Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Quest For Love ❯ The Bookstore ( Chapter 2 )
Upon thie dirty road, Jou noticed a tall weeping willow just ahead, marking where the pat split in two directions. One way led to the beach he had woken up on and the other to a small marketplace he'd seen briefly on his way to the castle. Without pausing, he continued down the path and into the village.
The first thing Jou heard when entering the place was, "Old lamps for new! Old lamps for new!"
The blonde blinked and looked to the source of the voice, seeing a short old man with spiky gray hair and tan eyes*. Set up before him was a row of lamps. When Jou stepped into the village, the old man looked up and smiled.
"Oi! Young man. You don't happen to have any lamps, do you?"
Jou smiled and lightly shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry. None today."
The man leaned back with a grin. "Oh well. There's always tomorrow."
The blonde smiled back before looking about the village. The town contained only three shops: a bookstore, a pawnshop and an inn. Thinking that the best place to go for information would be the bookstore, Jou made his way up the four steps and through the door.
The store looked really cozy, with the shelves pressed against the walls, a pair of large chairs near a small, lit, fire place with a couple of books on the side tables. Above him, a small bell rang out when he opened the door, alerting a tall black haired man who was standing near a bookshelf. Without looking up, he said, "I'll be right there." He then turned away from the shelf and headed to a small desk. Looking to Jou, he smiled gently and said, "Now, how may I help you?"
The blonde stepped up to the counter and smiled gently. "Good day, Mr.…?"
"Otogi. No 'mister'. Just, Otogi."
"Otogi. I'm a stranger in this land. What can you tell me about the Land of the Green Isles?"
The man blinked deep emerald eyes. "That's quite a question." He quirked an eyebrow. "What's your name and what would you like me to tell you?"
"My name is Jounouchi. I know that I'm on the Isle of the Crown, but I'd like to know whatever you can tell me about this island and if there are others nearby."
The other smiled. "You really are a stranger?" Jou gave a sheepish nod and Otogi's smile widened.
"Well, this island, as you know, is called the Isle of the Crown because the royal family's castle is here. Aside from that, we have this village and the docks to the west.
"There are at least three other islands: the Isle of the Sacred Mountain , the Isle of the Beast, and the Isle of Wonder."
Jou blinked and tilted his head slightly.
"'At least three'? Does no one know for certain?"
The man tittered and shook his head like he thought Jou should already know the answer. "This is no ordinary land, Jounouchi! The Land of the Green Isles has always been a place of vague boundaries - as if the islands come and go.
"Legend tells of a fourth island, and isle shrouded in mists. I myself have never seen it
"Then, too, the Land of the Green Isles is said to exist on the boundaries of this world and the next. Even darker places are reputed to be closer here than anywhere else in the world."
Jou blinked. "That's quite a claim."
Otogi nodded with a slight roll of his eyes. "Claim, yes, but probably just local superstition. We who live here on the Isle of the Crown, at least, sleep well enough at night."
Jounouchi smiled before remembering something the other man had said. "Those first three islands you mentioned. How might I learn more about them?"
"Normally a young man seeking such knowledge would travel to their shores and learn about the first-hand. Meeting the leaders of each place would be helpful, naturally/"
He breathed a soft sigh "Unfortunately, the ferry no longer runs between the islands. There has been much political unrest, and it has been too dangerous to travel for years.
"Perhaps the ferryman can tell you more. He has little enough to do these days."
Jou smiled slightly, lost in thought. "Thank you, kindly, Otogi, for all your advice."
The other smiled back at him and said, "Advice is free, Jounouchi. Making use of it costs much more."
Nodding in gratitude, the blonde noticed a thick leather bound book, with the words 'Ye Useful Booke of Magic Spells' written on it in fancy gold lettering sitting, on display, on the counter. He blinked and looked to Otogi.
"How much for the book on the counter?" he asked, motioning to said book.
The merchant turned his eyes on the book and smiled. "It is a fine book, is it not? I obtained it from the estate of the one and only magician this kingdom has ever had." He paused and looked thoughtful for a moment. "Poofed himself into an aardvark in the end, or so I've heard.
"Anyway, I never found the spells all that useful myself, but the I lead a boring life." He paused and thought for a bit. "I tell you what - if you can find another rare book, one a bit more marketable, I might be willing to exchange the spell book for it."
Jou nodded. A rare book - I got it, he thought.
"Thank you for letting me know," the blonde said, glancing about the shop. His eyes flickered over the shelves Otogi had just been at, vaguely hearing the black haired boy's response. With a gentle smile to the man, Jou made his way to the shelves. Gently, he ghosted his fingertips over the books' spines before pausing at one. Removing it from its place, Jou glanced at the title of Poems for the Loved and Loving. And, without a clear reason as to why, he opened the book and began to read, unconsciously searching for something.
"Thy hair, thy lips, thy beauteous face,
and all thy studied female grace,
have won for thee anon a place,
within this broken breast."
No, this wasn't it at all. He frowned slightly as he flipped a few pages before coming to another.
"Upon the shore, the little bend,
untouched by worldly care.
Where shadow they her earthly bed,
Oh, that she were not there!"
Not that one either. He flipped a few more pages before coming across one that made his fingers tremble slightly. This was it! This was the poem he was looking for!
"What was it when I looked at you?
What pow'r had chained me through and through?
And binds my heart with links so tight,
I cannot live without the sight of you.
What nameless thing has captured me?
And made me powerless to flee?
What thing is it without a name,
That brings my mind e're back the same to thee?
The name of 'love' cannot apply,
Its commonness does not descry,
The haunted, haunted, painful cry
That my heart makes for you."
As he read the poem over and over again, a single thought was dominant in his mind - Yuugi. With each beat of his paining heart, he could only think of the one for whom his heart and soul were wrapped up in.
With a soft sigh, Jou slowly closed the book and placed it back on the shelf, noting vaguely as a page slipped out and fluttered to the floor.
He blinked and kneeled down to pick up the paper and his eyes widened slightly as he saw it was the same poem that reminded him so much of the small Prince Yuugi.
At the counter, Otogi looked up and noticed the page Jounouchi was holding in his hand. With a noise somewhere between a frustrated growl and a sigh, he said, "I see that old novel has lost another page. I have glued that stubborn thing back in place two times already! You may keep it if you wish, sir."
The blonde smiled and folded up the paper to place in his pocket with the copper coin. "Thank you, Otogi. I do rather like it.
Stepping back from the shelf, Jou prepared himself to leave when something caught his eyes. Sitting on a small stool was a book with a plain baby blue cover.
Up at the desk, Otogi saw Jou looking at the book, tempted to pick it up and read it.
"Please," he begged, causing Jou to jump slightly and face him. "Just take that book! You have my most humble thanks for doing so, good sir!"
"Really?" Jou picked up the book. "Thank you."
* - First one to guess who this is gets a cookie. ^^
Nudder chappy done. ^^
Yami and Kura : Are we surprised…?
Angel: ^^ Now, as for the RQaABtRCA, I can't really think of a question. So if you have one, don't be afraid to ask me. Also, I don't own YuugiOu or King's Quest. Ja ne!