Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Rain and Fire ❯ A Musical Interlude... ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
This happens before the end of the last chapter. I felt that you guys deserved something for being so wonderful... So this is -- a musical interlude!!


Yami sat in the waiting room of the hospital, bored out of his head. He clicked on the Tv, flipping through dozens of channels before stopping on one. There, on the screen, was his Hikari. "Yuugi..." He breathed. It was a music video, and it was titled "It's Been Awhile..."

*Music Video*

Candles. Hundreds of candles lit a large room, adding a bit of mystery to the old and dusty room. The band is brought into focus and the band is dressed splendidly. Yuugi was in silver and crimson, while the rest were in black and gold. The opening riff begins to play, Yuugi on his blood-colered guitar.

The scene cuts to Yuugi alone in the dark deserted streets of a city.

And it's been awhile
Since I could hold my head up high

His head lifted upwards, to the starry sky. The sky is all that is seen, but then the camera starts twirling, right down to Yuugi's face.

And it's been awhile

He slowly looks around himself.

Since I first saw you

The shadow of a person is stretched lazily across the road in front of him. Yuugi turs to see who it is that the shadow belongs to. The person moves away too quickly though, and leaves Yuugi running after it.
His eyes are shimmering with pain.

And it's been awhile
Since I could stand on my own two feet again

He looked around desperately and starts running towards where the figure had been standing.

And it's been awhile
Since I could call you

Cut to the room with the band. Yuugi stares intently at the screen as he plays and sings.

And everything I can't remember

Cut to the street again.

As fucked up as it all may seem

Yuugi is running as fast as he can as he tries to catch up with the shadow figure.

The consequences that I've rendered

He falls to the ground, head hung in despair.

I've stretched myself beyond my means

Cut to a bar, smoke filled air hanging like a wreath about the heads of the inhabitants. Yuugi is at a stool, hands around a bottle of beer. The others around him are snorting coke, shooting up, and smoking. His gaze flits around the room, watching the druggies in their stupors.

And it's been awhile
Since I can say that I wasn't addicted

He gets up off of the stool, leaving the full bottle of liquer on the counter, as he walks past the drugged filth. A look of longing fills his eyes, and as soon as it is seen, it melts into a look of determination.

And it's been awhile

He walks out the door. He leans against the wall outside, in the cold and rain. He slumps to the ground, holding his head in his hands.

Since I could say I love myself as well

The scene cuts to the band once more, before it cuts to another rainy night. An open window, a bag is thrown from said window, followed by a cloaked body.

And it's been awhile

An airplane taking off...

Since I've gone and fucked things up...

It cuts to Yuugi on the plane, staring at the twinkling lights as they fade into the distance.

...just like I always do
And it's been awhile

It cuts to Yuugi holding a picture, we can see that there are two people. Yuugi, and a stranger. The stranger is blacked out...

But all that shit seems to disappear...

He smiles before the scene fades into the band again.

...when I'm with you

He is lying on a couch, arms thrown over his head as he dreams.

And everything I can't remember

*dream sequence*

He wakes up to see the deset. The glaring midday sun beats down upon him.

As fucked up as it all may seem

A figure rides towards him...

The consequences that I've rendered

The figure, shrouded in darkness, reaches out a hand to him. It is a dark tan, with golden rings and a snaking bracelet... But the figure dissapears as Yuugi wakes up.

*end dream sequence*

I've gone and fucked things up again

It cuts to the band.

Why must I feel this way?
Just make this go away

Yuugi grabs his head in desperation.

Just one more peaceful day!

The camera spins to Yuugi who watches himself in a TV store's display. Every TV seems to show him in a different way.

And it's been awhile
Since I could look at myself straight
And it's been awhile

Cut to him outside the bar, looking at the stars.

Since I said I'm sorry

Cut to a bedroom, in what appears to be ancient egypt. A room fit for a pharoh, lit up with hundreds of candles. Yuugi is standing in the room, a ways away from a large bed. He is wearing what appears to be egyptian clothing. White skirt/pants, with no shirt. He has no shoes, but golden anklets. Bracelets, and arm bands. And to complete the outfit, a ruby gemstone drop held on his forehead by a woven gold band.

And it's been awhile
Since I've seen the way...

A figure moves around on the bed.

... the candles light your face

Yuugi move foreward slightly towards the figure (who we cannot see because of their being in the dark.)

And it's been awhile
But I can still remember...

He backs away, slowly.

...just the way you taste

Yuugi shakes his head. He backs out of the candle light, then steps back into it, with the band. They too are dressed as he. Just not as resplendant as Yuugi.

And everything I can't remember
As fucked up as it all may seem to be...

The scenes flash by quickly: Running after the figure... Falling... The bar...

...I know it's me

Outside the bar...

I cannot blame this on my father

The airplane... The picture...

He did the best he could for me

The couch...

And it's been awhile

The TV store...

Since I could hold my head up high

The bedroom...

And it's been awhile...

Cut to him, alone on a bed of crimson sheets, eyes closed; a perfect picture of submission.

Since I said I'm sorry

His eyes open, but instead of amythyst, they are crimson. They match the sheets, and the ruby on his forhead. He smiles, only to start laughing...

Well, there you go, this is your Christmas present everyone, I hope to have chapter four out by New Years... Happy Holidays...