Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Romeo and Romeo ❯ Seeing You Again ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: darkmageliz 
Jounouchi visits Seto and they share a brief moment together. But will Jounouchi get caught? WARNING: minor Seto/Yami fluffy lemon and some Seto/Jounouchi fluff
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Angst /
Romance /
Hentai |
Type: Alternate Universe |
Uploaded On: 07.21.2005 |
Pages: 5 |
Words: 5.1K |
Visits: 583 |
Status: Completed
—I'll make it up to my fellow Yami/Yuugi fans. I'll work on A Work Of Art after I'm done with Romeo and Romeo. For those who don't remember the summary of A Work Of Art, see Chapter 6 of Stealing My Heart. But don't worry; I'm far from done with Romeo and Romeo. This is only the third chapter after all.
Chapter 3 - Seeing You Again
“The Nightingale? That fancy piece of shit?” Marik said, a little less drunk than he had been. Seto was driving them home and had asked Marik and Yami if they'd rather hang out at The Nightingale. Deep inside, Seto hoped that he'd see Jounouchi there again.
“Oh I've heard of that place.” Yami said, fighting off the effects of the four cans of Bud Light he'd drank. “My half brother hangs out there. He has a more expensive taste than I do.”
“Half brother? Yuugi, right?” Seto asked.
“Yes, Seto. I told you that one day, remember? Yuugi and I have the same father, but different mothers.” Yami replied.
Right, Seto thought as he pulled up in front of Marik's mansion, now I remember. Marik said his good-byes as he stumbled from the Jaguar. Seto waited until Marik was safely inside before driving away. He tried to concentrate on driving, but Yami kept slipping his hand down to rub Seto's butt.
“Quit it! Unless you want to have a wreck.”
Yami pouted and left him alone. Seto sighed. He had been a little grumpy lately and Yami's flirtations hadn't helped a whole lot. Seto parked his Jaguar in Yami's driveway. He made Yami follow him into the backseat where he proceeded to kiss the life out of his spiky-haired boyfriend and slip his hand into Yami's boxers to fondle his penis.
Yami held out a pleasured moan and lifted Seto's shirt to caress and tease his nipples. Seto hissed and engulfed Yami's tongue in his mouth. When Yami's pants were gone, Seto pounded into his boyfriend as hard and fast as he could, pretending that he was doing Jounouchi.
When their lovemaking was over, Yami put his pants back on and said, “As always, Seto. You fuck pretty damn good.” He gave Seto one last kiss before leaving the car and walking towards the front door. (Author's Note: Yami and Yuugi live with their own mothers. Their father currently lives with his third wife.)
Seto drove home feeling a little less grumpy than he had been.
“Here Jounouchi.” Yuugi held out a card. Jounouchi looked at it. It had the name “Seto Kaiba” on it.
“What for? I can't talk to the guy. My parents hate the Kaibas. They say that they're nothing but rich snobs who've got their noses up so high, that if it rained, they'd drown.” Jounouchi grumbled.
“Seto Kaiba wanted you to have it. I think he wants you to call him. Look, it has his personal cell number on it. So what if your parents don't get along with Kaiba's parents? That doesn't mean you and Kaiba can't be friends.” Yuugi said.
He has a point, Jounouchi thought. “Okay, give it here.” Jounouchi took the card and said good-bye to Yuugi before getting out of the Ferrari and going inside.
“Jounouchi Wheeler!” snapped his mother, brushing a strand of mousy brown hair from her slightly wrinkled face. “It is ten `til two! Where in God's name have you been?”
“Out with Yuugi. I said I'd be home by 2am.” Jounouchi muttered. He went upstairs to his room without wanting to hear more of his mom's yelling.
Jounouchi's room was full of posters of different bands from Green Day to Evanescence to Creed to Nickelback. Clearly all this indicated to visitors what sort of music Jounouchi preferred. Jounouchi flopped down on his bed and curled up on the dragon tattooed blankets. He felt asleep that way until morning.
It was two in the afternoon when Jounouchi finally awoke. He felt sick from partying and trudged down the stairs. His father was at work by now and his mother had left a note on the dining room table that she'd gone shopping.
“Mom's gonna spend all of our money on buying shit for this house.” Jounouchi snapped, opening a carton of orange juice and drinking from the carton directly. He peeled off the pants he'd worn—and slept in—last night and tossed them aside. He was about to search for some breakfast/lunch when he saw the card sticking out of his pants pocket.
“Kaiba…” Jounouchi breathed. He picked up the card and walked to the phone. Should he call Seto Kaiba? Jounouchi put the carton of orange juice down on a nearby table and grabbed the phone. Slowly, he dialed the cell phone number. It rang once, twice, three times. Finally Jounouchi hung up.
“My dad won't like this. If he finds out I called a Kaiba…” Jounouchi stopped. He slapped his forehead and said, “Wheeler, you ass, you've got a cell phone too.” He went back to his room and threw his junk in all directions, looking for his phone.
He found it after five minutes of digging through clothes and CDs. He dialed Seto's cell number again. It rang once, twice, and then somebody finally said, “Hello? Who the heck is this?”
It wasn't Seto, but someone different. Maybe Jounouchi had punched in the wrong number. “Uh, sorry. I must have the wrong number. I was looking for Seto Kaiba.”
“This is Seto's cell. I'm his boyfriend. Who the hell are you?”
Jounouchi resisted the urge to cuss this rude guy out. Then he knew who this must be. This guy must be Yami, he thought, Yuugi's half brother. “Like I said…wrong number.” He hung up before Yami could question him further. I've got a feeling I just got Kaiba in a bit of trouble, Jounouchi thought. Maybe I should call back later.
“Seto!” Yami called, walking up to the fence. His anger subsided a little when he saw his boyfriend dressed in riding clothes and those tight breeches. He wished he was that horse. The image of Seto's tight butt bumping against his back aroused Yami.
Seto halted his mount next to the fence and asked, “What's wrong?”
Yami snapped back to reality after drooling over Seto's good looks. “Some guy called your cell, asking for you. Have you been cheating on me?”
Jounouchi, Seto thought. “Why the hell would I?”
“I don't know. You tell me.”
Because having sex with you has lost its fun and lust, Seto thought. Although it did make me feel better last night. “I'm not cheating on you. It must've been a wrong number.”
“He said he must've had the wrong number, but then he said he was looking for you.” Yami eyed his boyfriend with suspicion. “You have been cheating on me!”
“So I gave one guy my phone number? Big fucking deal?! He seemed like a good friend. I noticed you don't get jealous when I talk on the phone to Marik.”
“Marik's different. He's bisexual.”
“Oh I see!” Seto snapped. “So it's all right if I talk to straight or bisexual guys, but not if I talk to gay guys like us?”
Yami pressed his lips together into a thin line. He didn't dare answer that question. He threw the cell phone down and crushed it with his boot. “I don't want you to talk to any other guys.”
“Dammit, you're not the boss of me, bitch! Go fuck yourself!” Seto shouted. He turned his horse and rode out to the other side of the wide pasture. He dismounted and let his horse graze while Seto stood under a shady tree.
“Everybody's trying to rule my life. My father wants me to follow in his footsteps. My mother wants me to go straight and marry a girl, so she can have grandchildren. And now my boyfriend wants me to practically worship the ground he walks on. Dammit.” Seto sat down and fished in his pocket for his second cell phone.
At least Yami doesn't know about this one, he thought. He dialed Yuugi's number. Two rings and Yuugi answered.
“Yuugi, give me Jounouchi's cell phone number, if he has a cell phone.” Seto said.
“Huh?” Yuugi's voice was clouded with sleep. “Kaiba? What will my brother say?”
“Squat shit, if you keep your big mouth shut. Give me Jounouchi's cell number.”
There was a faint rustling of papers and then Yuugi blurted out a number. Seto memorized the number instantly and hung up without saying good-bye or thanks. He dialed the number.
Three rings and Jounouchi said, “Yeah? Who's this?”
“Me pup.”
“Kaiba! Erm…I mean, Seto. What's up?”
“Nothing much. I heard that you called my cell and got my boyfriend.”
A brief silence, then Jounouchi said, “Look, if I got you into any trouble with him, I'm sorry.”
“It's not your fault, pup. Yami wasn't exactly a good boyfriend.” Seto said, picking at the bark on the tree's roots.
“So you guys broke up? Not because of me, I hope.”
“No, pup. Yami has always been a bit possessive. He wants me to dedicate my time, my energy, my lust to him and only him. He gets extremely jealous if he sees me with another homosexual.”
“Geez. Good thing you dumped his ass. I certainly would've!” Another brief silence, then Jounouchi said, “So, if nobody's home at your house, do you wanna…hang out?”
Seto straightened and felt his member harden. “Yes. My parents are both gone for the day. Do you need directions?”
“Oh yeah…directions…wait, they're on the card you gave me.” Jounouchi said. “I'll see you in a bit.”
“All right.” Seto replied. He pressed the “END” button and jumped to his feet. Seto mounted his horse and rode back to the stables, where he dismounted quickly and handed his horse off to a groom.
Seto hurried back to the house to take a quick shower and change his clothes. He showered and walked back to his room in his bath robe. Seto partly hoped Jounouchi would walk in and see him like this.
No such luck, so Seto quickly changed into some blue pants and a light blue button-up shirt. Blue was his favorite color. Although Yami had often protested that blue made Seto look fat. Seto snorted when he remembered Yami.
The doorbell rang and Seto hurried to get it. “It's over between me and Yami.” He opened the huge, whitewashed doors and Jounouchi was standing there, looking slightly nervous. Perhaps his house is smaller than mine, Seto thought. The Kaiba mansion was the biggest house in the whole neighborhood.
“Uh hi. Nice place ya got here, Seto.” Jounouchi said, feeling extremely uncomfortable with the whole situation.
Seto, not wanting Jounouchi to be uncomfortable, thought quickly and asked, “Would you care to sit in the gazebo?”
Jounouchi shrugged. “Sure.” He followed Seto around to the backyard. The gazebo was huge too with vines of white flowers growing around it. White wire-framed chairs and table sat neatly in the center. A servant appeared behind them carrying a tray of colas.
Jounouchi sat opposite of Seto and sipped his can of cola. “So…” he tried to make conversation as best he could. Jounouchi spotted the pasture of horses. “You, uh, breed horses?”
“In my pastime, yes. We've bred several show jumpers that belong to the Olympic Equestrian Team.” When Jounouchi just stared at him, Seto figured the young man knew nothing about horses. “Well, I hope your parents didn't know you came here.”
Jounouchi shook his head. “My dad's at work and my mom went shopping. She spends too much money. Y'know, she still treats me like a little kid. She says she'll never let me move out. She wants to protect me from the world. Like I can't handle myself! Fuck it…”
“And your father?”
“My dad's a bastard. So long as I don't come home with AIDS or broken bones or cancer, then he don't give a shit what I do.” Jounouchi snapped.
“My parents and my ex-boyfriend want to rule my life. I'm sick and tired of it. I want to get away, but I don't know where to go.”
“You got money. Just pack up and leave this place.” Jounouchi said.
“I wouldn't leave you.” Seto's eyes widened when he realized what he'd said.
Jounouchi stared at him. “You wouldn't leave me? Why?”
Seto put his cola can down and confessed, “I never felt as though I could be myself around anyone else. People see me as Kaiba's son or a future businessman. They don't see or even want to see the Seto underneath the business man. When I talk to you, you actually listen.”
“Well…of course. Why wouldn't I? We've got a lot in common.” Jounouchi said.
Seto nodded. He stood after a minute and asked, “Would you like to go inside?”
Jounouchi shrugged. He seemed willing to do anything. Seto smiled and thought, he is like a pup. He's my pup…
Jounouchi followed Seto into a huge living room. Table tennis and air hockey were set up in one corner and an unlit, marble fireplace with big, soft chairs sitting around it at the opposite corner. In the middle was a long coffee table that was polished to perfection. Two huge, velvety couches sat on opposite sides of the coffee table.
“This is a nice place. My mom would love it here.” Jounouchi said in a low voice. He was thrown for a loop when Seto pressed their lips together.
Jounouchi pulled away and asked, “What the hell?”
“So what if our parents hate each other? That doesn't mean we can't hate each other. I have no reason to hate you, pup.” Seto said as he slipped his hand up Jounouchi's shirt to caress his chest.
Jounouchi made an approved sound as their lips pressed against each other again. Seto pushed his tongue into Jounouchi's mouth and explored its new home. Jounouchi fought for control over the kiss, but Seto wouldn't let him win. Jounouchi finally pushed Seto onto one of the couches and straddled his hips. Jounouchi began unbuttoning Seto's shirt, kissing his way down as he did.
Seto made a pleasure-filled noise as Jounouchi's hand massaged the front of his pants. He hadn't felt this good since…well, almost never. The first time he had sex with Yami was probably the only time he'd ever enjoyed something like this.
“Seto! I'm home, son!” Both young men froze where they were. It was Mrs. Kaiba.
“Shit!” Jounouchi and Seto whispered in unison. Jounouchi got off Seto and drove behind a chair just as Mrs. Kaiba came in the doorway. Seto hurriedly buttoned up his shirt.
“Seto, what's going on?” Mrs. Kaiba asked. Despite being almost in her 50's, Mrs. Kaiba was a very pretty lady. Her black hair was graying in places, but she had the same icy blue eyes as her son and the same cheekbones.
Seto didn't want to turn around, because there was a tent forming in his pants and it would disgust Mrs. Kaiba to see such a thing. “Nothing, mother…”
Mrs. Kaiba eyed the back of her son's head, but said no more. She sat down on the couch opposite of the one Seto and Jounouchi had been on. There were some sewing things under the coffee table and Mrs. Kaiba picked them up and started sewing.
Dammit, Jounouchi thought, can't she sew anywhere else? As if hearing his thought, Seto asked, “Mother, why not sew out on the gazebo? It's such a lovely day.”
Before she could answer, there came a distant rumble of thunder. The sky on the horizon was getting dark. Jounouchi clenched his fist in anger at the sudden change in weather. Even if I do get outta here, he thought, I'll get rained on.
“I'd rather not sew in a thunderstorm.” Mrs. Kaiba said, sarcastically. “Really, Seto, what's got you so jumpy?”
“I'm not jumpy.” Seto grumbled. He walked over to a table next to the doorway and took up a piece of paper. He scribbled a note on it and made it into a paper airplane. He threw it at the chair where Jounouchi was hiding.
“Don't throw things, Seto.” Mrs. Kaiba said in a scolding, motherly tone. “You're twenty years old for God's sake.”
Jounouchi grabbed the airplane and unfolded it.
Sorry about my mother. There's a compartment behind the curtains near the fireplace. You hide there and when my mother's left, I'll come get you.
Jounouchi shrugged. What did he have to loose? He made sure Mrs. Kaiba was busy with her sewing before crawling over to the curtains. There was a little door just big enough for him to crawl through. He had to sit with his head low and his knees up to his chest in order to actually fit in the compartment. Jounouchi kept the door open a crack so he wouldn't suffocate. He could only hope Mrs. Kaiba would get done with her sewing soon.
—Ha ha…I had to stop there. Let's see how Jounouchi gets out of this. He can't very well leave or else Mrs. Kaiba might see him. Seto's gonna have to sneak him out later. That should be interesting.