Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Psyche ❯ Encounters ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: No I don't know if Egyptians had maps, reed pens, or inkpots. It would make sense for them to have these, -they had far more sophisticated things- but I'm not positive that they did, and am too lazy to look it up. Also, I finally made up my mind on who gets Seth. After reviewing my own story it became rather obvious… I'm so twisted and evil I
should get a prize.
Chapter Twenty One: Encounters
Ahmose: (Egyptian for: The moon is born) Yami's son back in Egypt.
E'on: Jonouchi's Red Eyes Black Dragon.
Jame: Kaiba's obsessive-compulsively organized secretary who wants to be fired.
Kallon: The Dark Sage and one of the three rulers of the Shadow Realm, though he tries hard not to be.
Kisara: The only female Blue Eyes White Dragon. (Not really an OC)
Koori: (Japanese for: Ice) The largest male Blue Eyes White Dragon.
Ledowr: The Magician of Black Chaos, also one of the three rulers of the Shadow Realm, and is trying even harder not to be. He is also Yuai's husband.
Pepi: Yami's third wife back in Egypt.
Shimo: (Japanese for: Frost) The other male Blue Eyes White Dragon.
Yuai: Yugi's girlfriend, sort of..., one of three rulers of the Shadow Realm. Though she's been slacking lately. She is married to Ledowr.
To himself, in the privacy, such as it was, of his own mind, he admitted things were getting more than a bit odd. He hated long conversations about magic. He despised how Yugi, Ryou, and Malik wandered around with psycho look alikes bent on dueling for world domination. He absolutely loathed their sudden trips off into the land of The-Fates-Rule-My-Entire-Existence. However, he wasn't brain dead. Public denials aside, he'd known for a long time that somewhere, someone, kept supplying him with little magical tidbits. When Duke had planted the token on him months ago, the neutralizing spell had popped into his mind with little effort. He even acknowledged, at least to himself, that all the garbage that Yami liked to drone on about endlessly, about him being the reincarnation of his former high priest, was probably true. There was just too much he couldn't explain, his attachment to the Blue Eyes, the gut deep instinct that unerringly led him to Yami whenever the pharaoh was in danger, the assorted bizarre craziness that broke out whenever a tournament was held, which was why, after Battle City he had sworn off the things. It was another matter to suddenly have his very own doppelganger.
The scariest part was…he liked it.
He stood, or truthfully wobbled unsteadily, looking down at his slumbering yami. His yami. He couldn't remember when his yami appeared. He had just been there. He had been so tired. So tired that it had hurt. And scared. And desperate. Mokuba had needed him. He had been in danger, alone, trying to shoulder HIS responsibilities. Jonouchi had needed him. His lover had been hurt. Even if his body had been fine, in Jo's eyes, he'd seen the fear that had stolen his voice. And there had seemed to be nothing he could do. He couldn't get to Mokuba. He had no idea how to help Jonouchi. He had been trapped, helplessly watching everything he ever cared about crumble about him, and he had been too weak to do anything but be pathetic. Then, out of nowhere, everything had been alright. It had suddenly been fine to just let go and rest. It was alright. It was being handled. There was nothing he had to worry about. Someone else was worrying about it for him. Someone was taking care of it, and best of all he knew it would be done right because he was the one doing it. The other him. His other self. The one who had slept deep in his mind for so long.
“Freeloader.” Kaiba carefully walked out of the room and edged down the hall, keeping one hand against the wall to steady himself. “About time he started pulling his own weight.”
He stumbled to a door and carefully pushed it open. He'd overheard enough conversations between Ryou and Yugi to know that one didn't just barge into various rooms in a yami's soul. He remembered one particularly gruesome tale about multi-headed, eyeless leeches that Ryou had been unlucky enough to encounter. He also remembered Yugi nodding complacently saying, “Oh yeah, those are bad.”
Happily there were no leeches behind the door, only a candlelit study. He staggered over to the desk and dropped into what appeared to be a horse hide chair. Night air whispered through the window behind him, gently brushing against his hair and sending a pleasant chill across his shoulders. The candlelight rippled in the breeze making the soft shadows dance soothingly.
Kaiba settled back and sighed. After a second, he looked around to see if he could find anything useful. After all, if some bastard was blowing up his life and using Shadow Magic, he felt it only proper to reciprocate. A couple scrolls lay on the desk, next to a small inkpot and a few reed pens.
The first one was nothing more than a few reminders that Seth had written down. Good luck on the “Get Seto to meditate” one. He read the whole thing, more out of fascination that he could read the elegantly scrawled hieroglyphics then any real need to know that Seth was planning on finding onions, or that Yami Yugi had invited him to join some kind of support group. Do yamis need a support group? Aren't they supposed to be dark? They are yamis. Do hikaris have a support group? He got a sudden picture of Yugi, Ryou, and Malik sitting in a dingy room, drinking instant coffee, and taking turns shamefacedly standing up saying, “I'm a hikari.” The others would chorus back. “Hello, hikari” and then the standing light would then launch into some tale of woe, probably about five headed leeches, while the others passed a box of tissues around and nodded sympathetically. I'm not joining. He set the first scroll aside and picked up the other.
“Song of Orpheus?” Kaiba muttered scanning the poem. His yami had added a few notations along the side, that Kaiba was please to note would make the spell a lot more effective. “Hmmmm.”
Yami was standing watching himself hold court. He still looked a little too bright eyed, but he was now clean, his hair didn't stand in odd spikes, and when he spoke he sounded sane enough, a tad hoarse, but sane. The courtiers seemed a bit wary at first, but after awhile, they relaxed and let the flow of court business carry them along.
Yami stood between Seth and his uncle Akenaden watching his dream self trying to sort out a land dispute. The whole thing was far from thrilling, but Seth watched it, and him, intently.
“It's too soon, my son. He still isn't well enough to handle this burden.” Akenaden fussed, looking worriedly at where his other self sat with Shimon at his elbow listening to two land owners politely insult each other. “He's been through so much. I would hate for him to sicken again.”
“He's fine father.” Seth didn't take his eyes off him though.
“What if he collapses? The rumors will spread.” The older man shook his head. “It's been hard enough to explain his…his illness. Our enemies will strike if…”
“They're still running and peeing themselves from that little boarder skirmish.” Seth glanced over towards the door as Shadi stepped in and bowed towards his pharaoh. His dream self gave his priest a small nod of acknowledgement then returned to studying the map one outraged man was pointing too. Seth nodded to Shadi too, then went back to watching the other him. “After meeting the Blue Eyes, they won't stop running till they find their mammas.”
Yami watched as his other self made his decision and waved the petitioners away. He grinned as Shimon set a cup of wine at his elbow and his other self grimaced. “I feel your pain.”
“I just worry.” The old man sighed. “All our fates hang on him. If he falters…” He trailed off. “Maybe a few more weeks? We could say he needs a vacation. You take the throne for just a bit longer and Shadi, Isis and I could take him down to...”
“No father. He needs to do this now. He needs to know he still can do this.” Seth snickered as the other him took a drink of the wine and shuddered.
“My son, I just want to see…” Akenaden bit his lip, then nodded. “I'm worrying like an old nanny.”
Yami smiled at his uncle. “I'm glad you are. I forgot.” He watched himself motion for the next set of petitioners. His other self's eyes tracked around the room till they came to Seth and Akenaden, and Yami could see him relax. “I forgot I had a family to worry for me.”
Seth nodded to his pharaoh and motioned for an attendant, as the next case began. “Is there any possible way to sneak some good wine to our pharaoh. I know Shimon is proud of his home brew, but his majesty's been ill.”
“What?!” Yami glared over to the robed, veiled counselor. “Home brew!”
“Sorry your highness.” The attendant bowed low. “We've been trying all day, but he refuses to allow us near the pharaoh's wine. He says it's by the pharaoh's command.”
“I never commanded that!” Yami gasped. “I don't care how mentally ill I've been! I'd never give such a insane order. Do you know what that stuff tastes like!”
Yami woke up wanting to strangle Shimon, or the next best thing…Grandpa. “Home brew. When I get my hands on him…”
The dilapidated shack only looked more worn than it had when Yami had first seen it. The rusty jeep that had been parked in front of the place was gone, but the weeds had grown into a snarl where it had been and had made a lunge for the door. The roof, which had only looked swaybacked, now looked as if the main beam was about to crack, sending the rotting wood shingles to rain down into the interior.
“So, this is the place.” Malik looked around at the wrecked cabin, the tall pines, and the small woodland creatures that stared defiantly back. “Not as great as a warehouse, it's a bit isolated for world domination, but not bad for a kidnap retreat.”
“I'm glad you approve.” Yami kicked past a tangle of weeds and walked through the ruins of the front door. “I'm sure Jo preferred the warehouse too.”
Malik shrugged. “I'm a better class of kidnapper. My victims know from the beginning they're in the hands of a professional.” He stepped in after Yami and frowned at the garbage inside the living room. “We have to go through that?”
Yami held out a pair of pink cleaning gloves. “Yep. Get to work. I'll go work in the room Jo was held in. You do this room and we'll both go through the other bedroom together.”
Malik held the long, pink, rubber gloves in two fingers, surveyed the mess, and whined. “Why couldn't I stay with the lights?”
Yami smirked, “Because you're the professional.”
“So Timothy is really a space alien who was sent to earth to find a cure for a disease that was wiping out his people, but he fell in love with Sasha, who has been hunting for her long lost third cousin Jasmine.” Seth watched the TV, entranced, as two oddly dressed, but beautiful people broke into tears and cried.
Bakura nodded. “Any time now Sasha is going to reveal that she's really in love with Randolph, who has been trying to cover up the fact that Jasmine was turned into a vampire by Sasha's father, Roman. This will probably cause Timothy, who's too squeaky clean to exist, to loose his temper and reveal that he's dying from drinking Dr. Pepper sodas, that are poisonous to his people. The only question is, does human birth control work with alien zygotes.”
“What about this Jessica, who is having her brother Teddy's child?” Seth watched amazed as the two weeping people suddenly flung themselves at each other and started ripping off their clothes.
Bakura waved to a large stack of video tapes. “It's in there somewhere.”
“Have they made up yet?” Ryou, holding a tray of tea and sodas settled down on the floor in front of his yami. Yugi holding a couple bowls of freshly popped popcorn sat down next to him and passed one of the bowls back to the two yamis on the couch.
“It's a sympathy fuck.” Bakura took is tumbler of Jolt soda and shook his head disgustedly.
“Oh,” Ryou passed a cup of mint tea back to Seth. “That will complicate things. DelGato has at least five illegitimate children already. He's really too fertile for his own good. Just think of the child support payments.”
“I don't think he's worrying about that right now.” Yugi watched wide eyed as a cascade of ecstatic moans, accompanied by a tender violin tune, came from the TV.
Malik holding a bowl of nachos hurried in and watched wide eyed as the TV started showing a montage of erotic, though frustratingly undetailed, shots. “Man, I wish DelGato would give me a sympathy fuck. I promise not to get pregnant.”
I can't believe you're watching this! Someone's blowing up my company and all you can do is watch a idiotic soap! Seto raged in the background. I can't believe you're related to me! No one in my family would ever…
Mokuba rushed in juggling a pot of coffee, five cups, and a plate of cookies. “Did Chelsea finally get DelGato? She's been angling for him for months.” He set the plate, cups, and coffee down then quickly settled next to Yugi. “It's all part of her plan to destroy Starina for ruining her father's tomato processing plant and causing him to become a pot head.”
Seth grinned at the sudden silence.
Serenity grinned at him and tossed him the ball. “Come on big brother, you can do it!”
Their father, panting and wheezing, laughed, “Don't count your old man out yet.”
Jo faked to the left then spun and raced down the court while Serenity yelled encouragement from the sidelines. His father was at his heels, trying to steal the basketball away from him, but he shifted position again and leapt towards the hoop. The ball rebounded and his father gleefully took possession and raced back to the other side of the court. Jo spun and ran after him.
“Go dad, go!” Serenity yelled.
Jo paused to glare at her.
“So I'm fickle.” Serenity let out a yell of triumph that signaled his father had sunk the ball. “Yay Dad!”
“I told you not to count me out.” Mr. Jonouchi threw himself onto the bench next to his youngest.
Jo sat next to him and grinned. His father and sister had shown up at the shop that morning and had dragged him out of Seth's overprotective clutches. The yami had snarled, grumbled, threatened, and finally grudgingly allowed Jonouchi to leave, but only after loading him down with enough spells, wards, and concealed weapons to intimidate Gaia. He'd then skipped out of the shop with his family to enjoy the early summer. Not that everything had been sunshine and frolicking. After grabbing a quick, sugar-filled breakfast at Donut Haven, they'd gone to see his mother. It hadn't been a great meeting. She'd hugged him like he had some kind of contagious disease that could be caught by too much contact. She'd then declared that he was going to come live with her, since she was his only biological parent, then went on to set down the rules he was going to live by.
The central rule being no more seeing Kaiba. She fully blamed Kaiba for the entire situation. If Kaiba hadn't been a sick, perverted, creep, he would have been safe. It was Kaiba's corruption of him that had led to his kidnapping. Because of Kaiba, he'd become a slut, a whore, who flaunted his body to tempt the unwary. He practically radiated come-and-fuck-me vibes that had led him to be kidnapped and molested by some twisted soul who had been too weak to resist his deviant charms. She had bemoaned the fact that her darling son was now some degenerate toy for foul, probably illegal a sexual predators, and claimed that she would help him be a better person. Not a good person, he was now too tainted for that, but with hard work and discipline, he would be able to be accepted back into society.
Jo had stood there listening, torn between an unreal feeling that this couldn't possibly be his mother saying these things, and agreeing that maybe, in some ways, she did have a point. Maybe he was giving off some kind of sluty vibe. After all, no one had grabbed Honda, They'd grabbed him. They'd turned him into their private fuck toy. After all, look at what he'd done. He was the one who decided to screw around on Kaiba. He was the one who bed hopped like a bunny last fall. Even Honda had called him a slut. Maybe he was. Maybe his mother was right. Not that he'd blamed Kaiba. No. Kaiba had nothing to do with him being such a whore. Kaiba had only offered support, love, and loyalty. He was the one who fucked everything up.
He'd been forcefully yanked out of those thoughts by a strong, calloused hand landing on his shoulder. He'd jerked nervously around to find his father standing next to him, glaring at his ex. Serenity stood behind them breathless and in tears, after running to fetch their dad. When they'd arrived, his father had motioned for them to go up without him, saying that their mother would be happier if he wasn't there, so he'd stayed outside, smoking a cigarette, leaning against the car, while they'd gone up to say hello. Now he was standing next to his son. “Go out to the car Katsuya. I need to talk to your mother.”
Serenity had latched onto his arm and pulled him out the door, which slammed shut. As they fled down the stairwell to the lobby, they could both hear the faint echoes of the argument that flared up behind them.
A half hour later the elder Jonouchi had walked out of the building and pulled his son into his arms. “You don't listen to her. It's okay. It wasn't your fault.”
They had left then and came to the park. And someplace between eating ice cream cones while walking along the rim of the fountain and his dad running into a nearby store to buy a ball, things had become a little okay. Not great but a little okay. It had been sometime during the game, that he'd reluctantly admitted, that maybe, just maybe, his dad had been right.
“Okay troops, time to head out to the nearest restaurant and have lunch.” Mr. Jonouchi heaved himself to his feet.
“Yay! Pizza!” Serenity bounced to her feet instantly.
“Nope. Not happening.” Their father patted his belly. “I'm trying to lose a bit of weight and one sin a day is my limit.”
“Awww.” Serenity wrapped her arms around him. “But there'll be less of you to hug.”
He rubbed her head. “And it'll be here a lot longer to hug. Now, how about The Garden Grotto. It'll be hard, but I'm sure you'll both find something unhealthy to eat.”
“I can't work like this!” The RV that Kado had okayed for their temporary office was driving her insane.
Tanaka, who was hunched over a TV tray while perched uncomfortably on a fold out sofa, nodded sympathetically. Half of his files, printed out from one of Jame's backup flash drives, were scattered across the floor, while the other half teetered precariously from the sofa.
Jame fumed and tapped her fingers against the small laptop computer that sat in front of her on what passed for the dining room table. She wondered if she should laugh, cry, or feel relieved that when she finally had her mental breakdown they could convert the table to a handy bed for her to recover on.
“Perhaps you'd like to go work in New York. There's still a building there that hasn't been blown up yet.” Kado, looking worn, stressed, and irritable stomped by on his way to the microscopic bathroom.
In the back bedroom a group of security personnel sat on the floor that was once taken up by a queen sized bed and poured over duty rosters and added safety measures. The accounting department was buzzing in and out, fetching drinks from the refrigerator, then darting back to their picnic table that was set up under the outside awning. Research and Development had taken over another picnic table and was trying to cobble together a working outline of the projects that had been blown to bits.
“Sarcasm. Is that a new security measure?” She growled at Kado's back. then went back to piecing together Kaiba Corp. It would be a lot easier if someone would stop destroying everything. She'd just get things organized and some wacko would blow another gaping hole in her carefully arranged plan. Well, this time, I'll plan for that too… She narrowed her eyes and glared at the computer as if it had personally offended her. How the hell am I supposed to be fired in a perpetual state of emergency? The sympathy alone is sure to doom me to years of job security.
She snarled as a group of accountants bumped by scattering one of her files across the table. “Get lost!”
“He's here! Oh my God, he's here!” A voice yelled from outside. A babble of excited voices drifted through the partially open door. A group of security personnel wrenched their stiff bodies off the floor and edged out the door, their hands resting over their weapons.
“Who? Elvis?” Jame gathered her file together and started putting it back in order.
Kado edged out of the tiny bathroom, zipping up his pants. “Report!”
The report came in the form of a tall, elegant brunet, with glacial blue eyes. “Kado…Who the hell is blowing up my company!”
Yes! The return of Captive Passions! What will happen next will Timothy die of Dr. Pepper poisoning? Will Jessica have her baby? Will DelGato be saddled with even more child support? I do love this soap…
dragonlady222: Yes, Kaiba is starting to act like Kaiba again and Jo…well things are still a bit rough.
Sorceress Sarrkh: I had lots of fun writing that chapter. I knew I was going to begin with them arriving home to the wrecked mansion, then the image of them arriving popped into my brain. After that I just knew Kaiba would be raging, and I could picture the expression on Seth's face having to deal with Kaiba stuck in his head. Add to that getting everyone together in a small kitchen, the need for real baths and real food and things just took off. I'm glad you had fun. About the flu…Really, I'm so evil I glow in the dark.