Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Pharaoh Yami ❯ Joey???????? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Me- Hello people. I am updating this story faster than I would have except Mary Ann begged me to update faster so I decided too. Also a warning for this chapter, it might appear that I like Tea in here but I hate (I like those Tea bashing stories a lot.) So Tea lovers who love her friendship speeches get out of here now, for this is a Tea bashing story too.

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Chapter Four- Joey????????????

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Set's POV

I stared at my Pharaoh, him and I were the only ones that knew about the relationship that we had together. Well except maybe that priestess lady, but the pharaoh only listens to her because of an accident in the past. I believe that she should have been killed for teaching the prince a death spell. In addition, for giving the prince, another lesson after it was agreed to be okay by the royal family and by the current head priestess. I still am wondering how an executioner priestess could become the head priestess.

I followed behind my Yami, as his slave was behind me. The slave that Ista believes will bring back light to the darkness. She probably thought that the child was too innocent to be killed at such a young age. I smiled at the thought of what would happen to her if the slave messed up.

I glanced behind me; the slave had to jog just to keep moderately up with us. I smirked again; the slave probably saw my smirk because he cringed. I went back to what the slave had said in the pharaoh's bedchambers," Seto." Probably some slave that looked like me.

Yugi's POV

I walked into a huge chamber behind Seto, my Yami, well past Yami was ahead of Seto and I. I stared amazed at the dazzling beauty of all the gemstones these people were wearing. I saw Amethysts, Rubies, Emeralds, Diamonds, Sapphires, and some that I could not recognize making the room dazzle in brilliant colors. However, my moment of awe was short lived.

I heard the pharaoh's voice ring out in the chamber,"slave." I turned around when I realized that the pharaoh meant me to come near him. I gulped and stared around the room. I slowly put one foot in front of the other and made my way to the throne, I bowed when I reached the throne, where he pointed to is left, I inferred that it meant for me to go and stand there.

Seto stood right beside me, I looked to my left and saw the woman that saved me entering with, … Tea behind her. Tea's attention was completely on the pharaoh however; I recognized the look that she gave Yami in my time on her face right now. She was lost in her own world filled with Yami, again.

I watched as the lady walked over to the right of where the pharaoh sat, she had not changed any of her appearance. I watched amused as Tea stumbled over to stand in the back, probably where the less needed advisors were kept. She was wearing a similar outfit to the lady but some of it was different, for example, she did not have a gold tiara, she just had a small silver tiara, no gems in it. I guessed that she was probably in a lowly rank of a priestess or she just woke up late and forgot to grab the right tiara.

" Dark Magician, arise." I stared as the Dark Magician materialized out on the floor in front of the pharaoh.

" How many of the villages have been destroyed now?"

" Three have been destroyed completely, five are salvageable, and ten farms burnt to a crisp, your highness."

" Who did it this time?"

" The Red eyes black dragon, Flame swordsman, and the Twin Headed Fire Dragon have been teamed up by an unknown person with blonde hair and brown eyes." I figured who that person must be in an instant, Joey. However, why would he be destroying villages and farms, this confused me greatly.

" Are they still on the run?"

" Yes, my pharaoh they are. They are currently in the outskirts of the city Abu Simbel."

" Fine. Head Priestess, go out and take care of this misfit. Make sure that you bring back the controller of theses monsters to me alive. You shall leave immediately." I watched as the face of the Head priestess blinked from calm to surprised back to calm. I thought that I had imagined it but realized I had not when the Seto began to complain.

" Pharaoh allow me to take care of these creatures for you."

" No! The priestess will take care of it." When I glanced back at the council of Yami's advisors, they seemed stunned that somebody was arguing against the pharaoh. Guards looked ready to kill Seto for the arguing with the pharaoh. The lady moved in front of the pharaoh and bowed.

" When shall I leave Pharaoh?"

" Now." He demanded. I was wondering why he was sending her to slay the creatures instead of the Priest Seto when I remembered what happened earlier in the day. I watched as she motioned Tea to join her, Tea's full attention was on the pharaoh and the lady talked to one of the guards who proceeded to drag Tea embarrassingly towards the lady, who left the room. I watched the rest of the meeting in silence; it ended around noon for the meal, which was brought in by several slaves. I watched as the pharaoh feasted o the food, I was wondering what I was supposed to do when a little servant girl came up near me and brought me a loaf of bread. I smiled and thanked her for the bread.