Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Random Dueling ❯ Joey Wheeler VS Seto Kaiba Best 2 of 3 Round 2 [archive] ( Chapter 11 )
(A/N: I wrote this a long time ago, so bear with me.)
Random Dueling
Joey Wheeler VS Seto Kaiba
Best 2-of-3 Match
Round 2
Seto: You won't beat me this time, you third rate duelist.
Joey: Bring it on.
J-8000 S-8000
Seto: I summon Vorse Raider (1900/1200) and set 1 card. Go.
Joey: Alright, then I'll use Polymerization to fuse Baby Dragon and Time Wizard to summon Thousand Dragon (2400/2000). I also play Red-Eyes Black Chick (800/500) and sacrifice it for Red-Eyes Black Dragon (2400/2000). Now I'll set 1 card. Red-Eyes, attack!
Seto: I activate Mirror Force, destroying both of your monsters.
Joey: Grrr. Your move.
Seto: Fine. I play White Dragon Ritual, and offer up Lord of Dragons for Paladin of White Dragon (1900/1200). I also summon Spear Dragon (1900/0). Vorse…
Joey: I activate Fairy Box. Whenever you attack, I flip a coin. If I call it right, the attacking monster's ATK goes to 0 for the attack.
Seto: Vorse Raider, attack!
Joey: Tails!
Coin Toss: Tails.
VR: 0/1200
Seto: Paladin, attack!
Joey: Heads!
Coin Toss: Tails
J-6100 S-8000
Seto: Spear Dragon, attack!
Joey: Heads!
Coin Toss: Heads
SD: 0/0 … defense mode
Seto: Now I offer my Paladin for Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500). Go, Wheeler.
Joey: I draw, and I'll pay 500 Life Points to keep my Fairy Box in play.
J-5600 S-8000
Joey: Now I play Pot of Greed and draw 2 cards. I'll now use Premature Burial to pay 800 Life Points and summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon (2400/2000).
J-4800 S-8000
Joey: I set 1 card and use Red-Eyes to attack Vorse Raider!
J-4800 S-7500
Seto: Fine. My turn. I summon Luster Dragon (1900/1600), switch Spear Dragon into attack mode and play Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Fairy Box. Blue-Eyes, attack Red-Eyes!
Joey: Scapegoat! (0/0 [x4])
J-4200 S-7500
Seto: Luster Dragon, attack!
One Sheep token destroyed.
Seto: Spear Dragon, attack!
J-2300 S-7500
Another Sheep Token destroyed.
Joey: My turn, Kaiba. I'll set a card and end my turn.
Seto: Spear Dragon, switch to attack mode and attack!
J-0400 S-7500
Seto: Luster Dragon, take out the last one. Blue-Eyes, finish him!
Joey: Sakeretsu Armor destroys Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
Seto: I sacrifice my two monsters to summon another Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500). Go.
Joey: I play Monster Reborn to revive Blue-Eyes from your graveyard (3000/2500). Go.
Seto: Blue-Eyes, attack Blue-Eyes. I set 1 card and end my turn.
Joey: I summon Alligator's Sword (1500/1200). Attack!
J-0400 S-6000
Seto: My move. Battle Ox (1700/1000), attack!
J-0200 S-6000
Joey: Goblin Attack Force (2300/0)!
J-0200 S-5400
GAF to Defense.
Seto: Cyber Dragon (2100/1300). Attack!
Joey: Snatch Steal! Cyber Dragon, attack!
J-0200 S-3300
Seto: My move.
J-0200 S-4300
Seto: Giant Orc (2200/0)
J-0100 S-4300
GO to defense.
Joey: Rocket Warrior! (1500/1300) Attack!
Seto: One monster in defense.
Joey: Defense. Rocket Warrior, attack!
Seto: Pitch-Dark Dragon (900/600). My turn. Dark Blade, attack Rocket Warrior!
J-0000 S-4300
Round 2 complete.
1 Game Each
Next up: Tie Breaker.