in Yugi's room.

"Promise you won't shout anymore?" The Pharaoh asked.

"Promise." Yugi sighed. Yami unlocked the door and came out. "Now go and have something to eat, I don't like the sight of your bones!"

"Fine!" Yami stomped downstairs and went into the kitchen. He opened a cupboard door to get at the cereal. He choose what he wanted and closed the door. Then when he went to stand up one of his bangs had got stuck in the door. It pulled at his scalp.

"For Ra's sake!" He pulled and pulled then tried opening the door to free his treasured lock. It had got wedged in a loose rusty nail in the door. "Help!" He cried, "my hair!"

Yugi came to the rescue. Yami's bang was so stuck in Yugi had no other option but to cut it. Yami never forgot that day.


Yami was out in the park, throwing a ball to Joey. It was a fine day and the weather was very warm and mild. Joey tossed the ball back. Yami caught it.

"Gee, Jou," the Pharaoh began light heartedly, "you throw like a girl."

"NANI? Do not!"

"Prove to me what ya got then." Yami threw the ball back.

Joey concentrated his power and strength on the ball and got ready to throw, running forwards for a better pitch. He could throw a lot better than Kaiba, even Yami. What a cocky bastard he thought. So, with all his might he threw the ball.

His aim was a little bent. It shot straight towards Yami and hit him in the crotch. Yami was screaming like a girl as he fell to the floor like Joey had fragged him.

"OW!" Yami yelled.

Joey winced. Now the whole park could hear him. He ran up to Yami looking very ashamed and guilty.

"I'm so sorry!" The blonde exclaimed, "it was an accident!" He noticed that Yami's face was very red.

"Kisama!" Yami roared, "just because I have a better dick than you doesn't mean you have to get all pussy about it and try and kill me!"

"I said I was sorry!"

"It bloody hurts! You're going down for assaulting the King!"

"Now, now, it was an accident. Now get up and let's take you home!"

"I… I think you've broken it!"


Yami came downstairs and they recoiled at the sight of him.

Anzu grinned cunningly, "Hey, Yami, you have spots and blisters on your face!"

"Yeah, I know, want one?" And he began to pick at a spot. Pus dribbled down his cheek.

"Ewww you horrible little thing!" Anzu shrieked.

"Now leave!" Yami croaked, pointing at the entrance door to the shop.

Joey sniggered, "I think he's just upset because he hasn't grown a beard yet!"

"Moustache!" Yami cried, "I want a moustache not a beard!"

"How about a hairy chest? Use me as an example!" And Joey opens up his shirt. Buttons go everywhere.

"Too bushy." Yami said, rubbing his chin.

"You boys are sick! I'm gonna be a lesbian!" And Anzu runs out the shop, screaming.

"What got into her?" Yami asked.

Joey shrugged, "must just be the hairs between your eyebrows."



A special thx for Yugi123 on completion of this story.

This story was created on the 9th of March and was finished on the 23rd of March and into April.

Final note; salty cookies (and Yami) rules!