Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Pokemon, Spirits, and Alcohol ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Pokemon, Spirits, and Alcohol

Author: Lupin Wolf

Archive: << If you really want too. ^^' -lol- Just let me know first.

Category: AU/Humor/PWP

Paring: None but you can make assumptions. X3

Disclaimer: Sadly I don't belong YGO. -curses-

Rating: PG

Warnings: Nadda

Spoilers: Nadda

Notes: Mmmm……just be warned that this is a TOTAL PWP, just something I thought of when my friends and I were goofing around at 1 o'clock in the morning. n.n

Feedback: Reply please or email @ wonderland_escapee@yahoo.com


It was another beautiful day in Domino City and a rather quiet one at the Turtle Game Shop……quiet….Ha! Who the hell am I trying to kid?
"MUWHAHA! My Pika..thingy…shall pwevaiw!" the white haired spirit cackled, holding his controller in the air. The blonde Egyptian beside him scowled but you could see the pout forming.
"It's not fair! You're drunk off your ass! I should be winn-hic-ing." He blinked then sent the other four occupants of the room a sheepish look. Yami had taken over the small loveseat, the oh so dignified pharaoh sprawled over the piece of furniture. His ever cheery light was sorting through his duel monsters deck along with Ryou. Marik sat beside his light, glaring at Bakura and trying to comfort his near-tears light.
"I amnotit dwunk." Bakura somehow managed to get out. "Ima pokejamon championish!" a manic laugh followed this. Marik and Yami both sweatdropped.
"More like a drunk 5000 year old spirit who has an odd obsession with Pokemon." Yami muttered.
"Stuff it starhead!"
"What did you call me tomb robber?!"
"You heawd me!"
Thus the argument continued. Malik, ignoring the two, put on his best puppy dog eyes and even managed to squirt some tears.
"Yami-san…" he whimpered. Marik made the mistake of making eye contact.
"Make Bakura stop beating up my pokemon." He pleaded, sniffling for effect. Marik's eye started twitching a bit but he finally sighed, pulling the Millenium Rod out of….well…..we're going to call it spandex space for now. Getting to his feet, he started towards the two other spirits.
"Marik!" Ryou cried, tackling him before he could knock Bakura out.
"ACK! Get off me!"
"No! Put the Millenium Rod down first!" the white haired light snapped. Marik blinked, as did the others.
"Did Ryou just snap?" Yugi quipped, head tilted.
"Your light is setting a bad example for mine Bakura!" Yami growled.
"Oh bwoody weww!" Bakura somewhat slurred yet it still managed to make some sense as he sounded more like a demented chibi.
"Ryou let my Rod go!" after this statement was made, an unearthly silence filled the room for about thirty seconds.
"…..Yami-san that sounded really bad…" Marik grumbled to himself and Ryou, who didn't seem to have gotten the twisted side of that comment, glared.
"Don't threaten my yami then!" Ryou yelled, finally managing to get the Millenium Rod from Marik. "HAHA!" he cried as he darted over to Bakura, jumping on his back making the already unsteady spirit stumble.
"Hmmm, not bad Hikawi. You'we weawnin'!" the tomb robber murmured with a dazed smirk. Ryou grinned innocently. Meanwhile, Malik was still playing Pokemon Stadium, now trying to beat the computer.
"Damnit! Move you lazy elephant looking…thing!" At this rate, the N64 wouldn't be in tact for much longer. Yugi, being his innocent chibi like self, scooted over, hugging Malik's arm.
"It's just a game Malik-kun!" he chirped with a grin. The Egyptian froze, his eye slowly starting to twitch before..
"AHHHHH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled, trying to dislodge the other light. Yugi yelped, falling backwards.
"…..uh oh….." Malik murmured before he was pummeled by the Pharaoh, both engaging in a wrestling match.
"Sadwy, my money's on the Phawaoh." Bakura rambled, head tilted to the side.
"Mine too." Ryou agreed, still on his yami's back. Marik growled.
"Damn Pharaoh! Malik ripe his hair out!" he cheered, engrossed in the match. Malik finally got the almighty Pharaoh pinned, sitting on the other's chest.
"Now I'm the Pharaoh! BWHA!" he cried triumphantly with a smirk. Yami squirmed around, cursing up a storm in every language he could think of using while Marik laughed his ass off. Bakura, being as far gone as he was, finally fell over, out cold before he hit the ground and snoring up a storm.
"Oof! Ugh, yami get off! ….Yami?" Ryou murmured, having gotten pinned underneath the drunken spirit. "Yami-san this isn't funny! Somebody help! Get him off me! He weighs a ton!" he cried but no one was paying him any attention. And while all this was going on, Yugi had taken up Malik's spot at the N64, playing to his little heart's content.


AN: That's what happens when you and your friends stay up to late, listen to music from the Yugioh soundtrack, and have WAY to much fun with items around the kitchen. BWHA! X3 -salutes-