Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Overwhelming ❯ Snow ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Bishi sex, bishi damage, lemony goodness, naughty, naughty things. Cover your virgin eyes, kiddies. =^.~= Oh, and for those of you who need it all spelled out, here's the translation: Hot boys who are not mine doing really fun [oops] *cough* nasty things to each other, driving each other crazy [in more ways than one], making each other miserable; oh, and having mattressy [and then some] fun! If we have not yet established the fact that Yu Gi Oh! is not mine, than we need to have a little talk about how hallucinogens and anything perceived when using them is *not* *real*. ::sighs::

Notes: Wow, I'm getting really into this fic. I've never written angst or drama or like, pretty much anything of "substance", really, and anyone who knows me knows that I have an irrepressible gagging reflex that kicks in automatically when the word "romance" is mentioned. Oh, and long fics really annoy me sometimes. So in other words, this fic is everything I loathe balled into one! …Yet I've been enjoying it… Weird… eh, it's all my Hikari's faults. Well, two of them, anyway. The third one has yet to be converted. Bwahahaahah!!! Headcase? Me? *damn* strait.


Jounouchi had gone to bed that night still thinking about Otogi, and how strange he had been acting. Then again, maybe it *wasn't* so strange. After all, hadn't it been Jou who had been against getting to know the other boy after the duel incident? He sighed at stared at his ceiling. Maybe it wasn't always a good thing to be as stubborn as he was. That was how this whole mess with Seto had started.

Kaiba had offered to give him a ride home from one of Yugi's parties, and one thing had led to another… Jou still had trouble figuring out at which point the arguing had stopped and the vicious kissing had begun. As far as he could tell, there wasn't much differentiation.

Jou had kind of figured that it would be a one-time thing. After all, it was just so *strange*; but then Seto has started calling him, and the trend had continued. In fact, it had *been* continuing for over four months now. Of course, Yugi and everyone had eventually gotten the idea that there was something between the two besides the usual taunts and retorts, but they never pushed the subject. Ryou seemed to be the only one among them who showed any real curiosity about it, but Jou had long since written that off as his compulsory caring nature.

But now Otogi? That was just *odd*. He had seemed genuinely interested in what was happening between Jou and Seto. Wait, Jou thought. He couldn't be *jealous*, could he? Then he laughed. Jealous? Otogi could *have* Seto. Jou would be glad if he would just take him away, and all his head case issues, too.

Jou rolled his eyes. He was just glad the bruise on his cheek had faded. Seto must be busy this week; Jou hadn't heard from him since that last rainy day, and he wasn't complaining, either. He was getting really tired of telling his friends that he was going out and getting into fights when in truth it was only Seto. "Only" being the operative word here.

Another thing he was getting tired of was putting up with Seto himself. Jou had always thought himself to have a strong inner strength and pride, but somehow around Seto, that feeling didn't kick in. He *did* feel like someone's puppy, or their lapdog. It made him feel so helpless sometimes that he wanted to scream. And that was probably *just* what Seto liked about him. Everyone knew Seto Kaiba was a total control freak, but Jou suspected that few knew as well as he did.


During the night, temperatures dropped still further, and when Jou woke up in the morning it was to a world covered in white. His room, warmed only by a pathetic little space-heater which was currently on its last legs, was freezing.

He hauled himself out of bed, flipping on the radio and tuning to the Domino City weather channel just in time to hear "… and you heard it, everyone! All Domino City schools are closed for the day"-

Jou switched off the radio and fell back onto his bed. A snow day! He wondered what Yugi-tachi would be doing today. Maybe he should give them a call and see if they were hanging out at the game shop later… his thoughts trailed off as he heard a crash issue forth from the kitchen below.

Oh, shit, he thought. His father hadn't been home when Otogi had dropped him off last night, which wasn't unusual. It was also not unusual for his father to stumble in sometime around now, staggering drunk, and in a towering rage.

Another crash, this time followed by a string of profanities. And Ryou always looked so shocked when Jou cursed. Hah!

After about ten minutes, the cursing and crashing seemed to have subsided slightly, and Jou made his way tentatively downstairs to the kitchen. As he had suspected, there was a litter of bottles and cans strewn across the floor, as well as muddy footprints and his father's jacket, which had a new rip in it, along with some new stains. Jou sighed.

He had just opened the refrigerator when his cell phone, which had been left on the kitchen table when he had come in, began to ring. This triggered another eruption of shouting from his father, who seemed to have collapsed on the couch in the living room.

"Jounouchi! What the fuck is that noise? `F you don' turn that fuckin' thing off right now I'll"-

Jou hurriedly pressed the "answer" button and held the phone to his ear, trying to ignore the shouted threats issuing from the living room. "Hello?"

"Hey, puppy. Been awhile."

"Oh. Hi, Seto." Jou ducked as a bottle, thrown from the living room, narrowly missed him. "Shit!"

"You always sound so upset to hear from me, Jou." Jou knew better than to take the low tone of Seto's voice as being hurt.

"As much as I'd like to reinforce that belief, Seto, I'm a little distracted at the moment. My dad just got in and he's using me for target practice."

A throaty laugh and then a sigh. "Sounds like you need a distraction. How `bout coming over to my place for the day? Mokuba's out till tomorrow at a friend's house. What do you say?"

Another bottle, more cursing. Jou sighed. "Shit. Fine. Alright, I'll come over. Just have a car come and get me. It would probably take three hours to get there in this snow if I walked."

Seto sounded smug when he said, "Alright, puppy, but you owe me." A click on the other end and the "call ended" sign flashed on the screen of Jou's cell. He sighed again; deeper this time, and went to find a jacket and brush his hair.


Jou was waiting on the steps of his apartment building when the limousine pulled up. He was glad that Seto seemed not to have wanted to come along to get him, and got into the heated interior gratefully.

The newly-ploughed roads were almost entirely empty, and they arrived at the Kaiba mansion in about five minutes This gave Jou more than enough time to realize what he had agreed to in going along with this, and then try and come up with a means of escape, which did not seem to be readily forthcoming. He swore under his breath for the remaining three minutes of the ride and only got out of the car after the chauffer had cleared his throat twice, standing beside the open door.

Seto answered the door wearing what Jou supposed was his version of casual, which still looked extremely expensive-as usual, and accented with a smirk. He slammed the door shut behind Jou and immediately pulled him into a bruising kiss, pressing him back against the door, albeit gentler than last time, but Jou still had to suppress a wince.

He let Seto explore his mouth for a moment longer before breaking away and murmuring, "Seto, can this wait? Please? I just woke up to my stupid drunken father throwing shit at me; I'm not exactly in the mood to have my clothes torn off at the moment."

Seto paused for a moment, his eyes flashing. "Then what did you expect me to do with you when you came over here, puppy? I didn't have you over for tea, and you know it. And now I'd really like to collect on that debt you owe me for sending my own personal limo"-

"Seto, dammit, stop." Jou pushed a smirking Seto off his chest where they were still leaning against the door. He headed for the living room, running a hand through his mussed hair.

Seto's eyes went colder. "What was that, puppy? You think you can tell me what to do, now?" Seto easily caught up with Jou and spun him around in a bruising grip. Jou gasped. "Because if you do," Seto hissed in his ear, "I think I'll be needing to instruct you otherwise. Get one thing straight, puppy; I make the rules here, not you." He gave Jou's arm a wrench, and Jou snarled, lunging at Seto the moment his grip had loosened.

Seto was faster, though. He backhanded Jou, sending him to the floor, blood welling up in a thin trail across his cheek from where Seto's nails had cut him. Jou could only glare up at the taller boy, who was now regarding him coldly, standing above him.

"Much better, puppy. Glad you've finally learned your place. Now are you going to get up and follow me to the bedroom, or am I going to have to get you a leash and collar?"

Jou felt his anger well up, but he shoved it away and got up slowly, running a hand along his cheek and looking at the red smear it left on his finger with contempt. Seto just smiled in mock sweetness and led him upstairs.


About twenty minutes later Jou found himself in the familiar position, flat on his back beneath Seto, trying to tell himself that he wanted this; which, in a way, was true. A part of him did, but at the same time, it still wasn't right. Jounouchi Katsuya was no one's toy and he knew it better than anyone… so why was he letting Kaiba do this again and again?

He bit his lip and arched his back, pressing up against Seto. Seto in turn had one hand in Jou's hair and the other around a bit of his nether-regions that seemed to be avidly disagreeing with the part of Jou's brain that was trying to scream about the wrongness of it all.

Seto put his arms around Jou, kissing him hard and biting his lips before running his tongue down Jou's neck. Jou could feel Seto's nails dig into his back again as they both spiraled upwards, breathing harder with every contact.

Jou could never understand how Seto kept so quiet during sex. It was another one of those little things that he listed as his pet peeves about Seto. Every time, he would make a promise to himself: not to scream, or moan, or cry out. And every time he would break that promise and kick himself for it later. He couldn't help hating Seto just that much more every time he saw that satisfied smirk on the other boy's face while Jou helplessly screamed and clawed at the bed sheets.

He arched upwards, moaning as he felt Seto release inside him, spilling into Seto's hand at the same time and hating himself more than the other boy, just for his own weakness.


As usual, Seto had him leave shortly afterwards, claiming that he needed the limo, and he was sure that Jou could find his own way home. Yet still, Jou was unsure as to why he had chosen this route home. Oh wait, no he wasn't. He knew exactly why he was walking this way, which led directly past Otogi's gaming store. He even knew why he *wanted* to walk by the damned place.

Otogi had actually *cared*. At least, that's what Jou wanted to let himself believe. After all, he had seemed pretty damned sincere, and Jou was pretty sure that, though he didn't know the other boy as well as Yugi-tachi, Otogi Ryuuji was not the type to screw around. He generally seemed to be pretty forthcoming and confident to Jou. Jou also knew that this was something that attracted him to the other boy.

So when he found himself on Otogi's game store's front step, he wasn't incredibly surprised.

The store was open, despite the heavy snows, and Jou pushed his way through the large double doors, glancing around to see if Otogi's office was open. It wasn't, so he proceeded through the second set of doors into the store itself.

Much to his relief, the place seemed to be deserted. There also seemed to be no sign of the store's owner, so Jou took a moment to get his bearings. The place was huge; much bigger than Yugi's grandpa's shop, but also more commercial and gaudy. Displays of Dungeon Dice Monsters were everywhere, as were those for Duel Monsters, and a wide array of other fad-games.

Jou was inspecting a pack of Duel Monster cards when a familiar voice sounded from the doorway behind him. "See anything you like?"

Jou turned around and looked at Otogi, who was dressed in his usual black and tight-fitting articles of near-clothing and whose body was slung into that catlike hip-shot pose, one hand on his hip. He was also smiling, which Jou found very comforting, in a strange way.

Smiling back sheepishly, Jou replied, "Not sure yet. Haven't had enough time to look."

Otogi nodded, coming over and straightening a display next to Jou. "Hm. Well, let me know if you want anything." He finished straightening and looked at Jou. "So what's up?"

Jou sighed, rolling his eyes and giving a short laugh. "Eh, well, you're probably gonna regret giving me the invitation, but remember last night when you said I could talk to you if I needed to… um…"

"Talk about Kaiba?" The smile was gone from Otogi's face, and his tilted eyes were narrowed slightly.

Jou nodded apologetically, looking at his feet and rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah. I'm sorry"-

"Oh, don't be," Otogi turned, motioning as he did so for Jou to follow, which he did. "I swear, that boy is such a damned head case. He treats people like his own personal pawns." Otogi opened the door to his office just a little too forcibly, causing some Dungeon Dice Monster action figures to fall off their little stands. He motioned for Jou to sit in the rolly dice chair and took a seat for himself on the desk. "I swear, one of these days, everyone he has the audacity to refer to as his friends are just gonna wake up and realize what a dick he is and *leave*. On that day, Jounouchi, I'm gonna be on the sidelines, laughing my ass off." He shuffled idly through some papers on his desk while Jou came up with words to formulate a reply.

"You sound like you're speaking from uh… experience?" Jou tested the last word, looking up at Otogi for the other boy's reaction.

"Experience? *Oh*, yeah, there was that. `Bout a year ago, me and Kaiba had something going along the lines of what you two do now, if I may take the liberty of using this as an example? I know my knowledge is limited."

Jou was dumbstruck. Otogi had slept with Seto? Well; this was news. "So what happened?" Jou hoped he didn't sound *too* apologetic about the fact that anyone else had had to deal with Seto in the way he had.

"Oh well, I don't think it was as bad with me. At least, not if I may inquire as to how you got that lovely looking bit of color across your cheek there?"

Jou swore. "Oh shit, is it that bad?"

Otogi reached behind him, opening a drawer and extracting a mirror which he handed to Jou.

A nice bluish purple bruise had made its appearance beneath the welt, which was still encrusted in bits of dried blood. Jou reached a hand up to touch it and winced. This one was definitely worse than before.

Otogi gave him an apologetic look, accepting the mirror back and getting up to get a tissue. "At least tell me you gave him a good one back," Otogi gave Jou a half-grin over his shoulder while wetting the tissue at a sink in the corner. The grin quickly faded as Jou looked away, unable to meet Otogi's eyes.

Seeing this, Jou got off the chair with such ferocity that it nearly fell over. "Gods *damn* it!" he cursed, kicking at the floor. "I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me! I mean, around *any* one else, I'm totally confident. Its just, every time I'm around him I lose all my nerve, and there's nothing I can do…" he trailed off lamely and collapsed back onto the chair, still not meeting Otogi's eyes.

Otogi sighed deeply and came back over to where Jou was sitting, fidgeting like mad and muttering curses under his breath. Otogi reached out and gently tilted Jou's face upwards so he was able to dab at the cut with the wet washcloth, starting a little at Jou's wince when the wet tissue touched the sensitive skin.

Otogi kept talking, just to give Jou the distraction. "Yeah, I guess I was lucky. He just got tired of me one day and told me to fuck myself. Not like I needed the invitation." He smiled as he saw Jou's face relax slightly at the crack. "Anyway, I was glad. He was so controlling. We weren't even dating or anything, but he acted like I was his property or something, when all we really did was fuck. That really pissed me off. That, and how he always used to kick me out right after sex. That was just downright low." He pulled his hand away from Jou's cheek, regarding the cut critically. "You want some antiseptic or something for that?"

Jou reached up a hand to touch the cut and flinched. "Nah, that's alright. I've had worse. I'll just have to tell everyone I got into another fight."

Otogi looked at him with something close to accusation in his stare. "Why do you let him do this? You're a good person, Jou. You really are; and you deserve better."

Jou laughed bitterly. "Hah. Yeah, I know. Believe me. And I've *tried*. He just doesn't want to let me go yet, and you know Seto. If he doesn't want to do something, he won't. At this point, there's really nothing I can do about it. I guess I'll just have to wait and eventually he'll get tired of me, like he did with you."

Otogi rolled his eyes, both hands on his hips. "I must have really misjudged you, Jounouchi. I always respected you because I thought you could stand up for yourself and what you believe in more than anyone else I knew. But I guess I understand. Seto Kaiba is, luckily, one of a kind. I know how hard to deal with that boy is. I just hope you don't get yourself into something that's over your head."

Jou stood up and followed Otogi to the office door. "Thanks, Otogi. I guess," He paused, looking for the right words, "I guess its just nice to have someone who has a vague idea of what I'm talking about." He smiled at the other boy. "Oh, and thanks for this," he indicated his cheek."

Otogi shrugged, grinning. "No problem on both accounts. And I'm serious; if you see anything in the shop you like, just let me know. I'll give you the `Kaiba is a bastard' discount."

Jou laughed with him, following Otogi into the foyer where they both stood in front of the big double doors. "If I see anything I like, huh."

Otogi nodded, opening the door for him. "Anything at all, just let me know."

A moment's hesitation before Jou moved towards him, wrapping one arm around Otogi's waist, and lifting his chin up with the other hand. Otogi's eyes were already closed when Jou kissed him; very gently, running a hand up through Otogi's black hair and toying with some stray strands at the base of his neck. He ran his tongue along Otogi's bottom lip, eliciting a shiver, and then pulled back. "Alright, then." He smiled, turning to the door. "Anything I like. I'll remember that."

And then he was gone.