Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Overwhelming ❯ Rain ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Yu Gi Oh is not mine. Do *you* see the bishis jumping each other? …No. I didn't *think* so. But when I'm rich and powerful and control the universe, it's at the top of my list of things to Kaiba-ize and make mine for corruption purposes. Bwahaha. Kidding. Sorta. I also do not own Everclear, just a lot of their cds, a t-shirt, and Art Alexakis' guitar pick from the show they played in Kona last 4th of July.

Warnings: This. Is. Yaoi. That means cute little bishis molesting each other, ravishing each other, making each other's lives miserable, and then molesting each other some more. Got a problem? You're missin' out, but who am I to judge. Just don't read this and bitch to me about it later, because that's really freakin' lame. Also, this fic sorta… kinda… hardcore bastardizes Kaiba. Don't get me wrong!! I LOVE Kaiba!! He's most of the reason I started watching Yu Gi Oh (finally, after four months of reading Koneko Shido's glorious fan fics. Go read them! Shoo shoo!!), but *sighs* sacrifices must be made for the greater lemon. And I promise, as soon as this is done, if not before, I'll write another fic extolling the gloriousness that is Seto Kaiba. I really do adore him. Really. Oh, and this fic will inevitably involve yaoi lemons and then some, abusive bishis, bastardization of gloriousness that may get my lynched, and a nice healthy dose of S&M. Enjoy, everyone!!

Notes: I've wanted to do a fic to Everclear's "Overwhelming" for a long time. It's perfect for a nice dose of angst. Also, I promised Koneko Shido I would try out the Otogi/Jou thing, because we thought it sounded like an interesting change of pace. As for Kaiba, well, you'll just have to wait and see what happens to him. And I bet you won't be expecting it! *grin* Oh, and this isn't a song fic. It's just inspired by the song, so I'll put all the lyrics first.

Pairings: Jou/Kaiba Jou/Otogi Kaiba/Bakura

(Jou=Jounouchi Katsuya=Joey Wheeler; Otogi=Ryuuji Otogi=Duke Devlin; Bakura=Yami no Bakura; Ryou=Bakura Ryou; Honda=Tristan; Anzu=Tea Gardner=Atrocity; Kaiba=Kaiba Seto=Great and Powerful Hotness)


It can come from out of nowhere,
hit you when you're safe and warm.
Take it easy, my star your time is gonna come,
your time is gonna come.
Yeah, you got those crazy blue eyes.
You got those crazy blues.
All those pretty smiles,
I can see them laughing at you.
Your time is gonna come, your time is gonna come.
I don't wanna be your punching bag,
your complacent little princess all tragic and sad.
I'm not gonna let you overwhelm me anymore.
Yeah, you say you got this bad thing, you say you've got it bad.
You have broken every heart of every friend you've ever had.
Yeah, the time is gonna come when all your friends just go away.
I wonder why you stick around, sometimes I wish you would leave.
You say you love me forever, then you spit on me.
Your time is gonna come,
I swear your time is gonna come.
I don't want to be your whipping boy.
Yes, your happy little loser, someone you can ignore.
I'm not gonna let you overwhelm me anymore.
I'm not gonna let you hurt me anymore.
I'm not gonna let you hit me anymore.
No, I will not let you kick me anymore.
I will not let you overwhelm me anymore.
It can come from out of nowhere.
I don't want to be your simple saving grace,
just another little victim with a happy face.
Someday, someday soon, somebody's gonna come,
I hope they do this to you.
I'm not gonna let you overwhelm me.
I will not let you hurt me anymore.
No, I will not let you hit me anymore.
I will not let you twist me anymore.
No, I will not let you turn me inside out.


Jounouchi sat at his desk and stared out the window at the driving rain. It had been raining like this for a week, not that he minded. He actually kind of liked the rain. It was soothing.

Today, however, the rain was threatening to turn into sleet. The temperature had been dropping all morning, and everyone was hoping for snow so school would be closed the next day.

A tap on the shoulder brought Jou back to reality. He turned around slightly in his seat to see who had done it and was handed a note from the girl behind him. He looked at her suspiciously, but she only shrugged and went back to her text book.

Jou looked at the note for a second, and then opened it. It had one line and a signature:

Did you get into another fight?


Jou sighed. Leave it to Ryou to bring up the new bruise on his cheek. Good thing the other ones were covered by his clothes. He hated lying to his friends, but he figured that they would be less worried about him if they thought he was just going out and getting into fights like he usually did. He turned around to where Ryou was looking at him expectantly a few desks back and nodded. Ryou rolled his eyes and went back to his class work.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully, until just after the final bell had rung.

Jou saw the caller id on his cell-phone screen, but pushed the "answer" button, anyway.


"Hey, Puppy. Wow, don't get all excited to hear from me, or anything. And here, to think I was calling to see if you wanted a ride home from school."

"Thanks, but I think I'll walk."

"Puppy, it's been raining all day. You live two miles from school."

"I like the rain."

"So do I. I especially like you in the rain. But that's of no matter. It isn't raining anymore. It's sleeting. You'll catch your death."

Jou rolled his eyes and refrained from commenting about how he doubted Seto cared if he caught his death, but instead replied, "I have an umbrella."

Seto chuckled. "See, now I know you're lying. You left your umbrella here last night." Jou cursed silently. "Oh come on, Puppy. Stop playing hard to get. I can have my limo driver pick you up in five minutes."

Jou was just stepping out of the building as Seto said this, and had to force himself to suppress a growl. Seto had been right. It was sleeting; hard. He sighed. "Fine, Seto. I'll be out in front." He could almost hear Seto's smirk.


Jou was glad that none of his friends were around when the limo pulled up. They all knew there was something going on between him and Seto, but it still made him self-conscious getting into Seto's limo in front of all of them.

He was actually surprised to see Seto himself sitting in the back seat when he got in.

"Don't you have some work or something you should be doing?"

Seto raised an eyebrow. "Well, that's gratitude for you. And I even took time out of my busy schedule to pick my puppy up from school."

"I'm not your puppy. Come to think of it, I'm not even a puppy. How many times I gotta tell you to stop callin' me that?"

Seto ignored him. "You're all wet."


"You should get out of your wet clothes. You don't want to get sick, do you?" Seto smirked. Jou knew this game.

"I have dry clothes at my place. Just drop me off-Hey! We're not going in the right direction! Seto, goddamn it, take me home. I don't have time to go to your place again; I got stuff I hafta do."

"Such as? I hardly think you could have anything pressingly important to do, Puppy. Other than me, that is."

Jou turned to the window, exasperated. "You really are a sick bastard, you know that?"


"And Ryou asked me about this bruise on my cheek. Same as he asked about the one on my arm three days ago, and the ones on my neck before that. Do I have to go on? You're just lucky they only see me fully clothed."

Seto gave Jou an appraising look. "They had better only see you fully clothed, puppy. And as for that bruise, you get into enough fights. Just tell them that's what happened."

Jou turned his glare back on Kaiba. "That's exactly what I tell them; but one of these days, one of them is gonna get a different idea, and then what? Then what am I gonna tell them? `Oh yeah, you know how I've been fucking Seto Kaiba? Well yeah, he gets a bit rough sometimes. Nothing to worry about. Just screws me into the mattress and beats the shit outta me once in awhile. No; nothing at all to worry about.' Oh, and get it through your thick skull; I'm not yours. If any of my friends sees me anything less than clothed, that's my business. You got that?" He was expecting the slap before it came, but it still stung, especially since it had been right over the bruise that was already there.

Seto's eyes were flashing. "You better learn some manners, puppy. And don't you pretend you don't like it. You beg me for it every time." And with that he grabbed Jou's collar and pulling him onto his lap and kissing him hard.

Jou was very glad the back seat of the limo was soundproof. He tried to pull away at first, squirming backwards in an attempt to get off of Seto's lap, but the tight confines of the car made this difficult, as did Seto's hands on his ass and Seto's teeth and tongue attacking his mouth and neck. He gave in slightly and allowed himself a small moan which was answered by Seto's throaty chuckle against his neck.

"There, you see? This isn't so bad. Now, be a good boy," one of Seto's hands began to snake its way up Jou's shirt, toying with his nipples, "and come over to my house. We'll have fun, I promise."

Between gasps, Jou managed to nod. "You really are a sick fuck, you know that, Seto?"

Seto bit Jou's neck, making him squirm. "Yeah, I really am, huh? Don't pretend you don't like it, puppy. Hey look; we're home."

Jou barely had time to straighten his clothes and be none-too-gently shoved off Seto's lap before the limo door was opened. Seto ushered him upstairs, once there shutting the door and slamming Jou back against it, kissing him hard. Jou winced at the hard contact of the door against his already bruised back, but gave in to the kiss, letting Kaiba's hands play roughly through his hair, using it to pull his head back so as to have better access to Jou's neck. Something was telling Jou that he would be wearing a turtleneck tomorrow.

Still nipping at Jou's neck and lips, Seto managed to peel the damp shirt off, followed by his own, before using Jou's belt loop to pull him onto the bed. There, he pinned Jou's wrists above his head with one hand, toying with the button on his pants with the other, his knee rubbing over the damp fabric covering Jou's crotch. Jou moaned.

"Just do it already, Seto. I wasn't lying. I have homework-ahhh!" he broke off as Seto finally managed to open his pants, stroking Jou's warmth slowly. Seto smirked.

"You sure do complain a lot for someone who has to do so little in bed," Seto said, stroking Jou a couple more times. Then he removed his hand and set about getting Jou's pants off; a task that took both hands, meaning he had to release Jou's wrists. Jou took this opportunity to, as soon as Kaiba was again unoccupied, yank him forward, kissing him hard and rejoicing at Seto's stifled gasp.

When he pulled back, Seto was smiling darkly. "Oh, so that's how you want to play. Alright." He straitened up enough to undo and kick off his own pants, before diving once more upon Jou's neck, licking a trail up to Jou's ear, where he nibbled on the earlobe with deceptive gentleness. Jou sighed and arched his neck into Seto's caresses, his hips and groin grinding into Seto's making them both breathe faster.

Finally, Seto pulled back and sat up, pulling Jou into his lap and continuing to kiss and bite his neck and shoulders as he let one finger enter Jou, quickly followed by two more, thrusting harshly against a spot inside Jou that made his whole body arch as he bit down a scream. He only stifled it because he knew it would make Seto way too pleased with himself.

Seto removed the fingers, making Jou growl, and then re-aligned himself with the boy in his lap, letting Jou suck on the fingers of his other hand and then smoothing them over his own length, moistening it slightly before entering Jou roughly, eliciting a small whimper from him as he did.

"Haven't-you-ever-dear-of-lubricant," Jou gasped out as Seto ground their hips together.

"And where'd be the fun in that?" Seto breathed into his ear, nibbling it slightly before capturing Jou's lips in a searing kiss.

"Says you"- Jou muttered, and then he moaned as Seto began stroking his length again, while continuing to do things to his mouth, shoulders, and neck that he was sure would leave marks.

As they both neared climax, Jou felt Seto's nails in his back, leaving new welts over the old ones that never seemed to go away. Right then, however, he was far from caring. The burning heat of Seto inside him, along with one of Seto's hands pumping his length, and the other gripping his hip in a bruising hold was all he was aware of as he arched his back, not able to stop the scream that left his throat while he spilled into Seto's hand. He felt Seto's own warmth within himself a moment later, and then they both just lay there, gasping for a moment before Seto sat up.

"Okay, puppy. You said you had some pressing business to attend to."

Jou was in a near-doze among the rumpled sheets. He opened an eye and looked up at Seto. "And I thought you didn't care about that."

"Ten minutes ago, I didn't, but I have a meeting in forty-five minutes that I can't afford to miss, and you have whatever it was that you said you had to do. I'd hate to keep you from it."

Jou sat up, mentally kicking himself for falling for Seto's sick little game again. "Can I at least take a shower?"

Seto got off the bed, sorting through the clothes tossed in heaps around the room. "Fine. You know where it is", he said, without turning around.

Jou flipped him off behind his back before collecting his own clothes and heading for the door. He just hoped he owned enough turtle necks to keep the public at large unaware of the (he was sure) multiple bruises and bite-marks left by Seto all over his neck and shoulders.


A/N: Well well. I didn't think it would end up being a lemon right off the bat, but whaddya know. Heh. Hoped you all enjoyed! I'll try to get the second chapter in soon. Four more days of school! Yessss.