Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Overwhelming ❯ Wind ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Hate to break it to everyone, but that story about the loaded mutant relative was a lie. And I still don't own Yu Gi Oh! so stop trying to sue me, you greedy bastards. *However*, for a limited time only, you can make a [hopefully large] donation to the Hoshi-chan fund. In return, I promise not to light you on fire, spork you, tie your shoelaces to a rabid wombat, close your head in a refrigerator, or give you brown modeling clay and tell you its chocolate. Just contact me via email. I take cash, debit transfers, and checks. Thank you! (yes, that was a *joke*, kiddies. Put those weapons away.)

Notes/ Warnings: Alright, kiddies. Listen up. This chapter unleashes hell, so don't read it if you've got anything against bishi sex, or *extreme* violence, okay? Because I mean it: This is your final warning. And yes, in case you hadn't noticed, this fic bastardizes Kaiba. In fact, if I wasn't *writing* it, I wouldn't *touch* it. I once read a GW fic that bastardized Heero and it actually made me feel like shit for three straight weeks. I don't know what effect this will have, but seriously, it isn't for the weak of heart, or the narrow-minded when it comes to Kaiba. Don't get me wrong, he's one of my favorite Yu Gi Oh characters. I really like him(I can be in a different room and still be able to tell you when he's on the screen during any one of the theme songs), and I think him and Jou are adorable together in pretty much any fic I've read aside from this one. This fic is written for everyone who is *sick* of all the fluffy mush, and want a change of scene. I'm not gonna apologize for anything, because you have now been duly warned.


The wind swirled up and down the street, blowing Jounouchi's hair into his eyes. He pushed it out for what seemed to be the millionth time, and squinted into the gathering gloom at the numbers on the mailboxes lined up along the street. 1174, 1176, 1178… 1180. There it was.

He glanced once more up and down the street, not quite knowing what he was nervous about, but still feeling uncomfortably jumpy, nevertheless. Finally, he gave one more last-ditch effort at controlling his hair, and strode up the short walk. He knocked three times, paused, knocked twice, and then since he still wasn't sure, gave the door a thorough pounding until it opened rather abruptly, his knuckles nearly grazing Otogi's face.

"Yeep!" Otogi dodged to the side.

"Oh, shit! I'm sorry!" Jou blushed, grinning sheepishly. "Hi."

Otogi smiled back and moved out of the way, beckoning Jou to follow him inside. "Yo. Wanna come in? Damn, but its cold out here." He pulled his sweater closer to himself and shut the door behind Jou. "So what brings you here on a Saturday night, anyway? Come to think of it, how did you even know where *here* was, anyway?" he plunked himself down on the couch. Jou followed suit, crossing his legs in front of himself.

"Oh, Ryou told me." He grinned at Otogi's look of surprise. "What? It was revenge for your asking him my locker number the other day." He snickered for a moment and then grew silent. "And as for what I'm doing here, well, I'm sorry, but my dad is in kind of a bad mood right now, and I couldn't really think of anywhere else to go. I would have asked Ryou, but he would just have gotten worried about me, and I don't want that."

"So you expect me not to worry?" Otogi raised an eyebrow skeptically.

Jou sighed, looking down at his hands. "Nah, I guess I can't really tell you what to do. I just don't wanna burden you with my shit, you know? My dad can be kind of a dick when he wants to be."

Otogi nodded. "Yeah, I can relate to that. That's pretty much one of the main reasons I got my own place as soon as the game store took off. Just to get away. But hey, we don't need to get into all that. You want a drink or something?"

"Water would be fine." Jou leaned back against the velvety fabric of the sofa, enjoying the comforting warmth. The bruises left by Kaiba the day before were still at an unhappy stage, causing him to wince if he moved certain ways. He closed his eyes, and began to doze but was jolted awake rather suddenly by Otogi, holding out a glass to him. "Thanks."

"No problem." Otogi sat down again, his own glass in hand. "You tired? You look pretty wiped. There's an extra room upstairs if you wanna get some rest."

Jou took a sip of water before answering. "Nah, that's alright. I can wait." He took another sip and sat, gazing vacantly around the room.

"Alright, what's on your mind?" It wasn't even so much of a question as a demand. Jou looked up, startled.


"You look like something's bugging you. What are you thinking about?" Otogi raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

Jou looked up into Otogi's eyes. "What a dipshit he is."

Otogi's mouth quirked in a half smile for a second before both boys leaned forward, lips meeting. As the kiss deepened, Jou pulled Otogi toward him, getting the other boy straddled across his lap, with his hands on Otogi's waist. From there he let his hands roam up Otogi's shirt, caressing the pale skin and nipping at his lips. Their hips ground together as Otogi pushed Jou back so his back was pressed into the soft fabric of the couch, letting him run his tongue along Jou's earlobe.

Jou let his head fall back, giving Otogi more to work with, which was quickly taken advantage of. He felt Otogi's mouth on his lips, neck, and collarbone, before slender fingers began the delicate procedure of removing his shirt, one button at a time. He ran his hands up the back of Otogi's shirt, tracing trails along his spine and enjoying the shivers this inspired.

Otogi gently kissed a trail down Jou's collarbone until he reached the last three remaining buttons. These he slowly undid with his teeth.

"You've done that before." Jou smirked, his nails grazing the skin just below the waist of Otogi's pants.

"And so what if I have?" Otogi muttered teasingly into Jou's navel, making him jump.

"Hey, you don't see *me* complaining."

Otogi had pushed Jou, so he was now lying on his back on the couch, with Otogi still straddling his hips. He gave Jou another deep kiss before sliding down and undoing the button on Jou's pants, taking his time with the zipper. He nipped at the delicate skin of Jou's neck, sucking hard and enjoying the feeling of nails raising gooseflesh on his back.

He sat gave a couple of suggestive tugs at Jou's pants, which Jou caught onto and proceeded to wriggle out of them, discarding them on the floor. He then took a moment to enjoy the fact that Jou was not wearing underwear.

Ducking his head down, he took Jou into his mouth, licking a trail up and down before sucking hard at the tip, exciting whimpers and gasps as Jou's hands tangled in his hair. He hummed, and the hands grew more frantic. Jou arched his back, thrusting his hips upward. The only thing he was aware of was Otogi's warm mouth around him, licking, sucking, nipping, and driving him crazy.

He gasped a cry as Otogi began to move faster, rocking his hips, trying to increase the sensation. Otogi sucked hard at the tip and Jou spilled into his mouth, collapsing onto the couch and gasping. "You are really, really good at that," he managed, closing his eyes. He felt Otogi's weight shift off the couch, and a moment later felt a blanket spread over him.

Otogi sat down on the floor in front of the couch and brushed a few stray strands of hair off Jou's forehead. "Yeah, well, I guess you could say I've had some practice with it."

Jou opened an eye and looked at him, rolling so he was facing Otogi. "Oh yeah? Hm, well, like I said; you don't see me complaining." He paused a moment. "You sure you don't want anything in return?" he grinned suggestively.

Otogi smiled at him. "Oh believe me, I'll be back to collect. But right now, you should get some sleep. You look exhausted." He kissed Jou gently on the lips and stood up. "My bedroom is down the hall, first door on the left if you need anything. Are you alright sleeping here? You can sleep with me if you like."

Jou's eyes were already closed, but he shook his head. "Mmmnah… I'm okay here. Next time, though, `kay?"

"Sure." Otogi went towards the hall, flipping the light switch off as he did, and heading off to brush his teeth.


The next morning, Jou woke up late. He looked around till he found a clock on top of a cabinet that said the time was 11:27 am. Then he retrieved his pants, from where they had fallen to the floor, and after pulling them on, went in search of Otogi.

It was only after he had gone around the house once that he noticed the note on the end table next to the couch.


Had to leave for work, but didn't want to wake you. Eat whatever you can find in the fridge, I'll be back around 5pm, so if I don't catch you, I'll see you tomorrow at school.


The scribbled time on the note said it had been left around 8 that morning.

Jou was just pondering what he should do when his cell phone, still in his left jeans pocket, began to ring. He swore. He swore again when he saw the caller ID. He really wanted to just get rid of this thing. Or change the number. But he knew that neither of those would keep Seto from finding him. He pushed the "talk" button and held the phone to his ear.

"Hi, Seto."

"Hey puppy. Where are you?"

Jou's heart did an acrobatic maneuver in his chest. "What do you mean, `where am I'?" he said, trying to sound as derisive as possible.

"I mean that I went to that horrible apartment you live in, and you weren't there. Your father even slammed the door in my face. I am not in a good mood, Jounouchi."

Jou shut his eyes and leaned into the comforting softness of the couch. "I spent the night at a friend's house, alright? My dad was drunk and looking for an excuse to pick a fight with me, so I left."

"Why didn't you call me, puppy? You know I'm always glad to have you over." Seto did a good job of making the hurt tone in his voice also come off as mocking. Jou restrained his gagging reflex.

"Because, Seto, if I had called you, I would have needed a new place to go after forty minutes or so. And that would have just been inconvenient."

Seto snorted. "Huh. Well, aren't you the smart one this morning. And you're wrong, anyway. I probably would have let you stay at least an hour. Now shut up and stop whining. Where are you? I can have my driver pick you up in fifteen minutes if you're close."

Jou suppressed the stemming panic that was churning in the pit of his stomach. "Uh, just have him pick me up at my place in half an hour. I gotta change clothes, anyway."

"That's a waste," Seto purred. "Why do you need clean clothes? You're only going to be taking them off, anyway."

Jou rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever, Seto. I just want clean clothes, alright? If you wanna see me that bad, have him pick me up at my place. Otherwise, you can just forget it."

There was silence for a moment, and then Seto spoke, a new, dangerous edge clearly evident in his tone. "Half an hour and no longer. And you better watch out, puppy. You know I always get what I want, so don't you dare pull any of that high and mighty shit with me, got it? I'm holding the proverbial cards here."

"See you in half an hour, Seto."

"You got that right, puppy."

The line disconnected, and Jou shoved the phone back into his pocket, growling at it as he did so. "The fucking *nerve* of him! Treating me like I'm his property. Bloody bastard." He picked up his jacket and buttoned his shirt, heading for the door.


The car was waiting for him when Jou exited the building. The wind was blowing even harder than it had the day before, and by the time he had gotten inside, his hair, which he has just brushed, was a complete mess again. A wild frenzy of fine blond strands fell into his eyes, and he spent the short ride glaring intently at them.

When the reached the Kaiba mansion, he knocked twice before letting himself in at a lack of answer.

Kaiba was in the living room reading, but he put his book down as Jou entered. "About damn time, puppy."

"Yeah, I'm ecstatic to see you too." Jou rolled his eyes.

Seto raised an eyebrow. "That sarcasm I hear in your voice? I keep telling you, puppy; learn some manners, or you're gonna get yourself in trouble one day."

Jou glared at him, but sat down next to Seto, arms crossed over his chest. "Yeah, you keep tellin' me that," he muttered, but was cut short by Seto yanking him forward by his collar into a bruising kiss.

It wasn't that Seto was a bad kisser-he wasn't; it was just the manner in which he presented himself that bothered Jou. Like he didn't care if Jou got anything out of it or not, which was exactly true, and Jou knew it. This pissed him off even more. But he kissed back anyway, not knowing what else to do.

After a minute or two, Seto straightened, taking the hem of Jou's shirt and pulling it up and over Jou's head, discarding it on the floor. Jou made a mental note to do laundry when he got home.

Seto continued to kiss Jou, hands firmly gripping Jou's waist with a bruising strength. Jou hated the dark finger prints Kaiba's hands always left on the delicate skin of his abdomen.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't even notice Seto's lack of attention to his neck until Seto spoke.

"What the fuck is that?"

Jou's eyes flew open. "What the fuck is what?"

Seto's voice was like ice. Only, colder. "That mark on the back of your neck. It's a bite mark, but I didn't have time to leave one on Friday, and this looks new." He grabbed Jou's hair and used it to wrench is head back, glaring into Jou's eyes with a piercing blue stare. Jou felt his blood run cold. "You've been screwing around, haven't you, you little shit."

Jou winced. Seto insulted him regularly, but he had never sounded this… dangerous. "Seto, I"-

"I don't want to hear any of your stupid excuses. So tell me, dog; who've you been fucking behind my back, hm?" his hand was still buried in Jou's hair, and he gave it a wrench, jerking Jou's head painfully and making the bruises already there throb. Then something surged inside him. He was already in this deep; might was well go all the way.

"Why the fuck should I tell you?" he spat into Seto's face. "Would it matter? Somehow I doubt it. You're gonna beat the shit outta me anyway, so why the hell should I tell you anything that you don't already know?"

Seto let go of Jou's hair, shoving his head away and standing up, glaring at the smaller boy. "How *dare* you speak that way to me, you whore!" he spat the word out like a bad taste. He reached down, grabbing Jou's collar again, and pulling him roughly to his feet. "You think I'm gonna beat the shit out of you, you don't know the meaning of the words."

Jou didn't have time to react before he was thrown down again, landing hard on the glass coffee table. It shattered under his weight, and he collapsed onto a carpet full of glass shards. He felt them pierce through the fabric of his shirt and send burning stabs of pain through his back. The side of his face that was already bruised from Friday had hit the table first, and now he felt warm liquid flowing freely down his face, blurring his vision with stinging red. He coughed, wining in the same motion as he felt the glass shards dig deeper into his back, and tasting blood on his tongue.

Through the haze, he felt himself being pulled up yet again. He staggered a moment, regaining his balance, and giving Seto a menacing glare. Seto only laughed; a short, derisive sound, and slapped Jou hard across the face. "You little slut," he spat. "You think you're so great? That you don't need me? Well fine. You can rot in hell for all I care." He slapped Jou again, across the other cheek.

Jou let his head turn with the force of the blow, but stood his ground. "You sadistic asshole," he ground out through clenched teeth. "You only see me as property. Well guess what, you sick bastard? You don't own me; I can screw around with whoever the hell I want, and there's nothing you can do about it."

With that, he drew himself up as well as he could, and hit Seto in the stomach with his fist.

Seto doubled over, but only for a minute. He slapped Jou again across the face, harder this time. Jou felt the cut from Friday re-open and start to ooze blood.

This was forgotten when Seto's fist made contact with Jou's abdomen, sending him crashing into a book-case and hitting his ribs on the hard wood. Jou gasped in pain and crumpled to the floor; black spots dancing in front of his eyes. Seto kicked him hard in the side, making him collapse limply, chest heaving. Hot tears were streaming down his face, mingling with the blood already flowing there, and stinging in the cuts. Jou didn't care.

He contracted into a fetal position against the wall and just lay there. Seto watched him for a minute in disgust before turning to leave. "You know where the door is." And with that, he was gone.

Jou lay there, concentrating on breathing carefully. He hoped he didn't have any broken ribs. That would really suck.

The tears were making his face smart, and the glass in his back was beginning to really burn, so he was really grateful when he felt himself begin to slip into unconsciousness.


A/N: I told you so.