Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Random Dueling ❯ Double Duel! Connor(OC) & Yugi VS Marik & Pegasus [archive] ( Chapter 17 )

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I wrote this a long time ago. Wow, a complete Double Duel. Some effects are off, I think, so bear with me.



Connor-8000 & Yugi-8000

Marik-8000 & Pegasus-8000

"Alright," said Connor, as he drew, "I’m going first. Now I’ll set 1 card in defense mode, and set my other 5 cards face down."

"My move," stated Marik.

"I’ll activate 3 face down cards: 2 Solemn Wishes, and a Jar of Greed. My 2 Solemn Wishes each give me 500 Life Points when I draw, and Jar of Greed allows me to draw 1 card," interrupted Connor.

Connor-9000 & Yugi-8000

Marik-8000 & Pegasus-8000

"Uhhh, okay," started Marik, "As I was saying, I play Pot of Greed, allowing me to…"

"I activate Mystical Rift Pedal," re-interrupted Connor, "This changes the target from you to me, so I draw 2 cards, not you!"

Connor-10000 & Yugi-8000

Marik-8000 & Pegasus-8000

"Ummm, how about Graceful Charity."

"I activate Appropriate! Now when anyone except me draws cards, I automatically draw 2, starting with the next one."

"Well, at least I can draw…" stated Marik. "Now I discard Vorse Raider (1900/1200) and La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp (1800/1000). Now I’ll set 1 monster and 2 other cards."

"My move," said Yugi, "so I’ll play Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts (1500/1200) and Burfomet (1400/1800) along with Polymerization, to summon: Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast (2100/1700)! I also use Black Luster Ritual, offer Valkyrion, the Magna Warrior (3500/3750) from my hand, and summon Black Luster Soldier (3000/2500)!"

"My move, Yugi-boy," said Pegasus, "I play Toon World!"

Connor-10000 & Yugi-8000

Marik-8000 & Pegasus-7000

"Now I summon Toon Mermaid (1400/1500) and offer it, since Toons are Special Summons, to summon Toon Summoned Skull (2500/1200). I also set 2 cards. Your move, Connor-boy."

"You are odd," stated Connor. "I draw." Now I’m up to 4 cards.

Connor-11000 & Yugi-8000

Marik-8000 & Pegasus-7000

"I summon Goddess with the Third Eye (1200/1100). This card can replace a Fusion-Material monster, so I play Polymerization to fuse Goddess with the Third Eye and Black Luster Soldier to summon Dragon Master Knight (5000/5000). This card gains 500 extra attack points for every Dragon on the field, including itself. (DMK 5500/5000) Next, I’ll set 1 card and use Dragon Master Knight to attack Pegasus’s Toon Skull!

Connor-11000 & Yugi-8000

Marik-8000 & Pegasus-4000

"I set this card to end my turn."

"My turn," stated Marik.

"I activate DNA Surgery. Now all face-up monsters are Dragons," interrupted Connor, again.

DMK: 6000/5000

"Oookay," okayed Marik, "I’ll play 1 card face down and then Swords of Revealing Light! You can’t attack for 3 turns! Now I summon Witch of the Black Forest (1100/1200), and end my turn."

DMK: 6500/5000

"Hmmm," thought Yugi, "I play my own Swords of Revealing Light!"

DMK: 7000/5000

This'll be interesting! "Now I activate Pot of Greed."

"Now I draw 2 cards from Appropriate," stated Connor.

Connor-12000 & Yugi-8000

Marik-8000 & Pegasus-4000

"Now I play Mystical Space Typhoon! I'll obliterate your Swords card. Next I'll activate Brain Control to control Dragon Master Knight!"

"I activate Final Attack Orders!" exclaimed Connor. "This forces all face-up monsters into attack mode, and keeps them there. Marik, since Yugi's Swords swtiched your D. D. (Different Dimention) Trainer (0100/2000) face-up, it's in attack mode now! Go for it Yugi!"

"Thanks," replied Yugi, "I'll also play Axe of Despair, raising Dragon Master Knight's attack power by 1000 points!"

DMK: 8000/5000

"Dragon Master Knight…" began Yugi.

"…Attack Marik's D. D. Trainer!" finished Connor.

Connor-12000 & Yugi-8000

Marik-0100 & Pegasus-4000

DMK: 7500/5000

"What happened?" asked Yugi.

"When you destroyed D. D. Trainer, which was a Dragon, Dragon Master Knight lost those 500 points," explained Connor.

"My turn," said Pegasus, "I summon Toon Mermaid (1400/1500). Your move."

DMK: 8000/5000

"I draw," said Connor.

Connor-13000 & Yugi-8000

Marik-0100 & Pegasus-4000

"Now I play Scapegoat to summon 4 Sheep Tokens (0000/0000 [x4])."

DMK: 10000/5000

"Dragon Master Knight, attack Toon Mermaid!"

Connor-13000 & Yugi-8000

Marik-0100 & Pegasus-0000

DMK: 9500/5000

"My turn," started Marik, "ends now."

"I draw," began Yugi, "and summon Celtic Guardian (1400/1200)."

DMK: 10000/5000

"Celtic Guardian, attack Black Forest Witch!"

Connor-13000 & Yugi-8000

Marik-0000 & Pegasus-0000

DMK: 9500/5000