Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Rose of Egypt ❯ Forgotten Love ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Nikki: Hi people. This story will have the characters ooc at times.

Sapphire: I'm never looking at those Yu Yu Hakusho fan fics again.

Shadow: Why?

Nikki: Here. *hands him a copy of them*

Shadow: Oh. You are cruel, Nikki. Yami, you can tell them the couples. *smirks*

Yami: ok… *reads list* nope never mind.


Couples: Seth/Yami; Seto/Jou; Bakura/Marik; Ryou/Yugi/Malik

Summary: The rod is returned to Seto and Seth shows up. He reminds Yami of a promise made in Egypt. He also pairs up his light with his light's worst enemy. Will love bloom or has the rose of Egypt died?


((blah))-visions or flashbacks

****let the fan fic begin****

"Seto?" Malik asks. "Can we come in?"

"Whatever……" Seto replies from in his office. "What is it?"

"Here," Malik holds out the Rod. "You take it. My dark and I have no use from it and it's rightfully yours." Seto rolls his eyes, but takes the Rod. The second Seto holds it glows brightly.

"What in the name of Ra?!" Yami yells shielding his eyes. When they look back they see an Egyptian version of Seto.

"SETH?!" Bakura swears in Egyptian loudly.

"Why does he have to come back?" Bakura demands.

"Better me, than you……tomb robber," Seth sneers with a smirk.

"Ra help me," Yami mutters. "Are you going to start this, again?"

"Why don't you shut him up, then Pharaoh?" Bakura smirks, his eyes laughing. Yami just looks at him.

"Great. Just great," Seto mumbles. "First, Battle City now this. Let me guess, you're my dark, my yami."

"Correct, and I can already tell that you're the smartest mortal in this room," Seth says, knowing it will appeal to Seto's ego. "Yami? Just shut up, Bakura!" Bakura stops laughing at Seth's longing for Yami.

"Problem, High Priest, he doesn't remember all of the past," Marik mocks. Seth swears rapidly.

"Then, I'll remind him," Seth says calling on the Shadow Realm. The Dark Mage shows up and disarms Seth of his Rod. However, the Blue-Eyes returns it to him.

"Did you forget about his dragon?" Seto mocks the Mage. Yami begins to attack Seto with the Black Luster Solider, but before he can Seth's lips cover his own and slides his arm around Yami's waist. Seto, and everyone but Bakura stares in surprise.

"Took you long enough. Yami's ours, Seth, why did you wait to claim him?" Bakura asks.

Pulling off Yami, Seth simply says, "I had to see how easily he was pissed off."

"What do you mean? How is Yami, Seth's?" Yugi asks as the others nod in agreement. Yami looks at Bakura waiting for an answer.

"Well……… Yami promised Seth that. Seth can you help me out?" Bakura inquires. Seth nods still holding Yami by his waist. The Rod glows and they see into the past.

((Yami is walking with Bakura down a hallway. "That was a very nice job, Yami," Bakura states simply.

"I'm glad you approve…….." Yami says as Seth rounds the corner. Yami and Bakura tear off, but Seth sees the items around their necks and follows them.

"Odds of him not continuing chasing us," Bakura asks Yami.

"Slim to none, scratch that none. Come on, maybe we can out run him," Yami breaths.

"Shadow Realm?" Bakura suggests. Yami nods and they enter the shadows with Seth closing in. Seth suddenly tackles Yami to the ground.

"YAMI?!" Seth exclaims.

// I'm in love again, it what I've lived my whole life for//

Bakura throws Seth off Yami, "You have………" Seth smiles as Yami looks at him with wide eyes.

"You……You're……a……alive" Yami stutters, then he allows Seth to hold him close.

"Yes, my love, I am, your father isn't," Seth states.

//But I've come to realize that life goes on//

Bakura smirks, "I thought you had a lover, Yami. After all, you are the Heir of Egypt."

"Seth, I promise you………I'll never leave you again. I'll always be yours," Yami says, before he begins to cry at the realization of his father's death. ))

//Oh, i do wish you joy
And i wish you happiness
But above all this
I wish you love
I love you, i will always love

Yami gasps in shock. His memory is restored and he clings to Seth unsure of anything. Yugi giggles and smiles at Yami's behavior.

"This is new," Seto smirks. "Where's a camera, when you need one?" Seth glares at his light, then whispers something into Yami's ear.

"Bullshit, Seth!" Yami exclaims looking at Seto in surprise.

"Seto, my light, you need to learn how to guard your thoughts," Seth says with a smirk.

"What?! You're kidding, Yami!" Yugi cries out.

Yami just replies, "Dead serious." Yugi giggles. "And, we do have something in mind for them." Seto and the others look confused.

"My light, your life just got harder," Seth states.

"I gathered that," Seto snaps. "You and your boy-toy have an apartment, so I don't have to put up with you two." Marik and Bakura start cracking up. They leave the Shadow Realm.

"By the way, everyone," Ryou chimes, "please don't forget to come to my costume party tomorrow night. You're welcome to invite your friends."

"Seto. You will be attending," Seth says.

"Try and make me," Seto returns.

"I can't, but…… Mokuba can," Seth smirks.

"Fine, whatever," Seto snaps. Jou smiles, as does the others.

"See all of you then," Seth says pulling Yami with him out the door.


Nikki: The next couple of chapters will be in parts. Each one will be about a group getting ready.

Shadow: Very nice job, Nikki. Please review.