Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Reawakening The Ghost ❯ Drunk Sincerity ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's note : I'm sorry, but this chapter is only Jou and Honda getting plastered, nothing else, really.

And the author urges you to drink responsibly. If you drink, don't drive, and if you drive, don't drink. And if you accompany a friend back home by walking with him under -24 celcius while being shit-faced drunk, don't fall down too much.


Reawakening The Ghost

by Igatona

Chapter 2 : Drunk Sincerity


"So, what do we do now?"

This question came from a confused Honda, looking around, seeing nothing to do. He also thought "Why didn't social services put Jou in a foster family?", but that was, knowing Jou, a counter-productive question. Especially since Jou most likely sent them all packing when they came to visit him.

"Shh! I'm sure it was here, somewhere...aha!" triumphed Jou, pulling out the thing he was looking for.

"Dude, I've got the motorbike, getting smashed tonight is NOT a good idea."

"Aw, come on, we've got enough beds to invite loads of people, why not do a party?"

"Because we're both not in the mood to party, and we're the only ones that drink in the whole gang."

Jou and Honda stopped talking.

"Well, Mai does drink."

"Yeah, but why would she agree to come to a run-down apartment when she can be having her way with richer, cuter guys."

"Hey, I'll have you know that she was interested in me, remember!?"

"Only as a friend though."

Jou shoved the bottle in front of Honda's face.

"Shut up and drink, Honda."

"I told you, I'm not going to drink and drive."

"Who says you're driving?"

"Are you inviting me over?"

"This is my palace now, Honda, and you're staying, because I'm not drinking alone. Besides, I've already got your keys."

Honda quietly chuckled.

"Or so you think!"

He tried to reach for his keys, but that activity is kind of hard when there are no keys to reach to. His eyes grew slowly as he saw Jou dangle them in front of him, but his reflexes weren't fast enough to get them back.

"See? You're staying tonight."

Honda figured that Jou would most likely want an incredible task be performed for him in order to let Honda go. It didn't help that Honda felt particularly lazy at that moment.

"All right, all right, you win, I'll stay the night."

"Thanks, man. NOW can we get smashed?"

"Sure thing."

However, Honda wouldn't get caught drinking straight from the bottle, so he urged Jou to go get some glasses before. Jou came back, and they sat down in the couch, with their glass of alcohol. Honda sniffed, then drank some, a little bit.

"So, how does it taste, Honda?"

"Hmmm...peachy." said Honda, noticing the peach schnapps label on the bottle. Jou smacked him upside the head.

"I know that, I meant, is it drinkable?"

"Of course it is!"

Jou then began to drink some, and both eventually emptied their glasses.

"Jou, what's on TV? Since we're not gonna have a party, you know, might as well find something else to do."


"Oh, hell no."

Jou thus poured another glass. Their constitutions not being able to take much more alcoholic punishment, they started to get a wee bit tipsy.

"Ya know, Honda...?"


"My father was an ascoholic."


"Yeah, but I'm not like him."

"I know that Jou, I know that."

"Maybe you do, but unlike him, I drink socially, as in, when I'm with other people, like you, ya know?"

"So do I."

"You better, 'cause I won't let you become like him!"

Jou poked Honda in the ribs, Honda found it funny to start tickling Jou under the foot. He wasn't laughing when Jou kicked him in the face.

"Hey, whajyou do that for!?"

"You were tickling me!"

"You don't want me to tickle you?"

"I dun like to be tickled..."

Honda drank again and shat up.

* * *

Later on in the night, the two were in a state anyone would call "pathetic", except those who actually get very drunk from time to time. Right now, Honda was lifting his glass high in the air, a plastered grin on his face while Jou was laughing at him.


Jou laughed at Honda's poor rendition of Alice Cooper's "School's Out", however, he wasn't fairing too well, so he poked Honda again. Honda repeated the tickling, ending with the same results as above, meaning, Jou kicking Honda in the face. However, instead of bouncing right back up, Honda started to cry. Jou, in his troubled and drunk mind, could only do the thing he thought was most logic at the time. He hugged Honda and said it was all right. Honda pushed him away though.

"No, ish not all right! It'll never be allwigh 'cause you can't forgive me for killing your father!"

"Shyeah, right! I forgave you when I came up to you to ask you to beat him down!"


"Shut up! Jush shtop crying!"

This made Honda cry even more.

"You're yelling at me!"

Jou was taken aback, as much as he could, from this comment.

"No I'm not!"

"Yeash you are!"

"Okay, I am, but I wanna help you!"



Jou then returned to hugging Honda, but Honda didn't push him back this time. He was too drunk to care. Too drunk on the warm feelings Jou's body were giving him. And alcohol, which didn't help much.

* * *

The phone disturbed the perfect sleep of Honda and Jou, who slowly opened their eyes, looked at the way they were sleeping, then, at the fact that their heads were very close to each other. They each let go with an audible "Aaah!" and edged away rapidly. Jou slowly picked up the phone and answered.

"Jou! Where were you!? Are you okay?" this was Anzu.

"Uh, yeah, we're okay..."

"So Honda's with you then!?"

"Well, yeah, we kinda just woke up."

"Good, I'm coming over! I can't let Honda be alone for a single moment!" and she hung up.

'But I'm here, I've always been here for Honda.' thought Jou.

Honda, who had ignored that particular telephonic conversation, was still wondering why the hell him and Jou were cuddling, and how it all started. Jou, after saying that Anzu was coming, tried to start a conversation about what they were just doing, but the words couldn't come out of his head. Fortunately, a friendly knock, followed by Anzu almost kicking the door down, saved him the embarrassment of saying something like : "Dude, did we have sex last night?"

"Hey, Anzu, come in, come in." greeted Jou.

"So that's where you guys were! When we lost sight of you, we looked all over town for you! And when we called here, you weren't answering."

"Hmm, what hour did you call?"

"Well, about 11 PM..."

"We were already shit-faced drunk by then, Anzu." said Honda.

Anzu almost exploded at what Honda said, especially since she was such a goody-two-shoes, and that they were both easily underage.

"What were you thinking!?"

"Of inviting you guys to the party! ...but then we remembered you don't drink."

"But, getting drunk!? Nothing good ever comes out of this! Anyway, Honda, your mom was looking for you, so you'd better head back home fast!"

Honda got a puzzled look on his face.

"Didn't I phone my mom last night?"

"Hell if I remember. I don't even remember how we ended up...you know."

Anzu was then confused. What had they done last night that would warrant them hiding behind semantics and poorly done sentences? Anzu immediately jumped to the following conclusion : They were boinking each other rather savagely. Why else would they try to avoid speaking directly to each other, hiding their thoughts into halfway done sentences that only they could understand? Of course, Anzu thought it would be bad manners to actually bring this up before the two, especially considering both of their opinions on manliness and homosexuals.

"Well, anyway, even if I did, I need some clean clothes, and a shower. So I've gotta go home. Jou, call me and maybe we can do something again tonight, though not anything having to do with getting smashed, please." he said, before slamming the door back to his bike, on the road to home. Anzu stayed with Jou though, him trying to be hospitable and offering her something to eat.

"No thanks, I've already eaten breakfest."

"Who said anything about breakfest, it's close to noon anyway."

"But shouldn't you eat breakfest, as you haven't eaten anything today?"

Jou smiled.

"Who cares, it's food, it's all the same in there anyway." said he as he patted his stomach.

* * *

After Jou had finished engulfing, as there was no other word for Anzu to qualify his eating habits, a couple of hot dogs, they were lounging around on the couch, or at least, Jou was, Anzu seemed to have a great fear of said couch, and did not want to have anything to do with it. Especially after what she thought happened. However, Anzu thought of it this way. What if it didn't happen? What if she only assumed they had slept together? It could wreck their friendship apart, and even if they weren't bright at times, they could still be friendly.

How would she know if she didn't ask?

"Uh, Jou...there's something I want to ask you...it's about last night."

"Hmm? What is it?"

Now Anzu was getting a little bit shyer, and a bit reserved, as it still was a delicate subject.


"Repeat that, slower."

"Did you sleep with Honda last night?"

Jou tried to filter the information...'Did he'...that part went well, he could understand it easily. 'Sleep', he did sleep last night. Now, onwards the rest of the question, 'with Honda', he didn't understand. Why would he sleep with Honda? Honda was a guy, and he really didn't see guys that way.

'If I did, I'd be honest with myself like I always am, and so would Honda.' he thought.

"No, I didn't, why'd you ask that, I'm straight, and so's Honda."

"Just checking."

Jou asked Anzu to leave, as he wanted to take a shower. Maybe he'd take up Honda's offer to go do something tonight, might get their heads off the whole situation at the moment, and maybe it'd cheer up Honda. He'd been feeling not too well lately.


I finally finished this chapter. Then again, it's not like anyone reads it.